Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 847 178. This Is My Real Mother--Add More For Huo Zheng's Good Brother【7/20】

Chapter 847 178. This is my real mother--add more for Huo Zheng's good brother [720]

On the Nagfal, Sefiel, who was wearing a neat navy uniform, held tea himself and walked through the cabin. When he was approaching the captain's cabin, Shaw, who was leaning on the bulkhead at the door, gave her a pause.

He silently pointed to the cabin, and finally put his finger to his mouth, making a silent movement.

The gossip expression on Seifel's face suddenly became richer. She tiptoed to the side of the captain's cabin, put her ear on the door panel, and listened to the few words from the captain's cabin.

The entire Naglfar, which was submerging under the deep sea, was very quiet at the moment.

Because the first mate gave the order to die, and now there are distinguished guests on board, whoever dares to bump into the distinguished guests, whoever dares to embarrass the captain, will be sent directly to the lower cabin of the Nagfar as a snack for the ship spirit!

The scene just now proved that Bu Laike's treasure ship has the ability to protect itself.

It is not frequent on the Naglfar, but the ghost sailors who appear as cannon fodder in every fierce battle are consumed quickly, but the ghosts who can survive such fierce battles have two brushes.

They are the "elite" of cannon fodder.

They are the backbone of the defense force on this ghost ship, and the two hundred elite soul sailors selected by the ship spirit as ghost guards are their captains.

The Knights of the Undead Sea headed by Knight Joan Crydone are the frontline commanders of this ship, and above that is the high-level combat force with Bu Laike and Sephiel as the core.

A very clear and effective combat system has been formed on the Nagfar.

And there is a very special component in this system, that is, "Karazan Opera Troupe". Behind this harmless name to humans and animals represents the "characteristic unit" of the ghost ship.

Laike's favorite ghost dancers are a beautiful sight on this boat.

But they're not just good at singing and dancing.

According to Mrs. Golden Sword's evaluation of this ship, the Naglfar has become a veritable "sea fortress". It is no easier to ambush or conquer it than to defeat the undead fleet in a sea battle.

In more common terms, under the continuous strengthening of Bu Laike, the Naglfar has been "duplicated", and it is no longer a five-player book with no layout.

As far as the current power system of the ghost ship is concerned, it is at least a 25-player or 40-player book that appears in the finale of a large version.

The boss battles of this "dungeon" include but are not limited to deck battles, Karazhan Opera House, Mechagon Arms Hall, Murloc Gang, pirate bosses such as Maim, Reid, Anneris, Annie, etc. Captain's Council.

The Uncrowned Council of Shaw, Nathanos, Moroes, and Valeera Sangunar.

The first mate Sefiel and the second mate Xiao Xingxing fought against the double dragon.

In the end, the captain's room where the legendary great pirate Bu Laike Shaw personally sits.

The Fallen Watcher who just joined this ship may also become a BOSS, maybe Old Garni and his two great scavengers will also have to step in to make a sense of presence.

As for falling.

With Bo Laike and his treasure-hunting little murlocs present, this super dungeon should at least lose the legendary equipment of each profession to be worthy of the top.

Bosses like Little Star and Bu Laike may also drop mounts, such as the "Star Throne" aircraft, such as Sienigosa's Swift Reins, Sky's Reins, and Poseidon's Reins, etc.

Small pets and illusions should also be arranged.

Bomberba alone can drop four or five small pets, and there are so many super transmogrifications in the pirate's wardrobe, just use them to fill out the drop list, right?

If one person can clear the epic difficulty of this dungeon without dying, and then get full achievements or something, maybe a ghost ship mount that is exactly the same as the Nagfar will be rewarded.

Of course, the premise for a group of twenty-five or forty people who descended from the sky to challenge the stinky pirates is to disintegrate the periphery of the undead fleet through a series of stinky and long scene battles.

Then break through such as Blackstone Tower, Lower Suramar City, Vic Reiss Manor, Alterac King City, Rogue Harbor, Tol Barad Sea Titan defense line, Black Sickle Priory Tower, etc. to collect clues , to craft a key.

Oh, by the way, Nazaras College can also make a pre-request, let Dean Lanyue and Prince Farondis, who is good at meteorite magic, be the guard bosses.

Look, isn't this a large version of the copy process just put together?

What's so difficult about it?

Why do some guys put so much effort into making things that are still the same as a bunch of XX?

Well, there are rumors that they made content with feet, so no wonder.

At this time, in the captain's cabin, Brah Laike, who was wandering in the sky, was imagining these endless contents, and it was obvious that his thoughts were a little fuzzy.

This kind of situation is very rare, but Laike is also a mortal, and it is normal for his thinking to go astray. After all, the matter in front of him is really beyond the expectations of the pirates.

His "prophet" status is watery after all.

