Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 849 180. Dai Lin's Determination--Add More For Huo Zheng's Good Brother【9/20】

Chapter 849 180. Dai Lin's Determination--Add more for Huo Zheng's good brother [920]

Mrs. Jin Jian also left, and Fenna, who had bid farewell to her mother, rushed to the captain's room immediately.

The anger in her heart has been replaced by curiosity. When she saw that Bu Laike was still working on the problem, Fenner became very angry. She put her arms on the table with great momentum, and asked Bu Laike:

"You just said that my mother and your mother have their purpose in coming to the boat? What is the purpose? Tell me quickly, or I will beat you up."

"Are you sure you can beat me?"

Bu Laike stopped pretending. After solving the big problem, he said:

"Do you think you are better than Dai Lin? It is good to have confidence, my lovely and innocent sister, but blind optimism is the way to death."

"If you can't beat it, you still have to fight."

Fenner snorted and said:

"I just can't understand that you bastards always want me to listen to you at critical moments. I didn't become a warrior to be a coward, but your behavior turned me into a coward."

"All right, all right, I was wrong."

Bu Laike checked his answer, and after confirming that it was correct, he put down the magic pen, looked up at Fenner, and said:

"Telling these things to a qualified fighter makes me dizzy. You want to hear the answer, don't you? Then you promise me that after I tell you, you can't be petty with me.

There is still a robbery to do next, it is very important, I need you to fight, then you can unleash your anger to your heart's content, I will not restrict you. "

"it is good!"

Fenner nodded, and saw Bo Laike waving her pinky finger again, saying:

"Come on, pull a tick?"

"Are you a child? You fool."

Finner held her head and screamed, and heard Bo Laike say to her again:

"'Raging Sea Sword Master' is not allowed to swear."

"No, I don't want this title, it's just stupid."

The stupid soldier shook his head and said:

"I want to think of a title for myself, so you don't have to worry about it. Tell me the answer quickly, and I'll wait to hear it."

"Well, it's actually not as complicated as you think."

Bu Laike stretched his waist, and while taking out another test paper and a bottle of fine wine from the drawer, he said casually:

"There will be a big change in Kul Tiras. After the stronghold of the Church of the Storms was demolished, the unwilling cultists will definitely try to make a comeback. Dailin is busy.

But his family-heavy personality predestined him to be restrained when he did certain things.

So, my clever two mothers took it upon themselves to help Dai Lin cover up his biggest weakness, and the sea admiral who has no worries can finally show his strength. "

"Ah! So it is like this!"

Fenner widened her eyes and exclaimed:

"No wonder Queen Catherine asked me to bring her here, even at the cost of death, I thought she was really mad because of her bad son.

Still feel a little sorry for her.

I didn't expect her to be so cunning. "

"This is something that a discerning person can see at a glance, and you are probably the only one who thinks my mother is cunning."

Bu Laike complained:

"Do you really think that my brother Xiaoer will be so weak? You put the sword on your neck, so you brought you here obediently? Don't be stupid, Xiaoer just played a scene, and he reaped your kindness and me Mother's favor.

As a noble act of helping the Queen, the Storm Kingdom also benefited from his actions.

What did he pay for such a big benefit?

He was just pretending to be weak and pitiful, but this time he has made a lot of money.

In short, don't mess with Xiao Er in the future, you know?

When I'm not around, that guy can eat every bone you have left, and he can trick you around without even pulling out a dagger. "

"You guys with good brains are really annoying!"

Fenna complained irritably:

"When dealing with you, you have to be 120% vigilant. Can't you say something clearly and do it clearly?"

"Sorry, but that's what we bastards do."

Bu Laike started to work on the second test paper.

He said:

"Okay, go rest.

I'll let Seifel tell you about the rules on the ship, you used to be a guest, but now you are a member of this ship, there are some things and taboos you must know, you."


Before the pirate finished speaking, Fenner grabbed him by the collar.

Like dragging a bag of rice, he easily lifted him from the chair and pulled him in front of his eyes.

Fenner's sea-blue eyes were fixed on Bo Laike.

She looked at her younger brother and said word by word:

"I'm a warrior, I'm not as clever as you, and I can't say anything nice and dignified, but listen to me, Bo Laike.

I don't allow you to leave me and go to danger alone!

