Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 900 230. No, You Think! --Last Month's Monthly Ticket Plus Update【10/25】

Chapter 900 230. No, You Think! ——Last month's monthly ticket plus update [1025]

"That's the way it is. The lamp god should have sent the three of them to Pandaria. Maybe the Mist Continent will open soon."

Tol Barad, Bo Laike, who was taking his afternoon nap, was awakened by the news from Old Garni.

The stinky pirate listened silently to the God of Trashman telling him what happened in Booty Bay, the two pandaren and the Pearl of Pandaria in their hands.

After listening, Bo Laike nodded, stroked his chin and said:

"Well, this was within my expectation, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly. But even if Lao Chen and Lili have the Pearl of Pandaria in their hands, it will take time for them to unlock the barrier of the Mist Continent.

The enchantment didn't open naturally, it should last for several months, which is enough for me to finish the task at hand.

But this Brian

He is really capable of making troubles. There are ten places in Azeroth where there are gongs, and there are nine places with him, which is really a headache. I also expect him to return to Ironforge to do business soon.

Forget it, this old guy can't count on it.

His heart is wild, for him, the discovery of Pandaria is much more attractive than any titan ruins. "

Speaking of which, Bu Laike coughed a few times and walked to the desk, summoned the magic pen, wrote a letter in a swish, threw it to the old Gani, and said:

"Do me a favor, Gary.

Take it to a guy named Harrison Jones in the library in Stormwind. He was Brian's colleague and friend, and a high-ranking member of the Explorers' League. Maybe he could do the work that the old dwarf was absent. "

"Stormwind City, no problem."

Old Ghani did not shirk this time, and readily agreed to the request.

But Laike knew that this trashman Loa was not found out because of his conscience, but because Stormwind City is now being rebuilt, and there are many new garbage dumps there to rummage through.

That was old Garney's favorite place.

Carrying the letter, it disappeared into the smoke wagging its tail and farting viciously before leaving to express its "long friendship" with Bo Laike.

The bastard made a mess of Boo Laike's bedroom.

The disgusting smell made the pirate rush out the door, completely out of the mood for a nap.

He walked out of the yard cursing, planning to find a place to look at his study notes. The first void power test arranged by Xalatath was about to begin.

But Bu Laike looked at the pier, and he suddenly remembered something that had been delayed for several days.

The smelly pirate blew a whistle and summoned the sky to fly down to carry him to the pier, but instead of going to the Naglfar, he landed on a ship of Maim's "Blackstone Fleet".

The orc captain had already taken his fleet to the South China Sea, intending to take advantage of the fight between the Bloodsail pirates and the Kul Tirans to gain some benefits at sea, but the ship in front of him was not accompanying him because the tonnage was too small.

To be precise, this is a "training ship".

The newly recruited orc sailors need to be familiar with sea life on board, and they usually have to train on board for a month before being assigned to other pirate ships.

But now, there are only a few people on this boat, and they are all new landlubbers on board.

Also, young people

To be precise, a half-old child.

When Braike jumped off the saddle of the sky, landed lightly on the mast, and quickly descended to the deck along the cable of the mast like a monkey, he saw three orc teenagers poking their buttocks against the sun Scrubbing the deck.

Dressed in sailors' loose clothes, with buckets at hand and rags in hand, they worked while cursing.

Beside him was an old orc pirate with a broken leg, drinking wine with gusto, and supervised them with a whip.

It is worth mentioning that the orc pirate's left leg prosthesis has adopted advanced black technology from Mechagon. It is not a common wooden leg, but a metal prosthesis connected to a cast iron paw.

This thing is powerful when it kicks people's ass.

When he saw Bu Laike appear, the old fisherman immediately hid the jug in his hand, patting his chest to the pirate commander full of respect.

Bo Laike waved him off to rest, and here he took over.

"Hey, you three, this deck can't be wiped well."

The stinky pirate looked at the wet marks on the deck under his feet with disgust, and said:

"Remember to wipe it again later."

"Who are you! Just giving orders like this! Believe it or not, I'll beat you up?"

The orc boy who was angry at being forced to work suddenly jumped up, clenched his fists to provoke, and was pinned down by two companions beside him. I'm afraid that he will make trouble again and let the three of them be whipped together.

