Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 864 194. An Invitation That I Can't Refuse

Chapter 864 194. An Invitation That I Can't Refuse

The academically rigorous Dean Lanyue was irritated by the posturing of the third-rate academic liar Taron Gore.

She decided to lead the army in person.

Although this conflicted with the pirate's plan to go to Black Rock Mountain, after careful consideration, Laike still supported the dean's action. From the perspective of long-term interests, the existence of a powerful death knight war group is very suitable for Laike's needs.

Of course, the pirate will not participate in this "regional conflict", he has more important things to do.

Under the command of the commander of the undead pirates, an expedition team was quickly established.

The Nightborne pirate faction trained on the frozen sea was recalled, and Anaris Moonshire and her magic pirates returned to Tol Barad five days later after traveling day and night.

Their ships were temporarily requisitioned by the Narthalas Academy.

Dean Lanyue moved the entire psychic laboratory to the flagship of Moon County, where the vampire mother Aluriel and her friend Elisanna Ravencrest also moved in.

Elisanna was thrilled.

She could finally go home and wake up her father and family.

There was also anxiety in her heart, and she had heard about Terongol's actions.

She was afraid that when she went back, what she saw was a puppet awakened by evil magic.

If things really come to that point, Elisanna will have to end her father's second cursed life by herself, which is the worst case scenario.

"Actually, there is no need to worry so much."

In the luxurious captain's cabin of the "Pride of the Moonshire", Bo Laike sat in the captain's chair of Anaris and said in a relieved tone to the last son of the Ravencrest family:

"As far as I know, the interior of Black Rook Castle is full of magic locks from the time of the Elven Empire, and your father was buried in the deepest part of the family cemetery after his death. Even a spellcaster like Elisande, without Ravenkhai In the case of the seal of the Si family, it would take a lot of effort to open it.

Moreover, there are black crow wraiths that cannot rest in peace for ten thousand years. If Tarongor wants to twist and revive them, he will inevitably be attacked by black crow knights and moon guards.

Their progress will definitely not go anywhere fast.

You shouldn't be so stupid as to give the family seal to Elisande, right? "


Elisanna whispered:

"After escaping from the Warden's Vault, I hid it in the ruins of the Charini Winery in Azsuna, where I used to play with my parents as a child."

"That's good."

Bo Laike nodded, and then looked at Anaris Moonshire standing beside him.

I haven't seen you for more than a month, and this nightborn noble lady is more and more like a pirate captain.

Instead of wearing the traditional robes of the Nightborne, she wore a hot pirate outfit, including a white shirt, red breeches and black high boots, with her collar open, revealing a deep gully.

There is a silver belt around his waist, and there are two precision dwarf handguns hanging on it.

On the other side hung an elf-style command knife and a gleaming ruby ​​wand.

Miss Yuejun painted smoky makeup on her dark face, curled her hair, and wore a black eye patch for herself, and she wore a Kul Tiras-style navy cloak.

He wears a black pirate hat with the symbols of the undead pirate's crow, dagger and skull painted on it, and under the skull is the coat of arms of the Nightborne and Moonshire families.

The most coquettish thing is that the rich girl of the night got a spooky flower-feathered parrot from no one knows where, and it is standing on her shoulder at this moment.

This is starting to imitate Bu Laike's keeping pets. It's really a big lady.

"Where did you get this thing?"

Bu Laike asked in a strange tone.

Anaris was about to speak, but the spooky flower-feathered parrot on her shoulder suddenly said:

"In Suramar, man, it's full of black skins like that."

There was a dead silence in the whole cabin.

The Rhine vampire mother covered her mouth, holding back very hard, and the blood of Ravencrest, who had suffered a lot and had a deep hatred, also shook her shoulders.

Good guy, this parrot really has character.

Even the speech is an emphatic imitation of the vivid Shadorei Salas language, which interprets the tiresome arrogance of the Nightborne to the bone.

"Shut up!"

Miss Yuejun slapped the talkative parrot on her shoulder, which annoyed the parrot. It croaked and flew away from its owner's shoulder, and flew out of the cabin, cursing as it flew:

"Hey, Anaris is a black skin in heat, and writes love letters to the white skinned little big brother every day. Quack, Anaris and Lilas hid on the mast and kissed~"

"Shut up! I think you're missing a gun in your head, and I'll make it up for you!"

