Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 844 175. It's Time To Go Back To The Old Business--Add More For The Good Brother Huo Zh

Chapter 844 175. It's time to go back to the old business——add more for the good brother Huo Zhengting [420]

The will of the high-ranking guardians is not unsteady. After facing the corruption given by N'Zoth, Sierra Moonguard can still protect a relatively sober mind, which is really beyond Laike's expectation.

Although Sierra's performance is crazy.

But after infiltrating into the mind of the fallen watcher little by little with the divine power of Xalatas and the mind magic of the Dread Demon King, the pirates were surprised to find that although the soul of Ms. degree of salvage.

Like an ice cube dropped into a basin of ink, the exterior has been stained black.

But inside is still pure.

Perhaps it was Elune's power that helped her hold on to her final sanity, preventing her from falling into the temptation of the void.

But even so, the power in Sierra Moonguard was still completely replaced by the not-so-pure void. She still had the warden's combat skills and prayed to Elune, but she could no longer walk the way of the black moon.

Maybe call her "Void Warden"?

"I can no longer expel the void in your body. It has already occupied your body and is spreading to your soul. N'Zoth has polluted you with vicious methods. If you force the void to be expelled, you will die here."

At dawn, Bo Laike said to Sierra Moonwarden, who sat before him in the unseemly position of a duck, out of breath:

"You may not fear death, and consider it an honor to die for Elune's justice.

But you have to consider your current situation, if you die here in a void state, your body will be occupied by void objects, and the world will be disrupted in your name.

And because your soul is polluted, it cannot be made into a vengeful soul to protect others, nor can it return to the World Tree.

Because of the existence of the fallen mark, the moment you die, your soul will return to N'Zoth. "

Hearing the name N'Zoth, Sierra Moonguard, who was covering his face, trembled.

Apparently, the Corruptor's name had become a taboo in her mind after the terrible events of "Forced Fall". Bo Laike stared at her with the magic eyes penetrating from his shoulder, and said again:

"Death has not been kind to you, Lady Moonguard.

It does not mean to you the end of suffering, but the beginning of real degradation. If you are not willing to give up the purity of your mind and soul, you have to live well.

At least, you can't let yourself fall into the clutches of the Corruptor.

It was just a fluke that I was able to save you this time. If you are pulled into the abyss by it again, I can only give you pleasure on both physical and spiritual levels. "


After experiencing the pain of the soul washing, Sera Moonguard looked listless.

But her mental state is much better than before. Although she can still hear the sound of depravity in her ears from time to time, and there are occasional phantoms of eyeballs and tentacles floating in front of her eyes, she can at least think.

This feeling of regaining her mind made her feel relaxed.

She covered her face and forehead, and asked in a weak tone:

"I am so filthy, can I still believe in Elune?"

This question made the smelly pirate raise his eyebrows.

You are like this, sister, you still want to believe in Elune? Are you one of those legendary fanatics?

No wonder you want to join Overwatch.

"Of course, N'Zoth only wants your soul, not your faith. Although his body is depraved, his heart is pure.

After suffering such suffering, you still stubbornly use Elune's will as your pillar. If the Moon God knows your existence, he will definitely praise you as a good boy. "

Bu Laike pouted and said:

"Maybe you can find a moon well to verify, I think Elune hasn't given up on you yet.

But you must first transform the void in your body into pure void, and now you still bear the mark of N'Zoth's corruption, and you are an out-and-out chaotic creature.

Anyone who dares to approach the Moonwell will be punished by Moonlight, and will die a miserable death. "

"Void? Pure?"

Sierra looked up, eyes with dark purple halos, and she said:

"I once heard Ms. Maiev casually say that the origin of the void is not evil. Do you also believe in this theory? Do you think this is feasible?"

There was a sense of urgency in Yuewei's words.

Like a girl who lost everything overnight, she urgently needs a spiritual support so that she will not lose her will and fall into the quagmire.

A smart guy like the smelly pirate can naturally feel this emotion, and he is also willing to appease the fragile mind of his new "Master Assassin" at this time.

This is a great opportunity.

The moment of reconstruction after the shattering of the Three Views is the most suitable time to carry private goods.

