Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 863 193. The Swindling Lord Gorefiend Is Completely Unaware Of The Seriousness Of The Proble

Chapter 863 193. The swindling Lord Gorefiend is completely unaware of the seriousness of the problem

Rhine stuff like this is not magical.

It should have appeared more than ten years later, but considering that the void elf Rondorei had already been born, another blood addicted elf would not be a big deal.

It's nothing more than the fantasy biologists in Azeroth have to revise their works overnight, and the elves have to worry about the increase in their "pedigree" and some inexplicable "relatives".

But what does this have to do with stinky pirates?

In the psychic research laboratory of Narsalas College, the Rhine vampire mother Aluriel, who was imprisoned by the magic of Dean Lanyue, drank the "energy drink" equivalent to the blood content of three Vrykuls in one breath. "Finally regained his sanity.

The amount of blood she needs made even the well-informed Bu Laike astonished.

He looked at the son of the eve who was wiping his mouth silently in front of him, and turned his back to him and the dean who were arranging the "makeup", and whispered to the dean who was holding a notebook and kept recording "experimental data":

"I still underestimated the blood frenzy after Nightborn's magic addiction was transformed by death, if every Shaldorei has such a big appetite after being transformed into a Sa Rhine, then things will be a bit troublesome.

How about we destroy her now? "

"You're kidding, right?"

Dean Lanyue asked blankly:

"Do you want me to destroy a strange and representative experimental material? Or is the research unfinished? Where is your academic attitude? My disciple.

Is your desire to explore magic and truth so low?

How can I, Alya Lanyue, have such a lazy disciple like you!

It seems that you may need a month of 'extra tutoring'. "

"I'll just say it, I'm just giving a pessimistic guess about the future balance of life and death in the Broken Isles."

Bu Laike raised his hands in surrender, picked up the dwarf pipe again, and complained to the dean:

"The blood-sucking desire of this Rhine Shaman is linked to the addiction in front of him. Take Shadorei as an example, the stronger the magic addiction in life, the more blood will be needed to satisfy the desire after being transformed into a Rhine Shaman.

In my observation of future silhouettes, the first Sa Rhine should have been the Quel'dorei elf who died tragically in a disaster.

Those white-skinned elves also have a magic addiction, but it's far less exaggerated than Xia Duolei.

Dean, just imagine, if Aluriel returns to Suramar, Isa Rhine's unique "Inheritance of the First Embrace" vigorously develops servants. At this fission-like transmission speed, within half a year is enough to make Elisande lose one-tenth of the people.

That's nearly a hundred thousand elf vampires."

The pirate changed his mind while talking, and the dark wisdom came online instantly. He rubbed his chin and said:

"But thinking about it this way, maybe we should send this Sha Rhine back to Suramar right now, and let her frantically poach Elisande's corners, the more elves the better.

The ambitious grand magister of the province is making trouble for us everywhere. "

"That's not impossible."

Dean Lanyue nodded and said:

"Letting Rhine stir up the situation in Suramar can just attract the attention of the Grand Magister and buy us some time for the large-scale transformation experiment we will conduct in Black Rook Castle.

But a very important question is, is Rhine controllable?

I don't want to see another uncontrollable werewolf curse spreading wildly, and it will not do us any good to allow vampires to 'contaminate' other elf samples. "

"No, don't worry, Dean."

Bu Laike said convincingly:

"Not every kind of elf will transform into a Rhine, only those who have a magic addiction and a serious addiction. In this regard, night elves and void elves are absolutely safe.

The group of spider elves Fadorei we raised on the island is also safe, the only ones at risk of 'contamination' are Shal'dorei, Sin Della and Quel'dorei.

As for controllable

This is difficult to achieve.

After all, we don't have a blade of sorrow that can forcefully control the soul. "

The stinky pirate shrugged, and said to Aluriel, who was facing away from them:

"Hey, turn around, I have something to ask you."

At his urging, Rhine reluctantly turned around.

Looking at Bu Laike and Dean Lanyue in front of her with a hateful gaze, her eyes were shining red with blood, and because she satisfied the desire to draw blood, she also retracted the canine and chaotic teeth in her mouth.

She looked the same as the previous Demon Swordsman, except that her originally dark skin had turned paler, and her own swordsman temperament was also mixed with some evil and cold feelings.

