Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 890 220. Alliance Of The Hammer

Chapter 890 220. Alliance of the Hammer

Ironforge, the city of snow mountains.

This is the main city of the Bronzebeard Dwarves and the only large city of the Dwarves. More than 60% of the Bronzebeard Dwarves live in this city that is always warm, always noisy and full of vitality.

It's built right in the heart of Dun Morogh's Coldridge Mountains.

Just like the Dark Iron dwarves hollowed out Blackrock Mountain to build Darkforge, the Bronzebeard dwarves also hollowed out a mountain to build the equally majestic Ironforge.

However, Ironforge was built on the surface, and it was nearly a hundred meters above the ground level. To be precise, the city was built on the mountainside.

It is connected to the ground of the snow mountain by a winding mountain road.

This kind of terrain is absolutely easy to defend and difficult to attack. In fact, Ironforge is also one of the only two cities in the central and southern part of the eastern continent that have not been captured by the orcs during the nearly seven years of the orc war.

The brave Bronzebeard dwarves took advantage of Ironforge's terrain and forcibly relied on warriors who were less than one-tenth of the orc army to defend the city for several years.

Until Orgrim Doomhammer died in battle, even though the orcs occupied 95% of Khaz Modan's area, they never set foot in Ironforge.

During those war years, this dwarf city also accepted many human refugees, which greatly strengthened the already good diplomatic relationship between humans and dwarves, making the two races truly a brotherly alliance.

Or change to a more quack-like title.

blood alliance.

It is precisely because of the tenacious counterattack of the dwarves and gnomes in the Khaz Modan area that it held back most of the orcs' strength and prevented them from fully investing in the attack on the northern border. This gave the human kingdom the possibility and hope of counterattacking.

Therefore, after the war, Ironforge relied on this feat to obtain a lot of business cooperation from the human kingdom, allowing the dwarves to make money for more than a year.

Every day, a lot of ironware and ore are sent from Ironforge, sent to Menethil Harbor through caravans, and then distributed to other kingdoms from there.

Today, Ironforge has shown signs of becoming the commercial center of the Eastern Continent, thanks to the shrewdness of the dwarves hiding behind their rudeness, as well as the firmness and safety of the city.

Don't say anything else, just say a little bit.

The second largest vault in the Eastern Continent after the Goblin Bank is located deep in the bank of Ironforge. This is the "sacred place" that countless thieves dream of coming to.

It's a pity that the security here is even more outrageous than the black treasure house in Darkforge City.

The bank vault is backed by the Dwarven Throne Hall. Except for Brian Bronzebeard, who is a rookie, the other two brothers, Muradin and Magni, belong to the kind of characters with explosive combat power.

The two brothers can draw with Dai Lin in a one-on-one situation, and they are as dangerous as the orc chieftain when they are desperate, such as the first real war that Braike participated in.

Muradin Bronzebeard stopped the most dangerous legendary swordsman Old Dar among the orcs by himself, and fought with Bu Rocks Saurfang on the walls of Lordaeron more than a dozen times.

Although you lose more than you win, it is glorious to lose.

As for Muradin's big brother Magni Bronzebeard, the dwarf king seldom actually went into battle, but Muradin would always preach force for his big brother.

Considering that dwarves rarely tell lies, although they generally like to drink and brag. Therefore, Magni Bronzebeard should be the number one strongest of the Bronzebeard dwarves.

Moreover, Ironforge, in addition to the Bronzebeard brothers who are resident here, also has the paladin lord Kurtaz who is stationed here by the Church of the Holy Light. That dwarf is a legendary paladin who was transferred from a legendary warrior.

Although he is not well-known in the Church of the Holy Light, his combat power is definitely not weaker than the five knights.

In addition to paladins and warriors, there are also two legendary old hunters in this city, Old Hemet and Fargo Flin Te Locke, as well as a group of dwarf mages who are resident here.

To sum up, to be a thief in Ironforge is definitely not the right choice for a normal person's brain circuit to make.

Even Bu Laike, the daring and stinky pirate who is a master of art, has not thought about it. Apart from not wanting to provoke the dwarves who are very united and vengeful, there is another important reason for Laike to stay dormant.

Because Ironforge Gold Curry has no "oil and water".

Mere money means little to the stinky pirates who have already started collecting taxes in the North Sea. Since there are no magic weapons or magic treasures here, there is really no need for Bu Laike to get into trouble.

Bu Laike, who is a master assassin, now also has "idol baggage".

He declared to his subordinates that everything can't be for money, and if he ransacked the Ironforge vault for money, it would be a smashing sign.

Most importantly, I came to Ironforge today to do business.

"Oh, you really should have sent a letter earlier. My brother is not in Ironforge. What a coincidence that you are here. He just left for Kul Tiras yesterday."