The furious Yuejun girl pulled out the gun from her waist and raised her hand to shoot her talkative pet, but was pushed down by Bu Laike.

He looked at Miss Yuejun with flushed cheeks, and whispered:

"Isn't it? You are a big lady, are you serious, do you really want to have a private life with that little guy Lilas?"

"Just for fun."

Anaris covered his face and turned his head away, and said in a stiff tone:

"Who wants to stay with that stinky brother? He's so annoying that he needs me to take care of him. I'm a thousand years older than him."

"It's actually not bad."

Bo Laike leaned on the chair, stroked his chin and said:

"With the family background of the Moon County family, it is more than enough to match the Windrunner family. My mentor even asked me to take Lilas on an adventure, but I always feel that guy will hold me back.

Well, I'll put him on your boat.

You take him on a mission to the Broken Isles, and return to Suramar to meet your sister. After all, Lilith is the head of the family now, so you have to get her approval. "


Anaris, who was still stubborn just now, was immediately overjoyed when he heard that Lilas Windrunner was going to board his ship. That happy gesture made Rhine vampire mother Aluriel almost blind to see.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Bu Laike made a gesture, and the cabin fell silent.

He said:

"The three of you have to follow the orders of Instructor Lanyue along the way. She is now a lich without emotion. I don't think I need to emphasize what will happen if you mess with her.

After you went to the Broken Isles, the fleet docked on the coast of Highmountain.

Don't rush into Val'sharah, it's the territory of the Kaldorei elves. If the druids sink the ship, don't ask me for reimbursement.

In addition, when necessary, the Nightborne pirates must cover the dean's actions. You have one and only one mission goal, and that is to help the dean and Elisanna wake up the undead in Black Rook Castle.

Let the most elite guard of Black Rook Castle in the elf empire be reborn as a death knight.

The point is Lord Kurotas Ravencrest! He must keep his senses, and he will command the Chapter. "

"Are you going to bring the Black Crows into our system?"

Anaris Yuejun said happily:

"Are we officially establishing a faction in the Broken Isles?"

"No, the Black Rooks remain independent."

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"I don't think I have such a big face that I can make a high-ranking nobleman who was called a great talent ten thousand years ago bow down to me. Lord Ravencrest must have his plans and plans after knowing the current changes in the times. .

With Elisanna there, we can maintain friendly cooperation with him.

This is enough.

The death knights are not good at sea battles, and land is their battlefield. As for Elisande who wants to enslave them, I think Lord Ravencrest must have his own way of dealing with it.

In this way, the Broken Isles located outside the civilized area will also be lively. "

"I don't understand, Captain."

Anaris Yuejun frowned and said:

"If we can't let them become our vassals, then why do we put so much energy into this job? Didn't you teach us not to do things that are not beneficial?

It might as well be that I continue to train in Beihai.

At least you can collect more taxes. "

"It's the biggest benefit not to let Elisande have an extra death knight under his command."

The smelly pirate took a sip of wine and explained casually:

"The great magister is ambitious, and she holds two artifacts in her hands. She has a grudge against us. Who knows when she will challenge us in the sea beyond her control?

Find her something to do.

Lest she have stupid dreams of conquering the world all day long.

Also, there is one more thing I need to tell you. "

Bu Laike stood up and said to the three elves in front of him:

"The connection between the uncrowned and rebels of Suramar and Tol Barad has been handed over to the governor I set up on the island, and she will then deploy and direct their actions.

After Aluriel returned to Suramar, he first got in touch with the Uncrowned and continued to rescue the lower classes oppressed by Elisande's tyranny. He could properly contact the Sin Della untouchables.

Then wait for the command. "

The pirate glanced at the vampire mother, and he emphasized:

"You are not allowed to expand your clan without permission!

Take it easy for those who are new to embrace, this is not the same as transforming into a Blood Servant. You can also choose to join Elisande, as long as she can accept a blood-sucking monster as her subject, I have no problem. "

"I will not."

Aluriel touched the seal on her finger, which was similar to the seal of the master assassin, and she said:

"Death ended my past and gave me a new future. The former magic swordsman has been buried, and the former loyalty is gone with the wind.

