Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 855 185. The Illidari Is Interesting! Able! -- Add More For Huo Zhengting's Good Brothe

Chapter 855 185. The Illidari is Interesting! able! --Add more for Huo Zhengting's good brother【1520】

This Nightborne battleship is specially set out from the city of Elesalas, which has been occupied by the Shaldorei elves, to carry the treasure to Suramar city.

For the nightborn elves who are proficient in teleportation tactics, ordinary treasures do not need to be transported by sea in such a long and unsafe way. Only those items that cannot be transported through the portal can be used in this way.

Not all treasures can pass through the portal, which Laike has long known.

The most typical example is the guardian keystone that the snake people wanted to send into Dalaran back then. It was related to the seal of an abyss creature, and it was entangled with powerful energy. Once it entered the portal, it would seriously interfere with the accuracy of the transmission.

Even set off a catastrophic chain, causing precious magic items to be lost in the void.

Although there are mysterious beings like "The Postmaster" who occasionally help these careless spellcasters find treasures lost in the void, they don't help every time.

Therefore, for spellcasters, the more precious the magic item is, the more careful it is.

In fact, when Bu Laike got the news and ran to ambush the Suramar warship, he kept thinking and anticipating how powerful the important items that might exist on this ship were.

But Rao had already made enough mental preparations, and when he actually saw the thing that Fenner was holding up in the cabin, the stinky pirate still took a deep breath.

The magic eyeball on his shoulder looked at the hooded, very low-key demon hunter Maris, and said:

"You actually found this thing, where did you find it?"

"This is the spoils that His Excellency the Victim personally found."

Demon Hunter Mo Calamity said in a calm tone:

"We found Curry, the royal storage of the mad king Torsedrin, hidden by thousands of magic books. I also heard its legend during the War of the Ancients. I thought it was not reality.

But I didn't realize it until I saw it in person.

The rumors are true.

In the age of Queen Azshara, not all elves gave up their resistance, and the ancient monastic school gave everything to create this holy object.

But it's a pity that they entrusted non-human beings, so such a powerful holy object did not leave its own legend on the battlefield of the War of the Ancients. It fell into the hands of the Sin Della elves in Eresalas, but the jade beads were dusty and sealed for ten thousand years.

The mad king dared not use it at all, or even touch it.

Prince Torsedrin, who has long been insane, is also in the power of the elf sword. He knows that he will never be its master. Elisande heard of the sword's birth and immediately demanded that it be sent back to Suramar immediately.

I don't know where the great magister got the confidence to control it, but I think Elisande didn't use it herself, she probably wanted to give this sword to someone. "

"She thinks beautifully!"

Bu Laike strode forward, stretched out his hand to take the strangely shaped sword from Fenner who looked reluctant, he stroked the cold and dark blade, and said:

"It belongs to me! From now on, I will take it with me when I eat and sleep. No one can take my baby away from me unless they step over my dead body."

Bu Laike obviously valued the elven sword in his hand, and he looked at it with obsessive and delighted eyes, which was a complete surprise!

This is probably because he defeated N'Zoth and saved the world, so the world gave him a real "gift".

The shape of this sword is very, very strange, so strange that it doesn't look like a warrior's weapon at all.

Its blade is forked.

It's as if two one-handed swords, one long and one short, are merged into one. Under the smooth and graceful extension of the blade, a strange empty ring is outlined on the hilt.

This gives the sword a "fragile" feel, as if it could shatter at any moment on impact, with the right blade attached to the hilt.

The slightly shorter left blade was suspended above the hollow ring out of thin air.

This gives the sword a touch of fantasy.

The sword body on both sides of its sharp edge is dark gray, engraved with elf runes like patterns, and there is also a unique design on the hilt, a golden gauntlet is molded on the right side, and it is dotted with sword thorns, making it stand in the grid. It can also cause damage to enemies while blocking.

But there is no handguard on the left side, but a claw-like sword emblem extending out, which looks like a pure embellishment.

The hilt is golden in color.

Ten red gemstones are embellished in it, five on the front and five on the back, and red elf rune cloth and animal skin silk thread are wrapped around the hilt of the sword, making it graceful and ensuring that the hand of the sword holder will not slip.

It is folded at the position of the sword and shaped into a prismatic shape like the tail of a phoenix, which seems to indicate that among the casters of this sword are people related to the ancestors of the Quel'dorei.

