Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 892 222. Divination For The Future Starts From 100,000 Gold, And Divination For Love Is Free

Chapter 892 222. Divination of the future starts from 100,000 gold, and divination of love is free——adding more for Brother Shuangyanyu [225]

"Pay the cost of one gold coin, fill out this form, and wait for a week for review, and we will mail your membership certificate back to you.

But one last time, do you really want to join the League of Explorers? "

In the explorer's hall on the edge of Ironforge, a female dwarf with double braids and formal attire was sitting behind a table. She quickly took out a form for Laike and asked with a warm smile. :

"As a member of the Explorers' Association, you occasionally need to accept organizational tasks. For example, if you discover some relics or ancient knowledge in your hometown, the association may need you to come forward to coordinate local relations.

In rare cases, you may even be required to join an excavator or expedition.

This action is safe in most cases.

But there are occasional dangers. "

"Needless to say, I grew up listening to the stories of the Explorers' Association. I always wanted to be a human explorer. This time I finally came to Ironforge. I naturally want to fulfill my childhood dream. "

Bu Laike smiled and made up a reason without any psychological burden.

And the female dwarf looked at Bo Laike curiously, and her final gaze fell on the blindfold on the pirate's eyes. She hesitated, but after a few seconds of hesitation, she still whispered:

"I still advise you to think again. We don't discriminate against blind people, but many times, the explorations we want to conduct are not suitable for blind people to participate in."

"It's okay, I can do some theoretical research or logistical work."

Bu Laike was not angry, he behaved politely, and said softly:

"Also, just because I wear a blindfold doesn't mean I'm blind"

"Ah, sorry, sir."

The female dwarf apologized sincerely in embarrassment, and the pirate laughed and said:

"It's okay, Ms. Panjiao, I know you mean no harm."

"Oh? How do you know my name?"

The dwarf stared wide-eyed and said:

"I didn't tell you."

"Shh, it's a secret."

Bu Laike stretched out his finger and made a silent movement. While preparing to fill out the membership application, he whispered:

"To be honest, I'm a low-key prophet."

"Hahaha, you have a great sense of humor, sir."

Ms. Hilda Panjiao, a senior member of the Explorers' Association, sat on her chair and laughed.

Apparently, she took Boo Laike's words as a joke.

Bu Laike didn't care either. It was a happy thing to meet a familiar character here. He didn't forget the experience of fighting the Lizardman with this lady on a remote beach.

But the pirate's attention was now on the form in Hilda Corner's hand.

He intends to carefully "codify" his identity information.

"name or nickname"

The dwarf picked up a pen and asked a question.

"Fina Golden Sword, nicknamed 'Ghost Wolf'."

The pirate replied.


Ms. Panjiao froze for a moment, glanced at Bo Laike, the corner of her mouth twitched, and she still wrote this terrible nickname and this very feminine name.


"Uh, maybe a man?"


"Freelancers, quite the 'free' kind."

"Where is the main activity area? Get rid of that kind of ambiguous answer, Mr. Fenner, if you continue like this, your information will not pass the review."

"Okay, but my area of ​​activity is relatively large, I have a few ships, I am engaged in maritime trade work, and occasionally carry out some small businesses of good men on the sea.

So, you can write 'Endless Sea'."

"Mr. Fenner! Please be serious!"

"Okay, let's write about the Palatine Sea. I will go to the North Sea occasionally."

"What about your native place?"

"Kul Tiras, or Quel'Thalas."

"Are you still an elf?"

"Yeah, look at my ears."

"Wow, you really have pointed ears! The column of race is labeled 'half-elf'. But half-elfs like you are really rare, and your human blood is so strong that you even overwhelmed the elves." physiological characteristics."

"Well, my father has strong genes, let me take this as a compliment."

"Then there are some optional items, you can choose to fill in or not to fill in."

"It's ok, come on. I love quizzes, and getting a question right always gives me a sense of accomplishment."

"Well, what about your specific occupation? I mean if you are a combat professional."

"I just answered, I am a prophet."

