Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 845 176. I Want To Beat Up That Stinky Brother! -- Adding Updates For The Good Brothers Huo

Chapter 845 176. I want to beat up that stinky brother! ——Add more for the good brother Huo Zheng [520]

The stinky pirate left Kul Tiras complacently, and is planning an evil robbery.

But the legacy of this land is far from over.

Just to say that the Proudmoore family has been very restless in the past two days.

The group of people who were teleported back to Quel'Thalas with Hearthstone in the Furnace of Storms before returned to Kul Tiras through the elves' exquisite teleportation magic.

They were all watched by N'Zoth's big eyes. Although they hadn't reached the level of corruption that Sera Moonguard had, a period of recuperation was absolutely inevitable.

Only after the interference of the Void Corruption is completely cleansed can they return to normal life.

But this does not include Fenner Golden Sword.

Because of the divine power of Tyr, the stupid warrior is immune to N'Zoth's corrosive power, at least N'Zoth cannot corrupt her in the material world.

After returning to Tiragarde Sound, Fenner was suffocating with anger.

"You have to take me there!"

In the Proudmoore Fortress in Boralus Harbor, Shaw and Nathanos, who were about to go out to the city for a while, were once again blocked by the aggressive Fenner.

The elf warrior in full armor, with a large troll-style sword, stood in front of the two men.

She said coldly:

"I have to meet Boo Laike, and then I'll beat him up! If you don't take me to him, I'll beat you both up first!"

Shaw and Nathanos looked at each other, and they both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

Wearing a pair of round-frame glasses on his face, the well-dressed Maris spoke first:

"How can the conflict between you and Bo Laike extend to both of us? Princess Fenna, you have to be reasonable. Besides, I will not join Bo Laike.

I will return to the Broken Isles tomorrow with my companions from the Hidden Passage, and then I will go back to the Eastern Continent to train the army. I am very busy.

If you want to find Bu Laike, you can't find me. "

The bastard!

Shalton frowned.

As soon as this guy opened his mouth, he confidently threw the blame on him, what a bad friend!

But Fenner's dangerous gaze had already fallen on him, and Xiao Er felt the pressure. Although he was not afraid of the reckless warrior in front of him, he was not willing to have a deadlock with Fenner.

So I thought about it and said:

"I'm not going to meet up with Bu Laike, Your Royal Highness, I will pick a ship at the port and return to the Kingdom of Stormwind. As you can see, I also have my duties and missions."

"You are lying!"

Fenner curled her lips, clenched the hilt of her sword, and shouted loudly:

"The port of Boralus has been completely under martial law, because of the treasonous behavior of the great merchant Farrewell, all merchant ships in the entire city are now subject to inspection.

Where did you get the ship to go back to Stormwind? "

"I can entrust the mage to use the portal."

Shaw shrugged and said:

"There are too many options available. Please believe me, Princess Fenna, I"


Fenner suddenly pointed to Xiao Er and said:

"Blaike taught me that as long as someone says 'Trust me', they must be lying! Don't try to run away, Shaw, I will follow you these days, I will go wherever you go, I must meet Bu Laike.

Settle accounts with him. "

Shaw sighed helplessly.

In the face of a soldier who accepts death, no matter how subtle the words are, it is useless, not to mention Fenner's special status. If she really annoyed her and caused a major incident, it would be a "diplomatic accident".

Blame Boo Laike!

As soon as he left, he left the troubles to me, wanting to hide away?

You think beautifully!

Xiao Er had this thought in his heart, and made up his mind in an instant.

He showed a gentle and troubled smile, and said to Fenner:

"Oh, my highness, Her Highness is so persistent that I really can't do anything. Well, I won't pretend anymore, I really want to go to see Bo Laike again before returning to the Stormwind Kingdom.

The Order of the Tides will arrange for me to meet him, and Her Royal Highness can come with me, but you'd better put on a disguise, the Order of the Tides is full of Bu Laike's henchmen. "

"That's right."

Seeing that Xiaoer was subdued, Fenna finally showed a satisfied expression of victory. She put the exaggerated giant sword behind her back, waved to Xiaoer and Nathanos, and said:

"Go and play, don't go to Sailor Street, the Admiralty is there to track down the hidden tidesages. Call me when you are about to leave. If you dare to leave me and run away alone, I will chase you to the end of the world." teach you!

And you can run by yourself, but SI:7 cannot. "

When passing Shaw, Fenner imitated Bu Laike and threatened in a low voice:

"I will go to the Stormwind Kingdom to block you. If you have the ability, you will never go home! I am a princess now, and His Majesty Varian will give me this face."

