Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 842 173. Oh My Goodness, This Is The Uncle Who Was Caught And Brought Back——Adding More For

Chapter 842 173. Oh my goodness, this is a man who has been caught and brought back——adding more for the good brother Huo Zheng [220]

There was a lively fight outside the cabin, and the stinky pirates who seemed to be holding back their energy had already started a war with the spirit of vengeance.

In the dark cabin, the weak Maiev folded his arms and let out a long breath.

She pursed her lips, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart, even though she had the same eyes and the same appearance, this smelly pirate was not the person she remembered at all.

Maybe it's because his strength and mentality haven't grown to that level, and the bad behavior of the pirates just now really chilled Maiev's heart, which was still holding a little expectation.

Not gentle at all, so disappointing!


want to cry.

Obviously it was because the "information" he gave back then was inaccurate, which caused him to fall into the trap of N'Zoth, almost killed him, and in turn owed him a big favor.

To tell the truth, Maiev really had the urge to tell him everything when Bu Laike showed up to save her from the desperate situation in Ny'alotha, but she finally kept her parting promise.

It now appears that he was right not to tell the smelly pirate.

Now he might just take everything he said as an imaginary story, and then laugh at it.

Madam Warden sighed.

She closed her eyes, curled up in the darkness and silently guarded that precious memory. It has been ten thousand years. How could that bastard of him understand the weight of ten thousand years of longing?

Now he is just a simple pirate.

It's like a rookie living in the shadow of his greatness without realizing it. He can't imagine what he will do in the future, or in the past.

Forget it, don't play with him anymore.

Leave when you recover a bit.

If one day he finds out the truth, he will definitely come to him from thousands of miles away. He is a girl anyway, so he should be more reserved.

The warden made up his mind.

That trace of weakness in the darkness was hidden, and turned into the invincible Ms. Maiev who was as firm as steel in the hearts of the watchers. She wasn't worried that Bo Laike would rush in.

Although her vengeful spirit has not fought for a long time, it is not so easy to deal with.

Ten seconds later, the lady stood up with difficulty, wanting to check on the unconscious Sierra Moonguard. Her adjutant's condition was really serious, and she had to find a way to get the stinky pirates to send her back to Watch Island.

But when Maiev got up, she suddenly found something among the sundries scattered on the ground in the darkness.

An Azshara Gold Coin.

And there are notches on it, shimmering in the dark, very familiar.


Maiev stretched out his hand, picked up the gold coin and put it in front of his eyes, and what caught his eyes was a line of Salas engraved on the front of the Azshara gold coin:

"I'm close to catching him, so I wish you all the best."

Maiev was struck by lightning with this elegant font.

Because that's what she carved.

This is a wishing gold coin, which she threw into the famous wishing fountain when she quietly visited the magic city before the Dalaran incident.

I was just thinking about getting lucky.

But I didn't expect to see it here.

The gold coin fell from the bag that Bo Laike had just torn apart by the Vengeful Spirit, that is to say, he had been carrying it with him for as long as the pirates got it.

This discovery made Maiev's body tremble.

She pursed her lips and turned over the gold coin in her hand. The back of this Azshara gold coin was smooth and not engraved, but that was just an appearance. Maiev held it in her hands and recited a sentence softly.

A ray of bright moonlight was falling on the gold coin.

On the back without the notch, there is also a star-studded Salas language:

"It's been ten thousand years, I miss you so much, the moonlight and the sea of ​​stars have witnessed my miss, but do you still remember me?"

This sentence was also written by Maiev herself. Obviously, she didn't want others to see it, so she used the cipher text of the priests of the moon, which can only emerge under the bright moonlight.

This represents Madam Warden's occasionally floating heart when she's alone.

"so far so good."

After seeing that the Xinghui handwriting had not faded, Ms. Maiev, whose cheeks were hot, let out a sigh of relief.

It seems that Bu Laike didn't discover the secret behind the gold coin after getting this "Maev Shadowsong's Wishing Gold Coin", which also prevented Ms. Shadowsong's little secret from being exposed.

It would be a relief not to be caught by the pirates. If she was questioned with this thing back then, Maiev would definitely collapse on the spot.

And it wasn't until this time that Madam Warden suddenly realized that she was not ready to face the truth.

She looked at the gold coin in her hand, and was instantly confused.

In the end, she dispersed the moonlight and put the wishing gold coin in her hand back to its original position.

