Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 873 203. Two Or Three Things About Bu Laike, The Black-Hearted Head Of The Maoren Maohui

Chapter 873 203. Two or three things about Bu Laike, the black-hearted head of the Maoren Maohui

The old shaman Drek'Thar and his shaman apprentices were walking among the wreckage left by the elemental creatures after their tragic deaths. They were looking for precious elemental cores and other companions of the elemental creatures.

For example, a strange mineral called "Blood of the Mountains" can only appear in areas full of elemental power. This mineral is the "additive" that all blacksmiths dream of.

Adding a little to it when forging weapons and armor will increase the grade of the formed equipment.

Another example is something like "Heart of Fire".

Born only from powerful elementals, it is an excellent medium for spellcasting by flame mages, and can also be used to make mysterious alchemical potions, or simply for flame enchanting.

In the past, the Heart of Flame was very popular among the mage groups in Azeroth, but today this thing is destined to depreciate greatly, because it is everywhere in the wreckage of the elements in front of Laike.

This wave, this wave is called making a fortune!

Even if it is divided evenly by several companies, it is very profitable.

Valeera and Fenner are holding the tomahawk for skinning, and under the guidance of veteran warrior Bu Rocks, they are peeling off the hide of the lava dog king Magmanda.

At the feet of the silent and reliable orc warrior Maim, several complete lava dog leathers had already been placed.

The hides of these legendary flaming behemoths can be handed over to tailors to make very good armor.

Laike's original set of "Night Slayer Suit" was made of Lava Dog skin, but unfortunately the blueprint for making that suit has been lost.

"I want this!"

Little Xingxing and Seianni also picked and picked among the wreckage of the elements.

But what they want is very magical, not priceless magic materials, but some associated gemstones dropped from the lava titan.

These things are beautiful.

All of them are cast like flames, and they are excellent jewelry materials, but they basically cannot be used to improve their strength, and only prodigal princesses like Little Xingxing would want them.

And little Xingxing was still standing next to the corpses of several fire demons and lava dogs, constantly posing in various majestic poses, asking Sianni to take pictures of her. Even took Prince Kael'thas and took a few photos of handsome men and beautiful women.

Anyway, Laike has given up guessing what's going on in Little Star's little head by now.

"Most of the flame servants in Molten Core have been wiped out, and the next step is to enter the lair of the flame king's servants and clean them up."

Bo Laike did not participate in the loot search, but he sent his plenipotentiary murlocs, who he believed would not let him down.

The pirates at this meeting were smoking pipes, and were assigning the next route with the old lich and Kael'thas.

He said:

"Ragnaros is a cunning ruler. He knew that his power in the material world would be severely weakened, so he made eight Seals of Eternal Burning and placed them on the eight magic nodes of the Molten Core Cave.

This is enough to allow it to absorb the power of the Fire Realm in the material world and maintain its false strength.

It carefully conceals this secret, but it cannot escape the prying eyes of my prophet. "

Bu Laike snorted and said to the two in front of him:

"As I said before at the entrance of the cave, the key to defeating the Lord of Fire in this battle is to extinguish the eight eternal burning seals. However, even if this secret is known to others, they cannot use it.

Because the Seal of Eternal Burning contains the power of the realm of fire, mortals cannot extinguish it.

Once they find the Seal of Everburning but are unable to extinguish it, the powers of the Firelands will bring the dead flaming creatures back to life.

The activation cycle of the Seal of Eternal Burning is seven days, that is to say, no matter who wants to attack the King of Fire, he must conquer the Flame Fortress within seven days, otherwise there is only a dead end.

But I've made all the preparations.

As the baron of the Hydraxia Legion, I have the right to recruit the elders of the sea elements. They can use the water purification power bestowed by the tide hunters to extinguish the seal of eternal burning in the material world, so the next thing we have to do is to disperse the action!

We were tasked with taking out the Fire Lord's lords, the shamans would call upon the elemental elders of Hydracia, and finally, we confronted Ragnaros. "

Bu Laike raised his fist and said confidently:

"After the eight eternal burning seals are extinguished, the connection between the power avatar of the elemental monarch and its body will be cut off, and what we have to face is only an elemental creature up to the legendary peak level."

"Well, it's well-founded and convincing."

The old Lich nodded, with a smile on his calm face, and said:

"It's still a familiar style, a familiar plan, and it's really pleasant to feel safe, but why tell us all your plans now?"

"Do you want to hear the truth?"

