Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 859 189. You Can Always Come Up With Some New Tricks For Me--Add More For The Good Brother H

Chapter 859 189. You can always come up with some new tricks for me——add more for the good brother Huo Zhengting【1920】

"This is the sword you want!"

In the large forge in the hidden place of the South Island, Muradin Bronzebeard, who had already packed his bags and was about to leave, drank heavily, pointed to a giant sword covered with cloth on the sword stand in front of him and said:

"Forged according to your requirements, the shape is violent and exaggerated, the main body is source quality steel, and thorium and arcanite ingots are melted as fillings, so that while it is guaranteed to be strong, its energy applicability and lethality are equally astonishing.

It is no exaggeration to say that this sword is one of the most perfect masterpieces in my forging career.

Unfortunately, it is not complete and needs a final quench. "

Muradin stroked his beautiful beard, looked at the big sword in front of him with a nasty look at his children, and said in a regretful tone:

"There are only a few places in this world that are qualified to quench it, but those are the places where an old dwarf like me would feel his scalp go numb just thinking about it.

So while I'd love to see it actually get done, I don't want to dedicate my powers to you stinking pirate. "

Hearing this, Bo Laike curled his lips.

He didn't immediately pull away the sword cloth in front of him, but turned his head and said to Muradin:

"You should have left ten days ago, why did you wait until I came back? Your brother Brian is already on the boat to Booty Bay, and he should have written to you.

Are you not going to pick him up? "

"My big brother sent someone to wait for him in the goblin's city. As soon as the troublemaker comes back, he will be escorted back to Ironforge. His letters to me are full of complaints, saying that he has discovered true greatness in the desert of Voldun relics.

Also insulting me and big brother is hindering him from contributing to this world. "

Muradin sat on the wooden box next to him, drinking and complaining:

"That bastard thought we didn't know what he was doing in Wharton, that strange loa Shendu called Old Ghani was about to be driven mad by him, it is said that he sneaked into the snake people's empire and was almost captured as a slave .

He also somehow provoked a group of blood troll barbarians, and was almost eaten as a barbecue.


It is a headache to have such a brother in the family. "

The Bronzebeard Prince complained loudly about his stinky brother, this emotion was empathized by Fenna next to her, and she kept nodding her head, and her impression of this irascible old dwarf was much better.

And facing another question from Bu Laike, Muradin gave him a glare and said:

"To be honest, I came here to forge iron for you, but I was actually resisting in my heart. I thought it would be fine to mess with it, but you, an ignorant and stinky pirate, can't tell the real good stuff anyway.

But then, I heard about what you guys were doing in Kul Tiras.

Although you are still the stinky pirate with a rough mouth, but how do you say it? You are, after all, doing something for a good cause, though you certainly have your own nefarious plots.

But doing it is doing it.

After I knew what happened over there, I decided to finish this job well

I assure you that the various forged products you commissioned from me are absolutely perfect things that I have devoted 100% of my energy to create.

This is also worthy of your reward. "

"Good guy! Are you afraid of being beaten to death by me when you say this?"

Bu Laike was so angry that he rolled up his sleeves and wanted to teach the stinky dwarf a lesson. He cursed:

"You still want to make it crudely! You don't have any craftsman skills, let me use that kind of inferior product to go to the battlefield, are you trying to kill me? Maybe I should burn all your beards!"

"you dare!"

Regarding his beloved beard, Muradin also became irritable, drank the wine in his hand, stood on the wooden box with his warhammer, and shouted to Bo Laike:

"Come on! Smelly pirates, let's see who is stronger!"

"Wow, I love this sword!"

When Party A and Party B were arguing, Fenna, who was next to her, had already slipped to the sword stand, stretched out her hand and lifted the sword cloth covering the giant sword, and a violent silver-gray single-edged sword appeared in front of her eyes.

As Azeroth's leading legendary blacksmith, Muradin's skills are absolutely outstanding. This time, he felt that the stinky pirates did some "good things" in Kul Tiras, so he carefully forged it to make the finished product even more powerful. .

In the semicircular depression at the front end of the straight sword body, the forged and extended Atama crystal bloomed with gentle light, endowing the heavy sword with golden lines.