The entire captain's cabin was also silent.

Fenner stood beside her mother with a dissatisfied expression on her face, while Mrs. Golden Sword sat drinking tea. The Elven Archmage's eyes flicked back and forth between the silent Bo Laike and Queen Catherine sitting opposite him.

No one spoke.

It's as if the mother and son and mother and daughter can communicate with each other through ideas.

"go home with me!"

After being silent for a while, Queen Catherine suddenly spoke.

"No, I refuse."

Bu Laike also looked up as if he had been awakened, and replied:

"I have my own things to do. Going back to Kul Tiras is not only of no benefit, but will actually affect the advancement of my plan."

"Then I'll stay here with you."

The queen said without hesitation:

"Anyway, your father will not feel lonely without me. The relationship between him and Gina is very sincere, and I no longer feel angry or sad about it.

If I were a man, I'd fall for Gina too. "

What you said is outrageous! It doesn't make sense either!

Mrs. Jin Jian drank water to cover up in embarrassment, what's going on? You talk between mother and child, how can you hurt people who watch the fun and eat melons?

This is not about Wude.

"Do not make jokes."

Bu Laike was also extremely helpless by the queen's unreasonable statement. He said to his mother:

"You are the queen of Kul Tiras, and I am a pirate. If you stay with me, Dailin will be very passive, and it will also affect your reputation among the people.

I promise you that.

I will go back, you just have to be patient. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate gave Fenner a hard look.

You can come by yourself, why do you bring Catherine with you?

Is it due to beating?

Fenna, who was eating melons, coughed, whistled and turned her face away, pretending that she didn't see the eyes of the smelly brother at all.

"Are you concerned about my reputation, or do you not want to call me mother at all?"

Queen Catherine really went all out today.

During the period of time that Mrs. Jin Jian was with her, she had never seen Catherine, who had always been dignified, generous and cunning, be so aggressive as she is now.

She confronted Laike, never giving him a chance to change the subject.

Under the surprised gazes of Bo Laike and Fenner, he reached out and took off the decorative queen's crown on his head, and put it on the pirate's desk with a snap.

Queen Catherine, who loosened her hair, said in a deep voice:

"I'm not queen now.

Dailin can declare that I am too sad to live in a monastery. The current situation in Kul Tiras is very complicated, and the people are shocked by the dark truth of the Church of Storms.

They won't notice my disappearance for at least two years.

Drake, this is my answer to you. I have lost you once, and I will not allow me to lose you a second time. The relationship between me and your father almost broke completely because of your death.

Our family almost fell apart because of your departure.

I don't want to hide from you. After receiving the news of your death, I even wanted to end my own life for a while.

Your father has been guilty of it, and I despair of it. "

The queen flicked her gray hair, and she said to the smelly pirate:

"You may think that you are protecting us, but at least for me, knowing that the child is still alive but not being able to see each other is an intolerable torture.

I'm going crazy because of it.

Be considerate of your poor mother and don't make me suffer any more, will you? "

Bu Laike remained silent.

He knew Catherine was lying.

The queen in front of me is stronger than anyone imagined.

In another timeline, she has experienced a series of blows from the loss of her son, her husband, her daughter's betrayal, and her youngest son's disappearance.

She was the only one left in the entire Proudmoore family, but she was still not defeated. She resolutely took over the position of admiral left by her husband and became the ruler of Kul Tiras.

She has used her strong hand to persuade the three major families in the country to serve Kul Tiras, at least outwardly.

But Catherine wasn't lying either.

She is indeed a very emotional person. After losing her family, she was bewitched by her best friend and almost destroyed her country with her own hands.

Jean Greymane, who had also experienced vicissitudes, respected Queen Catherine very much, and the wolf king obviously believed that Catherine was a qualified ruler.

She has been living in the shadow behind Dai Lin.

But after Dai Lin left, she carried the betrayed Kul Tiras by herself, and she lived up to Dai Lin's expectations of her.

This is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

"Gina, can I have a few words alone with my son?"

Seeing that the stinky pirate didn't say a word, Queen Catherine looked back at Mrs. Jinjian. Facing her request, Mrs. Jinjian, who was eager to eat melons, immediately got up and took her daughter, who was also gossip, out of the captain's room.

Then I saw Shaw and Sefiel who were "listening to the corner" outside the captain's room.

Chief Mate Long also thoughtfully left a place for the mother and daughter to eavesdrop.

However, three seconds later, in response to the Nagfar ship's spirit, the four eavesdroppers were forcibly transferred to the bottom of the bilge, and the little murloc who had already fallen asleep got up from his pool .

It looked at the four people in front of it and covered its eyes with a headache.


Come again!

What do you think of the dangerous and terrifying murloc nest?

Come whenever you want?

