Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 858 188. Be Careful Of Her, Dahai's Daughter--Add More For The Good Brother Huo Zhengti

Chapter 858 188. Be careful of her, the daughter of the sea--add more for the good brother Huo Zhengting [1820]

Bo Laike returned to Tol Barad this time without being greeted by his incompetent subordinates.

There was only Maim and Xieyan waiting there on the pier. The reason was that the subordinates who started with the stinking pirates had already had their own "careers".

The little fox, Udora, has already focused on Wharton Trading Company and started her business career. It is said that she is now running back and forth between several commercial ports in the North Sea and the Eastern Continent, trying to build her own trade network.

Several human captains of the North Sea "Madman Gang" will still be cruising around in the waters of the Northrend continent, strengthening the foundation of the undead pirates' rule over the frozen sea.

The "Pirate King of the North Sea" Anne Bonn sent back a letter last time saying that she was recruiting vrykul and yak people. I heard that the progress is good, and there will be an extra vrykul stormtrooper under Laike's command.

This is a great thing.

Miss Anaris Yuejun, the nightborn pirate leader who has always been hip-shy, was not to be outdone. A week before the Naglfar returned to Tol Barad, she had just led her six ships, and with her powerful The flagship "Moon Commander's Pride" headed to Beihai to support the Gang of Fanatics and train troops by the way.

Even the trio of warlocks who specialize in "flattery" are now forced to separate.

The skinny boy Kanrethad and his disciple Bijuka stayed in Kul Tiras to recruit talented warlock apprentices, and the troll Zalak went to parade in Stranglethorn Vale, also in time for the opening season of Nathalas College Recruit enough troll apprentices before arriving.

Xieyan also wants to establish his own warlock power, but he is an orc.

As we all know, green skins have no human rights in the Eastern Continent, and if he dares to go out, he will face hunting.

And now most of the orcs have been gathered in Black Rock Mountain.

Red Blackhand took the search for orcs with warlock talent as a "political mission", so the orc warlocks didn't need Xieyan to find them in person, they would be sent by Red on his own initiative.

The ones who were sent here were not only warlock apprentices, but also some skilled orc warriors. The elites were selected from various clans. They were called "to gain prestige for the orthodox tribe", but they were actually sent to Red's younger brother Maim. Be an armed sailor.

Oh, that rough guy Reid knows how to love his brother.

The Great Chief, who finally gained a firm foothold in Blackstone Mountain, began to "feed back" Bu Laike's career, making the orc "Blackstone Fleet" just established by Maim full of energetic and fearless greenskins.

To sum up, even though Laike is not in Tol Barad, his pirate career is still thriving. The reason may be that Laike has laid a good foundation.

After surviving the most difficult "entrepreneurship stage", this "pirate trust" finally had the ability to generate blood by itself and entered the stage of expansion.

"This magic barrier is really wonderful. With it, Tol Barad is impenetrable."

On the ghost ship that was slowly approaching the shore, Mrs. Catherine was still looking back at the great enchantment of shadows of leaves covering this sea area, and she praised the defense system of her son's territory.

But did not appreciate the pirate career under Laike's command.

Because there is nothing to praise.

As the queen of Kul Tiras, Madam Catherine is well aware of the biggest disadvantage of the pirate business. The main reason why the Undead Fleet is thriving now is because the pirates have a good boss.

The existence of Bu Laike Shaw is the only core that condenses the undead fleet, and his reputation allows him to easily overcome all kinds of complaints and dissatisfaction of his subordinates.

But as long as Bu Laike Shaw encounters failure or unfortunately dies, the undead pirates who seem to be developing rapidly now will instantly fall into split internal strife.

In particular, Bu Laike gave them the right to freely form an outer fleet, which quickly expanded the power of a group of pirate veterans who followed Bu Laike to "strike the country".

Who wants to be inferior to others?

As long as the core of the fleet loses its ability to suppress, from Madam Catherine's vicious eyes, the undead fleet will instantly split into several forces, large and small.

It doesn't even need to be oppressed by foreign enemies.

They themselves will fight over the "Bro Laike's legacy".

