Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 865 195. A Good Friend Will Always Save Someone In Distress, Right? Smelly Pirate

Chapter 865 195. A good friend will always save someone in distress, right? smelly pirate

His Royal Highness Kael'thas Sunstrider resumed his unpretentious princely daily life after the Battle of Dalaran.

Because of the destruction of Dalaran City, a series of properties that His Royal Highness "invested" in the Magical City were also in vain. He could no longer enjoy the fun of traveling, so he had to return to his hometown.

He returned to his prince's palace which occupied an area the size of a small city.

He didn't really like the place that much.

Because it is full of political meaning in the Quel'dorei court.

The politics of the elves is notoriously cumbersome, and the dispute between the Royalist Party and the Parliamentary Party has lasted for six thousand eight hundred years from the moment Quel'Thalas was established to the present.

During such a long period of time, the two sides have rarely cooperated, and the differences have always been clear.

This kind of political antagonism and division has already penetrated into every aspect of this elf kingdom.

The Parliament faction controls various magic academies and research institutions, while the Royalist faction firmly occupies a place in the kingdom with numerous noble factions.

Every Sun King strives to balance these two forces and use them to his advantage.

There are no centrists either.

The most famous is the Windrunner family.

It is precisely because the most important military force of Quel'Thalas, the Farstrider Legion, is commanded by the ranger generals from the Windrunner family for each generation, and they strictly abide by neutrality. , so as not to cause civil unrest and "communication" at the physical level.

Since childhood, Kael'thas has seen how his father, King Anasterian, struggled to balance the power of all parties in the political vortex, which made His Royal Highness feel exhausted.

That's right.

He gets a headache just looking at it.

Kael'thas felt tired when he thought that he would be trapped in this kind of cage in the future.

He doesn't want to be a political creature like his father, he prefers to hide in his mage's tower and do magic research, he likes the pure happiness of a spellcaster.

However, as a prince, it is impossible for him to stay out of it.

"Your Highness, the parliament faction has submitted another proposal. They want to move the mage academy in Daysome to Sunstrider Island. The reason is that the nobles in that border city are suppressing the mage academy's enrollment.

According to data provided by Congressman Darkan, the number of new students at Daysom College has dropped by 20% this year. "

The prince's attendant of Kael'thas, the beautiful and elegant high-ranking mage Lana Thiel put a report on the prince's desk, and she whispered:

"The members of the parliament hope that you will sign this report famously before presenting it to His Majesty the Sun King."

"They're trying to drag me into their boring politics again."

Kael'thas, who was eating lunch, lost his appetite in an instant. He put aside the delicious fried chicken tenderloin from the magic spring carefully prepared by the palace chefs. He picked up a glass of sunlight aging and shook it in his hand, saying:

"If I remember correctly, Daysome College only enrolled ten freshmen last year, and a 20% reduction is only two fewer students. The existence of that college is a complete waste of financial funds.

It is reasonable for the royal party to want to cancel it.

Quel'Thalas has enough magic academies everywhere, and it's not a problem to lose one. "

"But that would mean Senator Darkan would lose important supporters in his district."

Attendant Lanna Thrall reminded in a low voice:

"After Mrs. Golden Sword left the parliament, her seat was inherited by Mr. Darkan, who was from Daysom. He didn't have the deep background and connections like Mrs. Golden Sword.

He must keep his base.

The abolition of Daysome College is indeed in the interests of the country, but it is not in the interests of the parliamentarians. The disappearance of a magic academy will also make the parliamentarians feel that their power has been weakened.

The other members of parliament knew that it was right to do so, and they would not support the Royal Party's proposal.

And the royal party's abolition of the academy is not just for the benefit of the country.

Lord Dysome died in the orc invasion, and the parliamentary faction proposed to take back the title.

It is impossible for the Royal Party to allow the parliamentary faction to penetrate into the city of Daysom, which has been controlled by them. They would rather choose an illegitimate son of an offshoot of the Daysom family to inherit the title, and would not give up any interests of the nobility.

If my predictions are correct, by the afternoon at the latest, Wang’s party’s proposal will also be sent to you.”

"Stop talking, Lana Thiel, let me be quiet."

Prince Kael'thas covered his eyes with lovelessness, and said:

"When will Dalaran be rebuilt? I want to live there for a while."

"This is just the calm before the storm, my lord."

