Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 848 179. This Is My Real Mother X2--Add More For Huo Zheng's Good Brother【8/20】

Chapter 848 179. This is my real mother X2——adding more for the good brother Huo Zheng [820]

"Send my mother to rest in the best cabin on the ship. I have already told the Nagfar to minimize the concentration of undead breath in that cabin.

Send some of your most obedient ghost servants to serve her.

You will take care of all my mother's meals yourself, and you will obey her orders during this time. "

In the captain's cabin, Bu Laike told the summoned first mate Long Seifel:

"Take care of my mother like you take care of your mother, understand?"


Safiel peeked at Mrs. Catherine strangely, who was standing in front of Bo Laike's wardrobe, admiring the Pirate King suit.

And the lady has a pirate hat on her head.

This is the queen of Kul Tiras!

He has a high reputation in the hearts of the people, and if the people of Kul Tiras see the promising career of the queen's gorgeous transfer to pirates, they will definitely riot.

But following Bu Laike, Sefiel's psychological quality has been tempered to be extremely tough.

Hasn't she seen too many strange things since she got on the ship?

"Captain, I'm not talking about you, you really want to bring your mother into our business?"

The first mate dragon whispered like biting his ear:

"I'm not saying it's bad, and I'm not trying to provoke your mother-child relationship, but don't you suspect that this is a game your parents set up for you? You don't want to go back, so the cunning Dai Lin sent your mother here, Bind you with family affection until a certain moment, when the husband and wife work together to defeat your power in one fell swoop."

"Your analysis makes sense."

Bu Laike had no business, but said to Sefiel in the same weak voice:

"But I've thought about it, and I probably guessed why my mother appeared in front of me at this time. This matter is indeed good for Dai Lin, but it's not what you think.

A person like Dai Lin would not sacrifice his family in pursuit of victory. To him, that would be a more unacceptable shame than failure.

Besides, don't I still have you? "

The captain patted Sefiel on the shoulder and said:

"Talk to my mother if you have nothing to do. Don't make her feel lonely. If there is anything I need to know, you must tell me as soon as possible."


Chief Mate Long nodded immediately.

This is Bo Laike going to act as an eyeliner next to Catherine himself.

Although the entire Naglfar is under Laike's control, the spirit of the ship has not yet given birth to consciousness, and many emotions belonging to the living are difficult for her to comprehend and capture.

Sephiel used to chat with Queen Catherine or something, and he could report as soon as he noticed something was wrong.

But honestly, Bo Laike doesn't hold out much hope for that.

Sefiel was already very cunning under his training or training, but compared with Mrs. Catherine, who was born in a noble family and has been queen for so many years, this first mate dragon is like a fledgling rookie.

It is good not to be deceived by Lady Catherine for a lot of information.

"Mom, you should go to rest."

After Bu Laike and Seifel finished talking, he turned back to Mrs. Catherine and said:

"My first mate will take you to your room. If you have any needs, just call her name. If she is lazy or treats you badly, you can tell me and I will punish her."

"I have no intention of interfering with your control of this ship, my son."

Lady Catherine, wearing a pirate hat, turned her head and gave Bo Laike a gentle smile. She said:

"You are willing to accept me to stay here, which already makes me very satisfied. You don't need to bother your first mate, just send a few sailors for my use.

Don't worry about me not being used here.

Although I haven't sailed for many years, your father and I did meet for the first time on a merchant ship under my command. You don't think that a person like your father would like a nobleman who is helpless Missy? "

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Catherine, who was in a good mood, chuckled a few times, and didn't need a reply from her son. She waved her hand, put the pirate hat by her hand, and followed Seifel out of the captain's room.

Before going out the door, Lady Catherine turned to Boo Laike and said:

"Talk to Fenna, you are siblings, there is nothing you can't talk about, her anger at you stems from her desire to protect her family, she hates others making decisions for her.

There was something about that kid.

The more forceful you are, the stronger she will rebound, just like your father when he was young. "

"I understand, Mom."