"Your faction of the Uncrowned has been underutilized, and the Assassins who were so devoted to you and instilled in you with high ambitions could have done more.

They should be your eyes, your fingers, your chains.

They can change the world for you, or bind loyalty for you. "

When stepping on the dock, Mrs. Catherine, with nine rings on her hand, watched the lively and chaotic scene on the dock, as well as the chaotic and vibrant buildings in Losberg Town in the distance.

She whispered to Bo Laike beside her:

"I know you don't care about people's hearts, and you don't insist on loyalty. Throughout history, all the founding monarchs have this kind of thinking. They are confident that their charisma can overwhelm everything.

But if you want a power to have long-term stability, then a set of laws and regulations that work from top to bottom are necessary.

Every fleet and ship under your command should have at least two Assassins of the Uncrowned lurking among the crew, an extension of your rule.

They can see every aspect of your pirate kingdom for you, and can also "enforce loyalty" for you when necessary.

As your captains realize the cost of betrayal, their greed will give way to reason. My child, you don't believe that humanity is right.

But that skepticism can also be your weapon. "

"Well, that's why I don't like politics."

Bu Laike curled his lips and said:

"I just used them as cannon fodder and never talked to them so that I would not feel guilty when I abandoned them. But my mother insisted that I treat them as my subjects.

Mother, you should know that every point of loyalty is a responsibility to the monarch. The so-called loyalty is actually a 'two-way contract'. No matter how crazy the subjugated monarch is, he will feel pressure and condemnation because of this. "

"You describe yourself as ruthless, yet you have more emotions inside than any king I've ever seen."

Lady Catherine's gentle helper Laike adjusted her collar, and she said softly:

"You know that you can't give up on them, and they also know this, so they follow you willingly. I don't know whether to say that you are careless or that you have no plans.

You don't need to be loyal.

But you bind them with affection, which is the perfect governance that every king desires to see.

However, this can be done when there are few people, but the number of people under your command will only increase. "

"I will make Moros serve you, mother."

Bu Laike smiled and said:

"He has the right to mobilize part of the uncrowned recruits."


Lady Catherine nodded, and continued:

"When your warlock faction has a large number of people, they can also become another force directly under your control. There are so many cards in your hand, which makes me full of confidence in my future career as governor.

With the dominance you've shown, even if you were to take over as king of Kul Tiras right now, you'd be better than Daelin. He's just a reckless warrior, and he knows how to run a country.

Still my son is better. "

"You'll spoil me with compliments like this, mother."

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"You should be tougher on your child if you want him to be successful."

After finishing speaking, the smelly pirate waved to Maim and Xieyan. The two greenskins strode forward and were about to say hello to the captain, when they suddenly heard Braike pointing at the human woman wearing the Nightborne magic mask Say:

"This is the Governor of Tol Barad I appointed. She will be responsible for ruling our core area. In the event that I am unable to command, she will have the power to appoint the 'Pirate Council' to govern and govern the undead pirates and subordinate areas. command."


Meme and Xieyan exchanged glances, doubt and astonishment were seen in all three eyes.

Is this the captain preparing to train a new confidant? Give back so much power? Who is this woman? It looks like she is in her forties. Although she is well maintained, she is old enough to be a mother to Bu Laike.

Tsk tsk, the captain originally liked this tune.

Huh. So perverted.

"I don't even need to guess, I know what disgusting things you are thinking."

Bu Laike swung his foot, kicked Xieyan's ass, and punched Maim in the chest again, beating up the two greenskins, and then whispered to them:

"This is my mother. You should respect her like your own mother."

"Ah, so it's my mother!"

Xieyan knelt down smoothly, knelt down on one knee in front of Madam Catherine, and said flatteringly:

"It is the glory of all undead pirates that this broken place can welcome your rule, we will dedicate our loyalty and execute all your orders!

For those who are dissatisfied, I am absolutely willing to chop off the heads of those bastards for you. "

Mame is not as shameless as the evil eye.

He still needs face. This orc with terrible burns on his face straightened his back and beat Catherine on his chest, representing obedience to orders.