So he coughed and said a set of theories that Xalatas often talked about:

"Your mind is confused now, and it is easy to think wildly, which will make your illness worse. If you want to recover quickly, you must clarify a concept.

It is the essence of the six great forces.

Whether it is holy light or arcane art, even if it is the void that is feared and misunderstood by people, their essence is pure power, and power has no attributes of good and evil.

You are the one who really decides the ownership of power. If you use it to do good, it is the power of order. If you use it to do evil, it is the evil creature of chaos.

All forces have a duality of good and evil.

Even if the bright holy light crosses the balance, it will still cause terrible disasters.

Believers of the Holy Light who have fallen into fanaticism are even more terrifying than the results of void corrosion.

Even the arcane power that claims to be absolutely neutral will still make people feel that they have grasped the truth and are extremely arrogant after going deep into it, ignoring any rules and acting chaotically.

You elves should understand this kind of thing best. The destruction of the elf empire is due to the misconduct of the Arcanists.

Of course, I don't have any evidence to test my theory.

You can believe it or not. "

The pirate spread his hands and said softly:

"But if you can rely on your own will to listen to the void and get rid of N'Zoth's corrupt mark, you will find that the void you once feared like a tiger also has a gentle side to it.

The ancient god is the ancient god, and the void is the void, these are two completely different concepts.

N'Zoth uses the power of the void to do evil, but this does not affect you to use the power of the same origin to do good. Uh, but considering that you will join the promising career of pirates in the future, I advise you not to distinguish between justice and evil It's so important to see.

The rules in our industry are very simple, there are not so many rules and regulations, and greed, cunning, dishonesty, cruelty and evil are all our virtues. "

"I don't want that."

Sira Moonguard bowed her head, and she said:

"I will not violate my agreement with you, but you cannot force me to become one of you. I serve you, but you cannot interfere with my loyalty to Elune.

I can wield my weapon for you, but I will not participate in things that violate my bottom line. "

"Very well, you'll be a good pirate with a limit, and I've seen a bright future for that."

Bu Laike nodded in satisfaction, he stood up and said:

"I don't care what you said, becoming my subordinate does not mean you have to give up your life, in fact, I may not use you much.

The rest of the time is completely free for you.

You can even spread Elune's righteous faith to my incompetent and useless subordinates. As long as Ms. Elune likes these stinky pirates, I will never stop them.

That is the only honor of their rotten life.

Well, actually, I just thought of a position that would be most suitable for you, my dear Lady Moonguard. "

Rubbing his chin, Bo Laike said to Sela:

"The relationship between N'Zoth and I is endless, anyway, it will die or I will die, so I decided to act first and cut off N'Zoth's dog legs in the entire world.

There is no need to doubt that the Church of the Storm is just one of N'Zoth's endless believers, not all of them. Even in your kaldorei kingdom, there are many fallen believers.

I can give you lists, I can give you goals, I need you to be ruthless, I need you to be decisive!

Maybe you'd like to help me with this? "


Sierra Moonguard, who was still clutching her head, stood up abruptly.

Her eyes became cold and ruthless, and her body was full of cold killing intent. She said:

"In the name of the suffering I and my innocent sisters have suffered, please order! Your Excellency, where to? Who to kill? How many?"

"Very good, very energetic!"

The pirate patted Sierra Moonguard on the shoulder in satisfaction, and said:

"You recuperate first, your team hasn't been organized yet, I didn't bring you back to be cannon fodder to die, you must get out of the shadow of N'Zoth before I allow you to act.

As for the goal.

At that time, I will give you a clue, there is absolutely nothing wrong with killing them one by one.

Also, call me Captain.

In addition, Ms. Maiev Shadowsong is also a guest on my ship. As an ally who has fought side by side, I am obliged to send her away after she fully recovers.

During this time, it's up to you to protect her. "

"Ah this."

Yuewei, who was still full of murderous intentions just now, immediately showed a panicked expression after hearing Maiev's name, and she took a step back as if trying to hide herself in her own shadow.

She stroked her cheek anxiously and said:

"No, I can't. If I am so filthy, I can't be seen by Ms. Maiev. She will be very disappointed in me, and she will regard me as a traitor. I can't."