She screamed to the two in front of her with a very magnetic voice:

"You turned me into a monster!"

"Shall I remind you? Ma'am, you're a monster."

The smelly pirate sneered and said:

"Which normal life needs to drink those disgusting magical wines every day? We normal people need to eat and drink, but you don't.

You can't live without magic.

Just like that, dare to call yourself a normal person? So your correct complaint sentence should be 'We turned you from one kind of monster to another kind of monster'. "

After finishing speaking, the stinky pirate comforted hypocritically:

"But everything has two sides, think about the good, you finally got rid of the damn addiction, and realized the pursuit of Xia Duolei for thousands of years.

That's always a good thing.

Why don't you kneel down and kowtow to Dean Lanyue? Is it so rude? "

Aluriel glanced at the several blood vessels visited in front of him.

She saw the blood stains left in those bottles and jars, and when she thought of the beastly posture in which she was sipping blood just now, she felt disgusted and desolate in her heart.

She did get rid of her addiction.

But with another, hopelessly evil addiction.

This was not the "rescue" she had imagined at all, it was more like falling from a dilapidated hut into a mud pit below, all of which were bleak and indescribable.

"In fact, there is no need to despair, my dear Madam Sa Rhine Your Excellency."

Bo Laike coughed and comforted in a gentle tone:

"Sa Rhine's blood-draining addiction will only erupt at a certain moment. You are a dead soul. The lack of emotion makes your desire restrained. Drinking blood once can keep you satisfied for a long time.

But like an addiction, you need restraint.

Draining blood makes you stronger.

But once you start indulging your desires, soon you will become the real monster you fear.

It's a new life indeed, and whether you want to admit it or not, becoming a Rhine is not an unacceptable outcome for your hopelessly addicted compatriots. "

The smelly pirate pointed to a "sample" hanging on the wall of the laboratory, then pointed to Aluriel himself, and said:

"Being the Withered or the Rhine? If you were given another chance to choose, which would you choose?"

Aluriel was silent.

Dean Lanyue gave thumbs up to his disciples.

Sure enough, things like demagoguery had to be done by Laike. She, a lich who is not good at words and shameless, really couldn't say such things that turned black and white without changing her face.

Nor would her pride allow her to do so.

At least there is no way to "retract freely" like Bu Laike.

"You mean, I have to thank you for making me like this?"

Aluriel stroked his elastic skin and said bitterly:

"How can you be so shameless?"

"Of course you have to thank me, Rhine! You have every reason to do so."

Bu Laike puffed out the smoke ring, with an expression of "I'm reasoning with you", he spread his hands and said:

"On your ship, I could kill you, but I spared your life; when I sail back to Tol Barad, I could let you die, but I gave you the chance to participate in the experiment.

After the experiment was successful, my junior Kel'Thuzad wanted to destroy you.

But we ended up keeping you.

You see, you owe me three lives.

Anyone with a little conscience should thank me in this situation, three lives! This is at least a kowtow, right? But because of your size, you are also a strong person, so there is no need to kowtow.

I think I don't like to hold others hostage with kindness, so we talk on an equal footing.


First tell us everything you know about Suramar. "

"I don't want to betray Elisande."

Aluriel said something bluntly, looking uncooperative.

The pirate turned around and whispered something to Dean Lanyue. The dean nodded, and tapped the staff of Aluneth on the ground, and a beam of teleportation light shrouded Rhine in front of him.

In the next second, she was forcibly teleported to the sky outside the academy.

Aluriel was startled, and then became ecstatic. Are these two guys crazy?

Just send her out without any restraint?

If you don't run now, when will you wait?

She mobilized the unfamiliar power in her body to escape to the coast, but as soon as she jumped out of the shadow of the clouds and was hit by the sun, she fell from the sky screaming.

White smoke ignited on the skin, as if it had been thrown into sulfuric acid and boiled.

In just a moment, the skin of Aluriel's whole body began to fester and turn to ashes.

She fell under an unfinished high wall on the ground, screamed and rushed into the shadow of the corner with her face covered, only then did the burning of her body stop.

She curled up there shivering, looking at the sunshine in the sky with fearful eyes.

Bo Laike didn't need to cage her at all.

For Rhine, the whole world under the light is a prison.