Lady Catherine was human.

She didn't have much affection for orcs, but Her Majesty the Queen was a mature ruler. She concealed her distaste for green skins, raised her hand and waved to signal that she knew.

"Your Excellency Governor, I'm going to the South Island. You can go with me. Narsalas College is also there."

Bu Laike gestured to Xieyan, and the orc warlock ran out immediately, and not long after, he drove a black carriage with an unremarkable appearance to the pier.

Bo Laike opened the door and invited Lady Catherine, Fenner and Shaw into the car.

There is a hidden hole in this carriage. As Onyxia prepares a luxury carriage for herself, the constant space expansion inside makes it as big as an apartment.

Even Her Majesty the Queen, who is well-informed, is the first time to see such a luxurious and restrained luxury.

"It will be your car from now on."

Bo Laike sat on the sofa of the moving carriage, took out a bottle of fine wine from the nearby wine cabinet, bit off the cork, and said to Madam Catherine who was admiring this magical artwork:

"Anyway, I, a pirate who is always drifting at sea, don't need such luxurious gadgets. As a pirate governor, you must pay more attention when you travel.

Extravagance is also a way of showing strength.

And what I want to remind you is that there are many orcs under my command. I know it is difficult for you to trust them. I don't care if they are suppressed, but I still hope that they can be treated fairly.

In the profession of pirate captain, fairness is the cornerstone of governance, and discrimination will only breed unnecessary rebellion. "

"I know."

Mrs. Catherine was also sitting on the sofa opposite Bo Laike. She took the glass from Fenner and said to her son:

"In your words, I will treat them as talking tools. I am here to help you, son, you don't have to worry about me messing up your rule.

That would just bring our mother-son relationship to an awkward standoff. "

"I trust your wisdom, mother."

Bu Laike took a sip of his wine and said:

"I also believe that you hope that the Proudmoore family's rift will be repaired, rather than creating a new rift. In this regard, I have no doubts."

Half an hour later, the carriage drove into the South Island. Bu Laike and Fenna got off halfway to go to the Great Forge, and Lady Catherine and Shaw went to Nazaras College.

The former is going to visit Dean Lanyue, while the latter is going to receive his "task reward". All the seals of master assassins are stored with Dean Lanyue.

"I think your trust in Lady Catherine came too soon."

Fenner, riding on her mechanical leopard, complained to Bu Laike:

"You didn't accept me so quickly at the beginning. Calling me sister is as uncomfortable as killing you, but you are very willing to call me mother."

"You even eat this vinegar?"

Riding on the back of the sky, Bo Laike let the hippogryph gallop like a war horse, brushed his forehead, and said helplessly in a drawn out voice:

"What can I do? Blood is an inseparable bond. Lady Catherine gave me her love without reservation. I am not a stone without feelings.

Although there are other reasons, she really wants to protect her lost and found son. "

"Are you not afraid that she will play tricks on you?"

Fenna Arch Fire says:

"She and Dai Lin are of the same heart. This is what my mother said. She said that she has no confidence in shaking Mrs. Catherine's position in Dai Lin's heart."

"Not afraid."

Bu Laike pointed to his eyes and said:

"I am a prophet, and I know how Catherine treats her children. In the future clips I have seen, she can even forgive the rebellious daughter who killed Dai Lin with her own hands, accept her without reservation, and love her.

She is a true mother, and to her, family comes first. "

"Huh? Killed Dai Lin's rebellious daughter with your own hands?"

Hearing this, Fenner immediately regained her spirits.

She said triumphantly:

"It must be me, right? In some future, did I kill Dailin with my own hands? Ha, it's me. It can't be Jaina, can it?

She is so good and loves her parents more than anything.

Even if the world collapses, I don't believe that she will raise the butcher's knife to her relatives. "

This inexplicable triumph caused the magic eye on Bo Laike's shoulder to glance at Fenner.

He was silent for a few seconds, sighed and said:

"Well, that's right, in the future I saw, you killed Dai Lin. Little Jaina is as kind and amiable as she appears, and she has always been a good child."

(end of this chapter)

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