Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 895 225. Crazy Yiwen Joins The Package -- Add More For Brother Shuangyanyu 【5/25】

Chapter 895 225. Crazy Yiwen joins the package—adding more for Brother Shuangyanyu [525]

"What are you doing here? While I was busy with business, did you find time to walk around Argus?"

Satisfied, Bo Laike returned to the Stonefire Hotel where he was staying, and just opened the door when he was startled by Fenner who was lying on the bed and howling.

The stinky pirate who was still holding the dwarf liquor in his hand stared dumbfounded at Fenner, who was lying on the bed in only her underwear, but she didn't feel shivering at all.

Because her whole body is wounded.

Valeera was applying medicine to her bruised wounds all over her body, and every time she applied it, Fenner would let out a howl.

"Did you run to rob the dwarven vault and get beaten up?"

Boo Laike closed the door, leaned against the wall, and said while drinking:

"How did you make it like this?"

"Oh, I was beaten."

Although Fenna was in poor shape, she was in a good state of mind. She grimaced at her stinky brother, trying to make him not worry. But those panda eyes look so funny.

She said with disheveled hair:

"I had a fight with Magni, and I lost. The old dwarf was really outrageous, and he didn't know how to let me go. But don't look at me in such a mess, the old dwarf didn't do anything good.

I almost shaved off his beard, and finally got angry and hit him hard, hahaha, take it easy, Valeera, those are breasts! Not rocks.

lighter. "

"Why are you fighting with him?"

The smelly pirate complained:

"Do you always like to compete with people you can't beat? You call it proactive looking for a beating."

While talking, he walked up to Fenner, took out the special healing potion made by Headmaster Lanyue from his bag, pinched Fenner's chin, and poured the potion into it.

The terrible smell made the entire face of the embarrassed elf wrinkle up, as if it had just picked a lime.

"Do you need me to help you vent your anger?"

Bu Laike put the wine glass in Fenner's hand, poured some more wine for her, and said softly:

"I'm going to beat him up now. Although it may be a tie at most, it's still possible to poke a few holes in him. If you want him to die, that's fine too."

The shard of the polluter was pulled out by the pirate. He played with the cold blade and said to the stupid warrior:

"Do you want to place a reward? My Highness."

"It's not necessary, it's just a discussion."

Fenner was lying on the bed, while drinking, she rolled her eyes and said:

"I didn't lose, hey, I got it, Bo Laike, just saw it once, I'm a genius!"

"What have you learned?"

Bu Laike noticed Fenner's new weapon beside the bed, so he casually took the recast Quelcella in his hand, played with it, and asked:

"Have you learned the Storm Hammer?"

"Hey, what do you learn from that thing? Is the shatter throw I created better than it?"

Fenna, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, looked around, quietly stretched out her hand, and put it in front of the pirate's eyes. As she clenched her five fingers tightly, a ray of silver-gray light shining with steel luster spread out on her fist.

This scene made Bo Laike suddenly stand up.

He said:

"God descends to earth! How did you learn it? Except for the dwarven royal family with the blood of the earth spirit, other warriors can't even understand it. It is more like the racial talent of the royal dwarves than a skill."

"Well, you seem to know a lot about it."

Fenner blinked and said:

"Hurry up and tell me the principle. I only learned a little bit from memory. If you explain it clearly to me, maybe I can learn it completely."

"Principle? It's very simple."

The pirate sat back on the bed, grabbed Fenner's seemingly metal fingers, and while observing in amazement, said:

"You remember when we faced the Mad King in Mechagon and he said 'Titan Genes'?"

"Well, remember a little bit."

Finner nodded.

"Dwarves have more Titan genes than other races, especially the descendants of the Mountain King, who have more Titan genes."

Bo Laike let go of Fenner's fingers and explained:

"It's like Dai Lin was hit by the homing bomb and turned into a steel vrykul. That's what happened after the Titan gene was fully activated, and it's also the working principle of the homing bomb.

The variation in the size of the dwarves is also based on this principle.

There are more titan genes awakened in their bodies than ours, so they don't need to be washed by homing bombs, and they can also complete a short-term ancestral transformation.

The descending of the gods is such an 'atavistic' effect.

It is precisely because they have more Titan genes in their bodies that the dwarves somehow think that they were born with a great mission, but they have forgotten that mission. "

Having said that, the pirate shook his head and said:

"If Mechagon really washes the world with home-to-origin bombs, then believe me, apart from dwarves, the number of surviving dwarves is definitely the largest."

