Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 893 223. Run Away From Home, Your Royal Highness! --Add More For Brother Shuangyanyu【3/25】

Chapter 893 223. Run away from home, Your Royal Highness! --Add more for Brother Shuangyanyu【325】

Moira Bronzebeard thought she was going mad.

She didn't know why after the Princess Fenna from Kul Tiras visited her, this idea kept circling in her mind.

She even suspected that she was under a curse.

But she became a priest of the Holy Light during the orc war, and she repeatedly checked with the power of the Holy Light, and she was not affected by the mind.

But that thought was so strong that after Princess Fenna left, he sneaked out of the palace and ran to the Hall of Explorers.

But when she was actually standing behind Laike Shaw, Princess Bronzebeard suddenly realized something.

She seemed a little too reckless.

Her understanding of the person in front of her was limited to those legends, things about Dalaran, things about Kul Tiras, and some gossip inside the Church of the Holy Light.

It is said that the pirate in front of him has a close personal relationship with Pope Fao, and some people claim that he is a "true prophet".

This statement has appeared a long time ago, and it coincides with the story told by Princess Fenna's elf attendant just now.

Even the brave and independent Princess Fenner said that she was able to get to where she is today, thanks to the encouragement of Brad Laike Shaw.

This makes Princess Moira wonder for a while whether there is any intimacy between Fenner and Bo Laike.

She's going to be out of her mind.

Feeling stupid, maybe it's better to turn around and leave before he notices.

I am the Bronze Beard Queen!

If someone finds out that he behaved inappropriately, it will definitely become a shameful incident that affects the reputation of the Bronzebeard family. So, the dwarf princess in the cloak quietly turned around to leave, but suddenly heard a voice behind her.

It made Moira's entire body stiffen.

It was as embarrassing and ashamed as if someone had discovered something stupid.

Even at her age, it is enough to be a mother to the human being in front of her, after all, she is a longevity species.

"I don't have any questions for you."

Moira, wary, said to Bo Laike, who had his back to her admiring a vrykul sword on a display shelf:

"I just came to thank you for giving me this gift, and I came to ask the reason by the way."

While talking, she also took out the crown of the Ring of Flame that was just presented by Princess Fenna herself.

To be honest, this crown was forged very much in line with the aesthetics of dwarves, and Queen Bronzebeard fell in love with it immediately.

The most important thing is that even though it has been entangled with burning flames, it is not hot when touched by fingers, and it has a warm feeling.

As a dwarven royal blood who is good at forging, the princess could easily tell that the crown was not just an ornament, but also a very powerful magic item.

After learning from Princess Fenner that the crown was given by the pirate in front of her, Moira really wanted to thank her in person.

Moreover, as a very smart woman, combined with Laike's bad reputation in the human world, she can easily deduce that the purpose of the pirate's gift is not pure.

"I know that you just had a secret discussion with my father. If you plan to use this gift to ask me to help persuade my father, then I cannot accept this gift."

Moira held up the ring of flames in her hand with some regrets, and she said:

"I cannot participate in the politics of the Bronzebeard Kingdom."

"Why not?"

Bo Laike continued to admire the various exquisite collections in the exhibition cabinets in the Hall of Explorers. The Eye of Keir Rogge on his shoulder was suspended and floated in front of Moira Bronzebeard.

It was like looking at the bronze-bearded princess with her own eyes.

To be honest, although dwarf girls have never been in line with the aesthetics of humans or elves, Moira Bronzebeard's appearance is not annoying at all.

Of course, she has the big nose and high forehead that the dwarves are proud of, and also has the standard height of the dwarves. In addition, the dwarves do not regard slenderness as beauty, they advocate a stocky and strong figure.

Well, stocky, not bucket waist, so that it can be understood as "flesh, but still has lines".

By this standard, Princess Moira is a true "dwarven beauty".

Most importantly, she has big eyes that are very bright and shiny no matter what race standard, and she also wears gold hoop earrings around her ears.

The princess had braided her long, fiery chestnut-red hair, which was a royal bronze beard, and coiled it at the sides of her head in a dwarven hairstyle.

Some trendy dwarf girls will also use this hairstyle.

But this style of dressing and hair is also suitable for these two short races, and women of other races are somewhat unmanageable. Fenner would have made Bo Laike laugh out loud if she had hair like this.

The pirate observed the bronze-bearded princess whom he met for the first time, and said:

"Is it because His Majesty Magni does not allow you to get involved in politics, or do you hate that kind of exchange of interests?