In the throne room of the Bronzebeard Dwarves, His Majesty Magni Bronzebeard heard that Bu Laike Shaw was coming to visit, so he took the time to meet them.

Dwarves don't do any bloody formalism.

Their royal family is also very down-to-earth, not as grand as the elf royal family. As the king of the dwarves, Magni only put a simple crown on his head that he made himself.

But the ceremonial armor on the old dwarf king caught Bo Laike's eye.

His eyes were vicious, and he could tell at a glance that the grade of this thing was not low. Although it was still a long way from the Luna Battle Armor, it was definitely better than the set of warrior armor he gave to Fenner.

As expected of a dwarf who is good at forging, even a set of ritual armor is so exquisitely made, which is another way to show off his wealth.

"This is really disappointing. I have come here specially to visit my brother Muradin this time."

Bo Laike made a gesture of regret.

He said to King Magni, who was very similar to Muradin in front of him:

"I just got some interesting things from Scorching Canyon a few days ago, and I just wanted to share them with him."

"Yes, Muradin told me before he left."

Magni, the dwarf king, has a good personality. He sat on the dwarven throne decorated with furnace flames on both sides, stroked his beautiful beard decorated with gold rings, and said with a laugh:

"He specifically asked me to finish the elven sword he brought back from Tol Barad, and said that if you come to fetch it, let me complete the final recasting of the sword on his behalf.

I'm a king, but I prefer blacksmithing, so, do you bring the blood of the dragon king?

If the materials are ready, I can take the time now to help you complete the final step of quenching the dragon's blood for that sword. That's a really nice sword. "

Magni said with emotion:

"In my whole life, I have never seen such a good weapon a few times. It should be a gift you want to give to this beautiful and powerful lady beside you, right?"

"Wow, you speak much better than your brother, you deserve to be a king!"

Fenner smiled and gave Magni a noble salute, she said:

"I'll talk about that sword later, my... Well, my captain is here today because he has more important things to do."

"That's right, a major event related to the inheritance of the Three Hammers left by His Majesty the King of the Mountain, Modimus Anweimar."

Boo Laike stepped forward and said something to Magni.

He kicked the short man next to him who was tightly wrapped in a hood. The latter muttered something, and reluctantly took a few steps forward with the gift box in his hand, and walked under the steps of Magni's throne.

At this close distance, the Bronzebeard King could clearly see the pair of fiery red eyes under the guy's hood.

"Black iron!"

The dwarf king, who was smiling just now, was full of gentleness like an elder, and suddenly became indifferent, and a murderous aura that belonged to a powerful warrior and a majestic king rushed towards his face.

He clenched his gauntlets tightly, punched himself on the armrest of his throne, and angrily shouted:

"Cursed! Exiled! Defiled! Traitor of the Three Hammers! Traitor of the Mountain! How dare you enter the Bronzebeard's hall? This is an assassination?

Or provocative? "

A group of royal guards who were fully armed like dwarf iron cans roared forward, and they would chop this bold black iron dwarf into meat paste as long as the king gave an order.

As the culprit who brought the Dark Iron Dwarves into the throne room, Bu Laike, Fenner and Valeera were also surrounded by a group of murderous dwarf royal guards.

Yishui's high-ranking fighters really don't count Laike as a bug in a fight, and it's almost impossible for Valeera and Fenna to break through without injury.

But Bu Laike didn't change his face, and he still kept a smile on his face with the magic mask, and he stretched out his hand to press Fenner's hand that wanted to hold the handle of Ashbringer's sword.

no need.

I can't get up today.

Hansel Heavy Fist, who was reprimanded by Magni, really wanted to spit on the king in front of him. After all, three hundred years of hatred had already made it impossible for Bronzebeard and Black Iron to turn around.

But he is the messenger after all.

He would be suppressing the anger in his heart, in the words that Bo Laike taught him along the way:

"Your Majesty. Damn, that's an awkward title. King of the Bronzebeard! I'm a Dark Iron dwarf, yes, but I'm not Thaurissan's lackey! I'm here on behalf of the Thorium Brotherhood.

I represent the unyielding will of the Dark Iron dwarves, and while I do not desire it, I do not deny peace either.

Our olive branch has reached out to you, and it's time for you to respond. "

Hansel stared at Magni with his fiery red eyes, and he said provocatively:

"You are not even afraid of war, are you afraid of peace?"


Magni sneered and said:

"Speaking this word from the mouth of the Dark Iron Dwarf is simply the greatest humiliation to it! I won't talk about the old score three hundred years ago, and I won't talk about the never-ending conflict between the two races in the barren land.

That is, in the orc war, the fact that you assisted those butchers and tortured them is enough to make me despise you for all the reasons I can think of.

But you are right.

I have heard the story of the Thorium Brotherhood, and I know that you and Thaurissan have different opinions, so I am willing to give you a chance.

