Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 894 224. Dwarven Secret Technique? I Think I Can Learn It--Add More For Brother Shuangyanyu【

Chapter 894 224. Dwarven Secret Technique? I think I can learn it——add more to Brother Shuangyanyu【425】

Although His Majesty the Bronzebeard King Magni has always believed that Bu Laike Shaw, who has a bad reputation from the outside world, came to his kingdom for his own purpose.

But if he knew what the evil Bo Laike was doing, he would have charged with his hammer and ax in his titan form, and broken the stinky pirate's leg with his own hands.

Throw him down from the highest snow peak behind Ironforge to feed the Yeti!

This wicked bastard is bewitching his only daughter!

Although the fact is true as Moira said, Magni Bronzebeard is a patriarchal asshole father, but his dissatisfaction with his daughter is limited to that he doesn't think girls can rule the country well.

Even Princess Moira herself admitted that her father was flawless in everything else.

He really regarded his daughter as the apple of his eye and gave her everything she needed from an early age.

Although the father and daughter often clashed because of their different ideas, in real terms, the relationship between father and daughter was not so bad that they would never communicate with each other.

But now, with Bu Laike in the way, His Majesty Magni may lose his treasure.

Although it was destined to happen.

In the words of the stinky pirate, he just "pushed" fate behind him a little.

However, His Majesty Magni does not know that something terrible is brewing now, and he will be busy with another important matter.

Right in the big forge, His Majesty the King held a forging hammer in his own hand, and only wore a short upper body, beating in front of the iron felt.

Beside him, Fenner, who was still wearing "diplomatic attire", was spraying a beautifully shaped kettle, always ready to pour the contents of the kettle onto the iron felt in front of her eyes.

Of course, what is stored in this kettle is not ordinary water.

The bright red liquid was full of a pungent smell, and after being taken out for several days, it still maintained a high temperature, as if it had been boiled.

This is dragon blood!

To be precise, the blood from Onyxia, the black dragon princess, is the real essence, full of power from the blood of the Dragon King.

Such a pot of dragon girl's blood can easily create a strengthened platoon of elite dragon blood cultists. If it is carefully prepared by an alchemist, it can also be made into a dragon blood potion that is enough for a small army.

If Fenna intends to sell the dragon's blood in her hand, she can easily exchange it for a generous reward in Dalaran or Quel'Thalas, and payment in gold is also possible.

But or, this pot of priceless dragon blood can complete the final tempering for a weapon that is about to be reshaped.

"It will be ready soon, little girl."

Magni wielded the forging hammer, beating the elven sword Quel'Sera, which had been repaired into a sharp blade, on the big iron felt. The magma covered with the elemental magic power of the big melting furnace flowed beside it, making every hammer of the Bronzebeard King Will splash dazzling sparks.

He warned Fenner during the heat attack:

"I'll let you pour it out later, and you pour out the dragon's blood. Don't keep it. This holy sword is extremely powerful, and its appetite is also very strong. You must satisfy its desire."


Seeing that her other precious sword was about to be completed, Fenna's eyes lit up and she nodded repeatedly.

But Hansel Heavy Fist, the dark iron dwarf beside her, was very disdainful.

While stealing the forging skills of the Bronzebeard dwarves, this guy made a disdainful comment with his mouth curled up:

"You are still using such a backward forging method? Look at your big melting pot, which is full of decay. How can it compare to our black iron dwarves' forging method.

On our black iron felt that inherits treasures, there is no need for such complicated techniques to restore this elven sword and give it the power to melt into flames. "

What he said was outrageous.

Mainly because I didn't distinguish the occasion.

A circle of brazen-bearded dwarf blacksmiths around them picked up the forging hammer in unison, and stared at this black iron dwarf who spoke out with a dangerous look.

They're going to give the guy a little "education of love."

"Don't pay attention to him, the poor black irons regard slavery as strength, this is the only way they can comfort themselves during their centuries of slavery.

Let the poor bastards continue to be proud, don't pierce their last fig leaf.

That's rude, guys. "

The Bronzebeard King didn't care about Hansel's sarcasm, and his words made a group of copperbeard blacksmiths around him burst out laughing in unison.

