Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 874 204. The Source Of The Princes' Troubled Tradition Has Been Found!

Chapter 874 204. The source of the princes' troubled tradition has been found!

When Bu Laike led the people to the grotto where the obsidian lord was located, the power of the fire element in the Molten Core had weakened a bit. Although it was still difficult to suppress other magic powers, it finally allowed the spellcasters to breathe.

This means that there may be one or two eternal burning seals that have been extinguished.

"These guys move really fast."

Bu Laike hid near the hiding place, watched the obsidian lord Garr's huge body rushing out of his lair in front of him, and complained in a low voice.

Others were astonished at the huge size of the obsidian elemental monster in front of them.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for obsidian, a stone with poor conductivity, to give birth to elemental creatures. Except for the occasional use of void magic, obsidian is rarely used as a material in other magic systems.

But the obsidian behemoth in front of him not only exists, but its size has surpassed most naturally born elemental creatures.

There is nothing special about it itself, it is the classic shape of the earth element. A stone is used as the head, a large stone is used as the body, arms are formed by connecting irregular stones, and there is a big rough stone like a fist at the top.

There are no legs under the body, replaced by circles of scattered and gathered stone flakes.

Looking at Hanhan's lack of threat, if you ignore the vibration of the small earthquake that this guy will cause every time he moves.

The most annoying thing is that this obsidian lord seems to be very insecure, so he carries eight obsidian guard elements that are exactly the same as it, like scaled down obsidian guard elements.

The eight little elementals danced around Gall, their elemental power resonating with the obsidian lord. This means that Gal or the little elemental die, and both will feed power back to each other.

The combat mode of this obsidian element is the most damning "team battle".

Relying on their numerical advantage, they are guarding the road leading to the depths of the Molten Core. No wonder Bu Laike has to drop the positioning crystal in advance, otherwise everyone will have to be blocked by this guy.

"How do you fight this?"

After Xiao Xingxing understood the system, he immediately shouted with a headache:

"No matter who you attack, you have to face nine bastards to counterattack at the same time, not to mention me, even General Sapphiron, who can fight in the blue dragon army, will also have his claws.

These elemental creatures hurt when they punch someone with their fists, but they don't feel pain when we slap them with our paws.

Captain, please think of a way. "

She yelled at Bo Laike, but found that the pirates ignored her at all. Instead, she turned her head and whispered tactics to the warlocks led by Xieyan, and Xieyan and Bu Laike's apprentices listened carefully.

A few minutes later, Bu Laike winked at Fenner, reached out and grabbed Salameni, and said in a deep voice:

"Fenner, aim at Gal, charge!"


Fenner raised the cracked phase barrier, took a deep breath, took the silver giant blade that had not been quenched from behind, and jumped out from the hiding place where everyone was hiding.

The others were covered by Laike's shadow curtain and moved to an area not far from Gal to prepare for the battle.

Anger blazed from the stupid warrior, and although she was still a little intimidated by the obsidian giant in front of her, she was absolutely sure that Bo Laike would not use her as cannon fodder.

So amidst the condensed anger of the tumbling tide, a heroic jump smashed towards the most conspicuous Gal.

The powerful citybreaker attacked at the beginning, and the silver giant blade slashed down in anger. The first blow drew sparks and scars of broken stones on Gal's sturdy body.

The moment the shadow curtain was withdrawn, Laike "split the chopsticks" and appeared behind Gal with two shadow war swords in his hand. The two-handed saber stabbed forward, the special effect of the tearer was activated, and the rock on Gal's left arm was cut off.

The effect is brutal!

"Swish Swish Swish Swish"

More than a dozen banishment spells were thrown out by the warlocks in groups. In order to ensure the effect, they specially used "saturation attack", so that the eight little stone men were all exiled from the material world under perfect connection at the beginning of the battle.

Their figures still maintain their attacking movements in place, but their sizes have become unreal, and their power connections are still there, but they can no longer help their villainous masters.

The obsidian lord, who had a numerical advantage, placed his order in an instant.

This made Gal let out a huge roar, and slammed forward with one arm, creating a rock-bursting tumbling wave that knocked Fenner back, and then, under the stunned gaze of everyone, this huge guy turned towards the cave Flee from the depths.

"Ha! Such a big man is so timid, shame on him!"

Little Xingxing mocked and turned into a dragon shape, howling and blocking the only way for Gal to escape. It raised its head, took a deep breath, and sprayed a huge amount of icy breath towards its eyes.