I don't allow you to arbitrarily arrange my battle and life in the name of my good.

I am willing to fight to protect you and others, even if it is my own choice to die, if you leave me again, I swear I will make you regret it forever!

I'm serious.

Don't leave me behind, hear me! "

"If you continue to be so sensational, my stupid sister, I'm going to cry."

Bu Laike maintained the posture of being lifted up, he tilted his head and said to Fenner:

"I promise not, okay? Put me down now, bosun, your behavior looks like treason to me. Do you know the price of mutiny on a pirate ship?"

You don't want to know.

Now, in the bookcase over there are some third-rate knight novels that I have specially prepared for you, all written by myself, you can use them to amuse yourself if you have nothing to do.

Take it as my apology for my rude behavior. "

"You wrote it yourself?"

Fenna put down the cloth Laike suspiciously, ran over to pick up a book and turned a few pages, she curled her lips and said:

"What kind of rubbish is this? What is the different world continent, what is the divorce at the beginning of the game, what is not bullying the young and poor, I usually don't read these things.

But count on your heart. "

After speaking, like a victorious general, she picked up the stack of books, glared at Bu Laike again, and walked out of the captain's cabin quickly.

"What's wrong with each of them?"

Bo Laike smoothed his messed up clothes, sat back on the chair, picked up the magic pen, and started to solve big problems.

If you look carefully, the corners of his mouth are upturned, and he seems to be in a good mood.

Of course, it's also possible that the smelly pirates are planning a terrible conspiracy or something.

After all, when a pirate smiles, life and death are unpredictable.


When Mrs. Golden Sword returned to Proudmoore Fortress in Boralus, the admiral was sitting alone in the garden after eating with his son and daughter.

He changed into a set of the largest navy uniform, but his body was still tight.

The great knight Cyrus has gone to find tailors and blacksmiths to make new military uniforms, dresses and armor for the general, but it will take time.

Fortunately, Dai Lin's arms were seriously injured, and he had to recuperate in the fortress for at least a week.

Mrs. Jin Jian walked into the garden slowly, and saw Dai Lin who was sitting there in a daze. Her beloved man was holding something in his hand, maintaining a stroking gesture.

This Dai Lin was full of violence and philosophy, and looked like a sculpture of a warrior from behind.

Madam walked over and stopped behind Dai Lin. She stretched out her hand to hold the admiral's broad shoulders from behind, put her head next to Dai Lin's ear, kissed the earlobe, and said softly:

"I've finally got rid of your vicious wife, my Dailin. I buried the nasty Catherine in three different places, and no one could find her.

The villainous queen in the story can no longer interfere with our world of two, and I am now the queen of Kul Tiras.

Won't you congratulate me? "

"The competition between the two of you has finally heated up. The court story that has been going viral among the people has come true. The king's queen and his lover have started a great conspiracy. I really didn't expect such a thing to happen to me.

It seems that in addition to being a failed father, a failed king, I am also a failed husband. "

The admiral put away the Nautilus pendant in his hand, and pulled Mrs. Jin Jian into his arms amidst the exclamation of Mrs. Jin Jian. The Elven Archmage also curled up in his lover's arms.

With Dai Lin's body size, it was as easy as holding a doll.

The old couple maintained an intimate posture, enjoying the hard-won tranquility quietly in this secluded garden. After several minutes, the suffocating kiss ended.

The foreheads of Dai Lin and Mrs. Jin Jian touched together. He felt the rapid breathing of his lover in his arms. He said softly:

"Thanks, Gina."

"Thank me for what? It's all Catherine's own idea."

Madam Jinjian with flushed cheeks sighed and said:

"I was still defeated by her, but I was convinced that I lost. I thought that a true lover should stay together forever, but Catherine taught me that parting is also a kind of protection.

I also thought that raising Fenner for you for twenty years proved my love for you, but Catherine also taught me that she can make greater sacrifices for you

That woman frustrates me, Dailin.

I may never win her in my life. "

"What does it matter?"

The admiral hugged his lover's body and said:

"Win or lose, you are my wings."

"Tch, earthy love talk, it makes me sick to my stomach, you salty old sailor."

Mrs. Jin Jian laughed. She knocked off Dai Lin's restless hand and said:

"Shall I reward you for returning from the dead?"

