Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 843 174. Elune Opens A New Hall, I'm The Talker

Chapter 843 174. Elune Opens a New Hall, I'm the Talker - Adding more for Brother Huo Zhengting【320】

Bu Laike's revenge plan went bankrupt before it even started.

He spent most of the night returning to Maiev the wisp of Moon Night War God power that he had drawn from Maiev in Ny'alotha through the bestowal of divine power.

Although she failed to wake her up, fortunately, her strength was no longer lost.

Maiev's condition has also stabilized.

He was still seriously injured and unconscious, but at least his life was no longer in danger.

It didn't make the pirates do nothing for nothing. After he returned the power of the Moon Night God of War to its original owner, a new text popped up on the pirate character card:

Lady Elune applauds your actions, He sees your kindness.


Bo Laike let out a long sigh.

The pirate with a headache glanced at the career entry of the watcher. The career increase brought by the Moon Night God of War is still there, and the inscription of the mythical career has not disappeared. It finally saved a little bit of uncomfortable thoughts.

"I haven't warmed it up yet, so I returned it."

The smelly pirate stood beside his big bed, looking at Maiev lying on it, covered with a luxurious bearskin cloak.

Ms. Warden in a coma is as quiet as a Sleeping Beauty.

Her face was pale, and she was sickly and delicate, which didn't match her resolute temperament as the leader of the watchmen, but at this moment, she scattered her long hair, which was always tied into a single ponytail, on the pillow, which was a rare sight soft feel.

"Every time I meet you, nothing good happens. Now I regret that I have brought you back. Before I robbed my booty, I robbed my money, not to mention, now I even robbed my bed.

You really are my nemesis. "

The pirate rubbed his forehead and complained.

He stretched out his hand and slapped Ms. Shadowsong's forehead hard as a punishment. She was so miserable, and even a bastard like a stinky pirate would not be able to do such a thing if he tortured her again.

He's still a little on the bottom line.

While flexible, there are.

And Maiev Shadowsong isn't alone.

There is also a younger brother.

Although very low-key, Maiev's brother is a very powerful figure, so powerful that Bo Laike dare not take it lightly. The guy almost became the second king of elves after Azshara.

And the relationship between the siblings is very good, although they may not have seen each other for almost ten thousand years.

But if the bullying is too severe and the younger brother is provoked to take revenge, the pirates will also have a headache.

He has a headache now.

"It's annoying."

The smelly pirate cursed and said viciously:

"I really want to throw you into the sea right now, to fend for myself!"

After finishing speaking, he turned and left angrily, closed the door with a slam, and told Sefiel to look at it, then walked towards the bottom cabin again.

Hmph, there's another watchman captive over there.

If I can't bully Maiev, I can't bully you?

After the pirates left, the captain's room was quiet. Sefiel opened the door and took a look, and then retreated after confirming that everything was fine.

As the first mate, she was on duty at night.

It has become Sefiel's habit to go up and down the Nagfar to confirm that everything is correct.

From this point of view, Chief Mate Dragon is still very competent.

After Sefiel also left, time passed by, and at a certain moment, Maiev who was lying on the bed blinked suddenly, and sat up from the bed as if nothing happened.

She moved her wrist and looked around.

Although he is still weak, he is far from dying. The sad smelly pirate still dares to call himself a hunter. It's too shameful, doesn't he even master the skill of feigning death?

Maiev smiled silently.

She got up from the bed as silently as a ghost, and looked at the pirate's captain's cabin. On the left was a large row of bookcases filled with various books.

From the basic introduction to magic learned by young mages to the obscure treatises of the eight schools of magic that only great mages can get started with, from the geography of the eastern continent to the map of Azeroth drawn by pirates themselves according to memory.

From the perspective of book collection, these bookcases are not worth mentioning, but from the perspective of knowledge acquisition efficiency, Bu Laike, a pirate, has surpassed most spellcasters.

This can be seen from his small bookcase dedicated to storing test papers.

Maiev reached out to open the small bookcase, and took out a stack of test papers to look at. From the mistakes in the first test paper to the perfect marks in the last few papers, all of them represented the other side of the bastard Laike.

This level of diligence has already surpassed many veterans of the watchmen. Even in the Elune Sisterhood, there are few guys who have studied magic theory so deeply.