He also used the thunder storm as his starting hand, and the dazzling thunder light made Gal take a step forward and was struck by lightning seven or eight times.

The large man's escape betrayed his frail nature.

Let Bu Laike, who was chasing and slashing behind him, slash more vigorously, and Fenner stopped defending, and kept charging with the silver giant blade in both hands, constantly beheading and suppressing.

Even the high-level assassin Valeera, who was supposed to avoid direct combat, brandished two one-handed swords to make up a few cuts.

Bu Laike's "Warlock Legion" did nothing but focus on banishing the little golems from interfering with the ongoing battle.

Although these stone men, as servants of legendary elements, have extremely high magic resistance, it is difficult to be exiled by these warlocks all the time, they are also resisting, so that the exile that could have lasted for a long time is often broken free in a few seconds.

But helplessness is like Xieyan said just now.

Under Bu Laike's order, they made nearly a hundred warlock spells that sealed banishment magic. The speed at which these little stone men broke free was simply not comparable to the speed at which these frenzied warlocks threw spells.

Perhaps the obsidian lord, who looks scary on the outside but is cowardly on the inside, thinks that his tactics are enough to scare off all invaders, but for a "prophet", its weakness is clearly exposed.

After losing its numerical advantage, the only thing it can protect itself is the hard obsidian that makes up its body. However, when faced with Salamaini's brutal [Tearer] special effect, this layer is thick enough to withstand most Part of the elemental shell cut by the sword is just a matter of cutting a few more knives.


After chasing and slashing for four or five minutes, the thick-skinned Gal finally uttered a difficult whimper. His huge body was pierced from behind by Laike's shadow blade, and was torn apart in the upper and lower divisions.

Its huge body collapsed into scorching obsidian fragments, and the exiled little stone men in the rear became furious when they saw Gal died one by one, but under the evil tactics of Xieyan consciously releasing one at a time The eight obsidian earthshakers were sent to the door one by one, like a gourd baby saving grandpa.

It doesn't even need other people to take action, Little Xingxing's icy breath with "special effects" is enough to deal with them.

"I just wanted to ask, how could there be an earth elemental adjutant under the command of the King of Fire?"

Fenna was carrying the hot silver giant blade, looking at Bu Laike and the little murloc squatting in the obsidian fragments picking and choosing, she said:

"Shouldn't these be the subordinates of the legendary Stone Mother? The tide hunters said before that there are strict barriers between the elemental legions. In other elemental territories, it is impossible for earth elements to be born."

"Gal is a defector."

Bu Laike said without looking up:

"During the Battle of the Master, he was afraid of the might of the Flame King, so he betrayed the Stone Mother and joined the Legion of Flame, gaining double reinforcement from the flame and the earth.

However, the weakness of the body can be reshaped, but the cowardice of the heart cannot be changed.

As long as you are not intimidated by its pretentiousness, this guy is the best flame minion in Molten Core, not to mention, I have specially arranged tactics against it.

How can it not panic? "

"But elements are immortal!"

Little Xingxing returned to human form, and squatted on the ground to help Laike pick and choose among the obsidian fragments. She said curiously:

"Even if a high-level element like Gal dies in the material world, it will be reborn in the Fire Realm. It should be fearless."

"Because it carries something on its body. Once it is exposed, it will be hunted down by the wind elements forever. The King of Fire dare not leave it in the realm of fire, and it will trigger another elemental war.

So it hides it in the physical world.

It can even be said that the appearance of Molten Core is to hide such things. And I came here, in addition to serving my respected Lord Tidehunter, I also came here for it. "

Bu Laike finally revealed the answer.

His hand and the little murloc's paw were placed on a dim sealing stone at the same time. This thing is not surprising in a piece of obsidian fragments, and it is easy to be ignored.

But when the pirate put his hand on it, his hair was blown by the invisible wind, and everyone around him could hear the whimper of the breeze at this moment.

On the character card in front of the pirate, a group of condensed orange streamers bloomed, just like a small sun:

Name: Emblem of Imprisonment of the Windchaser [right]

Quality: legendary

Item description:

This is the eternal prison of Sunderland the Windchaser, representing a past event in the eternal war of the ancient times. Deliver it to the Skywall, and you will be thanked by the Wind Rider.

Or you can try to find out its secrets by yourself, and what you will get is not just a goodwill that will disappear with the wind at any time.