She didn't know how Bu Laike found his gold coins from the wishing fountain that had accumulated tens of thousands of coins, and she didn't want to ask, let alone seek answers.

She decided to leave it all to Luna.

Let Elune decide what happens between her and Laike, and leave everything to fate.

Or fate.

At this moment, the grievance and dissatisfaction in Ms. Maiev's heart had long since disappeared, on the contrary, there was still such a strange sweetness in her heart.

She was not in a hurry to leave.

Just stay here and "play" with this young pirate.

He carries this thing with him, even though he doesn't know it's my wishing gold coin, even though he wants to bully me, even torture me, but...he has me in his heart!

This is enough.

Just kidding, if the stinky pirate dares to act recklessly, he will break his claws!

Ah, thanks Elune.


On the other side, Bu Laike outside the cabin didn't know Maiev Shadowsong's complicated emotions that went up and down like a roller coaster in just a few minutes.

He's busy dealing with Maiev's vengeful spirit.

As the leader of the watchmen, the Spirit of Vengeance that Maiev carries with him is naturally not ordinary, and its strength has already reached the legendary level. Of course, the combat power of the Spirit of Vengeance cannot be calculated based on living people.

These vengeful spirits are special spirit bodies formed by keeping the souls of the watchmen who died in the battle after they were brought back to the crypt of the watchers with the secret technique of the way of the black moon.

The Wardens are also the only special profession in the Kaldorei Kingdom that will not return their souls to the form of elves after death.

This point has been criticized by the elves.

The Sisterhood of Elune has been suppressing the Watchers for the past ten thousand years, which is also related to this reason. Their power form is too special to be accepted by ordinary elves.

But the merits of the watchmen cannot be denied, so this tradition of making Vengeful Spirits is preserved with tacit consent.

However, Vengeful Spirit is more like a fighting machine that loses its mind.

Because of the spirit body, it has realized the true sense of elusiveness, not afraid of physical damage, and has the power of the black moon, and is also highly resistant to magic.

Cooperating with the Wardens can show great destructive power, and it can also buy them time to escape when the Wardens are seriously injured.

The only weakness is that in order to display the full combat power of the Vengeful Spirit, the Watcher needs to give orders and cooperate with tactics. When fighting alone, the action mode of the Vengeful Spirit is very rigid.

But it's really destructive.

It took less than a minute for Braike and this dark vengeful spirit to fight, and the entire lower half of the cabin was messed up. Fortunately, the Naglfar strengthened the hull, otherwise it would have been given by these two guys. Demolished.

The ghost ship has a ship spirit!

The fight between the stinky pirate and the Vengeful Spirit quickly aroused the dissatisfaction of the ship's spirit, so in the dizziness like a forced teleportation, the pirate and the Vengeful Spirit were thrown out of the cabin at the same time.

The meaning of the Nagfar is obvious.

Go out and fight!

Come back when you're done.

Well, that's it for a ship with character, so what can Laike do? Can you tear apart your precious eggs and burn firewood?

Moreover, the expulsion of the Nagfar this time has objectively helped the pirates a lot.

The ghost ship will sail on the bottom of the sea.

The Vengeful Soul of the Stinky Pirate and Maiev was thrown out in the deep sea. Braike has the strengthened Proudmoore bloodline and the elemental blessing of the Hydraxian Legion. He is not restricted in his battles in the sea. .

The resistance of the water flow is negligible to him, and the permanent underwater breathing makes his combat effectiveness in the water not only not weakened, but strengthened.

Not so with Vengeful Spirit.

Even as a spirit body, her activities in the hand will still be affected. The flickering movement was not as fast as before. Every slash with a knife would be perceived by the pirates in advance due to the resistance of the water flow.

It was like being replaced from his own home court to the pirate's home court at once, and he was restrained everywhere.


Bu Laike laughed three times, and stepped forward with the double moon blades in hand, a swift and violent shadow attack and a storm of knives rotating the body, calling for moonfire bombardment, almost split the spirit body in two.

He turned into a demon at the bottom of the sea again, and all kinds of magic greeted the vengeful spirit with all his strength.

In just a few minutes, this weird thing was smashed by Laike three times in a row, and its illusory figure became "breakable" like soap bubbles.

"Come early and crush you!"

The pirate squinted his eyes, retreated into the shadows again, and reappeared in the next moment, stabbing with his saber, followed by a powerful slaughter, and finally ended with a fierce and precise evisceration.

