Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 891 221. Another Plan B Is Needed-Adding More For Brother Shuangyanyu【1/25】

Chapter 891 221. Another plan B is needed—adding more for Brother Shuangyanyu [125]

"There is no intersection between us elves and dwarves. When I was a child, I only heard the story of the Battle of the Three Hammers told by my mother. At that time, I was only interested in the power of those dwarves.

I even wanted to learn magic from my mother after hearing that the witch queen of the Dark Iron Dwarves had cursed a city so that nothing could grow by herself.

But then I heard that Prince Wildhammer smashed the witch queen's head with a single blow, which made me determined to walk the path of a warrior again.

The spellcasters in the story are all too poor. "

Beside the iconic melting furnace in Ironforge, Fenner was pinching an apple, while watching with admiration the cast iron parts above the melting furnace scoop up magma to melt the molten iron, watching the dwarf craftsmen in the extreme heat Shirtless and ping-pong-pong iron pieces, he said to Bu Laike beside him:

"But when I grew up, I realized that stories are stories. Real spellcasters are not that weak, and warriors are not that strong. And I found that the story of the War of the Three Hammers that my mother told when I was a child is still conservative.

The relationship between the three dwarf clans is really like a bloody enemy.

Bronzebeard really wanted to seize a chance to kill Black Iron, and Black Iron also tried to get rid of Bronzebeard. Although the Wildhammer dwarves also hated Black Iron, they were not close to the Bronzebeard dwarves. "

"How did you observe so deeply?"

Bu Laike became interested. He rarely saw Fenner expressing such a formal point of view, so he asked:

"You don't deal with them much, do you?"

"I saw it just now."

Fenner took a bite of the apple and said to her stinky brother:

"Magni and Hansel were there to discuss the characteristics of the two black iron warhammers, but Magni had at least three murderous intentions to pick up the warhammer and smash Hansel's head.

Conversely, Hansel also deliberately tried to attack Magni, at least twice!

I am a fighter.

I have a very clear perception of killing intent. "

The assassin Valeera behind Bu Laike and Fenner also said abruptly:

"You can't hide your murderous gaze."

"Yes, that's the truth."

Fenna bit the apple open with a click, and while chewing, shook her head and said to Bo Laike:

"Although I admit that the way you propose to let the dwarves forge the holy hammer to unite is very good, but to be honest, I don't think their joint forging process will go smoothly.

And even if the holy hammer is forged, so what?

It's just a weapon, and it's impossible to really win people's hearts.

This is a truth that even I know. Although the dwarves are reckless, they are not stupid. The three tribes have been divided for almost three hundred years. How can there be so much mutual understanding and empathy?

I suspect now that Magni Bronzebeard wants to hack the Eye of Sufras you gave, and then use your arrangement to gather the most powerful blacksmiths in the world to make the Holy Hammer.

As for whether the three clans can be unified again, what does it have to do with him as the Bronze Bearded King? "

Having said that, Fenner blinked and said to Bo Laike:

"My mother even analyzed it for me. Although most of the causes of the War of the Three Hammers were mutual suspicion, lack of leadership from the King of the Mountain, and the natural cunning of the Dark Iron Dwarves.

But the inaction of the dominant Bronzebeard dwarves and the intensification of conflicts are also a very important factor. Maybe the Three Hammers Split has their secret efforts.

I quite like Muradin, that warrior who is as bold as me has no heart.

But his big brother I really don't like, Magni is a cunning dwarf, like you, he has to consider many factors before making a decision.

You can't quite trust him.

He was a king first and a dwarf second. "

"Wow, even you can see it. It seems that my rough plan really failed."

Bu Laike nodded seriously, and seemed to agree with Fenner's statement, and at the same time expressed his affirmation of Fenner's willingness to use his brain.

But the expression on his face couldn't be fooled by Fenner, the stupid warrior snorted, threw the apple core into the trash can next to him, clapped his hands again, and wrapped his strong arms around Bo Laike's neck.

As an elf, she is taller than Laike, so pulling her hard like this is really like a violent sister bullying a bad brother.

