Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 902 232. Legend, Here I Come--Last Month’S Monthly Ticket Plus Update [12/25]

Chapter 902 232. Legend, here I come--Last month’s monthly ticket plus update [1225]

"The first thing to do when entering the void is..."

"Get rid of emotions, keep your mind tight, go with questions, come back with answers, distinguish the truth from the fake, and if you feel that you are moving too smoothly, immediately cut off the void echo.

In the face of more retention, we must leave firmly. "

"Very good, the criterion for distinguishing the true and false whispers of the void is."

"Only listen to the answers related to the question, don't try to get more, and refuse all kinds of temptations about power."

"This is difficult to do, but I have confidence in you. The third question, how to confirm that the answer you got from the void is correct?"

"It's very simple, choose the most neutral and fair answer. Void is a mirror, and it requires the reader to be absolutely calm. But whatever you say according to your mind, or against your mind, is the temptation of the dark side of the void.

This 'library' only welcomes seekers of knowledge who are absolutely calm. "

"Not bad, it seems that you have studied well."

In the bilge of the Naglfar, Bu Laike sat cross-legged by the pool of the little murlocs, and was having a question and answer with Xalatath.

This is the day of the first void lore test, and the day when Laike will leave Tol Barad for his journey.

But before he leaves, he must first complete this assessment.

Xalatas spoke harshly before, but she was not too tricky when asking questions. Her questions were all selected from the void knowledge she described.

After all, Laike had only just taken his first steps into the void, and these questions couldn't be more difficult.

Apparently, Sister Xalatath, the mentor, is very concerned about the safety of cultivating stinky pirates to acquire knowledge in the void. One question after another was asked, and Laike answered fluently.

It fully demonstrated his super learning ability trained by Dean Lanyue.

"If I were really a mentor, I would also like a student like you, but no matter how solid the basic knowledge is, you will still encounter various problems when facing the void."

Xal'atath said softly:

"So, the last item comes to actual combat. Right in front of me, seek the answer to a question from the void. You have to be careful, I will not protect your spirit this time.

But as long as you waver, I will immediately pull you out of the void package.

Now, tell me, what question would you choose? "

"Of course it's the question I want to know the most."

Bu Laike, wearing a blindfold, stood up, moved his body, and said:

"I'm going to do a test by the way."

After speaking, he snapped his fingers, and the little murloc guarding the cabin door immediately led a few loyal subordinates into the bottom cabin pushing a box.

The box contained a full set of Luna armor.

Bu Laike quickly put on all the armor in the dark, leaving only an owl helmet buckled in his hand.

"You want to test whether this armor can protect you in the void? Well, it's a good attempt, but I don't have much hope for it."

Xal'atath whispered:

"It's not on a physical level, it might be hard to protect your mind."

"Don't be so pessimistic."

The pirate flicked his helmet and said:

"I have great confidence in Ms. Elune's supernatural power."

After speaking, he sat on the box in front of him. Under the curious gazes of several murloc pirates, Bu Laike pushed his blindfold and began to connect the void with the help of Xalatath's divine power.

The process is not difficult.

Because everything has two sides, it is easy to understand from the perspective of light and darkness. The way to enter the void is hidden in the reflection of the world.

He stretched out his hand to shape an ice surface suspended in front of his eyes, as if standing between mirrors, reflecting his own image at this time. Touching the resonance of the divine power of the void again, in the next moment, in the perception of Bu Laike, the world in the mirror suddenly turned upside down.

He seemed to be surrounded by an infinite blackness of stars.

His mind stepped into the void world, like a singularity in the material world, and began to radiate pure void power outward. Several murloc pirates held their heads and screamed immediately, and were chased out one by one by Benboerba who was holding the "dung fork".

These weak guys are really an embarrassment to the great Guaguagua pirate group!

Isn't it just emptiness?

As for being afraid of becoming like this?

While scolding his incompetent subordinates in murloc language, the little murloc himself stood guard at the entrance of the bilge with a terrified face, watching his beloved pool also covered with a layer of dark substance.