Let me see your 'peace'. "


Hansel opened the box in his hand, and the two warhammers inside immediately attracted Magni's attention. The few legendary blacksmiths in Azeroth made a surprised nasal sound.

But instead of reaching out to touch the hammer right away, he picked up the letter on it.

He opened the letter and read it carefully.

There was no real valuable information in the letter.

After all, the two sides had only just started contact. The great blacksmith of the Thorium Brotherhood expressed his greetings to His Majesty Magni very restrainedly, and did not mention the union or peace between the Dark Iron Dwarves and the Bronzebeard Dwarves.

He came up with a very creative idea.

Immediately attracted Magni's curiosity.

"Huh? The three races work together to forge a supreme weapon that only belongs to the dwarves? Is this the symbolic cornerstone for the three hammers that have been divided for three hundred years to reunite?"

The Bronzebeard King, sitting on his throne, read these words and glanced at Bo Laike under the throne again.

The big pirate shrugged, showing a gentle and harmless smile.

"My younger brother came back from your island this time, like he was crazy, he kept talking about the supreme skill of weapon forging, and showed me his idea.

It is said that he got the inspiration from an ancient elven sword, and I was also convinced by him that the king is only caused by blood, and I am a blacksmith after all.

I also hope to complete this great imagination by myself.

If it weren't for the invitation from Kul Tiras, it is really impossible to refuse, Muradin and I have already started to prepare our forging plan. "

In the chilling throne room, Magni waved his hand, and the royal guards retreated in unison.

The dwarf king looked at the two black iron war hammers in the treasure box in front of him, and said:

"Perhaps the thoughts and inspirations of the blacksmith masters in this world will collide, and there will be a common pursuit of skills across thousands of mountains and rivers, but I don't believe this proposal will be such a coincidence.

This is your handwriting, right?

Mr. Bu Laike.

After the big events in Dalaran and Kul Tiras, you've set your sights on the dwarves again, which makes me wonder if you have a plan? "

Magni stared at Boo Laike and said:

"Your suggestion is very good, I am very moved, but as a king, I must consider for the people and the country, if you do not clearly state your plan and your purpose.

I will not accept it.

Even if you have already sent me the legendary pair of treasures, the 'Adversary' and 'The Persuader', which are the most suitable as the original embryo of the dwarf's supreme weapon, I dare not accept it.

I have seen the destructive power of your plans and ideas, Pirate Lord.

So, let's be honest. "

"how to say."

Bu Laike rubbed his neck, and in full view, he took out an eye-like elemental crystal from his arms. As soon as this thing was taken out, the temperature in the entire Bronzebeard Throne Hall began to soar.

Magni stood up from the throne suddenly, and the dwarf king's eyes burst into unconcealable longing.

And Hansel, the stubborn black iron craftsman, was limp on the ground with his legs weak.

Not that he was intimidated.

It was the flame power that bloomed from the eye of Savras, which was crystallized from the power of Ragnaros' elemental avatar, and stimulated the remaining curse in the blood of the Dark Iron Dwarf.

It's like the Lord of Fire and Demons coming in person.

"In a hunt, I got a very, very powerful treasure that I don't need."

The pirate tossed the Eye of Savras up and down like a little sun, and said:

"I know that the Thorium Brotherhood has the forbidden knowledge of the Lord of Fire in their hands, and they can create a weapon that perfectly fits this holy object, allowing me to instantly gain the power from the fire of Sufras.

It was a rare legendary weapon.

But I think the potential of this thing should be more than that.

It can be more than a weapon, it can be a symbol. "

Bu Laike laughed, and threw the elemental relic in Quel'Thalas, which can be exchanged for supreme power or a thousand obedient elf girls, to Mai who was at a loss. Gurney Bronzebeard.

He spread out his hands, and said to the Dwarf King:

"I have my purpose, I really hope to see the unification of the Three Hammers, instead of being inseparable like this. To be honest, your internal fighting is completely meaningless in my opinion.

My intentions are noble, Your Majesty.

Of course, I know you don't think so, if I, a cunning bastard, don't make a little request today, you definitely won't accept my gift with confidence.

So, I will say.

After the forging of this supreme holy object of the dwarves is completed, when I need it, the dwarves under the rule of the mountain king must unconditionally help me.

three times!

No matter who my enemy is, no matter who I ask you to attack, you must agree without reservation!

It's like the contract that Emperor Thoradin and Sun King Anasterian made three thousand years ago."

Having said that, Bu Laike curled his lips, and in the dead silence where he could hear the beating of his heart, he asked softly:

"Is this arrogant request enough to make you feel at ease? If not, I want the right to name this dwarf hammer that will be born in the future.

Everything needs a big name.

Why don't we just call it 'Sigma'. "

(end of this chapter)

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