"I got half of it, keep working hard."

Bo Laike tossed the thing up and down in his hand and glanced behind him.

The evil eye has already held Laike's Hydraxia baron emblem, and summons the sea elemental elders who have already been on standby in the sea near the Burning Plain.

When the cool breath hits the face, the Eternal Burning Seal guarded by Garr is like scorched cast iron touching running water, bursting out hissing steam.

That thing is like a weird-shaped piece of steel, embedded in the mountain, with flames burning on it, the temperature is extremely high, and it is difficult for ordinary people to approach.

However, under the continuous impact of the elemental essence and clean water of the elders of Hydraxia, its flame also dimmed, and finally extinguished bit by bit, leaving only a strange black cast iron.

"Take it with you, you will need it later when you go to the Realm of Fire Source."

Bu Laike gave Xieyan an order, and the warlocks nodded in unison. After Gal was killed, they should leave the stage as tool men.

"Go, take the other half of the emblem from Baron Geddon's hand."

Bu Laike left here and moved towards the position of another lieutenant of Ragnaros. The little star kept staring at the elemental emblem in Bu Laike's hand.

She realized that she had made a little mistake before.

Although this thing looked inconspicuous, she heard the weird whisper of the breeze just now. Little Xingxing, who is a top student, instantly recognized that it was the oldest elemental language!

The emblem that the stinky pirate got in his hand is absolutely unusual, and it may even be related to Al'Akir, the wind rider, the wind elemental monarch.

Little Xingxing's silence caused Bu Laike to raise his eyebrows. He "looked" at Little Xingxing and said:

"What? Regret it?"


Highness Blue Dragon shook his head and said proudly:

"I'm just a little curious, how did the remains of a primordial element fall into the hands of the Fire King's adjutant. You just said that the Fire King hid it in the material world because he was afraid of triggering a war of elements.

Who is imprisoned in this emblem?

Is it that big of a face? "

"Let me give you an example."

Bu Laike thought about it and said:

"If you are captured by the evil black dragon, will the spellweaver fight them desperately?"

"Of course it will!"

Little Xingxing rolled his eyes and said:

"I'm the weaver's little baby now. If the black dragon dares to catch me, not only the weaver, but also the Red Dragon Legion will be dispatched."

"That's it."

Bu Laike tossed the token of imprisonment in his hand up and down, saying:

"Once the existence of this thing is known by the Sky Wall, the crazy Al'Akir will instantly launch an invasion of the Fire Realm. Because what is sealed here is its beloved child.

Although elemental creatures don't have the father-son relationship we know, Sunderland the Windchaser is an elemental lord conceived from the heart of Al'Akir's storm.

Al'Akir's true successor, the original prince of the air elementals.

Alas, the tradition of troubled princes of Azeroth began as early as the age of ancient elemental disputes, and this hapless Sunderland was the first victim of this tragic tradition.

It is also my "predecessor". "

Bu Laike put the elemental emblem in front of his eyes and knocked, and said meaningfully:

"Now it's just performing 'The Prince's Lost Difficulty', and maybe in the future we will really perform the traditional performance of 'Father's Kindness and Son's Filial Piety'. Well, Baron Geddon already feels that we have obtained the emblem of Sunderland's imprisonment!

Behold, here it comes, to take back the Fire Lord's prisoner.

It looks very angry, little star, come on, give it a 'fire down'! After a while, the battle will be scattered, and the roll call will remember the crowd. This guy is easy to deal with.

The premise is that if you don’t get burned by it.”

The stinky pirate who was talking nonsense took Little Xingxing's tidal stone, mobilized the power of the water element to bless everyone with a choppy shield, making them feel a burst of coolness.

He took a step back, clasped Salameni's weapon back into his waist, clasped the crown of the storm caller on his head, and took out the sinner's spine with his backhand, and the old man Sakir also spun and floated up.

Apparently, Laike is going to fight as a spellcaster this time around.

Now that several Eternal Burning Seals have been extinguished, Baron Geddon's aggressive approach without the support of the power of the Fire Source Realm is nothing more than a piece of cake.

This huge torch-burning elemental lord has even been unable to maintain the magic power of the legendary realm.

After all, this is not the territory of the elements, not a battlefield where they are allowed to gallop, their power is weakening, and the invaders are getting more and more courageous.

The material world is the territory created by titans.


Hey, it's just a defeated general.

(end of this chapter)

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