That's not a shadow.

That is something deeper than shadows.

The pirate stood in the dead darkness, without Xalatath's defense of the mind, exposed to the will of the void, he felt like ink fused into the water.

He felt that his existence was actively integrating into the will of the void, as if he was about to collapse.

This is the San value is dropping.

Once the will to maintain the spirit drops to a dangerous level, he will lose his mind, and every time he enters and exits the void, it is extremely dangerous. He must find the answers he needs before he is "swallowed" by the void.

But before that, he had to ask the question.

"I want to ask"

As soon as the pirate's will opened his mouth, echoes echoed in the hearts of the dead silent group.

Before being protected by Xalatas, I didn't feel it, but this time the young lady didn't follow, and the moment Bu Laike opened his mouth, he felt the pressure immediately.

Before he could ask the question, various answers appeared in his ears in various tones.

Some tried to tell him that the treasure of the void could be found just a few steps deep, some tempted him to close his eyes and would give him eternal pleasure, and some warned him that someone on his ship was plotting a rebellion.

The most outrageous one was telling him the route into Ulduar and the secret to gaining the god's power.


Do you need to tell me this knowledge?

Do you want me to teach you how to fight Zero Lamp Yogg Saron?

It's not me who blows it, I'm familiar with it.

Bo Laike dismissed those answers.

He asked softly:

"Shadow, how does the upper-lower power transformation of shadow and void work? Tell me!"

This question is very critical.

Laike's warlock profession uses shadows, and the assassin profession walks in shadows. These two powers belong to the lower level of the void in the six power systems. Stinky Pirates have pushed the power of these two professions to the extreme.

Theoretically speaking, he can already condense the power of legend.

But it's clear that the greedy stinky pirate isn't content.

Since it is the power of the upper and lower ranks, it must be able to achieve mutual transformation. Instead of creating two legendary powers of lower ranks, it is better to use the power of the void to transform into the legendary power of warlocks and assassins.

He couldn't be sure if it was a great benefit to do so, but he could be sure that it would be absolutely harmless.

And after the pirate asked the question, ten times more voices than the previous answer echoed in his ears, as if thousands of people were trying to answer his question at the same time.

And everyone was assuring him that their answer was the right one.

Believe you ghosts!

The bad old men on the dark side of the void are the worst.

Shut up for me!

Amidst the pirates' scolding, he put on the helmet of the Moon Night Armor in the material world, and at the moment when the eight pieces of armor were complete, the moon wing accessories belonging to the warden appeared behind the pirate's shoulders.

The noise his mind felt in the void was also reduced by 80% in an instant.

Although those noisy whispers are still unbearable, like a thousand mice hiding in the wall and whispering, it is disgusting, but at least it will not interfere with Laike's listening to the answer given by the will of the void.

It was not the knowledge relayed in words, it was more like being "thrown" directly into Laike's mind.

He seemed to understand a lot in an instant, but he didn't seem to understand anything, but it didn't matter! The moment he got the answer, the pirate decisively cut off his connection with the will of the void.

If you stay in this ghost place for a while, your San value will return to zero.

It’s no wonder that those ancient Shendu were so good at chattering. Anyone who grew up in such an environment, chattering or something, is simply the purest “local dialect”.

"Breathe! Yes, take a deep breath, don't forget to breathe, this is very important for fragile flesh and blood creatures."

Xalatas kept guiding in his ear, as if comforting a baby.

The Stinky Pirates are as good as they come.

After taking a few deep breaths, the weird black lines in the field of vision in front of my eyes also dispersed a little bit.

Bu Laike noticed that the pure void will not induce disgusting illusions such as eyeballs and tentacles, only the polluted void of the Old Gods will leave such marks.

Instructor Xalatas had already explained this knowledge point in the first class.

The will of the void contains endless dark truths that are irresistible to the seeker, but most of the void truths cannot be directly understood.

If you want to understand their mysteries, you must grow a unique thinking organ, at least for weak mortals. For example, three-dimensional creatures cannot understand the four-dimensional or higher-dimensional world, and you must have a few more heads to digest that knowledge.