Based on my understanding of dwarves' inheritance laws, if the Bronzebeard family has no next-generation royal family members other than you, then the position of king is destined to fall on you.

Wife of His Majesty Magni, your mother passed away many years ago, and the king has no plans to remarry.

Your Uncle Prince Muradin has dedicated his life to forging, wine and fighting, and in the future I see, he is proud to be the defender of the dwarves and the Bronzebeard clan, and will not have a small family of his own .

And your other Uncle Brian

It doesn't matter if he doesn't say anything.

If you are the destined king in the future, why can't you participate in the politics of the kingdom in advance? My friend Kael'thas Sunstrider is a prince, as noble and as willing to inherit a kingdom as you are.

He ran away from court because he hated political battles, what about you? "

"I don't want to talk to you about this."

Bo Laike's question seemed to touch some of Moira Bronzebeard's psychological taboos, she took a few steps back vigilantly, and said:

"Our relationship hasn't gotten to this point yet."

"Give me a little more time, Your Highness."

Bu Laike didn't care about the resistance of Princess Bronzebeard, he said:

"I also occasionally read some humanities books of various races to pass the time.

My favorite is a series of treatises on the customs of the various races by His Excellency Axenus, a royal historian well-known to Ironforge and the entire Eastern Continent.

Her point of view is sharp and full of original insights.

One of the studies on the status of women among the dwarven clans opened my eyes. The female historian from the Bronzebeard clan believed that the status of women among the Wildhammer dwarves was the highest in the paper.

Followed by black iron.

Her hometown, Ironforge, is full of unreasonable male chauvinism, and the status of female dwarves in the Bronzebeard clan urgently needs to be improved.

What does Her Royal Highness think about this point of view? "

"I am the second author of that paper by Axenus"

Moira Bronzebeard snorted, she felt that the human being in front of her always had something to say, and her dwarf temper made her dislike this hidden way of speaking.

So she asked directly:

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"Then I'll be blunt, excuse me, Your Highness."

Bu Laike laughed, he finally turned around, looked at the dwarf princess under the hood, and said softly:

"Having a patriarchal father made your life miserable since you were a child? Even though you have worked so hard, you still can't get your father to recognize your ability.

The saddest thing is that he doesn't approve of you just because you are a girl.

It's not that you are incapable.

As far as I know, His Majesty Magni, although he loves you very much, always wanted a son to rule the kingdom after him, and was disappointed that you did not become the male heir he wanted.

You have a bad relationship with your father because of it, right? "

"Where did you know this?"

Moira was startled.

The princess said in an unbelievable tone:

"My dad didn't even say this to my two Uncles, he only discussed it with a couple of his advisors. I overheard it on one occasion.

Among his advisors, is there someone from you?

This is impossible!

Those advisers are all old dwarves who are over two hundred years old. When they became the king's advisers, your grandfather hadn't even been born yet!

You bought them off? "

"Perhaps with a more acceptable explanation."

Bo Laike spread his hands and said with a smile:

"I am a prophet, Your Royal Highness."

"All pretense and vigilance in front of me are meaningless. I know your troubles, I know your pain, and I know why you came to see me.

As I said earlier, you need to ask me a question and I will give you an answer.

As for why I want to give you this crown, don't think about it too much. I have plenty of ways to make your father accept my proposal. In fact, he has already accepted it.

A great turn of fortune for the dwarves is about to take place, and I will bring about it.

I also don't need an underappreciated heir to the throne to help me persuade His Majesty Magni, even if I really want someone to help, I won't ask you.

You and your father will quarrel as soon as they meet, and asking you for help can only be counterproductive.

Besides, don't you think this crown is meant to be yours? "

"It does feel that way."

Moira Bronzebeard touched the Ring of Flame in her hand, and she said:

“It’s like, a friend who’s never met made this crown for me, he knows what I like, he knows how I like to see flames burn, and even the weight is perfect for me to wear.

This is the most perfect gift I've ever had growing up, I'd love to know who forged it? "

"Is that your problem?"

Bo Laike coughed and said in a drawn out voice:

"If it is confirmed, then I will tell you the answer?"

"No, no, that's not the problem!"

Queen Bronzebeard hurriedly waved her hand.

She took a deep breath, then looked at Bo Laike, and asked seriously:

"If you are really as magical as Princess Fenna and other rumors say, then there is only one prophecy I want to get from you.

i want to ask you

Can I become a qualified ruler in the future? Can I impress my annoying father? Can I rise above his dominion? "

"Well, I feel like you're not looking to me for an answer."

