Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 856 186. You Broke It Into Pieces! You Prodigal Son--Add More For Huo Zheng’S Good Brother【1

Chapter 856 186. You broke it into pieces! You prodigal son--add more for the good brother Huo Zheng【1620】

"It turns out that Quell Della also has a sister sword. Your Excellency the Dawnseeker is really a secret and a thief. It is estimated that few people in Quel'Thalas know about this news."

On the magical warship of Suramar that had been wiped out, Fenna read the book from beginning to end, and said to Bu Laike, who was still searching for treasures, as if suddenly enlightened:

"He doesn't know whether he knows it or not."

Bu Laike said without looking up:

"Quel Della and Quel Sela were given to the elves by the dragons to fight the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago. Quel Dorei took them away when they fell out with Kaldorei seven thousand years ago. Quell Della.

I also know that Quill Della also ate ashes for thousands of years in the court of the Sun King, and was accidentally found and activated by Thalorian Dawnseeker.

The Quel'dorei elf who knew the story of the sister swords had died of old age long ago, who could tell him the complete story of this sword? "

"That's right."

Finner nodded.

She caressed the broken blade in the box with joy, and she didn't feel desperate because the dragon-forged blade was broken, because the elven tome in her hand recorded how to repair Quel'sera.

The Xin Della elves who were trapped in the city of Eresalas after the catastrophe are not ordinary. They are probably the only "pure blood" high elves left in the world of Azeroth.

In the era of the Elven Empire, the status of the Sin Della elves far surpassed that of ordinary elves.

Their elven clan is composed of a group of well-informed scholars, dedicated to finding and interpreting various legendary objects and Titan artifacts for Queen Azshara.

There are many cities with the same responsibilities in the age of the elf empire, because the elf ruler of that era, Azshara, was also a very curious elf emperor in addition to his poor taste in clothes.

She has a royal arcanist under her command to collect all kinds of magical objects all over the world for her, and built many hidden cities around the world to study the energy and history behind these strange objects.

Similar to the Sin Della elves of Eresalas, there is also the city of Sandara trapped in the Northrend continent in the cataclysm, but the experience of the Sandara elves is even worse.

In short, after the War of the Ancients, Quel'sera, the dragon-forged blade, fell into the hands of the Sin Della elves, and Quel Della was held by the Quel Dorei elves, which seems to represent the relationship between the two elf clans. friendship.

It was a sympathetic friendship that also respected magic, but was also suppressed by Kaldorei who hated magic.

It is said that when Darth'Remar Sunstrider took the Quel'dorei elves into self-exile, he also made an appointment with the Xin Della elves to run away together, but unfortunately the Xin Della elves finally broke the appointment.

Nobody knows why.

"This book says that to reforge the blade of the ancient dragon, the blood of the dragon king full of power must be used as a material, but where should I go to get the blood of the dragon king?"

Fenner smiled and had a headache again, so she looked at her omnipotent "external brain".

Bo Laike didn't have to look up to feel Fenner's plea.

He sighed and said:

"It is said that the blood of the Dragon King is needed, but the blood of the blood of the Dragon King can also be used. You do your job well, and I will arrange it for you after a while, but to reshape the Broken Blade, you must have a skilled blacksmith.

Don't just ask someone to repair it, it will destroy the sword. "

"it is good!"

Seeing that Bu Laike was helping, Fenner jumped up happily, put the broken sword into her bag, and helped Bu Laike rummage for valuable things.

"quack quack"

The little murloc's cry came from behind them, and the pirate immediately turned his head, knowing that it was the little murloc's miraculous treasure-hunting ability.

The little murloc in the back was poking his head out of a large open box, with a distorted little elf crown and a few strings of jewels slanted on his head.

The treasure hunter murloc held a golden spar in both paws and handed it to Bu Laike. The murloc also had a look of surprise on his face.

Obviously, it was also the first time it had seen such a treasure.

Bu Laike reached out to take it, and found that it was not equipment or magical wonders, but something similar to a soul stone, in which a strong and violent soul was sealed.

The pirate gestured to the people next to him, signaling them to get out of the way, and released the soul in the spar.


Amid the loud neighing of the war horse, a majestic war horse with golden light shining all over its body rushed out of the spar like a ghost. The golden mane burned like a flame, jumping around in the cabin, extremely aggressive.

Bu Laike reached out to stop Fenner who was excitedly going forward to tame it, and threw a scout on it:

Name: Soul of the Ancient Holy Horse

Status: Pure spirit body [can be ridden and requires a special saddle]


This was Queen Azshara's favorite royal steed, but unfortunately died in the cataclysm. It may not miss its master, but it won't just give in to the next person who wants to tame it.