But Laike didn't care about the provocation of the brown orc boy with ponytail. Instead, he used his magic eyeballs to look at him with interest.

The orc boy's eyes are brown-black, and he doesn't have the green light spots in the pupils of other orcs, which means that he is a pure-blooded orc and has not been polluted by evil energy.

This can also be seen in his brown skin.

Not only him, but also his two companions, both pure-blooded orcs.

But among the three orc teenagers, this guy was the one with a strong body, just like the Thrall that Bu Laike had seen, he had a good body at a young age.

This is probably due to the excellent pedigree?

"Garrosh Hellscream."

Bu Laike took out the flagon from his waist and put it in front of the orc. He stretched out his right hand and said to the angry boy in front of him:

"You want to beat me? No problem, come on, I accept your challenge. I only use one hand. If you can survive for three minutes without falling to the ground, I will lose.

If that's not exciting enough, the three of you can do it together.

Dellanosh Saurfang, and Jolin Deadeye, I know your names, I know your families, I know who your father is.

Don't doubt, the reason why you can't continue to stay in Nagrand to pick up sheep dung happily is because of my order.

I am the one who brought you here.

You seem to want to go back to your hometown and live a life that is simple and boring without any fuss. Yes, come on, beat me and I will let you go back. "

The arrogance of the stinky pirate made the nostrils of young Garrosh Hellscream hot, and the angry blood of the Hellscream family roared.

Without even thinking about it, he clenched his fists and was about to go up, but was held back tightly by his companions behind him.

Don't be stupid, you can't beat it!

Seeing this scene, Bu Laike pouted and said to the silent and steady Della Nosh:

"You think you're cool? You little boy of Locke, do you know that your daddy and your uncle are my losers! You're nothing more than that."

"And you, Jolin Deadeye."

He suspended his magic eyeball to the eyes of the thinnest orc again, and he said in an understatement tone:

"Recognize this magic eyeball I made with my own hands? It's beautiful, isn't it? But don't you feel familiar? Want to know who this eyeball came from? Want to know who killed your crazy father?

I think that among the three of you, you should hate me the most.


Is this the courage of the Blood Ring clan?

It seems that you really picked up too much sheep dung, don't you even have the blood to avenge your father? "


Bu Laike spoke in the purest orc language, lest the three little orcs from the "countryside" in front of him could not understand him.

After Laike's super provocative throw, Linton screamed and was the first to jump at Laike.

The three orcs grew up together, happily collecting sheep dung and eggs in the Nagrand prairie. Naturally, their friendship is extraordinary, and it is still far away from the three of them turning their faces.

Naturally, we must advance and retreat together.

Seeing that Jolin Deadeye launched an attack, Dellanosh stopped pulling Garrosh, and the three of them rushed towards the stinky pirate in front of them.

The latter also kept his promise, and met the enemy with only one hand, while still holding the flagon in the other.

But the result can be imagined.

No matter how excellent the bloodline is, it will not be tempered by time and battles, and it will not be able to turn decay into magic.

Bu Laike said that he would win if he survived for three minutes, but the fact is that the three little orcs were knocked down one by one by the pirates with clenched fists before they could survive even one minute.

Their flurry of fists didn't even touch a hair of the pirates.

"Is this what Grandma Gaiyaan taught you?"

Bu Laike took a sip of wine, looked at the three orc teenagers lying on the ground, clutching their stomachs, he shook his head and said:

"That's not okay.

If Grom saw his son like this, he would kill you with his own hands, just as he left your mother in danger to die.

How did you say that?

Like a toothless lame wolf? "


Garrosh was furious at the pirate's continuous taunts. He jumped up despite the pain in his stomach and was about to continue hitting him, but a head-on punch knocked him back to the ground.


"Stop hitting!"

Two shouts came from the cabin, and two orc girls also wearing sailor clothes rushed out of the cabin. They heard the noise on the deck, and when they rushed out, they saw Bo Laike beating their friends.

Among them, the older orc girl roared.

Holding a curly-edged sailor knife in a dignified manner, she rushed towards Laike. She aroused anger and slashed at Bo Laike, but the pirate dodged sideways, and stretched out her hand to flick the female orc's wrist.