Bu Laike curled his lips and said:

"If we can't even kill these elemental servants, my plan is useless no matter how perfect it is. The main reason is that we are in a hurry, otherwise there is no need to take such risks."

Pointing to the crown of the Stormcaller on his head, he whispered:

"To be honest, if I hadn't been worried about the counterattack of the Dark Iron Dwarves, and His Majesty the Tidehunter had been urging me impatiently, I would have been able to purify this elemental land by myself in the Molten Core. .”

"So, we are being used by you as tools, so we have to thank you for giving us this opportunity?"

Prince Kael'thas said very dissatisfied:

"Your Excellency Laike, I admit that your plan is perfect, and I am amazed at your execution, but your attitude towards allies is really hard to accept.

Why not be nice? "

"Hey, are we here to find the mystery of the Sulfuras Fire? Or to make friends?"

The smelly pirate said with a straight face:

"Don't think I don't know that you Quel'Thalas are joining an 'unholy alliance' against us undead pirates, and you plan to resume the war in the North Sea and take my lands.

From this point of view, I would have given you face by not setting a trap in Molten Core to kill you here, Your Highness.

Or, do you really like making friends with enemies? "

"That's not up to me to decide."

His Royal Highness was a little embarrassed. He stroked his hair that was a little dry due to entering the dry and hot environment, and whispered:

"If possible, I am willing to maintain peace with you. I am not a person who pursues war."

"I know."

Bu Laike shrugged and said:

"So you're still alive.

If I was really evil, I just pulled a few fire demon lords who are good at magic attacks when I was pulling monsters, and those legendary flame creatures would 'help' me kill you.

Well, let's not talk about this.

Let's assign tasks.

Drek'Thar, Lord Bu Rocks, Fenner, Little Star! Stop taking pictures, come here! "

The smelly pirate called everyone to get together, he took out four shining crystals from his bag, and said:

"Magmanda, the king of lava dogs, has been killed. This is good news. There are only eight servants of the king of flames left here. I was wandering around at this time just now, and I have already lost them near their lairs." Under the temporary teleportation beacon.

Next we are divided into four groups.

The Elder Drek'Thar is in a group alone, and goes to the Lava Dog Cave to find the Fire Lord Luciferon. That cowardly bastard is always surrounded by four fire demon guards, which is easy to find.

It is the weakest of all the fire demon lords. Its magic is weak and incompetent. The elder is enough to deal with it. After killing it, he must extinguish the Seal of Eternal Burning.

Your shaman apprentices are assigned in teams of five, and they are responsible for summoning the sea elemental elders.

I have already agreed with them, they will know what to do when they are summoned, and you just need to protect them from being disturbed. "

Bo Laike handed a crystal to the old orc, who nodded.

"Your Majesty Bush Locke is in a group with Maim, and Sienni is your magic support. What you are going to deal with is the incinerator Gulemagg and the Herald of Saffron in the deepest part of the Great Cave.

Those are two opponents who use less magic and are good at melee combat. You must have a strong fighter to suppress them, and I will give you a team of shaman apprentices to summon the elemental elders. "

The pirate handed the crystal to the old orc warrior, and Bu Rocks nodded, without saying much, and walked back with the battle ax on his shoulder.

Soon, two portals opened.

"Merry, you command Khadgar and Prince Kael'thas, your mission is the heaviest."

Bu Laike handed the remaining two crystals to the old lich, and he said with a serious expression:

"The fire demon lord Gehenas is good at dark curses, Shaslar is good at arcane and flame spells, and Exotus, the jester manager of the Fire Dynasty Hall, is the most cowardly bastard.

It manages the Council of Flames composed of eight elite fire demons.

These three lords are bastards who are extremely good at magic attacks. Even I don't have the confidence to defeat them, so I can only hand them over to you three legendary spellcasters to deal with.

Prince Kael'thas' gravitational out-of-control magic also restrained them very much.

When I selected the team members, I definitely did not randomly choose them. In fact, if my Dean Lanyue hadn't been unable to come due to important matters, we would have had a lot less pressure if we had a dual-lich configuration. "

"Not much to say."

The old lich took the crystal, and he said calmly:

"Since I'm here, I'll do my best."

"I also really want to compete with the elemental lords who were born in the land of fire."

Kael'thas laughed, and a little phoenix flew out from the flames, circled the handsome prince twice, landed on his shoulder, and looked at everyone in front of him curiously.

The prince stroked the head of the magical creature and said:

“O also homesick”

"Having a Phoenix is ​​amazing!"