Lana Thiel chuckled, she walked behind the prince and stretched out her hand to help him massage his forehead, then whispered:

"Madame Jinjian recently took away several members of parliament who had a close relationship with her from the parliament, and went to Kul Tiras to serve as His Majesty Dailin's political advisors.

The parliamentary faction cheered for their influence extending to the human kingdom, however, the few vacant parliamentary seats were really hot potatoes.

The parliament faction wanted to help their own people to the top, but the royal party also seized this opportunity, and they wanted to insert their own faction's mages into the Silver Moon Council.

It is conceivable how angry this move will make the congressmen.

There will be a new storm on the court soon, you can't stay out of it, you will be involved on the first day, they will guide you to choose a side, there are too many sides way to realize their demands.

The Sun King has always wanted to let you get acquainted with your future subjects and let you see the political struggles that characterize our country. I estimate that His Majesty may allow two factions to win you over. "

"I'm applying to travel to Nazaras College for half a year, is there still time?"

Kael'thas drank the sun-aged brew in his hand, and he said:

"Dean Lanyue's invitation letter is still with me. It just so happens that next month they will start enrolling students for the new school year. Maybe I can go and watch the academic methods of our compatriots."

"Hee hee, it's too late, Your Highness."

Lana Thiel let out a crisp laugh, and said solemnly:

"Two days will be the court meeting, and they will definitely attack you at that time. Unless you can find something important to the fate of the country within two days, the Sun King will not allow you to be absent."

"It's about the fate of the country?"

Prince Kael'thas was enjoying the gentle massage from the attendant, he stretched out his fingers to touch his chin, his handsome eyes looked out of the window, his wise thinking turned slightly and he came up with an idea.

He said softly:

"The envoy of His Majesty Dai Lin explained the threat of pirates in the North Sea to my father, and my father has been discussing this matter with the Admiral of the Navy and General Alleria recently.

It is said that Lord Sylvanas has personally gone to Northrend to investigate the enemy situation, and a war is imminent.

Perhaps, as a prince, I should also participate in it. Defending the family and defending the country is more meaningful than arguing with the two factions in the court, right?

Didn't Lor'themar just get transferred into the navy as fleet commander? He was my second-in-command in the orc wars, and perhaps I would be as perfect with him as ever. "

"That matter is only in the preparation stage, Your Highness."

Lana Thiel's expression changed slightly, and she reminded:

"And our navy can scare people, but it can't really fight. Quel'Thalas has been a nation for nearly seven thousand years, and our navy has never fought a single battle.

It is like a paper tiger, which is almost a well-known secret in northern Xinjiang.

I don't recommend you to get involved in this mess. It's okay to say that if you win in the future, if the navy loses badly, it will seriously affect your reputation among the people.

Our people have always been proud minds, they don't like to fail, and you can't put yourself in the shadow of possible failure. "

Kael'thas fell silent.

As a prince, there are so many rules and regulations. He will inherit the throne of the Sun King, but the freedom he wants will only get further and further away from him. The prince has known this since he was a child.

He is also ready to sacrifice for the people and the country, and that will be a glamorous life like a prisoner.


The prince sighed and said no more.

But soon a surprise came to Kael'thas. A phoenix guard sent a letter to the prince's palace. His Highness blinked when he saw the private seal of the letter.

"Bu Laike Shaw?"

Kael'thas picked up the letter in doubt, and said to Lana Thiel who helped him clean up the dinner plate:

"Why did he suddenly write to me? I heard that he did something big in Kul Tiras before?"

"Yes, he eradicated the Church of the Storm."

In addition to being an attendant, Lanna Thiel is also the intelligence officer of His Highness the Prince. She replied with a few details:

"Mr. Laike marched straight into Kul Tiras as a pirate, and teamed up with some emissaries from the Church of the Holy Light and the Kaldorei to expose the dark side of the Church of Storms to the eyes of the world.

And destroyed the dark army of the ancient god N'Zoth in the material world.

These things were all publicized by Mrs. Golden Sword in the parliament. Mrs. Golden Sword is a person who experienced it first-hand, and Her Excellency Thalorian Dawn-seeker also experienced the whole process.

It is said that he has made a full report to the Sun King.

In the discussions between His Majesty and the Windrunner family in the past few days, there was the absolution of Bu Laike Shaw for his crimes in Quel'Thalas. His Majesty believes that the existence of that pirate has more advantages than disadvantages.