Although the shape of the sword was strange, it was well balanced. When Bu Laike held it in his hand and waved it casually, a sound of breaking wind echoed in the cabin.

"Elf Excalibur Salamani"

Bu Laike whispered its name, and the entry for the sword was immediately given on the character card:

Name: Salamani

Quality: Excellent·Legendary [Elf Relic]


Superior Stamina. Superior Sharpness. Superior Piercing. Superior Energy Adaptation. Superior Bash. Superior Critical Strike. Superior Swiftness. Never Wear

Item effects:

1. Ripper:

Salamani's unique blade structure makes it unparalleled in lethality. When wielding this sword in combat, all slashing actions have a chance to be accompanied by the effect of [limb splitting].

In the [Holy Sword Awakening] state, this effect will take effect on both blades at the same time.

2. Predators:

The elven hermits who forged the Saramani sword hoped that the sword would become the natural enemy of demons, so they used unparalleled magical skills to create unique characteristics for this sword.

When wielding this sword to fight, all attack actions will be accompanied by [Energy Drain] effect, which will feed back the enemy's energy plunder to the user, so that the sword holder can fight tirelessly.

Until all enemies are beheaded, or you die yourself.

In the [Holy Sword Awakening] state, this effect will take effect on both blades at the same time.

3. Blade of Thousand Changes:

Salamani is made of Titan Iron tempered from the Well of Eternity. This special material not only makes the blade indestructible, but also possesses supreme adaptability to magical energy.

This magic sword can produce special effects in different power forms according to the different power attributes of the sword holder.

Currently known special effects of the Holy Sword of Salamani are as follows:

Warrior·Wrath: Derived from [Brutal] special effects, all anger attacks will have a certain probability of [Instant Death] effect.

Priest·Sacred: Derived [Benevolence] special effect, all attacks will apply [Healing] and [Shield] effects to the sword wielder and companions.

Mage·Arcane: Derived from [Truth] special effect, all attacks will produce magic damage with the same destructive power, and with [Arcane Slash] effect.

4. Holy Sword Awakening:

The reality of Salamani cannot be peeped by the naked eye.

Only the truly strong can obtain the allegiance of the Elf Excalibur and master its core powerful destructive power. If you only think this sword is a sword, then you underestimate it too much.

5. Unfinished Blade:

Salamani was forged in the early days of the War of the Ancients, and the hermits tried their best to create a perfect blade, but this grand idea was a bit too advanced for that era.

The hermits lacked the necessary knowledge, which led to Salamaini's potential not being fully realized.

But this is as far as they can go, and the sword's forge declares that the knowledge that completes the final forging of the Salamani Excalibur does not exist in any physical world.

But even so, this holy sword is deadly enough.

Item description:

You hold it and it looks at you.

It will serve you, but it will not call you.

Not every sword-bearer can be its master, nor does it owe allegiance to every sword-bearer.

It takes more than strength to tame this sword.

It was born with the hope of a world, and only those who are worthy of being able to save or destroy the world can be subdued by the proud Excalibur.

If it cannot find greatness, it prefers to remain anonymous.

This is the blade of beheading, the blade of salvation, the blade of destruction, the blade of roaring, the blade of pride, the blade of sorrow, or the blade of death.

Do you think you are qualified to awaken it?

"Well, it's so eclectic and arrogant, it's completely different from the legendary blades of those coquettish bastards."

After Bo Laike finished reading the item entry, he chuckled and struck the blade with a crisp sound.

He said:

"Very well, Holy Sword, you have attracted my attention."

In fact, it wasn't just Laike himself. When he gripped the sword tightly, other people around him could clearly feel a sense of indifference lingering on the blade.

It may not have a will of its own.

But this sword is obviously very cold and arrogant.

This made Fenner curl her lips and reach out to try to take it from Bo Laike, and the dumb warrior said:

"Isn't it just a sword, making it so mysterious."

"Well, based on your words, you are already disqualified from touching it, my poor blind Fenner."

Bo Laike stretched out Fenner's paws and said:

"Don't touch my baby! It has a temper, be careful when it jumps up and slashes at you."

"whispering sound"

Fenner snorted and turned her head away.

But even if the stupid soldier made a dismissive gesture, she still couldn't hide the curiosity and desire in her eyes. Although she was a bit stupid, she also had her own cleverness.

A weapon so prized by the stinking pirate Bu Laike couldn't possibly be a piece of junk.

