Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 862 192. The Birth Of A Vampire Mother

Chapter 862 192. The Birth of a Vampire Mother

"The record of the twentieth test, the first item, death aura infusion! The experiment started. Yes, maintain this concentration, etc., she seems to have reacted!

Quickly, increase the aura infusion! "

"But Mister Kel'Thuzad, her flesh is crumbling, and we must maintain this."

"No! Can't stop, it's the death aura expelling the magic power in her body, this is a normal phenomenon, continue to intensify! Don't stop! If something goes wrong, I will be responsible."

after a few seconds

"Very well, there is no rejection. She is accepting the death aura. She has an amazing desire to survive. Unfortunately, the more you want to live, the closer you are to death.

Stop struggling.

Embrace the beautiful death. "

"She has calmed down, her flesh and blood are regenerating, this is not right, there is no such thing as flesh and blood regeneration in the theoretical research of death knights!

I want to go in and have a look, this is an experimental phenomenon that has never been seen before

God, look at her.

She seemed to be asleep, almost as if she were alive. Record! Her skin is very elastic, no different from a living person, with canine hyperplasia.

The cause of this phenomenon has not yet been explained.

But her skin seemed paler than when she was alive.

It's amazing.

The black elf turned white.

But she still couldn't find any characteristics of the death knight, and our experiment failed again, although this failure evolved into another form of strange creature.

I can guarantee that there has never been such a creature in Azeroth.

From this point of view, we are not considered a failure. This strange undead creature in front of us is bound to become a masterpiece of the undead faction of Nazaras College.

Unfortunately, we'll have to dissect her right away to figure out why she's the way she is. "

"Mr. Kel'Thuzad! She opened her eyes, they are red, be careful! She is going to attack you!"


A loud noise silenced the dazed magic swordsman Aluriel's just sober will again, and she felt her body was frozen in a huge ice block.

At the last second before she fell into a coma again, she tried hard to open her eyes.

In the blood-red world, she vaguely saw the indifferent human holding the cat, and the staff in his hand that was still shining with frosty light.


What's wrong?

With this kind of doubt, Aluriel, whose mind was in a mess, was completely frozen.

The chaos in the laboratory attracted the attention of others. A few minutes later, Dean Lanyue brought a group of researchers to the laboratory located in the underground of the main body of the college.

When they arrived, Kel'Thuzad, who was in charge of the laboratory, had already cleaned up the mess, and commanded several of his orc necromantic servants to remove the huge ice cube from the ritual circle.

"What is this thing?"

After seeing the strange creatures in the ice with his own eyes, even the well-informed Dean Lanyue froze in place for a moment.

There are not many things that can surprise a lich who is always calm. She looked at the creatures sealed in the cold ice, and looked at Kel'Thuzad beside her who was writing quickly.

she says:

"Your Excellency, researcher, don't you feel that you need to explain to me the cause of this strange creature? Did you completely follow the experimental procedure I compiled, or did you modify the steps indiscriminately like those third-rate researchers?"

"Exactly at your request, Dean."

Kel'Thuzad still respected the Lich Dean in front of him. He showed his experiment records to Dean Lanyue, and asked several of his assistants to testify.

The dean ended the questioning.

But the problem is still not resolved.

Through the ice layer, she looked at the Nightborn Demon Swordsman who had changed greatly in front of her. The latter was naked and still maintained a pouncing posture. Her figure became abnormally thinner than when she was alive.

But the skin was not dry.

As Kel'Thuzad recorded, after she became a dead spirit, her skin remained strangely plump like a living person's, and sharp canines and weirdly growing teeth could be seen in the elf's grown mouth.

And the reddish pupils in her eyes.

There was also a mutation in her hands, and the bones seemed to be distorted to become something like bat claws, but the mutation was not serious.

Overall, Aluriel still maintains a human form.

Just more of a monster.

"She did die and came back to life."

The dean checked through the ice, and the elf in front of him no longer had any signs of life.

However, under the nourishment of the death aura, the blood in her body not only didn't dry up or stop flowing, but instead circulated in her body at a speed far exceeding the blood flow rate of ordinary people.

"We created a monster."