Do you want to leave?

Fenner still wanted to sneak up to continue listening, but as soon as she reached the hatch, the fallen watcher Sera Moonguard appeared quietly, with two pyramids wrapped in void luster interlaced with the crosspiece.

Declare this road is dead!

In the captain's cabin where there were only two people left, Queen Catherine stood up, looked at Laike, and said:

"I don't know what changed you, but I can feel the resistance in your heart. In my eyes, you seem to have become a lot stranger."

"I experienced a death."

Bu Laike explained:

"If I stay the same, that's the biggest joke."

"No, you know that's not what I'm talking about."

Queen Catherine smiled.

She didn't seem to care about the answer to this question. She looked around the pirate's captain's cabin, and the row of skulls in the collection cabinet made her frown.

As if chatting, she said:

"Your father has been collecting information about you, and I know that you have established your own power in Tol Barad and started to manage the North Sea.

I even suspect that you have your own eyeliner in the land of Kul Tiras.

You don't like your hometown, probably because there is too much darkness hidden there, and the Church of Storms is just one of them, but it is not the root of all evil.

In fact, before you exposed the dark truth of the Church of the Storm, even before you were born, your father and I were already aware of the problems in our country.

But you know why he knows, but can't change it? "

"Because those problems existed in my grandfather's time, even my great-grandfather's time."

Bu Laike sighed and said:

"The Ashvane family, which has already monopolized most of the business network in Kul Tiras, is a more difficult opponent than the Church of Storms. The betrayal of the great businessman Farrewell is just the tip of the dark iceberg of this business family.

Dai Lin couldn't deal with them in a short time, because they already existed in every aspect of that country. No matter how brave he was, how could he deal with himself?

What's more, the Ashvane family has always supported his rule. "

"Yes, my son is as smart as ever."

The queen gave a compliment.

She looked back at Bo Laike and said:

"But you can!

What your father could not do as a king, you can legitimately do, and you are already doing. My child, I am not here today as a mother to show my authority to you.

Rather than dealing with those headaches in the country, I would like to follow my son to the overseas territory of Kul Tiras in the future to help you complete your career.

Your rule is shaky.

Even among a band of pirates, your governance system is riddled with flaws.

You need to establish a complete governance model in Tol Barad, you need to improve the relationship with Gilneas and other kingdoms, you need to coordinate the material distribution of your fleet and the struggle for power among your pirate factions.

But you still have to establish your reputation at sea and shape your legend.

You have nothing to spare, my poor child.

Look at your dark circles, how long has it been since you had a good rest? "

The queen came over, stretched out her hand to lift Bo Laike's cheek, and took off his blindfold. Bo Laike didn't resist, and let Lady Catherine caress his eye sockets in a mother's gentle gesture.

She said very seriously:

"You need someone you can trust to help you deal with complicated internal affairs, but as far as I have seen so far, as far as I know, you lack such talents.

I can help you complete the 'conquest' of Kul Tiras.

I would love to help my kids build careers.

Your betrayal of the motherland is full of idealism, but in your current way, you can only make the people hate you. But as a future king, you don't need to hate.

What you need is love and awe.

I can help you. "

Laike was stunned by what the queen said.

The translation of these words is:

Damn, your rebellious career is too immature, let my mother teach you what a real backstab is.

He was already prepared to deal with his mother's messing around and binding him back home with emotion, but he never expected that Catherine would say such a thing to him.

And she made a good point.

Bu Laike himself is indeed not interested in politics. His rule and governance have always been in a very rough state, and Dean Lanyue has reminded him of this problem several times.

But how can internal affairs talents be so easy to find? Especially for pirates.

Now, a "governor" who is at least 95+ in internal affairs, knows the nobles well, and has rich experience in ruling has offered to the door.

The most outrageous thing is that this is Bo Laike's real mother.

A blood relationship that is the most reassuring, a relationship that absolutely does not have to worry about betrayal.

"But what about Dai Lin?"

Bu Laike asked back, then shook his head and refused:

"You can't betray your husband and the King Mother for your son, I don't want you to, and no one else in the family would want you to.

You can't be so... selfish. "

"Selfish? No, it's not selfish, my son. My incompetent husband has caused me to lose you once, and I will never forget that experience.

I'm not just his wife.

I am still your mother. "

When Queen Catherine heard the "Mother", her eyes turned red immediately. She hugged the bewildered Bu Laike into her arms, and patted him on the back, like soothing a child.

Her tone was gentle, and she said without affectation:

"If my impotent husband can't protect my children, then I will do it myself! Not only will I protect you, I will protect my Anna, my Tenred, and Fenner

But your poor mother lacks strength, and my good eldest son has strength.

Let's defeat the corrupted Kul Tiras together, and... rebuild it! "

(end of this chapter)

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