"If Maiev really regards you as a traitor, then I think she may have something wrong with her mind."

Bu Laike complained:

"Could it be that, in your heart, the 'White Moonlight' Ms. Maiev that you watchers have in common is such a superficial leader? Do you have so little confidence in her?

Is it not the dogma of you watchers not to give up any sister under any circumstances?

To save the living, to avenge the dead.

Even an ignorant guy like me has heard that. "

Moon Guard fell silent.

"Ok, deal."

Bu Laike made the decision and said:

"I'll find her a new cabin tomorrow, and you'll carry her there. You bastard, you've taken my bed, how can I rest? Every time I meet that stinky woman, it's going to be bad luck, bad luck!"

He turned around cursing and left, and gestured to the little murloc, who croaked, ran to Yuewei with a trace of vigilance and fear, and gestured for her to follow.

Since he is no longer a prisoner, there is no need to stay here.

The little murloc also wants to rest comfortably in the water, so what's the matter with you, a watchman, staying at the murloc's house all the time?

Here, Laike wanted to find a cabin on the second floor to take a rest, but he opened a door casually, and a dozen Microraptors of different colors rushed out of the smoke, howling.

Obviously trying to give Bo Laike a sneak attack!

But how can pirates be so slaughtered?

He circled once in place, and the sudden burst of moonfire bombardment pulled out more than a dozen silver streamers in the air, smashing the Microraptor rushing in front of him into smoke in the air.

"Old Garney! Are you in a hurry?"

Annoyed, Bu Laike cursed and walked into the smoke screen, only to see old Ghani blinking his eyes and walking out of the smoke with his tail flicking.

It waved its nimble paws to Bo Laike and said:

"Hey, it's because I'm happy to see you survived, so I'm joking with you, wow, your moonfire technique just now is really powerful, it looks like you've got golden thighs.

There are so many people who want to get Madam Elune's favor but have nowhere to turn. How can you, a stinky pirate, still have such luck? "

"That's Ms. Elune's discerning eyes. She saw the excellence of me, a unique pirate prophet, at a glance. What do you, a stinky loa who picks up garbage and eats, know?"

Bu Laike snorted triumphantly, closed the cabin door, looked up and down old Garni, and said:

"If you don't go to debate the supreme understanding of the way of garbage with your big garbage picker, what are you doing here? There is no garbage pile for you to play with here."

"Do you think I want to come? It's also very difficult to locate your ship on the sea."

Old Garney rolled his eyes and said:

"But I am the god of the secret covenant of pirates. Any information exchange related to you is under my control. I can't do it if I don't come. In the mountains of Kalimdor, someone asked me to send you a message."

"Kalimdor? Among the mountains?"

Bu Laike blinked and reacted immediately, saying:

"Little star? Or the Illidari hunters of Eles' Thalas?"


Old Ghani chuckled, shook his brightly colored body, and a letter flew out from the tattered bag behind it and landed in the hands of the pirate.

it says:

"Those demon hunters have captured that ancient elven city, and they are about to escort a batch of stinking treasures from Kalimdor and return to Suramar by sea.

Those items cannot be transported through the portal, so they have to float in the sea for a while.

The exact itinerary is in that letter.

They also said it was a reward for their valuable knowledge, and that they were fulfilling a promise left by a fellow named Illidan. "

"Oh, it's worthy of being a die-hard loyalist cultivated by my brother Dan, and this work is to be particular about it!"

Bu Laike opened the envelope and glanced at it, and said in admiration:

"I've forgotten about it myself, but it's rare for them to remember it. How dangerous it is to float alone on the sea on a ship full of treasures from the Elven Empire.

There may be accidents at any time, and the ship will be destroyed and people will die.

These Nightborne elves really lack respect for the sea, I must teach them this truth. "

Amidst the evil laughter of old Garney and Boo Laike at the same time, the ghost ship sailing in the direction of Tol Barad changed direction quickly under the water.

Guided by Bu Laike's will, he headed for the route from Kalimdor to the Broken Isles.

The battle for Kul Tiras is over, and it's time to celebrate as a pirate.

(end of this chapter)

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