The sailor knife flew out in a whirl.

"You are Sola, right? The daughter of Bu Rocks, she is indeed the daughter of the God of War, but she is stronger than these three softies."

The pirate swished out his hand, and struck Sora's neck like lightning with a knife in his hand. The heavy blow to his throat made Sora, who was about to fight back, breathless for a moment. open.

The other female orc was thinner.

She was very clever, instead of attacking, she dragged the three downed orcs back.

He tried his best to call out the elements again, and shot a lightning bolt towards Bu Laike, but when it hit the pirate's magic shield, only a little ripple appeared.

"Agna, the intimate little padded jacket of Grandma Gaiyaan."

Bu Laike's magic eyes looked at the last orc girl standing. She unexpectedly had a pair of pure eyes, probably because she learned shamanism since she was a child, which gave this girl a "scholar" aura that other orcs did not have.

"Okay, five children."

Bo Laike completed the feat of "Punching Kindergarten" with a dozen and four. He spread his hands and said to the five orcs who glared at him:

"I came here today just to test you, and I didn't really mean to torture you. After all, I invited you to my fleet from thousands of miles away, not to imprison or humiliate you.

It's not challenging at all for me.

Instead, I'm offering five of you promising young men a job so you don't waste your precious time picking up sheep dung.

Garrosh, Dellanosh, and Sola, all three of you have fathers in Azeroth, but the world is dangerous, especially for the orcs.

I won't let you find your father until you've made a career out of it.

Jolin Deadeye, your father did die by my hand, but it was in a life-and-death war, he tried to hurt someone important to me, and he relied on himself to see the 'future', so there is no way feared.

As it turned out, he was wrong.

If you want revenge on me, I welcome it, but with your current ability, right? "

The pirate chuckled a little.

Standing on the deck with his hips akimbo, he said to the five young orcs:

"This island has everything you need. An arena for warriors, a hermitage tower for warlocks, and a Tidal Cult for shamans.

There are many old orcs who can serve as your mentors.

You can grow as much as you want, and constantly grab power.

You can also go on an expedition to the sea, temper your will in the endless sea, and harvest treasures. "

"Why did you bring us here?"

Agna asked loudly:

"What is your purpose?"

"If you want to use us to threaten our father"

Della Nosh, who was clutching his stomach, also said with difficulty:

"We would rather kill ourselves than"

"Give it up, kid."

Bu Laike shrugged and said:

"Your father is already serving me. I took you over for one purpose, so that they don't have any worries when they work.

I also want to see how far you can grow if you change the environment. Oh yes, forgot to tell you, I am a prophet and I can see the future of each of you. "

The stinky pirate stretched out his fingers and pointed at the five orcs in front of him one by one. He said:

"Garrosh, you will die, first disgraced and then without honor.

Della Nuosh, you will die too. Although you died in a just war, your death made your old father extremely sad. You could have had a more glorious life.

Jolin, you will not die.

But you face a bleak future where you accomplish nothing, waste your life, and dishonor your name. For orcs, this is worse than death.

Sora, you can do a little work.

Unfortunately, you will never be able to reach the height of your father and your Uncle, you can only live in their shadow for the rest of your life, and after countless attempts and failures, you finally disappeared from everyone.

Agna, you are the most promising of the five.

You'll be the wife of the world-savior, and save the world with him, oh yes, mind you. Simple little Garrosh has always liked you.

Unfortunately, he lost to that destined opponent.

I look good at you.

come on. "

Bu Laike's words made the five orcs on the deck look at each other in dismay.

They have been in Tol Barad for several days, and they have heard from the orc pirates about their magical pirate commander and all the legends about him, true or false.

The pirate's prophecy put a lot of pressure on everyone.

Finally, Bo Laike took a sip of wine and made a conclusion, saying:

"You are all losers, poor children, that's why I brought you here, I just want to see if I, as an educator, can reverse your fate.

Although, my methods may be a bit crude.

But trust me, it's for your own good.

All right!

Apprentice sailors, it's time for you landlubbers to continue working. After Captain Meme approves you, you can move freely.

But for now, pack your things and I'll show you something fun, treat it like a welcome in a warm pirate family. "

(end of this chapter)

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