The king himself didn't laugh, because he wasn't joking, he really meant it.

This made the light in the Dark Iron Dwarf's eyes redder, but it also silenced him.

Magni focused on his work. After several storm-like beatings, the once broken Elven Excalibur was restored to its perfect state by the forging hammer.

"It's now!"

Magni took a step back with his forging hammer, Fenna bit her lip and was about to pour out the dragon's blood, but suddenly heard Hansel Heavy Fist reminding:

"Put your anger into it!"

Fenner hesitated for a moment, and the Black Iron Dwarf said in a louder voice:

"Believe me, this will make it better and better.

It has no power characteristics that belong to you, it is just a perfect holy sword, but once it is connected with your mind, it is a perfect holy sword that belongs only to you, and no one else can touch it.

Which do you want? "

"Shut up!"

Magni pushed Hansel away, and he scolded:

"Adding anything to it will take it out of its original form."

"Isn't that better?"

Hansel retorted screaming:

"You copper-bearded savages who can only stick to the rules! No wonder your skills haven't improved in three hundred years. Don't you even dare to innovate a little bit?"

"Stop yelling at you!"

Fenner turned her head and screamed, and took another step forward, pouring the dragon's blood on the scorching silver holy sword, but her other hand also held the high-temperature hilt.

This reckless contact made Fenner's face turn pale instantly.

It felt bad to have flesh scorched in the palm of her hand, but she wasted no time, a tidal wave of rage was poured upon the holy sword before it had finished reshaping.

With the filling of dragon blood and anger, amidst the exclamations of the dwarf blacksmiths, the reshaped elven sword seemed to "melt" again.

Its blade and blade were quickly cooled down by Fina's continuous injection of anger, and then slightly changed into a more lethal and brutal form in the flash of light.

"It's done!"

Hansel clapped his hands and gave a cheer. Looking back at the group of bronze-bearded blacksmiths proudly, he said proudly:

"Did you see it? This is the black iron forging technique, which is much higher than your copper beard forging technique. Little girl, quickly wave it, let these bastards see your sword!"

"Don't worry, don't worry."

Fenna didn't care about the burning of her palms, she stroked the elf sword in her hand obsessively, and said in a low voice:

"I need to know its name first. It has its own name."

"What's wrong with this girl?"

Magni froze for a moment, looked back at Hansel, and said:

"You also taught her this ceremony? How could the weapon tell her name?"

"It's not part of the Black Iron Forge, we don't have this bloody ritual."

Hansel whispered in embarrassment:

"Who knows where she learned it, maybe it's the technique that the elves are talking about?"

Under the wide-eyed gaze of a group of dwarves, Fenner closed her eyes and stroked the silver sharp blade in her hand, just like the "conversation" with the Ashbringer in the Molten Core.

The sharp blade made of her anger in front of her also showed the feeling of "blood blending".

She could hear the blade neighing.

"I see, I hear."

Fenner grinned, and amidst the swirling blades of her wrist, she said:

"It's called Quel Sela, and it's called Killing Killer."

"I think you just gave it an imposing name at random."

The dwarf king murmured in a low voice.

But he doesn't care about such small things, the elves are always so talkative. And personally completed the reshaping of a holy sword, which made Magni happy.

The king took a sip from the flagon at hand and said to Fenner:

"I heard that you learned great skills from Daelin, and you are also a rare legendary warrior in Quel'Thalas. It's great that you broke through the magic obsession of your weak compatriots.

Do you want to come and learn from each other, little girl?

Think of it as trying out your new sword. "


Facing Magni's invitation, Fenner agreed without hesitation. She glanced at the healing wound on her palm, and the tingling pain made her frown slightly.

But for fighters, pain inspires strength is their criterion.

From this point of view, excellent fighters have "masochistic glory".

Ten minutes later, in King Magni's own training room not far from the throne room, the king raised his warhammer and tomahawk, and violently collided the two weapons in front of him, making harsh sounds and sparks. splash.

He said to Fenner who was holding the sword of Quel Sela on the opposite side:

"Is it a skill competition? Or a hearty battle?"

"No tricks!"