Alya Lanyue pushed her crystal glasses with some headaches.

This is the problem often encountered by researchers who venture into uncharted territory.

All of their theories are unproven, and if something goes wrong with the experiment, it means a lot of verification work. What is more terrifying than failure is inexplicable success.

It's like this strange thing in front of you.

She's definitely not a death knight, so what is she?

"Call my students over here."

After several minutes of silence, Dean Lanyue turned back to a researcher and said:

"Whatever he's doing, let him come over right away! I have a feeling Bo Laike should know this thing, and maybe he'll surprise us a little bit."

The low-level researcher immediately ran out of the laboratory. After he left, the thoughtful Kel'Thuzad stepped forward and said to the frowning dean:

"I think I know what the problem is, Dean. We're ignoring an important variable in this sample."

The indifferent spellcaster hugged his frightened cat and said:

"Magic addiction. I didn't consider this layer in advance, but as far as I know, the nightborn's magic addiction is even more serious than the familiar Quel'dorei elves.

Perhaps it was because of this soul-based desire for magic power that it had a wonderful reaction with the death aura that transformed her life form, thus shaping this unknown creature. "

Kel'Thuzad stared at the frozen Aluriel in front of him, and said:

"Look her in the eyes, Dean.

That blood-red light seemed to indicate that she was longing for something, but it certainly wasn't magic. I guess, it should be the aura of death that reversed the deep desire in her body.

Her hunger for magic has been twisted into greed and desire for other things."


Dean Lanyue is also a person of extraordinary wisdom.

She immediately realized that Kel'Thuzad's guess was very valuable, because no such change had occurred in the previous nineteen samples.

"Give her blood!"

The Lich immediately made a decision, and with a wave of the Aluneth Scepter in his hand, the entire laboratory was immediately cleared.

After activating several layers of magic barriers, several temporarily captured rabbits were thrown into the restrained place in front of them.

Dean Lanyue personally cast a spell to break the ice, and the naked Aluriel fell to the ground shivering, curled up with her limbs in her arms, and her nose was moving.

Seems to be sniffing something.

Under Kel'Thuzad's slightly excited gaze, the "monster" he personally created moved.

Very fast.

Swish snatching a rabbit in his hand, gnawing on it like a beast, but not eating the meat, just like a vampire bat, devouring the blood in the poor rabbit's body in one breath do.

Circles of blood light wrapped around Aluriel, making her move faster. After sucking the blood of three rabbits, her eyes seemed to light up with blood light.

The sharp teeth bared out of her mouth, and the bloodstains made her look extremely dangerous, and she was still yearning for more.

she smelled

Sweet and warm blood.


The blood-sucking monster bumped into the thick magic barrier. She was a legendary magic swordsman in her lifetime, and she was also loved by death after death, so that her destructive power increased instead of decreasing.

A layer of magic shield was torn apart by her claws, howled and turned into a blood shadow and rushed towards Kel'Thuzad.


Precise arcane imprisonment was imposed on the blood shadow, and Dean Lanyue's casting forced her to stop in the air, maintaining the movement of probing claws, circles of blood turned into battle suits covering the body, and finally she would not be naked .

Tsk tsk, as expected of an elf who wants to save face.

They have all become monsters, and they still care so much about their appearance.

"The intensity is very high."

The dean felt the struggle of the blood-sucking monster, which made her feel a little strenuous, which was similar to the magic power needed to restrain a legendary warrior.

She nodded with satisfaction.

This monster is obviously weak and already has such destructive power. Once she is given enough blood, her danger will increase exponentially.

"write it down."

The Dean said to Kel'Thuzad:

"Our experiment didn't fail, it just didn't achieve the kind of success we wanted. But the creature in front of us has verified that the death aura does have a transforming effect on creatures.

We are going to create another research subject under the existing subject, let’s call it.”

"Sa Rhine!"

Bu Laike's voice appeared behind the Dean, and a drunken stinky pirate appeared from the shadows with a bottle in hand, and saw the "vampire" imprisoned in mid-air by Dean Lanyue at a glance.

He was not surprised at all.

He took another sip of wine into his mouth, wiped the corners of his mouth, stepped forward, and said to his mentor:

"They are called 'Sa Rhine', which is precise and beautiful."