The pirate nodded and said:

"I'll take care of it. Go and rest. This journey will take some time. If you don't like the environment on this ship, I can send you back to Tol Barad."

"No need."

Lady Catherine waved her hand and said:

"I'm here to help you, child, not to be a burden to you. I really should take a break. The 'welcome ceremony' just now scared me. See you at dinner?"

"Well, I will tell the chefs to prepare Kul Tiran-style dishes tonight"

"Are you kidding me, son."

Before Bu Laike finished speaking, he heard his mother say dissatisfiedly:

"Kul Tiras has always been called the 'Gourmet Hell' by other kingdoms, the food there can't even be tolerated by the greenskins, after finally escaping from there, you still want to feed me pig food?

Tonight, use the dishes from the Kingdom of Stormwind.

Ah, the delicious Wild West chowder, and the okra honey pork chops, which I haven't had in ages. "

This rant from his mother made Laike laugh.

He nodded repeatedly and watched Madam Catherine leave.

To be honest, it’s impossible not to resist in my heart. It took several months for Laike to truly accept Gianna as a sister, let alone a mother who met this "first time".

Although the stinky pirate is very chic and rascal, but in fact he is a very sensitive person in his heart

Who is not a baby with social phobia?

Of course, Laike's social phobia symptoms only appear in front of his family. In front of other people, he will change into another incurable disease called "social bullying disorder".

With two illnesses added to his body, the poor stinky pirate may die soon.

A few minutes later, the door of the captain's room was pushed open again, and the golden sword mother and daughter who had been "escorted" all the way by Sera Yuewei walked in, and Yuewei disappeared with a whoosh.

She has to rush to take care of Madam Maiev.

She's probably the only person on the ship who doesn't care about the Stinky Pirate's family problems.

"Sit down, let's talk."

Bu Laike, who was working on a big topic, made a "please" gesture without raising his head, and Mrs. Jin Jian sat in the position of Mrs. Catherine just now with a blank expression.

In this way, she reminded Bo Laike of her identity.

Theoretically speaking, she can also be regarded as the "mother" of Bo Laike. And Fenner folded her arms angrily, rolled her eyes, and ignored Laike at all.

The anger in her heart has not yet dissipated, and she is trying to beat her stinky brother.

Of course, it is impossible to conduct "negotiations" in such a state, so Mrs. Jinjian must come to chat about such matters.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize your identity last time and said something inappropriate to you, Boo Laike, or Drake."

Lady Golden Sword said to the pirates in an apologetic gesture like the elves:

"And after learning your true identity, I realized that you are one of the few people who really care about my daughter, and thank you for taking care of my daughter for me during this time.

I think her reckless style must have caused you a lot of trouble. "


Fenner didn't expect her mother, who was in the same camp as her just now, to show her what it means to jump from side to side and stand on the side of the stinky pirate.

And Mrs. Jin Jian gave her a stern look, and Fenna immediately became dumb.

There are not many things in this world that are worth fearing for stupid fighters, and Mrs. Golden Sword is definitely the number one "Fenna nemesis".

"It's nothing. As the eldest son in the family, I have to shoulder the heavy responsibility of taking care of my stupid sister, younger sister, and useless younger brother. But even if there is no such relationship, I will still regard Fenna as one of my own."

Bu Laike wrote the answer to the big magic question carelessly, and replied in a relaxed tone:

"Her strength compared to her wisdom is enough for me to ignore all of Fenner's shortcomings. If she is determined to become a pirate, then she will definitely become the most dazzling star in the South China Sea.

When you can cut any troubles with a single sword, wisdom is not important anymore.

But I think, ma'am, you are willing to come to this muddy water tonight, not just to apologize to me, so let's skip the boring testing of each other.

After all, I want to call you 'Mom' too. "

Mrs. Jin Jian was not angry, she nodded and said:

"I came here tonight for two things. First, I want to confirm Catherine's safety, otherwise I won't be able to explain to Dai Lin. Seeing Catherine wandering on the boat so happily, I think this matter has been resolved.