Bu Laike slandered fiercely in his heart, and then glanced at the black falcon on his shoulder. Miss Hisalley Crow didn't notice Bu Laike's gaze.

She just looked at the flame phoenix on Kael'thas's shoulder without blinking her eyes.

Wow, what a beautiful bird of prey!

Simply perfect as a dreamlike creature.

It would be great if I could have such a beautiful raptor form one day.

The pirate saw the longing in the eyes of his baby egg, the little bird. As a pet hunter like him, he suddenly felt that he could arrange a wave. Flame Druid or something, sounds very handsome too.

Who wouldn't love having a flaming baby egg bird?

"The last two elemental monsters, the obsidian lord Gall and Ragnaros' craziest subordinate, Baron Geddon, will be handled by Fenna, my apprentice Valeera, and His Royal Highness Little Star."

Bo Laike put away his fantasy, he coughed and said in a serious tone:

"After we have finished the battle and extinguished all eight Eternal Seals, we gather at the most central fork in the Molten Core! Head to Saffron Fortress.

There is the resting place of the Lord of Fire, and also the Heart of Flame.

If all goes well, we'll be able to regroup in thirty minutes at the most.


The outcome is here. "

After finishing speaking, he took the three girls behind him and walked towards the road below the Molten Core in a valiant gesture. Behind him, the four old liches also quickly activated the teleportation crystal and sent them to Go to the vicinity of the fire demon lords they want to deal with.

After everyone left, Bu Laike stopped suddenly, threw a shadow summoning stone furtively, and said to the three girls beside him:

"Hurry up, pull people over. Xieyan and my warlock apprentices are ready, call them here, without their banishment support, we will be very tired in fighting."

"Captain, tell me honestly, you deliberately arranged everyone to disperse, are you doing something bad?"

Little Xingxing looked around and asked suspiciously:

"Although your arrangement seems to be fine, I always feel that you seem to be hiding something from everyone. Do the Gal and Geddon we are going to deal with have any ulterior secrets?"

"You talk too much!"

Bu Laike turned his head and stretched out his hand to chop Little Xingxing's forehead. He said in a stern tone:

"If you are asked to do it, you will do it, and your benefits will be indispensable."

"Ha, I knew it, it's really good."

Little Xingxing hid behind Fenner with his head in his arms, poked his head and said to Bu Laike:

"Captain, you are the worst. You really can't relax your vigilance at any time. You are playing with other people's trust in you. I will be taught by you."

"You idiot."

The pirate said angrily:

"This is about the future of the Sky Wall. It will also come with a legendary elemental blade. If you don't want it, forget it. You can leave at any time and don't join my 'conspiracy'."

"Huh? The legendary blade? I don't care about it."

Little Xingxing rolled his eyes, patted the Ursoc Wisdom Sword on his waist, and said:

"Well, I also have legendary weapons. But I'm a little interested in the future of the Wall of the Sky, which is in line with what I should do as a world savior."

"That's what you said."

The magic eye on Bo Laike's shoulder gave her a sideways glance, and said in a drawn out voice:

"You have all heard that Little Xingxing voluntarily gave up the ownership of the legendary blade. If she regrets it at that time, she can't play tricks. Fenner, it will belong to you after it is finished.

But remember to give Valeera enough compensation. "

"it is good!"

Fenna's eyes widened when she heard the legendary weapon, and the stupid warrior agreed immediately.

Valeera has no objection to this. Although the legendary weapon is very fragrant, she is not strong enough after all. The enhancement of the weapon will affect her skill improvement.

As a genius cultivated by a big family, she has understood this truth since she was a child.

Besides, now that she is studying with Her Excellency Braike Shaw, she will definitely have a legendary weapon in the end, given how generous the pirates are.

The summoning stone continued to shine with a dull luster, and soon, the orc warlock Xieyan rushed into the Molten Core with a group of heavily armed warlock apprentices.

The orc who emerged from the felfire yelled to Bo Laike:

"Captain, according to your request, we have brought nearly a hundred banishment spells! Even legendary elements have to return with hatred."

"here you go!"

Bu Laike patted Xieyan on the shoulder in satisfaction, and it was still easy for his own people to use.

With a bang, he drew out the elven sword Salamani, and said to everyone:

"Let's go, let Mao equip. I forgot to tell the thugs that this is 'the limelight does not divide the group', but considering their status, they probably don't care much about it.

Hahaha, so what if you care?

Can they still go around the world to promote that I am a hairy person? Oops, as long as your reputation is bad enough, you don't have to care about some things. "

(end of this chapter)

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