Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 901 231. Her Royal Highness Fenna Is Also Full Of Wisdom Today--Last Month's Monthly Ti

Chapter 901 231. Her Royal Highness Fenna is also full of wisdom today——Last month’s monthly ticket plus update [1125]


The hapless orc gladiator was punched in the head, and the whole person flew out and fell, and then fell unconscious in the mud pit.

This announced the end of today's chaos.

But unfortunately, today is not the viewing day for the Blade Fist Arena, so there is no frenzied cheers in this large arena located under the forgotten hills of the South Island.

But this does not affect the heroic mood of the winner.

Fenna, who only wore a gladiator singlet, raised her hands high and stood in the middle of twenty stunned gladiators of various races. She waved her fists, expressing her refreshing mood after the battle.

On the heights of the arena, Kargath Bladefist sat on a "skull throne" and polished his bloodthirsty and terrifying fist blade with a whetstone, looking at the people in the arena below with a scrutiny. Half-elf warrior.

There was also a gleam of interest in the eyes of the champion gladiator Kargas with flowing long hair.

very good.

The elf in front of him has already raised his interest.

In this increasingly boring arena, there is finally some real fun.

"You still have to fight a 100-man fight, then fight against Hai titan and Baijin fighters, and finally have a bloody and brutal live-action fight. After winning ten games in a row, I will fight with you.

Finna Golden Sword! "

Kargath stood up and shouted to Fenner below:

"As long as you defeat me, you can become the champion of the arena!"

"I don't want any champion, orc."

Fenner snorted and replied arrogantly:

"I just want to kill you!

Why wait until later? Come now, all the gladiators under your command are soft-headed, I am already disappointed in this so-called Blade Fist Arena. "

"I'm disappointed in it too."

Kargath shrugged, grinned maliciously and said:

"But the rules are the rules. This is my territory, and everything must be done according to my rules. I heard that soon a group of losers from the South China Sea will be thrown into a bloody fight here, and the ogres in Black Rock Mountain are also eager to get glory.

Maybe it will be fun soon.

Be patient, soldier.

Good food is always saved for last. "

"Then come down and play a game with me."

Fina took out her elven holy sword and challenged Kargath:

"Take it as a sparring session. After all, you are also under Laike's command. I will take it lightly."

"I belong to no one!"

Kargas was irritated by Fenner's words, and he roared:

"I belong only to myself, ignorant warrior!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up."

Finner laughed.

That gesture made Kargas so angry that he jumped down from the stands, grabbed an ax stuck in the mud with his hand, and moved his body.

In the next instant, the figures of the champion gladiator and the elf warrior collided.

This is destined to be a battle of glory.

It's a pity that no audience can enjoy this scene today, uh. In fact, it's not entirely true.

Ten seconds later, Fenner lifted the tomahawk in Kargas' hand, and the orc assassin also cut a bloody scar on Fenner's wrist. The half-elf warrior roared, and his fair skin was suddenly covered with a layer of blood. Metallic luster.

The whole person also swelled up a bit.

The secret skill of this god's descending to earth has not been fully mastered, but it is more than enough to avoid the poison on Kargath's blade.

Fenna became even more aggressive, she took out the Ashbringer with a wave, grabbed the fallen Quel'Sera, and charged towards Kargath Bladefist in the attitude of a berserker.

She really didn't want to wait until later to decide the outcome with this champion gladiator, and she didn't expect the cheers and screams of the audience.

She just wants to overthrow this orc chieftain here!

Her purpose is very pure.

Just to win.

Kargath sensed Fenner's determination.

Although the roar of the audience did not make this battle less interesting, but since the elf is desperate, if he retreats again, it will be ridiculous.

So in the empty arena, the orc assassin also sneered and became serious.

After a long fight, the collision of anger and shadows made the adrenaline soar in this battle. Seeing that Fenner had already resorted to fighting, Valeera Sangunar in the corner of the auditorium was about to stand up and stop This gladiatorial fight.

But he was pinned down by Bu Laike, who was leaning beside him.

Beside the two, on the seats a few rows away, the five orc boys and girls had already attracted all the attention from the fierce battle in front of them.