Ms. Shadowsong put down the test paper in her hand.

Going forward with bare feet, he picked up a map of the Broken Isles from the bookcase, unfolded it, and saw that the pirate had drawn a red cross on the city of Suramar on the map.

He also specially marked the location of the "ancestral house of the Shadowsong family" in Salas language. He seemed to have thought of laying an ambush in the ancestral house to teach Maiev a lesson.

The warden covered his mouth and laughed lightly. This stinky pirate really holds a grudge.

However, Maiev didn't like the things in the display cabinet opposite the bookcase. A whole row of carefully processed skulls was placed there.

There are orcs, there are humans, there are elves, and the strangest one is a mechanical head.

Seeing a burst of penetration.

This collection hobby is really incomprehensible.

Ms. Shadowsong shook her head, walked to Bo Laike's desk, glanced at the vulgar and gorgeous troll-style gold chair, dislike flashed in her eyes, and she didn't sit on it casually.

She took a closer look, and there was a trigger magic trap under the pirate's desk, which was hard to detect.

On the other side of the bed is a small wardrobe.

There are several sets of clothes that Bu Laike often wears, such as the Pirate King suit, the bone scythe armor, the Corruptor's robes, the Gilnean-style dress, and the Kul Tiras-style noble hunting suit.

What made Maiev feel speechless the most was that there were still two sets of Sefiel's clothes in the cabinet.

Ms. Shadowsong did not feel angry.

Totally unnecessary.

After all, Seifel was already dead, so why fight with the dead?

After walking around the captain's cabin, Ms. Shadowsong finally saw something on the hook on the cabin wall that caught her eye. It was an exquisite magic lantern made of silver crystal and mithril.

More like a craft than a magic item.

She has seen this lamp, ten thousand years ago.

Maiev touched the lamp, and when she touched it, the lamp lit up, making her smile knowingly, then stretched and lay back on the bed.

She is also very tired.

Hope to sleep well tonight.


In the lower cabin, Bo Laike sits on a glove box.

The little murloc was behind him picking up the sundries scattered from the luggage, its sea monster was spitting bubbles in the pool, and the big owl was standing on the wooden pole of the cabin, staring at Bu Laike to wake up the A comatose fallen warden.

The ugly dragon Shudwalker, who was squatting on the side and eating sea fish, really wanted to shout, but he was afraid of Bu Laike, so he could only keep his mouth shut.

Bo Laike was smoking a dwarf pipe, stretched out his finger, and touched the forehead of the unconscious Sierra Moonguard in front of him.

The watchman's owl helmet has been taken off, revealing a standard melon face of an elf girl.

Well, not ugly, elves are not ugly.

But Sera is a real night elf, so her skin is not as fair as Maiev, it is a mysterious purple, and there is a crescent ring on her forehead.

There are blue battle marks on his face.

Tattoos are a custom of many races in Azeroth, but the night elves have unique facial patterns. In their culture, different facial patterns represent different meanings.

For example, after completing the long "internship period" and becoming a regular, the priests of the moon will tattoo themselves in the moon god ceremony, which is equivalent to a vow of faith.

Ordinary elves also have the custom of facial tattoos, not to mention watchers. Although they fight fiercely and are good at slashing people with knives, they are indeed members of the belief system.

There's nothing wrong with calling them "Battle Priests" or "Battle Sisters."

But unfortunately, pirates don't have much research on elves' facial patterns. He can't understand what Sera's facial patterns represent, but the watchers are very similar to demon hunters, and most of them come from bitter and bitter backgrounds.

So it should be related to revenge, salvation and protection.

"wake up."

Bu Laike pointed his finger at Sera's forehead, and casually said something in the ancient divine language, and a ray of void power belonging to Xalatas was recalled by Bu Laike.

Soon, the unconscious Sierra Moonguard opened his eyes.

Those were a pair of chaotic and dark mad eyes that wanted to devour someone. The moment she woke up, Sera howled and stretched out her hand to grab Laike's neck.

He was still chanting the fallen voice of N'Zoth.


A precise slap hit Sera's face.

Bringing Xal'atath's void divine power to strike, it went straight into the Moon Guard's thoughts, just like when Laike dealt with the mad Nat Pagle, the slapped Moon Guard stood there with his face covered.