"Then do they really have a great mission?"

Fenner was lying on the bed with her arms on her pillow, as if listening to a story, she asked Bo Laike:

"Are they really the favorites of the Titans?"

"Beloved, it's not counted. But their ancestors were indeed the first kind of life successfully created by the guardians of the Titans. From this point of view, they are indeed the 'Eldest Sons of Titans'."

Bu Laike sums it up:

"But it's nothing to be proud of. If you can master the gods descending to earth, then your atavistic form should be the same as Dai Lin, a steel vrykul.

The power in that form would crush the gods of the dwarves.

I think this should be the result of the wisp of Tyr's divine power I gave you taking effect. You gave me a surprise, keep working hard, master it, and you are qualified to pursue those legendary artifacts. "

"it is good!"

Fenner nodded and yawned again.

The poor little guy was beaten up by Magni, and he was exhausted, so he squinted his eyes and fell asleep without saying a few words.

Bu Laike shook his head, picked up a handkerchief to help Fenner wipe her face, and then told Valeera:

"Take care of her.

Uh, actually, I think my sister really needs a smart person to help her, Valeera, if you don't refuse, I want you to be my sister's attendant. "

"I will, Master."

Valeera laughed, brushed her hair, and said:

"Fenna and I are both from Quel'Thalas, we have a lot of common topics, and Her Royal Highness Fenna is very righteous, she will be a very good princess."

"Then I will trouble you, Valeera."

Bu Laike stood up holding Quelcella, he thought for a while, and said to Valeera:

"When you go back to Tol Barad, you can learn hunting skills from the snake people."


Valeera froze for a moment and said:

"I think it's better for me to specialize in the path of the assassin."

"Do not."

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"You follow me to learn, but I can't teach you much on the path of the assassin, I don't think my understanding of shadows can compare to the thousands of years of exploration of the Sangunar family.

So, I will teach you other knowledge.

The one I am best at requires you to be a good hunter in addition to being an assassin. In addition, do you have any psychological burden for believing in Ms. Elune? "

Although the smelly pirate didn't say it clearly, Valeera's heart began to beat violently at this moment.

She guessed the answer.

Master Bo Laike is going to take her into the Warden's Black Moon Way!

"I will study hard, master."

Valeera nodded, and answered seriously. The pirate smiled back at this, turned and left the room.

At the moment when the door was closed, Bo Laike looked down at the elven holy sword in his hand, which was not the same as Quel'sera in his memory.

There are many changes in the details of the blade and blade.

The beating of item entries also proves this point:

Name: Quel'sera, Killing Remnant

Quality: Excellent·Legendary [Wrath Enhancement]

Attribute: Unable to view [Soul Binding-Fenna·Golden Sword]

Item effects:

1. The remnants of extermination:

Every swing of the sword has a chance to trigger the [killing] effect, causing real damage that ignores any defense. The damage is based on the strength and skill of the sword wielder, and there is a small probability of causing [instant death] effect when a critical strike occurs.

2. Quel Serra:

When being attacked, there is a chance to trigger [Ancient Elves' Protection], which doubles all the protection effects of the sword-wielder, and has a chance to completely exempt the next three attacks.

3. Twin Swords:

Quel Sela and Quel Della have a mysterious connection. When using these two twin swords at the same time, the chances of triggering all the special effects of the two holy swords will increase.

Item description:

On the day when the broken sword was rebuilt, the elves returned in glory.


The pirate murmured in a low voice:

"This is an imperial decision that Thalorian Dawn Seeker must be defeated by Fenner. It is almost a fateful duel. It seems that I have to arrange it for my stupid sister in advance.

I hope the Sun King of Quel'Thalas won't issue an arrest warrant for Fenner because of this. Even if it is issued, there is nothing terrible.

But if I remember correctly, the form of Quill Della activated by Salorian should be the "mirror of the mind", which is really the most troublesome form of the holy sword.

Fenner has a hard time. "

With such a slightly gloating attitude, Bu Laike put the holy sword behind his back, pretended to be a sword master, walked a few steps on the second floor of the hotel, opened a door and walked in.

Two hours later, the noisy Ironforge became quiet and was about to fall asleep.