And he should be rewarded for his behavior, since he is about to fight against the undead pirates, this behavior may paralyze them.

It is said that General Alleria did not refuse His Majesty's proposal, and maybe after a while, Bu Laike Shaw and his undead pirates will no longer be called wanted criminals.

But considering that we will soon send troops to sweep the North Sea with Lordaeron and Gilneas, if the undead pirates are not willing to retreat, then they are still our enemies. "

"Well, he has done a great job. He can go wherever he wants, filling the endless sea with legends about him."

Prince Kael'thas opened the envelope in his hand with a trace of envy, he said:

"If I were like him, I would run to be a pirate"

"Your Highness, please don't make such a joke!"

Lana Thiel said with a serious face:

"You are different from him. How can there be a prince in this world who becomes a pirate? This is simply ridiculous! Once such a thing is known to others, it will become a terrible stain on you.

If it is used by someone with a heart, it will be even more of a disaster. "

"I'm just kidding."

Kael'thas smiled awkwardly.

He looked down at the letter paper in his hand. The content of the letter was not long, but after reading it, His Royal Highness's expression became very serious, and he handed the letter paper to his most trusted Lana Thiel.

The latter held it in his hand and glanced at it, then his beautiful eyes widened.

She exclaimed:

"Hunting the power clone of the King of Fire in the material world? What an arrogant idea. That is an elemental monarch, even if it is only the power left in the material world, no ordinary person can resist it.

Is this pirate crazy?

Or came here just to make a joke? Hasn't the April Fool's Day of mankind passed by long ago? "

"No, he's serious."

Kael'thas stood up and said:

"As early as the Battle of Dalaran, I talked to him. He invited me to attack the elemental clone of Ragnaros with me, and promised to give us the secret of the fire of Savras.

I thought he was joking too.

But then he unleashed Neptulon, the elemental lord of water in Vashj'ir, and I knew then that Bu Laike Shaw wasn't serious.

He is consciously releasing the elemental power of this world.

He also has enough reasons to do so. The Hydraxia Legion of the Tidehunters he is loyal to has an absolutely hostile and irreconcilable relationship with the Fire Lord.

He had planned everything at that time.

I was deeply amazed by his thoughtfulness and his super execution ability, and the most important thing is his ambition and his courage.

What a horrible man. "

"But I doubt his strength."

Lana Thiel frowned and said:

"The Lord of Fire and his servants are immune to all fire magic. If he wants to find helpers, he should also find spellcasters who specialize in ice magic. The whole world knows that the Sunstrider family specializes in fire magic.

Why does he have to invite you? "

"Because we need it most! Lana Thiel, this is an invitation that cannot be refused."

Kael'thas said seriously:

"The development of seven thousand years has allowed the Sunstrider family and the spellcasters of Quel'Thalas to push the profound meaning of fire magic to the extreme that mortals can obtain.

Our magic research has been stuck in a bottleneck for nearly a thousand years. If we want to go further, we must seek knowledge from the source of flames.

However, the realm of fire does not welcome any outsiders.

Even if I relied on my luck and knowledge to find magical elements like Ao from the Realm of Fire Source and make a contract, there was no way for me to enter the Realm of Fire Source safely.

Bu Laike Shaw knows our thoughts and our desires.

He sent this letter because he was sure that Quel'Thalas would not give up this opportunity. Once we have the fire of Sulfuras, even if it is only a sliver, we can study the mystery of the eternal flame from it.

That would allow the lost magical powers of Quel'Thalas to find a future.

This is the foundation of our country.

No, I must go to see my father immediately.

The importance of this matter far surpasses the war in the North Sea, and it is even more important than the political struggle. This matter must be done by me. "

Lana Thiel nodded, and immediately arranged an audience for the prince. A few minutes later, the attendant looked suspiciously at the prince who was in a very good mood and walked out of the palace.

She asked in a low voice:

"Your Highness, although I shouldn't doubt you, I still want to ask, are you happy because of the mystery of magic, or are you happy because you have avoided the political vortex of the royalist and parliamentary faction?"

"you guess?"

Kael'thas smiled and turned around, his handsome face and warm smile like sunshine made the attendant's heart go numb for a moment.


Don't ask.

As long as His Royal Highness, the most handsome and elegant prince in the world, is happy, the fact is not important.

(end of this chapter)

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