"Are you awake?"

Bu Laike puffed out the smoke ring and asked a question.

Yuewei stood there silently, with an expression of "the stinky pirate loves me again".

"Well, it looks like he's not awake."

The pirate said something in a drawn-out voice, and then waved his palm again. Moon Guard suddenly shrank back. Although there was still a chaotic light in his eyes, at least the whole person calmed down.

"very good."

Bu Laike nodded in satisfaction, and he asked:

"Can you still hear voices or see visions?"


Sera Moonguard has never seen Bo Laike. Even when Watch Island was plundered, she was leading people to attack the Nightborne, and she never met the pirates face to face.

Her mind is also very chaotic now, many memories seem to be cut up and sewn together again, she can't think at all, and her head hurts when she thinks.

That expression was dull.

But Laike's slap just now proves that pirates can "heal" her, and the watchman's survival instincts allow her to immediately grab the straw of a drowning man.

Facing Bu Laike's question, she answered honestly with a hoarse voice:

"I can hear the dark god whispering to me at all times, calling me back to the warm void. I open my eyes and see a world corrupted by eyeballs and tentacles, a gift of darkness.

They are tempting me to accept them.

They are everywhere. "

"Oh, your condition is very serious."

The smelly pirate exhaled another mouthful of smoke rings, moved his fingers, and said to Yue Wei, who was obviously still in an abnormal state in front of him:

"I now have two treatment options, one is slower but not painful, and the other is very fast, but you may suffer a little bit. You choose."

"I want to recover, I am not afraid of pain!"

Yuewei held his head and screamed:

"Shut them up! Please, shut them up."

"Very well, you are more cooperative than my other patient."

Laike grinned, held Sera's chin with his left hand, looked into her eyes, spread his five fingers with his right hand, and the void divine power belonging to Xalatath turned into tendrils of spiritual whipping in his palm.

He said to Serra:

"Hold on, good boy."


The strong watcher's lieutenant is like a helpless child, with pleading in her eyes, she really doesn't want to sink into the empty cage of the Corruptor anymore.

The mental torture of the past period has exceeded Sierra Moonguard's endurance.

It's not that she can't bear the painful torture, but facing the void and facing the terror of the ancient gods, it's not just a strong will that can save her from resistance.

Countless people have tried, and countless people have failed.

This is a one-way game with no return, but there is no such thing as not refunding the ticket halfway. For Sierra Moonguard, she already felt that her spiritual world was collapsing and reorganizing into darker things.

She foresaw her own sad future.

She didn't want to be a victim of the conspiracy of the ancient gods, so she had to grasp the life-saving straw in front of her.

"You can't go back to Watch Island anymore."

Bu Laike smiled and said to Ms. Moonguard:

"Although your heart still belongs to Elune, your soul has been infected with the poison of the void. Your companions may accept you, but for the sake of their lives, I think you should stay as far away from them as possible.

But you also don't have to worry about going nowhere. "

The pirate slowly pressed the tumbling tendrils of the void in his right hand to Sera Moonguard's forehead, and said:

"I'll offer you a job.

I will help you remove N'Zoth's mark of corruption, I will bring you back from hell, you can continue to serve Elune, and continue to dedicate your loyalty to the moon god.

I will not stand in the way of this.

But from now on, you must first complete the work I ordered before you can do your own thing and find your own life, will you agree? "

"I promise!"

Moonguard is like a fish out of the water, dying of thirst, her chin trembling in Bu Laike's hands, and the fallen echoes of N'Zoth are making a comeback.

Her eyes became chaotic and bloodthirsty in the blur.

Her will is like a flat boat sailing in the rough sea, the boat may be destroyed at any time.

In her final lucidity, she grabbed Laike's left wrist with both hands and screamed:

"Help me, Elune, help me please"

"Very good, you have a discerning eye, you can tell at a glance that I am the one being watched by Goddess Elune, and with your knowledge, I can't do nothing."

The stinky pirate laughed and pressed his right hand to Sera Moonguard's forehead.

In the next moment, amidst Yuewei's earth-shattering screams, he said softly:

"Welcome aboard, Lady Moonguard."

(end of this chapter)

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