She threatens:

"Say it quickly! You must have other plans. I don't believe that this is the plan you prepared after going to Blackstone Mountain and Molten Core?"

"Let go, let go! What do you look like?"

Bo Laike patted Finner's arm to let her go, and then coughed a few times and said:

"As for the forging of the Dwarf Hammer, I really have no other ideas. I really hope that the three dwarf clans will work together to create a real artifact.

However, both Magni and the Thorium Brotherhood probably underestimated the difficulty of this matter.

I am very confident in their forging skills. Without adding other raw materials, they used two black iron relics as embryos, and it is indeed possible to forge excellent weapons.

But it's just excellent. "

The magic eyeball on the pirate's shoulder looked at the burning furnace next to him, he shook his head and said:

"But if you want to forge a perfect artifact with a mortal body, you can't rely on this big forge. What's more, I gave them the Eye of Savras, which is the remnant of the power of the king of fire and the elemental monarch. Is it a material that can be molded with just a forging hammer?

According to my conservative estimate, if they want to complete this forging, they have to complete an expedition first.

There is only one place in this world where it is possible to temper the Eye of Savras, and that place is now out of reach of mortals.

In addition, the choice of forging hammer is also very particular.

If you want to obtain a divine weapon, you must use a divine thing to catalyze it. Somewhere in Azeroth, there is a stone hammer left by the blacksmith Kazgoros.

It was the artifact that the creation titan used to carve the world.

Only when the forging hammer and furnace are in place at the same time, can the dwarves make perfect creations that shock the world with their own hands. So, do you understand? "

Fenner nodded first, but then shook her head again.

Valeera beside her coughed and reminded in a low voice:

"The master means that the hammer itself is not important, but the forging process is important. This is the beginning of an epic story, and the dwarves have to go through many challenges to complete this forging.

And that requires the joint efforts of the three races, and it will not work without anyone.

The completion of this process itself will allow the pioneers of the three races to re-examine their relationship with each other. This is the premise that the hammer can unify the three races.

A legend that is enough to last forever, a great story that makes all dwarves desire and praise regardless of race. "

"Is that so?"

Fenner understood completely, she nodded, and felt that if this was the case, then this matter would sound more plausible. But Laike stretched out his hand and gave Valeera a thumbs up.

This reading comprehension ability is good, continue to maintain it.

The three continued to move forward. Ten seconds later, the magic eyes on Bu Laike's shoulders suddenly flipped, looking at the bustling stalls of a group of dwarven merchants who were setting up stalls near the large forge behind them.

Valeera also glanced back like lightning, then approached Bu Laike, and whispered:

"Magni's eyeliner is gone, the dwarf assassin is not as clumsy as the legend says."


Bu Laike laughed and said:

"The eavesdropper has obtained important information, and he will report the secret that I just said 'outspokenly' to his majesty, which is very good.

Magni's excellent forging skills will tell him that what I say is true, he must do this to complete the forging of the hammer.

Then it depends on how he chooses.

Do you not waste time and forge a decent toy, or uphold the spirit of craftsman and pursue the ultimate in forging skills? Oops, I'm curious. "

"Wow, your hearts are really dark."

It was only after Fenner heard this that she fully understood that the words just now were not just for her.

"You really need to exercise your perception ability in the arena, Fenner."

Bu Laike said in a gentle tone:

"An excellent fighter should be alert to possible assassins around him. The eavesdropper is highly skilled. It's no wonder you didn't notice it this time, but he was obviously not cautious in front of his two colleagues."

"Three times the footsteps made the shadow rhythm splash, and once he got too close, but considering the heavy footsteps of dwarves, he can do this very well."

Valeera explained again.

As an assassin of the Sangunar family who was born with shadow blood, her super perception of the rhythm of shadows is her talent. When the eavesdropper followed them all the way, she had already felt it.

As for Bu Laike.

To him who had stepped into the pure void, the eavesdropper's movement in the shadows was as obvious as Guoben in broad daylight.

"ok, I get it."

Fenner didn't choke this time, and accepted the opinion honestly.