"Mr. Fenner!!! I admit that you are the person with the most sense of humor I have seen during my vacation these days, and I also like chatting with you very much, it is very relaxing.

But this is a formal inquiry, so."

"Okay, okay, I was wrong. You can write that I'm an assassin, or a warlock, and I can be a hunter. What? Don't you believe it?

Come, put this apple on your head.

very good.

hold this pose"

"Can you take off the blindfold? And where did you take out this dwarf musket? No weapons are allowed here!"


".Well, I'll just write that you're a hunter. Please leave your gun with me, and I'll return it to you when you're done exploring the museum.

I don't want to ask any more.

My heart is still beating violently.

So, let's move on to the last item.

What kind of contribution do you think you can bring to the League of Explorers? Or, what kind of career do you plan to make in the League of Explorers? "

"Ah, I like that question!"

Bo Laike put the dwarf musket emitting smoke on the table, and took out a dwarf grenade from his arms. This action scared Hilda Panjiao to ring the alarm bell immediately.

She thought Bo Laike was there to rob the museum.

But the pirate shrugged and put the dwarf grenade on the table, then took out a map that looked very simple, and slapped it on the table in front of the female dwarf.

He said with a smile:

"I took it wrong just now, don't worry, I am very insecure, so I will carry some self-defense weapons with me."

"Do you call this dwarf grenade that can kill ten people a 'self-defense weapon'? Has your family ever taught you that dangerous objects should not be carried with you! You bastard!"

The female dwarf complained frantically in her heart, she glanced at the black dwarf grenade, and then at the map that Bu Laike took out.

As a senior explorer, she could tell at a glance that this map was unusual, so she nodded against her will, squeezed out a very professional smile, and said:

"Yeah, the world is dangerous, and it's a good idea to keep a weapon handy, but you'd better pick something decent. Let's talk about this map.

Do you want to turn it over to the association? "

"Of course, that's what I'm here for."

Bu Laike stood up straight and said nonsense:

"As I said just now, I occasionally go to the North Sea to expand my business. During a certain trip a year ago, my blue dragon followers and I went deep into the barren land of the Northrend continent.

We're going to climb the roof of the world, that stormy cliff that's haunted by storms all year round.

But we failed.

It wasn't a total failure though, we were caught in a storm and were finally rescued by a pack of wild vrykul who lived there, and those she-wolves caught me and were going to do something terrible to me.

But I was lucky enough to escape, and copied the map of the Storm Peaks from them.

That's all I have to say. "

The pirate opened the map, and under the shocked gaze of Ms. Panjiao, he pointed to the northernmost point of the map, where there was a sign of a huge building.

Bu Laike felt the heartfelt and irrepressible excitement of the female dwarf in front of him. He even heard her violent heartbeat. The pirate chuckled and said:

"I spent a year researching this map, and I searched for people in Northrend, and finally pieced together the truth from the ancient stories of various races.

If my research is correct, then I can be sure, here it is! This is the legendary 'Land of Creation'!

The gods in ancient legends created this world here. "

The smelly pirate spoke out the secret of the map in a mythical tone, and gave Hilda Panjiao enough time to digest the news.

After a few seconds, he said very cleverly:

"This discovery led to my actions today, and now that I am a member of the League of Explorers, I have decided to dedicate it to my organization.

You should have enough resources to judge its authenticity and send an expedition.

However, according to the information I gathered from some hidden races in Northrend, to enter this city of gods requires a 'key'.

I don't know where the key is, after all, I am not a professional explorer.

But in my poor wisdom, trying to find other places of gods that exist in the world must be able to find clues. Surely this won't bother you professionals.

Oh yes, I was still with some titans in Northrend, and heard about the Forge of the Endless in that city, which is said to be guarded by a fearsome flaming titan.

It is said that the first warriors of steel and rock forged under the command of the gods were born in that furnace.

I don't know if this information is useful to you. Ah, no, is it useful to us? "

"Useful, very useful!"

Hilda Panjiao put away the map brought by Bu Laike with a gesture of treating a treasure, and quickly wrote down the other information he said.