It has gained precious freedom, and it will not give it up easily.

"Hello, Shaw, my brother."

Bu Laike stared at the soul of the divine steed in front of him. He had never seen such a majestic steed. His dark eyes shone with unruliness, like a wise spirit.

He said to Shaw next to him:

"After your little boy king finished his baptism of the Holy Light, I haven't given him a gift yet.

Didn't I say before that I would give you a share of the spoils? How about I give you the soul of this holy horse, and you take it back to flatter your child king or something, so that you can be promoted.

Believe me, your king will be very interested in it.

Look at it, it looks like a spirit body inspired by the holy light, it only needs the special effect of "billion points" to make it a glorious car of a paladin. "

"Well, it's really good."

Xiao Er rubbed his chin, professionally inspected the irritable and energetic soul of the ancient holy horse in front of him, and said:

"It is indeed a very suitable mount for a king, and my majesty will definitely like it very much."

"Then it's settled."

Bu Laike activated the hedron, re-bound it at the slightest bit of dissatisfaction with the soul of the holy horse, tossed it in his hand, and tossed it to Shaw, who caught it in his hand and put it in his arms.

Then he spread his hands towards Bo Laike again and said:

"I've accepted the gift for His Majesty Varian, but what about my share of the spoils? Bo Laike, don't you want to renege on a big pirate like you?"

"Why are you so greedy!"

Bu Laike said dissatisfied:

"I have given you the best thing in the treasure. That is Queen Azshara's favorite royal steed. You can use it to exchange a title with the child king!"

"That's what jesters do. Do you think I look like a jester?"

Shaw pouted and said:

"That's what you said, everyone has a share, and the more you work, the more you get."

"Okay, okay, I can't hurt my brother."

The pirate beckoned to the little murloc, who rummaged through the large box full of odds and ends, finally took out a dark and delicate emblem, and handed it to Bo Laike.

The pirate held it in his hand and glanced at it. He covered his heart in a playful manner with a distressed expression, and handed the royal emblem in his hand to Shaw.

The master of SI:7 held the emblem in his hand, and immediately felt a mysterious force gushing out of it, making his concentration more focused and his movements more precise and deadly.

Xiao Er was born in a family of assassins, and he has seen many good things.

He knew that the royal emblem of Elesalas was indeed extraordinary, so he was satisfied.

He pinned the emblem carefully to the collar of his inner shirt as a modest ornament.

"Pack up all the books in the box and bring them back to Narsalas College, the dean will reward us for snatching valuable knowledge back from the fallen Nightborne.

Knowledge is priceless, idiots.

Take it easy! "

Bu Laike cursed:

"If you dare to damage a book, you will be the dean's test subjects!"

Under the yelling of the pirates, the ghost sailors of the Nagfar had to carry a box with four people, walking carefully so as not to really damage the books.

There are also all kinds of magic materials piled up together, and all the good things that the Night Children scavenged from the city of Eresalas are now cheaper than the stinky pirates.

This business was done perfectly.

"You go back to Tol Barad with us first."

Bu Laike stroked the Elven Excalibur at his waist, and said to the very low-key Maris Calamity in the cloak:

"Hide there, and when my good friend Illidan calls you, I will send you to the assembly point as quickly as possible."

"Where did Lord Illidan go?"

Maris asked:

"Elisanna's message said that he went to the Twisting Void, when will your lord come back?"

"how could I know?"

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"Although I am a prophet, I am not omniscient. For a man as magical as Illidan, I am not surprised that he appears in any place at any time.

After all, according to the information I have received so far, he has already obtained a strategic treasure from the hands of the Burning Legion, and the entire Twisting Nether is allowed to run rampant for him.

But I estimate that the day when he comes back should not be far away.

Be patient, perhaps he will call you soon.

Anyway, the devil can't finish killing. "


Marius Demon Calamity nodded, demon hunters are always very patient.

However, after walking out of the cabin, he asked in a strange low voice:

"B Laike, the demon inside you... is powerful, I can hear it whispering to me when I'm around you."

"Too bad it never spoke to me."

The pirate touched his heart with a sad face and said:

"Since I got it, it's been dumb, it will only silently give me strength, but I can't find anyone to chat with.


Do you also want to try the feeling of sealing the third lord of Nathrezim in your body? "

"I can not."