Even if it hasn't been tempered yet, so that the power can really be pressed into the body of the sword, but this simple and elegant shape has already made it show its edge.

Fenner cheered and grabbed the hilt of the epee, and lifted it up easily with both arms.

She made a few slashing and blocking postures in a decent manner, carried it on her shoulders again, turned her head and said to Bu Laike and Muradin who were looking at her:

"Hey, how much does it cost to buy this knife? I want it!"

"Put it down, that's not for you."

Bu Laike says:

"The power attribute of that sword does not match yours. You should feel it. It is a weapon of the Holy Light."

"Yes, it is a weapon of the Holy Light."

Fenner said indifferently:

"But it can also be powered by the power of Tyr, and voila!"

The moment Tyr's divine power in the stupid warrior's body was activated, the golden lines on the blazing epee quickly ignited into silver flames, almost wrapping the sword in the divine power flames.

But as Bu Laike said, this sword is forged with the sacred object of holy light, and it does not carry the power of anger, so it is difficult to get the blessing of anger in Fenner's hands.

It can only be used as a hole card against fallen creatures at critical moments, and cannot be used in daily battles.

"This little girl who looks like a stick has supernatural power in her body? Ah, my beard is on top."

Muradin exclaimed when he saw the epee being driven.

Bu Laike shrugged, although this sword was not made for Fenner to use, but seeing that Fenner could use it, he felt a little more at ease.

Anyway, there was still some time before this sword was "sold", so it would be good for Fenna to hold it during this period, so as to save myself, my idiot sister, from coveting the Elven Excalibur in her hand all the time.

She even sneaked into Bo Laike's captain's quarters last night and tried to steal Saramani, can you believe it? A warrior who sneaks into a master assassin's room to steal.

It's a joke in the world.

"What's the name of this sword?"

Fenner came over with the epee and asked Bu Laike.

The pirate shook his head, stretched out a finger and said:

"It is not for us to name such a weapon destined for greatness.

They already had their own names at the moment of their birth. As a sword bearer, you have to communicate with it, and you have to let it tell you its name willingly, which represents its obedience and your taming. "

"What pirate nonsense are you talking about?"

This kind of statement made Muradin scoff. As a blacksmith master, he certainly knew that the pirates were blowing their noses.

A weapon is a weapon, unless those miraculous things generate their own will, how can there be such a mysterious process? Do you really think this is a drop of blood to recognize the Lord?

But the stinky pirate's nonsense made Fenner nod her head deeply.

She stroked the silver giant blade in her hand, and said thoughtfully:

"Is it the same as the Salamani in your hand? It's like calling out its name on the sea to awaken the holy sword? Is this sword as powerful as Salamani?"

"Well, the same powerful, same great."

Bu Laike stretched out his finger and touched the cold blade of the silver giant blade in Fenner's hand. He said:

"This is also a weapon for the savior of the world. It is not complete yet, and it is still sleeping, but after we finish quenching it, you can try to find its name.

The moment you call out its name, it is destined to be used by you, but I guess you are not its real owner, it always has a heart for the Holy Light.

You wouldn't give up the Way of Wrath just for a sword, would you? "

"That's definitely more than that."

Fenner waved her hand, stroked the silver giant blade in her hand with joy, and said:

"But as a soldier, I am lucky enough to be able to wield such a weapon in combat, and I am not greedy for more. Well, it has been decided, and I will hold it when I eat, sleep and bathe in the future.

Until it meets the real owner, I will give it my 'friend' with blessings and start its true legend. "

"Hey, little girl, don't be tempted by pirate nonsense, listen to what you Muradin Uncle said, a weapon is a weapon, there are not so many mysterious things."

The dwarf jumped around and said:

"This Bo Laike, that mouth is the most deceitful.

A good girl like you should stay away from him quickly, if you are held hostage by him, just blink your eyes, you Muradin Uncle will risk his life to take you out. "

"Short! You are not allowed to scold my stinky brother! I can only scold him!"

Fenner yelled fiercely at the nosy dwarf, and said to him with a sense of pride:

"You dwarf's eyelids are too shallow, I am not bewitched by him, I have seen it with my own eyes, great holy objects have their own names.