Then let's talk about the second thing, about my Fenner. "

Mrs. Golden Sword took a deep breath, and she said to the pirate:

"My daughter has grown up, I can no longer suppress her in the previous way, she has the right to choose her own life, she is now the princess of Kul Tiras.

She can live happily ever after.

But I know that she will not choose this path.

She had a terrible mentor who taught her by example, and she has gone from wanting a purpose in life to chasing her dreams.

She started to take risks but not for fun, and she started to like the sea not just because of the awakening of her blood.

After I learned about your relationship with her, I realized that I couldn't stop my daughter from following the path you arranged for her.

She will be an elf pirate.

God, those two words are really awkward to put together. "

The archmage supported his forehead, sighed, and said:

"But it's the way it is and there's nothing I can do to turn things around. My daughter may not care where her career starts, but I do.

That's what I'm here for.

And I came prepared. "

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Jinjian took some things out of the luggage, put them in front of Laike, and pushed them slightly, the golden light that burst out immediately interrupted the pirate's thinking about solving problems.

One hundred Goblin Gold Cards with the highest limit stood out in front of the pirates.

The fragrance from the wealth made Bo Laike dizzy, and the ultimate power called "money ability" in front of him collapsed the fortress of will of the stinky pirate who had just crushed N'Zoth in an instant.

He realized that he had met a real master.

It is also rare for him to encounter such a situation where he wants to surrender before the war.

The woman in front of me can make Dai Lin fascinated by her face and certain skills. She uses her own wisdom to make a rope, and tightly traps Dai Lin, a bull in the sea.

"Tell me, ma'am, no, mother, what do you want me to do for Fenner?"

Bu Laike put down the magic pen, touched the gold cards, and said to Mrs. Golden Sword:

"Shall I lick my sister's shoes? Of course!"

"Do you really think it's appropriate to make such a joke in front of an elf lady?"

Mrs. Jin Jian asked blankly.

Bu Laike shrugged and asked:

"As far as I know, Dai Lin is also very dishonest in private, stripping off the aura of admiral, he is a real salty old sailor.

I thought you'd like this way of chatting. "

"I like it, but I only like it when your father said it to me. When other people say such things in front of me, I usually reward them with a Frostbolt to calm down."

Mrs. Jin Jian snorted and immediately changed the fucking topic.

She said seriously:

"Fenner can be a pirate, I will use my relationship to hide this for her, but I will not allow my daughter to become a sailor, she should have her starting point.

Moreover, Fenner's pirate career was just to sharpen her strength. She will eventually embark on a path that conforms to Her Royal Highness. You can't turn her into a rude and bloodthirsty guy by precepts and deeds.

She is your sister.

You also have to think about her future. do you understand me? "


Bu Laike glanced at Jinka in front of him, nodded and said:

"She will become the boatswain of the Nagfar, and will not participate in any looting unless necessary, and I will punish her as long as she swears.

I will arrange some links for her to become famous, so that she will spread the world as a 'Wrathful Sea Sword Master' instead of a pirate. "

"Did you do it?"

Mrs. Jin Jian asked.

Bu Laike shrugged and brought up his "success story", saying:

"You should have heard of the great achievements of His Royal Highness Stella Gosa, right? You have also seen Little Xingxing. Do you think she can get so many honors just because of her good luck?"

"Well, good, that's what I want to hear."

Mrs. Golden Sword nodded in satisfaction. She stood up and said to Bo Laike:

"My daughter is in your hands, Drake. Take care of her, endure her flaws, and help me guide her to perfection. I'm going back to face Dailin's wrath.

I've lost two of the most important women in his life, and he might cut ties with me for that. "

"Do not."

Bu Laike got up and collected all the gold cards. He personally sent Mrs. Golden Sword to the door of the captain's cabin. He said:

"After knowing the truth, Dai Lin will only thank you, and treat you like the tip of my heart. Don't think that I don't know your thoughts and plans.

I just don't want to poke these.

after all

I have two mothers, and I have to protect them too, right?

Fenner, what are you still doing there, see off the guests. "

(end of this chapter)

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