Now she regrets calling the pirates over just now, maybe she can hide the sword secretly, and maybe find a way to activate it.

"Don't worry, let's take a look at the other trophies first."

The pirate hung the Elven Excalibur on the weapon belt around his waist, and with the help of Shaw, he opened the boxes with magic locks one by one.

After opening several boxes in a row, Bu Laike finally understood why this batch of treasures had to be transported by boat.

"These pure and unimaginable magic crystals are the fulcrum of the city's defensive enchantment in Elesalas City?"

Bu Laike "looked" over his shoulder at Maris the Calamity, and asked:

"Nightborne doesn't plan to defend that city anymore? The city defense hub that has been maintained for 10,000 years is taken down, and the night elves are simply allowed to touch the city of 10,000 years."

"No, they are very ambitious."

Demon disaster sneered and said:

"Shaldorei has sent many pioneers to that city, they want to rebuild the city that has been dilapidated for ten thousand years. But they hate the disaster that happened in that city.

When I left, they were clearing the city of wraiths.

If you had witnessed the tragedy of that city, you would have made the same choice.

That city had to be cleaned up from top to bottom, otherwise it would be uninhabitable, and the breath of death there was about to form a unique annihilation aura.

Too many people died there, and it even reminded me of the killing fields during the War of the Ancients, but they didn't die by foreign enemies, but by their own hands.

It's the real 'Sin City'.

The night elves hadn't attacked in all this time, probably because of this consideration. They knew what happened in that city, so they had already abandoned their fallen compatriots with bloody hands, and imposed the punishment of self-destruction on them.

All the Sin Della elves in that city have been forcibly sent to Suramar.

It is said that even ambitious men like the Grand Magister were enraged by the horrific crimes they committed against their fellow men, reducing them all to pariah. "

Having said that, the demon hunter sighed, and the ruthless dark walker said softly:

"But even the untouchables of Suramar, the living place, are much better than staying in Elesalas and waiting to die. This is considered a good deed by Elisande."

"Elisande has a conscience? That's the funniest joke I've heard this year."

Bo Laike sneered and opened another box, which was full of ancient elf grimoires. While searching in it, he said:

"Alisande's conscience depends on the interests she seeks. When it suits her interests, she is as perfect as a saint. Once she loses her value, you will see how cruel the great magister is.

It was not for nothing that Azshara valued her back then.

If the environment were changed, someone like Elisande would definitely become a generation of heroes, but unfortunately, her basic skills are too bad, and the nightborn elves are simply a disgrace to the elves.

Even the Quel'dorei are ten thousand times better than them! "

"Hey, speak clearly! What is 'Lian Lian'?"

Fenna, who was born in Quel'Thalas, was dissatisfied. She folded her arms and pouted, saying:

"I know you hate elves, but we Quel'Thalas are not as bad as you say, there are some of us."

"Okay, here you are, good stuff!"

Bu Laike took out a large thick black book from the box and stuffed it into Fenner's hand, and took out a wooden box from the bottom of the box, blew the dust on it, and stuffed it into her arms.


"Go read it, you will know what to do next after reading it. You are really lucky, stupid warrior, I thought this thing was snatched by Elisande long ago.

Didn't expect it to still be here. "

"What is this? I have a big appetite now, don't try to send me away with junk."

With envy, Fenna glanced at the elven sword on Bu Laike's waist, complained, and opened the wooden box in her arms. She has no interest in the book that Bo Laike thrusts her.

Unless it's a wonderful novel written by elves.

Warriors are like this, they don't like to learn knowledge from books.

But when she opened the wooden box in her hand and saw what was inside, she still let out an exclamation:

"This is Quill Della! Isn't it in the hands of the Dawn Seeker? Why is there a dragon-forged blade here? And why is it broken?"

"What an elf husband, how could Mrs. Jinjian give birth to such a stupid girl like you?"

Bu Laike reached out and slammed Fenner on the forehead, opened the book in her arms, pointed to a line of words on it and scolded:

"Read! Read its name correctly, or you will not be entitled to use it."

Fenner screamed, but still read out the words recorded in the book honestly:

"In the name of the guardian dragon army, I bestow the ancient dragon-forged blade on our great and noble elf allies. May the brilliance of the dragon-forged sister swords of Quel Sela and Quel Della shine on the civilization of the elves, and may they last forever Peace. --Life-Binder A Laikestraza"

(end of this chapter)

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