"You really frightened me, Your Royal Highness."

Shaw said helplessly:

"We're all on our own. There's no need to use such vicious means. If I say take you there, I will take you there."

"Who doesn't know that you assassins are the most cunning."

Fenner snorted, didn't say much, turned around and strode away.

Watching Fenna's back, Xiao moved his fingers, turned his head and said to Nathanos who was holding back a smile:

"You're really annoying like this, you know?"

"I'm not talking nonsense."

General Maris glanced at the city ahead and said:

"The army of Lordaeron is in a hurry. I really can't go there with you. Remember to say hello to Bu Laike for me. Let's find a tavern for a drink."

The two guys walked out of the Proudmoore Fortress, just in time to see a group of naval cadets rushing out of the Naval Academy in groups, all wearing light armor, holding long swords, and led by the officials of the Navy Department, they rushed towards the city aggressively. Advance the other end.

"Are they going to blockade Stormsong Abbey?"

Nathanos checked the direction and said:

"What if you are determined to eradicate Haixian? His Majesty Dai Lin's actions are really fast and decisive enough."

"His Majesty Dai Lin is still in a coma."

Shaw whispered:

"It was an order from Queen Catherine. It is said that the queen has received the support of the Vic Reiss family, and the Ashvane family also fully supports the queen's actions in order to draw a line with the Church of Storms.

The knights under Lord Norvington entered the city last night, and all places related to Haixian were blocked, and the paladins were involved.

Reverend Isenlien, a well-known fanatic of the Church of the Holy Light, has been appointed Archbishop of the Diocese of Kul Tiras.

He must have been involved in this matter. "


Maris showed a headache expression and said:

"I have dealt with that radical and fanatical pastor, and his thoughts are really hard to describe. I have been thinking about burning heretics all day long, and now I can finally achieve my wish.

The followers of the Church of the Storm are in trouble.

But if Isenlien is allowed to deal with it, it will definitely turn into a large-scale religious persecution. "

"Then what else can we do?"

Shaw shook his head and said:

"You and I have seen the dark truth of the Church of Storms with our own eyes, and that tidal scripture is simply a source of filth.

If the remaining power of the Church of Storms cannot be uprooted within a short period of time, once the tidesages who fled to the South Sea return here, Kul Tiras will instantly fall into chaos.

This is something related to the ancient gods, and it makes one's scalp tingle just thinking about it.

His Majesty the Pope chose to appoint Isenlien to stay here because he has made up his mind. We are not Kul Tirans, so it is best not to get involved. "


Maris nodded, and after walking a few steps, he asked again:

"I heard that there are also a small number of pure people among the tidesages. Didn't the Pope personally meet that Brother Pike yesterday? How will they be dealt with?"

"I do not know."

Shore replied:

"But they certainly can't stay in Kul Tiras.

Compared to this, I am more concerned about the treasonous fleet on which the last remnants of the Church of the Storm reside.

It is said that they went to the South China Sea.

Coupled with the fact that Kul Tiras already has two fleets patrolling the South China Sea, I am now worried that the Kul Tiras navy may suffer the worst loss since its formation.

If they temporarily withdraw from the South China Sea, that golden route will be turned upside down overnight, and even change that will affect half the world. Neither Stormwind City nor Lordaeron can survive alone.

I don't know how His Majesty Dai Lin will deal with this matter after he wakes up. "

Dai Lin, who was being talked about by Shaw and Nathanos, has actually woken up this time.

But he had just woken up, and when he opened his eyes, what he saw was the little Jaina who was lying on the bedside and hugging his arms, who had already fallen asleep.

After the unconscious Dailin was brought back to Proudmoore Fortress, the little princess stayed by her father's side all the time because the queen had to shoulder the important task of stabilizing the country temporarily.

She was really scared.

Before seeing his father transforming into a Vrykul and rushing into the Furnace of Storms, he wanted to follow but was knocked out by Fenna, so he was always worried about his father's safety.

Until she saw Dai Lin washed ashore by the waves covered in blood and seriously injured at Sailor's Coast, Jaina became even more anxious and uncomfortable.

No matter how the maids persuaded her, she stubbornly stayed by Dai Lin's side.

She didn't want to experience the pain of losing her family again. The little princess didn't want to recall the despair she felt when she heard the news of the big brother's death more than a year ago.

And Dai Lin opened her eyes and saw her daughter standing by her side, all kinds of emotions in her heart were instantly calmed down.

Alas, the daughter is indeed the father's caring little padded jacket.