Looking back at the past, all I see is a pale life dominated by addiction, but my future is extremely bright.

A past not worth remembering.

A future that lies ahead.

I already know what to choose, I have a new life, and I want to enjoy it, not cut it off. What's more, Lord Laike, you also promised that there will be a place for us in the shadow world.

A kingdom belonging to Rhine. "

"Of course, I remember every promise I made."

Boo Laike grinned and said:

"I will protect you until the day I fail or die, but I doubt whether you can reproduce a race by yourself."

Aluriel didn't answer, but just showed an elegant smile. When his lips were opened, the sharp canine teeth were rippling with white and red light.

Obviously, she's pretty confident about it.

"So be it."

The pirate waved his hand and strode out of the cabin.

After he left, Aluriel reached out to pick up the Son of the Night umbrella at hand, she stood up in a red dress, and glanced at Anaris Yuejun who was looking at her behind her.

Sa Rhine said softly:

"Miss Yuejun, you are also plagued by magic addiction, which is the original sin of the children of the night. It tortures you and makes you lose your smile, and prevents you from enjoying pure happiness and joy.

Do you need me to help you get rid of this evil? "

"no, do not want!"

Yuejun crossed his hands and refused:

"I heard that you drink blood. How is this different from a magic addiction?"

"That makes a big difference, my lovely lady."

Aluriel's temperament has changed drastically since he became Rhine. He no longer sees the sharpness of the silent and introverted swordsman, but is replaced by a deliberately imitated elegance and grace.

She looked Anaris up and down, and said:

"First, drawing blood isn't evil, it's a wonderful satisfaction. Second, there's always more blood than magic in this world. Finally, don't you want to stay young forever?

Elves grow old too, my lady.

But I won't.

Lilas Windrunner is a thousand years younger than you. He is a Quel'dorei elf. His lifespan is shorter than yours. You can only love each other for three thousand years, and then you have to live and die forever.

Maybe he needs this blessing more than you. "

"You are not allowed to approach him!"

Miss Yuejun screamed as if her hair had exploded:

"Otherwise I'll burn you to death in the sun! Don't think I don't know your weakness."

"My weakness is not limited to that one."

Aluriel snorted, yawned, and said lazily:

"I'm going to sleep, this sunlight is annoying. You'll come to me eventually to beg me to give your little sweetheart more time and eternity, I just have to be patient

No one can refuse this invitation!

Rhine, born of me, will eventually reign in the shadows. "


While the Nightborne fleet set off from Tol Barad to the Broken Isles to perform its mission, another person was also performing his own mission in the bustling and beautiful Silvermoon City in remote Quel'Thalas.

At this time, more than three months have passed since Valeera Sangunar left Quel'Thalas.

After being exiled by the family, this former genius assassin disappeared in the upper circles of Quel'Thalas. No one paid attention to where she went or what she did.

It was as if she had been forgotten, as if she had never been there.

But Valeera didn't hate this feeling.

Compared with the talented little girl who once enjoyed the attention and praise of everyone, she is now a lot more low-key and pragmatic. Perhaps adversity can really make people grow up quickly.

In short, when returning to his hometown, the former genius has become an experienced and low-key high-ranking uncrowned man.

Valeera has been training in Northrend.

She was absent from the great battle in Kul Tiras, which made Valeera a little regretful, but compared to what she had gained from cultivating on the cold and windy continent these past few months, what she lost was not unacceptable.

The Uncrowned Intelligence System in Northrend has been established, and Valeera has also been transferred back to the Eastern Continent to perform special tasks as an attendant of the Uncrowned Master.

This means that she has finally proved herself and can learn the art of shadows from Master Bu Laike Shaw.

But before the task begins, she still needs to complete the task at hand.

It's not difficult, just send a letter.

"The royal palace ahead! Those who come will stop!"

The phoenix guard in bright and mighty armor stopped Valeera who was wearing a hood. The latter didn't want to force her way into the palace either. She took out a letter from her sleeve and handed it to the guard.


"This is an invitation from a friend from afar. Please pass it on to His Majesty Kael'thas Sunstrider. The promised hunt is about to begin, Your Highness, please be ready."

(end of this chapter)

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