The pirate rubbed his chin and said:

"I feel that you came to me to comfort me.

It can be seen from this that your father's stubbornness cast a shadow on you, so that you yourself began to doubt whether you could be a qualified heir.

But I will give you an answer.

I have seen that future, Moira, where you will stand on the throne and rule proudly, but not here, your kingdom is far away.

You will return home eventually, but you will not be king of the Bronzebeard.

It does not detract from your greatness, for with your own hands you will raise a king of all dwarves.

You and your father will eventually reconcile, too, and after much, much suffering, you will realize that it wasn't just your father's stubbornness that caused your tragedy.

And your inaction. "

"My inaction?"

Moira was enraged by Boo Laike's words.

She stared at the pirate and said sharply:

"How do I convince a stubborn father who only wants a son to accept me?

I showed him my knowledge.

Compiled books with his historians, I wrote papers that pirates like you have read, but he turned a blind eye to them!

I showed him my bravery.

When the orcs attacked Ironforge, I joined the Church of the Light and used my powers on the front lines to heal the wounded. His guards all thanked me, but he did nothing about it!

I show him my strength.

When I was young, I studied martial arts with Muradin, went out to the city alone to fight snow leopards and brown bears, and even eradicated snow monsters, all I got was a scolding.

He thinks that the princess should stay in the palace honestly, and marry off as a tool for political marriage when she grows up!

He is a stubborn old man!

He's still a dwarf, which makes his stubbornness a mountain, and I've done as much as I can, I've tried.

But I failed.

You still say I do nothing?

You claim to be a prophet, no, you are like him, you are all blind!

I shouldn't have come here, I've only had one disappointment.

as always.

Every expectation will only result in disappointment. "

The Bronze Beard Queen held the crown in her hand and took a few steps back. Bu Laike's guidance made her finally say the words hidden in her heart, and her eyes were red with anger.

Not just because of the evaluation of the pirates, but also because of the injustice he suffered in the past.

"I'm on the verge of tears."

Bu Laike covered his eyes pretendingly, and said:

"You yearn for the approval and respect from your father, you keep working hard but you keep getting disappointed, you've been trying to turn disappointment into strength, but you're tired.

You no longer look forward to it.

So let your dissatisfaction with your father turn into a shadow, swallow yourself up, and take revenge on your father.

That's the question I want to hear.

That's the answer I'm interested in giving. "

The pirate figure disappeared from the spot in a flash, and when he reappeared, he stood in front of Moira. He took the ring of flames from Moira's hand and placed it on the head of the weeping princess.

It's like a coronation.

He said:

"If anyone thinks you can't, prove it to him! Stubborn old men will never accept their mistakes until he sees them with their own eyes.

I proposed to your father to build a dwarf hammer to reunify the three hammers, but from his eyes, I saw a kind of helplessness.

he knows.

He couldn't handle the Dark Iron clan.

But, you can. "

Bu Laike half-kneeled in front of the Bronzebeard Queen. He looked into those glowing red eyes, which reflected a soul longing for approval.

In order to get that due respect, she can even burn herself.

"You can do what the great Magni Bronzebeard can't. It must have been a wonderful look on your father's face when you returned to Ironforge with the Dark Iron dwarves who surrendered to you."

The pirate said softly:

"The divided dwarves are meant to be united, so why shouldn't you be the one to bring it together? You like this crown, don't you? Do you know who forged it?"

Bo Laike patted Moira on the shoulder and said:

"Emperor Dagran Thaurissan has just lost his loyal master.

I expelled the Firelord with my own hands. The time of slavery of the Dark Iron dwarves is over, but they have knelt for too long, and they don't know how to enjoy their freedom.

Their emperor was full of ambition, but he didn't know how to lead his people.

and you

You have been preparing for decades to rule, all you need is a chance to prove yourself.

Go rule them all.

Prove your father wrong and find a love that is destined to be. "

"But, but Thaurissan if."

Moira's eyes widened.

She instinctively wanted to ask back, but saw the pirate raised his finger at her and made a silent motion, and Bo Laike stood up and whispered:

"Are you so unsure of your own charm? My lord. I am a prophet. Believe me, Dagran Thaurissan will be your servant.

He will be extremely obsessed.

His empty heart is also in need of a new master at the moment, what could be more suitable as a shackle than a fiery love? "

(end of this chapter)

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