He wanted to move his body, but his bandaged and drugged arms were a little weak, and Jaina woke up exhausted during the activity.

The little princess raised her head and saw her father looking at her apologetically.

Jaina froze for a moment, then grinned, but tears welled up from her red eyes.

Very good.

Father wakes up!

"I'm going to fetch the pastor right away."

Jaina stood up and was about to call the pastor to check her father's body, but was stopped by Dai Lin. He took a breath and felt the state of his body.

Under the surprised gaze of the little princess, the admiral, who was covered in bandages all over his body, sat up from the bed as if he was fine.

He moved his sore hands nonchalantly, tore off all the bandages on his body, took the water handed by his daughter, took a sip and found it tasteless, then turned his head to look at the wine cabinet in the house.

"No! You can't drink alcohol! His Majesty Faol has specially instructed you!"

Seeing his father's expression, Jaina knew what he was thinking, and opened her arms to block between Dai Lin and the wine cabinet. The admiral laughed dumbfounded with a fierce look on his face.

He sighed, drank the water in his hand, moistened his throat, and said:

"Okay, listen to my good daughter, don't drink today. But don't go to the priest, I don't need treatment, you see, I'm healthy."

He stretched out his punched, muscular arm to show his younger daughter, and Jaina glanced at it. Sure enough, the wound on his father's shoulder had healed and scabbed.

This surprised the little mage.

She hadn't seen any legendary warrior heal so quickly, but Jaina quickly remembered something. She looked around and asked in a low voice:

"Father, didn't it... Did the big brother hurt you?"


Dai Lin's eyes became subtle in an instant.

He obviously didn't tell Jaina the news that Drake was still alive, but seeing the anxious and expectant expression of his youngest daughter, he knew that Jaina might know about Drake earlier than him.

"That's right, it's him."

The admiral didn't hide anything, he got up and sat on a chair, leaned on it, lowered his arms, looked at the eaves above his head, and said:

"He's better than me, but it's just a fluke, and if I'm serious, he definitely will"

"But why is he fighting you?"

The little princess's expression became tangled, and she said:

"I know that Big Brother has been fighting against darkness on a dangerous battlefield, and Mr. Laike is his best subordinate. He has been reluctant to tell me the whereabouts of Big Brother.

I thought he was lying to me, but after seeing the truth about the Church of Storms, I finally understood Big Brother's choice.

But he shouldn't have hurt you, Father.

You are also fighting those evil people, and he should help you. "

"Is Laike a subordinate of your big brother?"

Dai Lin's expression changed wonderfully in an instant. He looked at his little girl and didn't know what to say.

Call her stupid, she can hide this news for half a year without being discovered.

You say she is smart, but she was misled at the most critical point.

However, the Admiral hesitated and did not pierce Laike's disguise.

He didn't want to interfere with the relationship between Laike and Jaina. His son had grown to the point where he could stand shoulder to shoulder with him. He must have his own thinking in doing so.

Facing Jaina's inquiries and doubts, Dai Lin thought about it and explained:

"Because your father and I are a fool, not just me, your grandfather, your grandfather are all fools, but we, as kings, failed to discover the true face of the Church of Storms and helped them develop.

If it weren't for your big brother to use his method to lift the curtain of darkness for us, I dare not think about what the whole country will look like in ten or twenty years.

They are even planning to turn me into one of them and turn me into their puppet.

Don't resent your big brother's ruthlessness, Jaina.

That is necessary. For a stubborn old man like me, he will never learn a lesson unless he suffers a real loss. "

"That's not the big brother's fault, nor is it your father's fault."

Jaina raised her head and said seriously:

"It's all those hateful cultists. They forced Big Brother to hide his identity and go away. They are also the ones who deceived you and the previous kings. They are responsible for the tragedy of our family!"

The little princess said to Dai Lin firmly, as if she had sworn an oath:

"I won't let them go, I swear!"

"You go back to study magic, you don't need to worry about these things, my daughter."

Dai Lin nodded in relief, and then urged:

"I'll take care of it properly. Let's go and find your mother and your brother, as well as your golden sword Aunt and your sister. I just want to stay with you now. Let's take it as a lazy rest."


Jaina smiled again, but when she was helping her father who had grown in size, the little princess remembered something. She took something out of her bag and handed it to Dai Lin.


"This thing should have been put on you by the big brother, father, when you were washed up on Sailor's Coast by the sea, you were holding this thing in your hand."

The little princess stared at her stunned father, and said seriously:

"You held it tightly, as if holding the whole world."

(end of this chapter)

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