Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 861 191. Embrace Death

Chapter 861 191. Embrace Death

"A letter came from Blackrock Mountain this morning, which caused a conflict between orcs and humans in the Burning Plains and Redridge Mountains. Fortunately, no one was killed.

I also know that Red Blackhand's large-scale gathering of orcs in Blackrock Mountain has put a lot of pressure on Stormwind City, but I think it's better not to start the war lightly.

The Kingdom of Stormwind was almost destroyed, and national reconstruction was more important than expelling the orcs. "

On the docks of Tol Barad, next to a Wharton Trading Company cargo ship bound for Booty Bay, Bo Laike was seeing off his brother who had just completed the "Trial of the Master".

He didn't say too much about his plan to Xiao Er, he just said like comforting or complaining:

"As for those green skins, they will disappear sooner or later, just like magical magic, just like they suddenly appeared in Azeroth, they will disappear suddenly one day.

Don't worry about them at all. "

"Even if you say that, it's hard for me to feel relieved."

Xiao Er shook his head and complained:

"That's the orcs. They almost overthrew the orcs in the eastern kingdom. It's not the kobolds or murlocs who have no deterrent power. They gather in the Burning Plains on a large scale and are a real threat to the Kingdom of Stormwind.

Although you have been referring to my king as a child, you should know that His Majesty Varian is a good ruler, and he will not turn a blind eye to this hidden danger.

This is out of my control.

You must know that his father died at the hands of orcs, and our country was destroyed by orcs once. In fact, even if the king wants to shift the center of rule to national construction first, the people will not agree.

Especially over there in the Red Ridge Mountains"

The commander-in-chief of SI7 sighed and said:

"And are you sure you can control those aggressive greenskins? How long has it been stable, and they have started to send scout wolf cavalry towards the Redridge Mountains again."

"I'll take care of this."

Bo Laike was smoking a dwarven pipe, rubbing his chin in thought for a moment, and he said:

"Give me another six months, if you still regard the orcs as the biggest threat, then I promise to withdraw and let your child king command the army to fight the orcs again.

I will never interfere. "

"Six months? Are you sure?"

Shaw asked back.

"Well, if my 'prophecy' is correct, something big will happen within six months."

Bu Laike nodded seriously and said:

"I suggest that you also start preparing for the battle. Don't frown, I'm serious, if I withdraw my power from Blackrock Mountain, it means that I give up the greenskins.

And without my support, the orcs in Black Rock Mountain will be completely out of food in two months at most.

Either they attack the Dark Iron dwarves in Shadowforge.

Or restart the war.

Don't worry, when the time comes, I will stand firmly on the side of my compatriots and beat up the disobedient green-skinned bastards. If things really come to that point, I will support you secretly. "

"I do believe you can do it."

Shore was not surprised by the fact that Laike "accidentally" revealed the truth, and he responded with the calmness that an intelligence chief should have.

Then he put on his hat with his suitcase in his hand, walked up the steps like an ordinary businessman, and waved goodbye to Bo Laike.

A few minutes later, the ship controlled by the Foxman crew slowly left the port. They played the flags of the Wharton Trading Company and Booty Bay on the ship and sailed out of the dock.

A group of drunken pirates were fighting on the pier. In order to snatch the drink discount of today's "Tavern Boxer", each of them wished to knock the person who drank with them to death in the mud.

For these drunks, Bo Laike has nothing to do with it.

If they weren't so nasty fighting in the mud, maybe Boo Laike, the veteran alcoholic, would have gotten involved and knocked out every alcoholic and brawler.

Speaking of which, it's been a long time since I participated in an exciting tavern brawl.

Otherwise, when is it time to relax at the Black Iron?


Bo Laike was about to leave the pier when the magic eye on his shoulder caught some specially dressed guys unloading a "corpse" from the Naglfar.

And among a group of stinky pirates who were drinking and fighting, a guy with a researcher temperament suddenly appeared, completely standing out from the crowd, as attractive as a bald head suddenly appearing in the crowd.

Made Bo Laike stop and moved over there.

At this time, Mr. Kel'Thuzad, a senior researcher majoring in the Necromancer faction in Narsalas College, was comforting his kitten. Mr. Bigworth was just startled by the tragic appearance of the dying elf in front of him.

It is like a little one who is frightened and crying, meowing and needing the comfort of the big daddy.

But Kel'Thuzad would not be able to take care of petting his beloved kitten, because he was also attracted by the strange injury of the elf in front of him.

This elf is obviously a strong man.

Her muscular tissue is very developed but has not been alienated due to over-training, her blood is full of magic power, and her bones are very well-proportioned. She is almost the most fit and handsome injured person that Mr. Senior Researcher has ever seen.