Fenner rolled her eyes when she heard this word, and she complained:

"Recently, I almost vomited from practicing my skills. Come on, let's have a real fight. I am also a legendary fighter, so you don't have to worry about hurting me, Your Majesty."


Magni is a straightforward dwarf, and he doesn't have any politeness.

As the step forward accelerated, the king turned around, and the hammer in his hand smashed towards Fenner amidst the sound of thunder. The first move is the secret technique of the king of the hill - Hammer of the Storm, which is really merciless.

But Fenner also became full of fighting spirit because of this.

Roaring forward, she surged with fury from the tidal version, and with the humming Quel'Sera Killer Remnant, she shot forward a powerful blow to break the city.

The burst of power concentrated at one point destroyed the storm hammer that Magni slammed, and the war hammer flew away with a loud noise.

"Hahaha, not bad."

Magni's short legs were filled with strength amidst a loud laugh, and he jumped into the sky with a heroic jump, grabbed the warhammer and slammed it at Fenner while falling.

The combat between fighters and fighters is not so fancy, and you can either block or dodge in the face of an attack. But if you choose to dodge, you will fall into the dilemma of being continuously suppressed by your opponent, so Fenna chose to face up.


The collision of the three weapons knocked the slender elf back several steps.

Good guy.

This dwarf is so strong!

At least a quarter stronger than Dai Lin's power! What did they grow up eating? Is it really a dragon egg a day like in a bad novel written by Boo Laike?

Fenner's arms were a little numb, but she was not frustrated by this, but stepped forward again with the sword in hand.

This reckless gesture made Magni shake his head slightly.

This will not work.

Warriors really need to pursue toughness, but being so easy to get ahead in battle will only make them reckless. A real warrior must learn to release anger as well as learn to suppress it.

A warrior who is both angry and calm is the deadliest warrior.

But in the next second, he realized that he was wrong.

Fenner was "cheating" him.


The moment Quel Sela collided with Magni's hammer and axe, the dwarf king felt that the power on the blade was not Fenner's full blow, and she still had the strength.

What a cunning elf!

The dwarf showed a soldier's smile, and was about to break the move, when he saw Fina grabbing back with her left hand, and a silver giant blade that was slightly bigger than Quelcella also jumped into her hand.

In the entanglement of anger like a tidal eruption, he slashed down obliquely in a beheading posture.


There was another loud bang, and the disheveled Magni flew upside down, tumbling in the air several times before landing on the ground.

In front of his eyes, Fenna, holding a heavy weapon in each of her left and right hands, stood there panting, and the anger of the two holy swords echoed each other, as if two fiery wings stretched out from her hands.

"Grip of the Titan?"

Magni exclaimed.

The image of the elf's slender body holding two brutal giant blades has a weird impact. The most important thing is that Fenna's beheading with the two swords is extremely threatening.

This means that the elf warrior has mastered the mystery of the berserk branch of power, and she can turn into a berserk warrior who sets off a blood storm at any time.

That was an opponent no one wanted to face.

They attacked violently like mad dogs, and they also had the "immortality of anger" known as endless anger and endless battles.

"No more fights, no more fights."

Magni waved his weapon and said:

"If you keep fighting, you won't be able to hold back. I'm afraid I'll hurt you, little girl."

"whispering sound"

Fenna, who was entangled in anger, curled her lips in disdain and said:

"Isn't it the copper beard secret skill of the gods? I haven't seen it before. Come on, dwarf, let me see the power of the king of the hill. Maybe I can learn that skill from you."

"You can't learn."

Magni said seriously:

"Only the race with the mission can use this power given by the ancestors, and only the descendants of the mountain king can use it."

"I do not believe."

Fenner raised her double blades, with a sly look in her eyes, she said:

"I learned a trick from an old orc a few days ago, it will open your eyes."

The next moment, the elf warrior launched a powerful and heavy charge. The moment he hit Magni, he swung his double blades, and the storm of destructive blades turned around amid Fenner's cheers.

Magni frowned. Facing the deadly attack in front of him, he clenched his weapon tightly, and under the call of the expanding power of his body, he slammed forward.

This elf girl is too arrogant! How rude!

She must be taught a lesson.

(end of this chapter)

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