And the pollution of flesh and blood by the ancient gods is based on this principle.

Eyeballs represent vision, auditory hallucinations represent hearing, tentacles represent touch, proliferated bloody mouths represent taste, and dissipated nostrils are the extension of smell.

Ordinary people use the five senses to perceive the world, so the pollution of the void naturally starts with the five senses.

The advantage of Bu Laike is that he has the mentor Xalatas, who can take him to skip the low-level level of the five senses, and directly perceive the purity of the void with his mind.

As long as they don't actively grab pollution, pirates don't experience any discomfort.

"You did a good job, my disciple, my little master."

Xalatas was relieved:

"The first time you entered the void on your own, facing the void and not being driven crazy has already counted as your pass. I know you didn't get the knowledge you need, but it doesn't matter.

I will teach you patiently in the future, you will always be my little baby"

"But I got it."

Bo Laike took off his helmet and picked up a dwarven pipe. He pointed to his brain and said:

"The will of the void gave me the answer, I just need to read it, the most difficult process is over. I have learned to communicate with the void, Xal'atath.

Your course is very good, but I don't think I will need it in the future. "

".You're lying to me!"

Xalatas said suspiciously:

"Even the psychic warriors among the Aldrachi, who are a hundred times stronger than humans, can't get an accurate answer when they enter the void for the first time.

Their astropaths need to receive ten years of training before they can leave the light of the torch and walk alone in the void world.

Little master, there is no shame in failure, especially when you are facing an empty will.

Don't pretend to be strong, I won't laugh at you for it. "

"But I did learn, you see."

Bo Laike raised his hand, summoning his shadow magic.

Under Xal'atath's stunned gaze, the stinky pirate transformed the lower shadows into pure void light bit by bit in a clumsy but effective way.


Xalatas let out an exclamation.

After a while, she said in a tone of envy and dissatisfaction that could not conceal:

"Even Void loves you so much, it's not fair! If you were born in the Void Realm, you may also have the talent to become a dark god."

"It doesn't have to be like this, dear Xalatath, I am you, you are me, we are one, and my strength means you are strong."

Bu Laike laughed and said:

"Calm down, don't show such a lemony expression in front of me, it will be regarded as your black material by me, now, I have passed your assessment.

It's time for us to go. "

His figure disappeared on the bottom floor, and soon came to the steering wheel of the Naglfar, lightly patted the steering wheel to signal the Naglfar to get ready, and ignored the autistic void that was crazily complaining in his heart mother.

While the ghost ship was slowly changing direction on the bottom of the sea, Sefiel, who had been resting for several days, appeared behind Bu Laike with a whoosh, and said energetically:

"I want to report to you, Captain, all preparations for the Nagfar have been completed, and we are ready to set sail at any time! The weak second officer and the stupid bosun are temporarily on leave, and I will assist you in completing this trip.

Please give the order. "

"Well, are you not afraid? Is this figured out?"

Bu Laike asked with a pipe in his mouth and his helmet in his arms. Sefiel showed a sweet smile, narrowed his eyes and said:

"It's useless to worry. Besides, don't I still have you? You promised to protect me."

"Yes, I promised."

The pirate threw his owl helmet to Sefiel to hold.

Turning the steering wheel by himself, helping the Nagfar to complete the fine-tuning of the direction, a large group of ghost sailors floated up from under the cabin and entered their respective jobs.

As they whimpered and sang the sailor's song in eerie tones, the whole ghost ship slowly dived to the bottom of the sea and began to sail rapidly in the direction of the Broken Isles.

As the ghost ship moved forward, Bu Laike held the handle of the Salamani battle sword at his waist. He looked ahead and said to the first mate behind him:

"As long as that bronze dragon dares to come, we will kill her! This is my timeline, which round will she be presumptuous?"


Sefiel looked at her captain with a gentle look, she hugged Bu Laike's battle helmet, and whispered:

"I never doubted that."

(end of this chapter)

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