You are a stinky blacksmith who knows a shit weapon!

Bu Laike, hurry up and 'break your chopsticks' to open his eyes. "

Fenner didn't know what "chopsticks" were.

The gourmands of Azeroth haven't shown up yet, after all, but she's learned the phrase from Bu Laike, and she'll use it now.

All of a sudden, the pirate's hole cards were exposed, and seeing Muradin's face full of disbelief, the stinky pirate rolled his eyes under the blindfold and said to him:

"It's okay to open your eyes, but Muradin, you have to do one more thing for me."

Bu Laike secretly kicked Fenner, the foolish warrior would be blessed, and quickly took out the box containing Quel'sera's broken blade, and placed it in front of the dwarf.

Muradin opened the chest and gasped when he saw the shard of the Dragonforged Blade.

As a legendary blacksmith, he could tell that the Broken Blade was extraordinary at a glance. He put aside the flagon in his hand, rubbed his hands together, picked up Quel Serra's Broken Blade with both hands, and put it in front of his eyes for a closer look.

After a few minutes, the dwarf blacksmith breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"You want me to help you reshape this elven holy sword? I sense the power of dragon fire in it, and I can restore it with source quality steel, but I can't change the inner dragon power out of thin air."

"This we will prepare."

Bu Laike said with a smile:

"How long would it take you to reshape it?"

"There are no suitable tools here."

Muradin stroked his beard and said:

"I have to bring it back to Ironforge, and use the elemental forging method in the great melting furnace to restore it perfectly. I am not very proficient in this ancient elf empire's forging method, but my big brother has studied it. An ancient method.

Our two brothers join hands, and it will take about half a month to reshape it.

But what about the price?"

"I told you to open your eyes, that's the reward for this job."

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"Trust me, what you will see will greatly expand your blacksmithing attainments, and may even allow you to break through your current narrow concept of forging."

"Tch, I don't believe it."

The bearded Muradin snorted and said:

"I really think I haven't seen anything? I have forged more than one legendary weapon. I believe that there are more powerful blacksmiths than me in this world, but if you say that you can reshape my forging philosophy, I will Do not believe!

You pirate can brag, you"


Salamaini jumped into the hands of the pirates in the next instant.

The moment when Bu Laike crossed the semicircle with both hands, under the gentle pull of the pirate, the epee spread like an eagle's wings, splitting into two strangely shaped one-handed swords in an instant.

But the power of the divine sword was not interrupted because of this, but each showed its magical powers because of the awakening of the holy sword.


Muradin's beard was ripped off abruptly by him.

But at this moment, the dwarf blacksmith could no longer care about his precious beard. He stared dumbfounded at the elven sword that separated and closed in front of him, as if his world view had been impacted.

Indeed, in terms of the dwarves' superb forging concepts, they can basically guess all the weapons in this world at a glance, but the sword in front of them...

"Bring it to you!"

Roaring, Muradin rushed forward and snatched Salameni from the pirates. He held the sword like a peerless treasure, and tried to break it off like a pirate.

The result is a matter of course.

The legendary dwarf warrior tried his best, but he couldn't separate the sword even the slightest bit. Fenner, who was watching, hugged her belly and laughed.

This is what she wants to see.

"How is it? Have you opened your eyes?"

Bu Laike asked cheaply beside him.

Muradin didn't answer, he stared obsessively at the elven sword in front of him, and in the reflection of the flames of the great forge, Prince Bronzebeard murmured something that others couldn't understand.

After being hurriedly urged by the pirates, he simply shouted:

"Help me send a letter to my big brother, I'll be back later, it may take a week. You two get out, close the big forge, I want to study this sword


Take your rewards and get out! "

"The reward for reshaping Quel'Sera?"

Bu Laike asked again.

Muradin said impatiently:

"It's free for you, okay? This knowledge is invaluable to Ironforge, and you have no idea what it means to a blacksmith.

My big brother and I have been trying to forge a handful of dwarf relics, and we never got the hang of it, but now we do.

Dwarves will also have their own magic hammer

It will be forged by myself.

supreme glory"

(end of this chapter)

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