"A blood addicted elf?"

Dean Lanyue nodded and said:

"Well, the name is really good, let's call it 'Sa Rhine'.

Researcher Kel'Thuzad, you have proven your proficiency in necromancy, and you are qualified to have your own laboratory here.

Do you want to take on this new project, or continue working on death knights? "

"Both subjects appeal to me, Dean."

Kel'Thuzad straightened his clothes and said:

"But with all due respect, none of them can arouse my 100% research interest. I hope I can have a 'flesh and blood structure' subject.

I mean, I'm tired of working on this kind of theory.

I hope to do some real work.

And I already have some bold ideas. "


Dean Lanyue nodded and said:

"But I saw your academic report before, I don't allow you to study the subject of combining death aura and plague magic, that is too dangerous.

Besides, you are free to research the knowledge you are interested in.

I will give you the title of Necromancer School Instructor, which is temporarily placed under the Warlock Academy, but this means that you have to prepare to teach at Narsalas Academy.

twice a week.

At least ten apprentices are accepted in each semester, and a full set of teaching plans must be prepared in advance and submitted to the supervision of the college. You can allocate the rest of the time freely. "

"No! My time is precious! I don't want to teach those idiots. I've had enough of it in Dalaran."

Kel'Thuzad, who has always been ruthless, will complain:

"They can't understand my knowledge at all, they can't keep up with my thinking speed, asking me to teach them is a waste of my precious time and life!

I reject! "

"If your teaching work in the first semester is qualified, I will allow you to consult the knowledge of the Lich Transformation Ceremony. After you have completed a school year of teaching work and are ready, I will assist you in completing the Immortal Transformation Ceremony.

If you can teach two necromancers who are as good as you, then I will recommend you to join the 'Death Knowledge Seminar' formed by Meri Dongfeng and me. "

Dean Lanyue silenced all Kel'Thuzad's complaints with one sentence.

The indifferent spellcaster thought for a while, and then accepted all the dean's requests without reservation.

Under Bu Laike's contemptuous gaze, he said the word "true fragrance".

Kel'Thuzad didn't even want to waste a minute of greetings, he turned around and used a teleportation to leave here to prepare the teaching plan.

There are only two left here, Dean Lanyue and Bu Laike. The dean glanced at his drunken disciple and said:

"You already knew that Aluriel would transform into Rhine?"

"Well, 90% sure."

The pirate looked at the imprisoned vampire in front of him, and said:

"With the child of the night's addiction to magic that is impossible to get rid of, after receiving the pure death aura, there is a high probability that she will become a Rhine.

The remaining 10% is because she failed to transform and became a mass of unconscious rotten meat.

Looks like Ms. Aluriel is in luck.

The newborn Rhines are insane, their consciousness is dominated by the blood-sucking desire in their bodies, unless they are allowed to drink blood, they can't calm down at all.

The elf in front of him is the transformation of legendary power.

She has the talent to become the mother of Rhine. After absorbing enough blood energy, her body will undergo a second mutation. Wings may grow.

I'm actually also thinking about the starting source of Rhine.

I think it should have something to do with the group of Venthyrs in Revendreth in the Shadow Realm. They are the most authentic group of 'vampires'. This should be the undead produced by Madroxxus's secret research on Venthyr's vampire form. knowledge.

The Necrolords dared not attempt such a transformation in the Shadowlands, lest they anger the Venthyr as powerful as they were, so they sent this forbidden knowledge into the physical world.

Finally, with our hands, the birth of Rhine, the first Shaman in Azeroth, was completed.

Death affects the living in this way.

This is true for Rhine, death knights, and liches. The shadow world is infiltrating the material world, and Azeroth is one of their goals. "

Bu Laike turned to his dean and said:

"Being able to create a Sa Rhine means that there is nothing wrong with your theory of 'death aura', Dean, and the same method can also be used to create a death knight.

No more waiting, no more verification.

Go straight to the large-scale test.

In Black Rook Castle, let us witness the birth of Azeroth's first death lord and his death warband, perhaps soon, they will be useful. "

(end of this chapter)

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