Hansel Heavy Fist, who had been arguing with the stubborn Bronzebeard dwarves all day, was exhausted, and holding a few bottles of fine wine from Magni, he pushed open the door cursingly.

As a result, as soon as he walked in in the dark, he suddenly felt a cold blade on his neck.

"Hey, hey, as a Dark Iron dwarf who will live permanently in Ironforge, your vigilance is really a headache. Do you know how many dwarves in this city want you to die?"

The pirate's teasing voice came from the darkness, the black iron dwarf pouted, and threw a bottle of fine wine in his hand to the pirate. The latter turned the blade in his hand and scraped lightly.

With a bang, the cork of the wine bottle was blown off.

"The good news is that stubborn fool Magni has finally agreed to let the Thorium Brotherhood join the forging of the Hammer. The bad news is that he's picked up a funny rumor out of nowhere."

Hansel Chongquan didn't pay attention to sitting down by the fireplace in the room, and threw a piece of flint into the fireplace to make the flames burn.

He drank his wine and said to Bo Laike:

"That idiot thinks that in order to perfect the divine hammer, he must find the sacred hammer left by the god Khazgoros for forging, and also find a Titan forge that is said to exist in the lost city of the gods.

It's just looking for trouble! "

The black iron dwarf cursed:

"Obviously as long as the two warhammer embryos are brought to the Black Iron Station, they can be forged with the help of lava. The elemental flames there perfectly match the Eye of Savras in his hand."

"Well, it seems that Magni is indeed a person who pursues perfection. I am relieved to hear this news."

Bo Laike pulled a chair over, put it in front of the fireplace, sat comfortably on it, and said:

"Of course you can make a decent hammer in a simple way, but ask yourself, Hansel, my irascible black iron friend.

Can such a casually made magic hammer unite the three dwarves?

Do not be silly.

The forging of the divine hammer is just an introduction. This is something that requires the concerted efforts of the three of you to complete. The difficulty it represents is the real content of bridging the three hammers. "

"I understand. The great blacksmith told me that too. He really has the same thoughts as you."

Hansel said in a pessimistic tone:

"But you must understand, my pirate friend, that the Thorium Brotherhood does not represent the Dark Iron Dwarves, we are just a group of outcasts, and that bastard Thaurissan is absolutely impossible to support this matter.

He puts power above his life, and the Dark Irons want to kill Bronzebeard as much as the Bronzebeards in this city want to kill me. "

"That's not necessarily the case."

Bu Laike said very cleverly:

"Perhaps soon, His Majesty Thaurissan's mentality will undergo a small change. You have to understand, Hansel, that a sad single dog and a winner in life will never have the same thoughts.

For love, many impossible things can become reality.

Of course, I'm not going to tell you this tonight. I'm leaving Ironforge, and I won't be coming back for a long time, so it's time to make things clear now. "

The pirate took a sip of his wine and said to Hansel Heavy Fist:

"The Thorium Brotherhood will send at least five people to Tol Barad to stay permanently, and I want those highly skilled blacksmiths to serve as the blacksmiths of the undead pirate's military supply department.

At the same time, the blueprints in your hands should be shared with me. The high-ranking members of my fleet have always been eager to have their own weapons and armor. As the leader, how can I let them down?

Second, I want the Thorium Brotherhood to recruit a group of Dark Iron sappers for me in Shadowforge, those crazy people who play with explosives.

The number of people does not need to be too many, twenty or thirty per month is enough.

Finally, the black iron drilling machine is very useful. I want thirty of them, and you can pay for them within half a year.

Do you have any objections? "


Hansel Heavy Fist said honestly:

"After the great blacksmith learned that Ragnaros was expelled, he ecstatically asked us to meet all your needs, and regarded you as the savior of the Dark Iron Dwarves.

I thought you would make even more excessive demands.

After all, according to legend, you are an insatiable person. "

"Oh, it's groundless. You still have to believe it and spread it again. If there is a mistake in the propaganda in the future, you will have to apologize."

Bu Laike snorted, gulped down the dwarven wine in his hand, and threw the bottle into the burning fireplace in front of him. He moved his fingers and said:

"My outstretched hand can reward a friend or frighten an enemy, but the real point is, are you my friend or my enemy?

Only those who don't know me slander me and fear me.

My black iron brothers, after you really get to know me, you will be surprised to find that when you really face me... only rumors and fears are not enough. "

(end of this chapter)

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