If Bo Laike hadn't tied them to their seats with rope and gagged their mouths, the most excited Garrosh would have jumped up to cheer Kargath on.

"She can win."

The pirate whispered:

"Kagas has become more and more tired since he came to this arena.

Maybe it's because of his lack of ambition. Although he still has the strength to surpass all others and can still crush all kinds of gladiators, he is already like a tiger in the sunset.

His mind was shattered, and he slipped from top assassin to bewildered gladiator.

Fenner would win.

This will be the first orc war chief she personally defeated in the name of 'Lagosh', and this is a memorable day. "

"Master, I have never understood."

Valeera whispered:

"Why are you so lenient with Kargath and built this toy arena for him, that sadist won't play for the uncrowned.

He has no creed of his own, he has been drifting with the flow. "

"That's a good question and deserves a ten-point award."

Bu Laike leaned on the chair in the auditorium, and looked at Kargath Bladefist, who was cornered by the berserk Fenner little by little, with his magic eyeballs. He said:

"You know what the greatest joy of being a prophet is?"

Valeera shook her head.

This is simply a question of insanity, and she is not a prophet, how could she know?

"It's change."

Bu Laike revealed the answer, saying:

"A half-baked person like Dark Prophet Zul will only act according to fate, and he tries his best to seek benefits for himself and his clansmen in the gap between the blessings of fate.

However, he didn't understand that the grace bestowed on him by fate was not for him to accept it, but for him to long for an epic of change.

The future is never uncertain, and cowards can't change it when they see it, because they are afraid of losing their advantage of being big, and they try to keep the advantage of omniscience and omnipotence.

But I won't do it.

I want to change it, the future in those cognitions, I am changing it with my own hands, sliding it to the end I want to see. I will lose my greatest advantage because of it, but I will not become weaker because of it.

Everyone changed by me will become my weapon to stab fate.

You, Fenner, Little Star, Dai Lin, the chiefs of the orcs, the kings of humans, the priests of the elves, the loa of the trolls, you are all my wings. "

Valeera probably understood the master's thoughts from Bu Laike's words that the concentration of the magic stick was beyond the limit.

She is good at "reading comprehension".

She said thoughtfully:

"So, you are also looking forward to Kargath's change?"

"I just want to see if he sinks in the mud and rots, or finds, in failure after failure, what he never found.

You say he has no creed.

Indeed, he did not. "

Bu Laike snapped his fingers and said:

"But he can have.

As long as a warrior does not give up his anger, the world will be full of battlefields. He is just trapped in his own dazed world, never really understanding how wonderful this world is.

He can be a real gladiator.

Wrestle with fate.

Look, Fenner is going to win. "

As soon as the pirates finished speaking, Fenna, who was covered in blood in the arena, roared forward and launched a double slashing attack. The first shot was blocked by Kargath with his fist blade, and the second shot went over the orc's arm and slashed fiercely. on his shoulders.

Kargas was slashed half-kneeling on the ground.

He growled and wanted to get up, but what caught his eyes was Fenner's muddy feet kicked over. With a bang, Kargas was kicked and flew backwards, falling into the mud behind him.

He struggled, but the injury on his shoulder was so severe that he fell to his knees as soon as he got up.

And Fenner took a few steps back, the dissipation of anger and the loss of blood made her feel dizzy, but the intense mood made her roar.

That is the roar of joy, that is the roar of the victor.

She did it.

The invincible orc chieftain, Della Nuohehe's famous war hero fell at her feet. This is a victory worth celebrating. It represents that she finally has the power to defeat the enemy and protect her family.

With two giant blades inserted into the ground, Fenner shook her body and looked towards the auditorium.

There, she saw her stinky brother was applauding and whistling for her funny, waving his hands and shouting Fenner's name.

"whispering sound"

The elf warrior grinned, and was about to respond to Bo Laike with a defiant gesture, but felt his head spinning. Although Kargath's poison was partially exempted by the posture of the gods descending to earth, she had to rest for a while.

"Can't fall down and can't let him see a joke."