She raised her head and said to the pirate:

"Thank you for your valuable information, Mr. Fenner. I will immediately report this matter to the higher-ups of the Explorers' Association. If there is any progress, we will notify you as soon as possible."

After speaking, the female dwarf did not forget her business.

She took out a small special dwarf camera from a drawer, which is an instrument used by explorers to record new discoveries, clicked the shutter on the cloth Laike, and a black and white photo was developed after a few seconds.

Ms. Panjiao quickly cropped the photo, took out a special Explorer's Association ID, stamped it with a seal, and handed it to Bu Laike.

The pirate squeezed his certificate and said doubtfully:

"Don't you need a seven-day review?"

"That's the normal situation, but there is a special mechanism for special contributors within the Explorers' Association. An excellent information provider like you is fully qualified to enjoy this kind of service."

The dwarf said to Bo Laike:

"Please enjoy your tour in the Explorer's Hall, and I'm going to register your first contribution as a member.

Based on my experience, if the information you submit is found to be valuable, you will most likely become the fastest-rising member of the Explorers' Association in the past thirty years.

You will become a high-level member on the first day of membership, Muradin's beard is amazing, you will break another member's level-up record.

Maybe you will be invited to join this super project.

Origins of Adventureland.

Tsk tsk, just this name is enough to make all the members of the Explorers Association boil, and your name will also be engraved in the hall of honor in the hall. "

"That's unnecessary, I am a person who is indifferent to fame and fortune."

Bu Laike waved his hand and said solemnly:

"I submit this information only to contribute to the association, and it does not mean that I want to profit from it. But I am curious, who is the record holder with the fastest internal contribution level before me?

You just said nearly thirty years, that is, his or her record was set thirty years ago? "

"Well, our Honorary Master Archaeologist, Renault!"

The female dwarf introduced the map while packing it in a hollow paper tube specially placed for the map:

"He independently excavated a titan artifact in Silithus thirty years ago, and successfully shared his thesis and research with the Association.

It was one of the most exciting discoveries in the past century, second only to the excavations in Uldaman.

Alas, the ruins were about to come to fruition, but unfortunately the arrival of the orc war interrupted everything. Those ignorant greenskins thought it was a soldier cave and blew it up, so we have to start all over from scratch!

Greenskins should be damned! "

After cursing at Panjiao, he enthusiastically gave the pirate a special certificate for a one-day trip to the Explorers' Hall, then hurriedly carried the map on his back and ran towards the Explorers' Association's residence.

The news brought by Bu Laike is very shocking, and she must complete the authenticity verification as quickly as possible.

Alas, if Master Brian is here, based on his experience with the Titan ruins, he will definitely be able to tell the truth at a glance. Unfortunately, Brian has not returned yet.

It is said that they are stranded in Booty Bay, and they don't know what's going on in the South China Sea.

The pirate didn't care whether the information he gave could be verified or not. He used it for "fishing" anyway. When the aggressive dwarves really opened the city of Ulduar, it would be his harvest time.

He hummed a song and walked into the Hall of Explorers with his ID. Many things in this museum are closed to tourists, but Laike is now "his own".

Relying on the temporary certificate given by Panjiao, he traveled unimpeded all the way.

A few hours later, in front of the deepest display case in the Hall of Explorers, when Braike was admiring an ancient vrykul sword and picking out some mistakes and omissions in the description, a short figure in a cloak approached he.

"I've been waiting for you."

When the guy walked five steps behind the pirate, Bo Laike coughed and said without looking back:

"I saw this scene in the prophecy. I know that your heart is full of doubts and confusion. It is not a kind of luck to be born into the royal family.

At least not for you.

So, Your Majesty Moira, what question do you want to ask when you come to find a true prophet? "

The pirate chuckled and said:

"Excessive interference in the future will only backfire, so let me give you a suggestion, think carefully about the questions you will ask, and I promise, I will try my best to answer your doubts.

A disappointed and restless heart will be soothed, I promise. "

(end of this chapter)

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