"I'm still a patient."

Dai Lin replied.


Mrs. Jin Jian blinked and said:

"Are you going to refuse?"

"Do not."

The general stood up and said solemnly:

"You have to work harder."

"I regret it, let me go."

Madam Jin Jian struggled to jump down from the general's arms. With Dai Lin's current height, Madam just put her ear on his chest, listening to the heartbeat as powerful as a drum.

She said softly:

"Are you ready to go to war?"


Dai Lin nodded, the tenderness in his eyes faded, replaced by a cruel and indifferent killing intent, he held Mrs. Jin Jian's hand and said:

"I will sail the South Seas and bring my fleet back from the disaster. From now on, the enemies of the Kul Tiras fleet will no longer be pirates.

As long as there are tidesages raging, it will be our battlefield.

Just as I swore to slay every greenskin in the world, I will also use the rest of my life as a price to completely clean the tidesage's filth from this world.

And Enzos.

Their Lord of Darkness will also become my enemy!

But I know that there is another cancer in this country, and it is the trouble my son left me to deal with, and I have lost my dignity as a father in front of him.

I don't want him to look down on me again.

I must dig out that cancer with my own hands and eradicate it with my own hands!

Therefore, during the period when I am heading to the South China Sea, I will temporarily hand over the command of the Admiralty to you, my Gina, to stabilize them and collect criminal evidence.

The Vic Reiss family, Lord Norvington and the Church of the Holy Light will all help you.

When I come back, it's time to fight again. "

"I'm getting some political advisors from Quel'Thalas."

Madam Jin Jian did not refuse, she reached out and drew a circle on Dai Lin's broad chest, saying:

"My people have nearly 7,000 years of internal fighting experience. Human politics seems to us to be as simple as a child's play. With their experience to help, the Ashvane family is bound to suffer.

But my Dai Lin, such a drastic expulsion of Haixian will definitely hurt the Kul Tiras fleet, and you will lose your previous advantages, and this is in the interests of other countries.

They may be eyeing it, they have long coveted the golden route in the South China Sea.

The enemy is not only on the outside"

"Let them come!"

Dai Lin sneered and said:

"Without Haixian, the Kul Tiras fleet is still the best in the world. My fleet has indeed become weaker, but that doesn't mean they will become stronger out of thin air.

I'd love to take on a challenge, especially over the ocean.


The general seemed to have thought of something interesting, he laughed and said:

"Isn't there still my 'filial' good son? I am looking forward to him giving those ambitious challengers a profound lesson on the frozen sea.

I also believe that he can definitely do it.

Ah, when I learned that the brat became a pirate, I thought it would be the beginning of the decline of the Proudmoore family, but until now, I suddenly discovered that instead of declining, Proudmoore will win the chance to rise.

real rise.

Maybe, maybe in Kul Tiras in the future, a His Majesty the Emperor will be born. "

"He doesn't think so."

Mrs. Jinjian shook her head and said:

"He has no interest in politics at all."

"There are some things that he can't avoid without interest."

Dai Lin shook her head and didn't want to say any more.

He glanced at Mrs. Jin Jian, and his lover was also looking at him with tenderness in his eyes. The light of teleportation shrouded the two of them, sending them into the bedroom of the fortress after a moment.

Cough cough, after all, they are old husband and wife.

On the other side, while Dailin was happy, in the Stormsong Monastery in Boralus Port, Genn was walking slowly down the cellar to Xiuyuan with the long sword in the ceremony.

This once dignified place in Boralus has now become a makeshift prison.

More than a dozen Hae-hyuns are imprisoned here, awaiting their fate of execution.

But they were not executed because they believed in the Lord of Darkness. On the contrary, what they believed in was the pure will of the sea. These were the handful of "pure ones" in the Church of Storms.

Their purity was confirmed by the Guardian of Truth in Dathrohan's hands, and the mirror of their hearts did not reflect the darkness in their hearts.

These people are not followers of N'Zoth.

However, Kul Tiras doesn't talk about these things at this time, as long as it is Haixian, everyone will die.

"Brother Pike."

Genn Greymane stood outside the cage, and said gently to the bald monk who was shackled and waiting to die with his eyes closed:

"You and your followers, do you want to live?"

(end of this chapter)

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