However, the skin on her body showed a strange situation of new life after being burned and it was difficult to heal.

Logically speaking, the self-healing power of such a strong person is very strong.

Ordinary burns, even injuries that burn the skin of the whole body, will slowly heal after a long period of cultivation, but this black-skinned elf seems to have a fire burning in his body all the time.

The flame tried to destroy her existence, but her strong desire to survive stimulated the continuous recovery of her body.

Her body has been in a state of destruction and rebirth, and it has been maintained for several days, until now because of mental exhaustion, it is really impossible to continue, so the destruction gradually gained the upper hand.

The sprite is being "obliterated".

Not an exaggeration.

Kel'Thuzad stretched out his fingers and pinched the arm of the dying black elf in front of him. The burned tissue turned into fly ash and dissipated as soon as it separated from the body.

This was something he had never seen in the past thirty years of learning magic.

"Can she?"

Beside Kel'Thuzad, Ilysanna Ravencrest, who was the second tutor of the "Demonology and Demon Defense Course" of Nazaras College, asked a question in a tone mixed with regret and anxiety.

Kel'Thuzad didn't answer.

He is a rigorous researcher and spell caster, and he will not give any guarantees to others without conducting experiments and supporting data.

He stroked the kitten on his shoulder, stood up straight, patted the dust on his fingers, and looked at the dying elf on the stretcher in front of him. Say:

"Send her to my laboratory, and I will conduct a preliminary test on her. If her resonance with the power of death can reach a satisfactory level, then I will apply to Dean Lanyue for transformation.

But you'd better not get too confident. "

The indifferent male mage glanced at Elisanna, who was wearing a black blindfold, but looked weak and silent overall. His eyes lacked the sense of amazement that normal men see when they see a sick elf. His eyes were like looking at a corpse in peace. almost.

He said calmly:

"You are also one of the researchers of the project. The death knight's career system theory was finalized a month ago, but the 19 experimental data collected in this month are very disappointing.

Perhaps our theories are too advanced, and the world is not yet ready for the chaos of "life and death".

I can't find words to comfort you from any angle, and I can't tell you that this elf will make it through, she looks like your friend.

I've lost friends too, and that feeling... well, it hurts like pricking your finger.

This is really a pity. "

Despite his reassuring words, the tone of his voice really made one suspect that Mr. Kel'Thuzad was just doing it purely to deal with the human interaction he hated.

"Yo, what are you talking about?"

Bu Laike's voice suddenly sounded beside the two of them.

But it didn't frighten the two of them. Immediately upon seeing him appear, Elisanna Ravencrest stood up and saluted Laike.

And Kel'Thuzad still maintains that cold-faced evil star attitude.

Just raised his hand and slapped Boo Laike's paw away trying to pet his beloved cat, he didn't want others to touch Mr. Bigworth.

This kitten is his lifeblood.

Even if the man in front of him offered him a position where he could display his true "talent".

But you treat me well, should I kneel and lick you?

You have given me the opportunity to realize the value of life, shall I allow you to touch my kitten?

Don't think about it!

Bo Laike was not angry either.

He knew better than anyone else how dark the guy in front of him was after being cut open. In fact, His Excellency Kel'Thuzad's current behavior was already very embarrassing to Bu Laike.

After all, you didn't reward the stinky pirates for dying and withering at the moment of meeting, right?

"Hey, I'm already a senior researcher. Sure enough, gold shines everywhere. Nazaras College really found a treasure."

Bu Laike glanced at the badge on Kel'Thuzad's chest, and said:

"Is this to select samples for the experimental project?"


Kel'Thuzad nodded with carelessness, and then pointed to the "corpse" at his hand.

And Elisanna Ravencrest took the initiative to explain:

"Aluriel helped me before. In fact, if it wasn't for her, I might have died in the war in Dalaran. Although she is loyal to Elisande, she is not a bad person.

She is just blindly pursuing power, and she is very unwilling to admit defeat. "

"I didn't say she was a bad person."

The pirate glanced at Aluriel, the elf swordsman who was seriously injured beside him, and said:

"If it wasn't for her accidental appearance on that ship, and the unlucky encounter with us testing a new type of weapon, she wouldn't have been injured so badly.

However, it is also feasible to use her as the experimental subject of the death knight.

Anyway, judging from the damage caused by the purification energy in her body, even if you don't take her away, she will end her 'young' life in pain.

Three days at most, and she will die.

Save this poor child, or give her a good time.

She has been in pain for too long. "


Kel'Thuzad nodded and waved his staff lightly.