But unexpectedly, the spirit of revenge that was defeated for the fourth time did not dissipate like a spirit body or an elemental creature, but dissipated in a cloud of dim moonlight like teleportation.

Is this back in Maiev's body?

Is it so smart?

So cool and powerful, it seems to be!

I am also a watcher, when will you give me one too?

With this slight expectation, Laike quickly returned to the Nagfar's bilge, but just as he stepped in, he saw a scene that shocked him immensely.

The weak Maiev was lying on the lower hatch, lying there not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Beside her stood a sculpture-like little murloc, and Benbo Erba was holding a wooden stick for beating sap in his hand, looking at the little murloc's expression he was also shocked.

Both the master and the servant looked skeptical about life, which was unbelievable.

"You knocked her out?"

The pirate asked suspiciously.

The little murloc threw away the stick, croaked and waved its paws, trying to explain what happened just now.

To sum it up is simple.

After seeing Bo Laike haunted by the spirit of vengeance, the timid little murlocs are ready to shake people to find rescuers.

But when it was about to escape, both Bo Laike and Vengeful Spirit were thrown out by the Naglfar, and then the little murloc saw Maiev, who was weak, come out with the help of the bulkhead.

It looked like he was going to take the opportunity to escape.

The little murloc dared not go up.

But thinking that if Maiev ran away, the stinky pirate would definitely teach it a lesson when he came back, so he could only pick up a stick, gritted his teeth and tried to sneak attack.

To be honest, Benbo Erba didn't even think about hitting Maiev when he attacked. Although Ms. Yingsong is very weak now, she is a legend close to a demigod. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

What's more, in front of Maiev, the little murloc is not even a pony.

But the world is so strange, when the murloc himself didn't hold out any hope, and just perfunctoryly followed the routine to avoid guilt, its surprise attack succeeded.

Maiev, who ran out of the cabin, was hit on the head by the murloc with a stick in the back, and the whole person lay there lifeless.

The little murloc was stunned by his terrifying stick, his hands and feet felt cold. Can stun a legend with a stick, is he a murloc with the blood of a god?

"Okay you!"

Bu Laike figured out the facts amidst the murloc's croaking, and he also found it inconceivable, so he could only give a thumbs up to the extremely loyal and brave murloc.

Then he squatted down and put his hands on Maiev's slender neck.

Fortunately, there is still a pulse, but it is very weak and can hardly be felt. He threw the investigation on Maiev again, and the feedback information made the pirate's eyes widen:

Name: "The Chosen of the Black Moon"/"The Warden" Maiev Shadowsong

Status: Severely Injured · Dying [power loss]

"Damn it! What did you use to hit the sap? A return bomb?"

Bu Laike exclaimed, kicked the little murloc who was still doubting his life, picked up Maiev Shadowsong who had cold hands and feet, and ran to the deck.

He brought Maiev here to teach her a lesson, to vent his anger, not to kill Maiev, not to mention that Maiev died on his boat, it would definitely attract the endless crazy revenge of the watchmen.

This warden is a high ranking member of the Sisterhood of Elune.

Once her death is unknown, all moon priests including Tyrande Windtalker will definitely participate in the hunt for pirates.

What's even more frightening is that this is Elune's Chosen One!

If she died, the stinky pirate who was being watched by Elune would be hiding in Argus and taking refuge in the man he admired most, Lord Sargeras, even if the Burning Legion made an exception and hired him as a stinky pirate.

He also absolutely couldn't avoid that fatal divine moonlight.

N'Zoth's consciousness avatar was blown to pieces, and Bu Laike didn't think he could be stronger than N'Zoth's avatar.

"This is where a prisoner was caught"

Bu Laike and Sefiel hurriedly placed Maiev Shadowsong, who was almost out of breath, on the big bed in the captain's cabin. While looking for the ship doctor to come over quickly, they complained:

"It's obvious that I invited an old man back. Before I can get revenge, I have to find someone to save her. Where am I going to find a doctor who can save Moon Night God of War?"

"Use that ray of strength in you, apprentice fool."

Grandpa Sakir was woken up, it floated up, glanced at Maiev, and reminded:

"You and her power are from the same source, return that wisp of power quickly, although it may not be able to save her life, at least she won't let her die here due to the loss of power.

Well, seeing you so unlucky, my evil apprentice, I'm so sad hahahaha, I can't help it, stop pretending, I'm happy to see you unlucky. "

(end of this chapter)

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