Marius Demon Disaster shook his head, with a desire, but honestly said:

"I can't control such a powerful demon. It will capture my mind in an instant. Perhaps only a strong man like Lord Illidan can ignore its temptation."

"Don't look down on yourself so much, I think you are also very talented."

Bu Laike laughed, rolled his eyeballs under the blindfold, and said:

"Speaking of which, I do know of a lesser dreadlord who has been hiding somewhere in Azeroth, plotting to create chaos for his evil masters.

That place is a bit far from here, I don't have time to go there, maybe you can take my place.

Stop by to help my mentor. "

"A demon hiding in the world?"

Maris snorted, like a satyr seeing a little beauty, he instantly stiffened, and he said:

"Tell me where it is, and I'll go right away!"

"No rush, I'll take you there when I find a time."

Bu Laike chuckled, these demon hunters, people who are restrained and crazy at the same time, have super execution ability, they really should let the group of lazy fish-hunting ghosts under his command take a good look and learn.

When he came to the deck, the pirate was not in a hurry to return to the ghost ship. In this empty area, he held the handle of Saramani's sword at his waist and drew out the silent elven sword.

Put the sword in front of you with your arms flat.

This scene made Fenna, Shaw and the others stop in place. They looked at Laike in front of them, wanting to see what kind of power the elven sword held by the stinky pirate had.

Bu Laike maintained that posture, and in the quiet moment of nightfall, he poured the power in his body into the long sword in his hand.

Mostly Shadow Forces.

This thing has both the shadow magic of the Warlock and the shadow of the Assassin, two of the powers that have been perfected in the three classes of Laike.

Although it is still a little short of summing up the legendary power, it is enough to prove the path that the pirates walked.

Salamaini was shaking.

It does not deny the infusion of power from Bu Laike.

But it didn't open up its true face to the pirates because of this. It seemed to use power infusion to examine Laike's past, taste his present, and predict his future.

The pirate didn't block his memory either, letting the sword in front of him judge whether he had the strength to hold it.

Drake's memory was quickly browsed, and the stinky pirate even felt the contempt of the sword. Well, the most glorious moment of Drake's life was dying under the breath of the red dragon.

This is what he himself admits.

But soon, the life of the pirate in front of him became wonderful in an instant.

From the water rebirth in the sea area of ​​Khaz Modan, to participating in the slaughter of the orc war, to preventing Gul'dan from betraying Hell, snatching the Nagfar, and playing with the loa gods.

From patrolling the North Sea, helping the fallen demigods, planning shocking events in Dalaran, seriously injuring Deathwing to repel the Burning Legion, and then releasing the elemental lords to attack the ancient gods.

Scenes of legendary experiences are like watching flowers on horseback, like a retrograde life before dying, and like a summary of one's short and wonderful past from beginning to end.

In the end, all the pictures stayed in the present.

"Don't you keep looking forward?"

Bu Laike closed his eyes and whispered:

"Should you feel that there is still a wireless future in my memory, are you scared? My poor Saramani, are you scared by the future fate of you and your sword-bearer?"

He chuckled.

This ridicule made him very dissatisfied with the long sword in his hand, but he was helpless.


Fenner screamed.

Everyone has seen that a dark light group suddenly jumped out of the strange blade gap ring of the Saramani long sword in Braike's hand, as if completely filling up the last strange blank of the long sword. Complete.

That means that the Elven Excalibur has received the power of Bu Laike, and has extended his unique holy sword posture for him:

Assassin/Warlock·Shadow: Derived from [Deceitful] special effects, all attacks have a chance to activate [Shadow Dance] effect, temporarily shaping shadow phantoms, and attacking in coordination with the sword bearer.

In the [Holy Sword Awakening] state, this effect takes effect on the double blades at the same time.

"Then you have only one answer."

Bu Laike whispered:

"Witness me!"


Under the pull of his hands, with a sharp blade hissing, the two-handed fighting sword-style Elf Excalibur Saramani was split in two under everyone's astonished gaze.

Holy Sword Awakens!

The right-hand sword Sharator Ripper slits the sea breeze.

Left-handed sword Eremeni Ravager calls the stars.

Two one-handed swords, one long and one short, drew mysterious and strange shadow blades under the night sky. With the pirate's hands spread out, one left and one right were displayed on both sides of his body.

Like an eagle spreading its wings.

"My God! You broke it!"

In the silence of witnessing the awakening of the holy sword, the screams of the stupid warrior's exasperation were so out of place.

"You prodigal son, you might as well give it to me!"

(end of this chapter)

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