Several silent and tall armored orcs lifted the dying Aluriel onto the magic carpet, and then levitated under Kel'Thuzad's own control.

Bu Laike's attention fell on the silent armored orcs, and the pirate asked in a low voice:

"Is that a failure of the 'Death Knight' research project?"

"They are the more successful ones among the failed ones."

Elisanna, who is also a researcher of this project, replied in a low voice:

"Master Kel'Thuzad personally presided over their 'resurrection', according to the theory compiled by Dean Lanyue, we strictly implemented every step, and the aura of death filled their corpses and awakened them from silence.

But unfortunately, we only awakened their bodies, and their souls have already gone to another world.

But even so, the fighting ability of these failed products can still be compared to when they were alive."

"This won't work! It's still far away!"

Kel'Thuzad, who was sitting on the magic carpet, suddenly shook his head and said:

"If it's just this kind of combat power, wouldn't it be better to keep them alive? Why bother? Death knights are a hidden profession.

Represents a path of strength.

What we give is the key to the powerful, rather than simply 'resurrecting from the dead'. There are too many ways to achieve this effect, and there is no need to spend so much trouble.

You don't want your father to get a weak body after waking up from the long chaos, do you?

He is the most powerful warrior and lord of the Elf Empire. Even if he is commanding the army of death, he should be one of the most dangerous figures in this world. "

Kel'Thuzad's words made the pirate nodded deeply, and he said to the silent elf in front of him:

"That guy is annoying, and people can't help but want to beat him, but he's right. Either don't do it, or be perfect, you should understand this truth."

Elisanna nodded.

The reason why she is willing to participate in this "blasphemy of life and death" project is to wake up her father from the pain and give him free choices.

Instead of enslaving him forcibly like Elisande.

"Do you recognize this sword?"

Bo Laike glanced at the belongings that Aluriel had left in place.

Picking up a golden ornate magic blade, when the pirate's finger touched the sword, a scorching breath of evil energy came from it.

Let the pirate frowned.

He knocked on the blade of the sword and asked Irisana in front of him, who had a sad expression on her face and said:

"I know, and I will never forget the scene of my father dying by this sword, which has been a nightmare for me for ten thousand years. Varothen, the bastard who was loyal to Azshara!

He used this cursed sword to assassinate my father. "

"That's really 'commemorative'."

Bu Laike chuckled lightly, and the entry of the magic blade quickly appeared in front of his eyes:

Name: Legacy of Ravencrest

Quality: Excellent · Epic

Attribute: slightly

special effects:

1. Seiko work:

This sharp blade is a weapon that Queen Azshara ordered her court craftsmen to forge for her most loyal and brave captain of the guard, Varothen, in order to reward Varosen for his loyalty and love for the queen.

The meticulous work of the court craftsman made this sword extremely sharp and strong.

2. Blazing Demon Blade:

In addition to being an elven swordsman, Valothen is also a master of magic. His sharp blade can activate the flame cover and cause fire equivalent to physical damage.

When slashing, it will be accompanied by [Flame Shock], which will cause a lot of piercing damage to the enemy and leave the effect of [Armor Break].

Item description:

Varothen loved Azshara deeply, but he didn't dare to do anything to the queen.

He had a lot of dark thoughts in his heart, and even secretly forged magic chains, fantasizing about wrapping his love chains around the queen every day, and stabbing his scorching sword into the queen's body.

Unfortunately, Malfurion Stormrage's blow to the dragon's back knocked him down forever.

He'll never have that chance.

"Clang, clang"

The smelly pirate knocked on the magic blade, and the pleasant sound in his ears made him squint his eyes. He said to the dejected Elisanna:

"Actually, Varosen is not 'dead' yet."


The demon hunter's expression instantly became ferocious, and she asked:

"Where is the murderer?"

"Varosen died at the hands of Malfurion before the world fell apart, but you must know that the explosion of the Well of Eternity created many ancient wraiths, which have been wandering in the ruins of Azshara for nearly ten thousand years.

The elves never go anywhere, so it is difficult for them to see the true masks of those wraiths. "

Bu Laike handed the magic blade in his hand to Elisanna, and he said:

"But as far as I know, Captain Valothen is also very good after death. He led a group of undead ghosts to wander in the old palace, longing to see his beloved queen again.

But I don't recommend you to kill him, it doesn't make any sense.

He needs to 'live' to suffer.

Go ahead and use what you have learned to fashion this sword into a runeblade as a gift for your father's resurrection.

He's a fighter and he loves swords.

As for Valothen, you should know that death knights have the ability to restrain spirit bodies. As the former lord of Black Rook Castle, your father needs an attendant worthy of his status.

You say, right? "

(end of this chapter)

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