But she quickly added:

"But even if Magni is persuaded by you to really start preparing for the perfect artifact, he can persuade the Wildhammer to help, but he can't trust the most troublesome black iron.

Although the Thorium Brotherhood desires long-term peace, they are not mainstream in Darkforge City.

Emperor Thaurissan would not listen to them at all.

In the end, the battle of the Three Hammers had to be repeated. The Wildhammer and the Bronzebeard joined forces to hold the magic hammer that would have brought peace and unification, and then knocked the heads of the black irons open.

Doesn't this change nothing? "

"Well, well said!"

Bo Laike feels that today's Fenner is especially sensible.

He couldn't help but applaud his stupid sister's analysis. Seeing that Fenner was so studious, the pirate didn't hide it. He stretched out two fingers and waved them in front of Fenner's eyes.


"So, we have to carry out a plan B specifically for the black iron dwarves. Don't worry, I have already prepared."

After finishing speaking, the pirate took out a gift box from his luggage, stuffed it into Fenner's hand, and said:

"As the eldest princess of Kul Tiras, since you, the eldest daughter of the sea, have come to Ironforge, you must fulfill your duty as a princess to draw closer the friendship between Kul Tiras and Ironforge.

So, take this gift and visit His Majesty Magni's daughter.

You are a princess, and she is also a princess. I believe that you will have a lot of common language. "

After speaking, Bu Laike said to Valeera:

"My sister is not very talented in this area, but you are from a noble family in Quel'Thalas, you must be familiar with this set, so I would like to ask you to temporarily serve as my sister's foreign affairs officer, Valli pull.

I would like to ask you to assist Fenna to complete this visit, and by the way tell some interesting stories about the outside world to the princess who is said to be rebellious.

For example, the story of the gift that Fenner is going to give.

For example, the story of the royal family of Thaurissan.

For example, His Majesty Dagran Thaurissan is so wise and mighty, and how he bears humiliation. Speaking of it, although he is a black-skinned dwarf, from the perspective of dwarves, His Majesty Thaurissan is a real handsome man.

It also has a wicked temperament unique to evil people. "

"You don't have to say it, I understand, master."

Valeera covered her mouth and laughed, then stood up straight again, and assured Bu Laike very seriously:

"I will definitely assist His Royal Highness Fenner to complete this matter."

"You two, as the official representatives of Kul Tiras, can't wear such clothes to visit. Hey, I've prepared them for you."

Bo Laike took out two sets of folded ladies' clothes from the luggage and handed them to Fenner and Valeera.

"What's in that bag of yours?"

Fenner took the women's tuxedo tailored in the style of the Nightborne, and said to Bo Laike suspiciously:

"Why do you even have women's clothes? You don't usually have any perverted hobbies, do you? It won't work if you continue like this, Bu Laike. If you're sick, get treated quickly."

"What nonsense?"

The pirate snorted and said:

"Do you think I came to Ironforge temporarily? I have been planning this matter for a long time. I originally planned to let Jaina do it, but your identity is also fine."

"But why?"

Fenner had a lot of problems today. Holding her clothes, she said angrily:

"I'm thinking about it, but I can't figure it out. What's the point of you trying so hard to help the dwarves unify? You really don't plan to be a pirate anymore. Are you going to come here to preach peace?"


Bu Laike gave a short answer, but he didn't intend to say more, he just said vaguely:

"There are some things I want to do that only the dwarves can do for me. In addition, I also need the firm will of the dark iron dwarves, and when necessary, all the dwarves will unite to deal with certain disasters.

But these I cannot say.

Because, as a prophet, I know the changes in the future, and once something is said, it will affect the future.

Don't ask, I promise you, what I'm going to do this time is not a bad thing. "

"It's rare to see you so serious and formal, okay, I believe you."

Fenner nodded, and took Valeera to the dwarves' hotel to change clothes, while Laike leisurely changed direction and walked towards Ironforge's most famous Museum of the Explorers' Association.

I heard that there are many powerful things there, do you want to take a few of them?

Oh, just thinking about it like this makes my hands itchy.

(end of this chapter)

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