This was Fenner's last thought, but she tried her best to support her body, but she still swayed and fell to the mud on the ground. With the chaotic vision in front of her, she felt very tired.

Then, she fell into a warm embrace.

The last scene that came into view was Bo Laike grinning at her, and higher up above the head of the stinking pirate, Finner vaguely saw a rainbow across the sky.

so beautiful.


"Is this how you take care of your sister? When she goes crazy, do you also go crazy? What kind of pirate king do you want to be like this? How can a man who can't even protect his family have the right to fight the sea?

You are just as bad as Dailin!

Do not.

You are worse than him! "

Later that day, outside Fenner's room, Mrs. Catherine looked at her "daughter" lying there with bandages all over her body, and Madam Governor carefully closed the door.

Then he yelled at his useless son.

Bu Laike couldn't argue with that.

He knew that his mother in front of him would not approve of such words of glory, she would rather Fenner hide in the house obediently and be a foolish lady of the family.

If Dai Lin was here, it is estimated that the salty old sailor would open a bottle of fine wine to celebrate the victory of his daughter's feat.

It can only be said that the attitude of parents towards their children is really different.

But in the room, Fenner was already awake.

The recovery ability of the legendary warrior is not built, not to mention that Fenna has the power of a bug like Tyr's divine power, but she is very weak, and can only lie on the bed and endure the pain from all over her body.

But she was very happy to hear that her stinky brother was being scolded.

The comfort in my heart made me happier than beheading ten orcs.

That's how it should be.

Someone should be in charge of lawless stinky pirates.

Thinking so, Fenna tried hard to turn over on the bed, but as soon as she turned over, she saw a big strange bird squatting silently on the cabinet next to her bed, staring at her with its dark eyes.

"How did you get in here?"

The stupid warrior blinked his eyes, and the first question he asked was actually such a question, instead of wondering where this big purple-blue raven came from.

Raven ignored her.

It seems that they disdain to talk to idiots, and they are afraid of being reduced in intelligence.

It put the rune stone in its mouth in front of Fenner's eyes in a businesslike manner, and then flapped its wings and flew out. This guy is very powerful, logically, Bo Laike should be able to find out its existence.

But the pirates were silent.

With three bandages on her face, Fenner tilted her head and thought for a while, then stretched out her hand tremblingly, and held the rune stone. As the light on it lit up, a piece of information flooded into the mind of the stupid soldier.

It made her eyes light up instantly.


The Broken Isles, Stormheim, and the trial of strength under the watchful eyes of the Hall of Valor, where the most powerful warriors in Azeroth gathered to fight each other and compete for the gods.

Sounds so interesting!

And I was invited, which proves that in the eyes of Odin, the king of war, I am also one of the most powerful fighters in the world?

This is Odin's approval!

Fenner, who has been adventuring with Bu Laike all day long, has already learned a lot about Odin and his magical Valgara Sky Fortress from the stinky pirates.

What soldier could refuse such an invitation?

And counting the time, I happened to be almost fully recovered from my injury at that time, just in time to catch up!


Fenner grabbed the rune stone, excited, and wanted to share the good news with her stinky brother, but then she thought, with Bu Laike's behavior, she must come up with another damn conspiracy, and then use herself to achieve his goal.

But this is a warrior's fight.

There should be no conspiracy! That's not warrior at all.

Still don't tell him. Anyway, Laike is about to set off for his wilderness trial. After he leaves, he will find a boat and sneak across.

Fenner happily made a decision.

But soon, the stupid fighter frowned again, because the invitation clearly stated that each invitee could bring a deputy, but the requirement must be a powerful fighter.

Where can I find a powerful fighter as my deputy?

People from the pirate faction can't use it, and Xiao Xingxing probably can't find something suitable for it so that it won't hold him back Hey, am I stupid?

Fenner's eyes lit up, she is an elf!

Go back to your mother's house and shake people!

Just to see whether the Quel Della of Lord Thalorian Dawnseeker is stronger or his own Quelcella is stronger!

That's great, Fenner!

You are indeed the smartest elf warrior!

(end of this chapter)

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