Dean Lanyue and the stinky pirate came out of the portal. The pirate was humming a fast-paced pirate song, and was holding a pretending Nightborn umbrella in his hand.

He condescendingly looked at Aluriel who was curled up in the corner like a hairless monster burned by the sun, and said in a relaxed tone:

"Hey, whose little vampire girl is disobedient and ran out? Didn't your mother teach you that vampires can't stay in the sun? You want to run away even before your blood wings grow?

Did it hurt just now?

As you who have inherited all the weaknesses of Venthyr, even without a sword, I have at least seven ways to make your life worse than death. You may think that you are strong-willed as a well-tempered magic swordsman, but I advise you to be so blindly confident.

Some things cannot be overcome by your will.

Such as magic addiction, such as sunshine. "

As he spoke, the pirate stretched out his hand, clasped Aluriel's severely burned arm, and dragged her to the sunlight a few steps away.

Rhine was struggling on the ground, screaming piercingly like killing a pig, and the so-called elf demeanor had long been thrown out of the blue.

The fear in her eyes churned and she didn't want to be tortured by the sun. This thing is much more exciting than the explosion of magic addiction. The feeling of thousands of arrows piercing the heart is absolutely extraordinary.

And the villain, Dean Lanyue, looked at this scene curiously, and she even thought about recording something in her experiment notes.

This indifference is very much in line with the characteristics of a lich.

Dean Lanyue has changed. Although she tried her best to maintain her previous image, she has undergone an irreversible change from the depths of her soul.

"Say it."

Bu Laike threw the shivering Aluriel into the sun, but then stuffed the parasol into her hand, and gave Aluriel a little breathing space under the cover of the small parasol.

The stinky pirate squatted in front of Rhine, stroked her regrowth hair, and asked:

"My dear friend Ms. Elisande, what are you doing now?"

"She was going to prepare for the coronation, officially canonizing herself the title of 'Protector and Ruler of the Citizens of the Shal'dorei and the Untouchables of Sin Della'.

But a letter from the deep sea made the Grand Magister abandon the idea. "

Aluriel hid under the umbrella, lowered his head and said:

"Queen Azshara seems to be asking the Grand Magister for loyalty again, but Elisande is hesitant, she doesn't want to have anything to do with the queen.

That meant that she would give up her power and have a full-scale quarrel with the Kaldorei.

She can only choose between the Kaldorei and the Empress. "

"Well, politics, politics again! I hate politics, talk about something else."

Bu Laike says:

"Tell me something that interests me."

Aluriel was silent for a few seconds.

Thinking of the few words I heard about the death knight in the laboratory, I raised my head and said:

"The Grand Magister recruited an orc psychic named 'Talongol' and gave him a new body. That guy was very talkative, and soon surrendered to the Grand Magister after being captured.

He persuaded Elisande with his rhetoric and the knowledge he possessed, gave him some powers, and let him and Lord Vandos be in charge of the affairs of Black Rook Castle.

I have not been given the right to participate in this.

But I've heard from some friends that Teron'gor has begun forming a death knight unit for the Grand Magister in Black Rook Hold. "

She said with a tinge of resentment:

"Your research has lagged behind. The Grand Magister's Death Knight Legion will soon be established, and Suramar's power will be enhanced."

"The Death Knight of the Gorefiend?"

Bu Laike raised his head and "looked" at the dean with magic eyeballs, while Lanyue's face was full of a researcher's anger.

The dean said coldly:

"This is academic fraud! This is malicious competition! Talon Gorefiend's so-called death knights are just warlocks in plate armor! They are not qualified to use this name at all.

That's just a group of low-level low-level researchers!

Their works tarnish the name 'death knights', they are cheating death, and death will respond to their weakness and lies!

They are polluting the best research samples with their poor skills and knowledge!

Simply unforgivable! "

The Lich Dean was furious.

It's rare to see such emotions in a lich who lacks emotional fluctuations. The abbot scolded, then turned to Bo Laike, and said sharply:

"Send your men immediately to the Broken Isles with me!

I'll take Black Rook Castle back with my own hands, before that waste in Teron'gor turns Black Rook Hold into a heap of weaklings and blemishes! In the name of magical truth and the will to die, I'll show Elisande

What is a real death knight. "

(end of this chapter)

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