Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 903 233. The Vacation Is Over--Last Month's Monthly Ticket Plus Update【13/25】

Chapter 903 233. The vacation is over -- last month's monthly ticket plus update [1325]

When Laike first traveled from the Eastern Kingdoms to the Broken Isles, it was also on the Naglfar.

But at that time, the Nagfar was an out-and-out dilapidated ship. Although the second captain of the ship, Navigator Hablon, cherished his ship very much, it served Hela and carried the souls of the dead every day. Going back and forth between the material world and hell, and occasionally going to the shadow world, how can I have time to repair the ship?

As a result, the Nagfar at that time not only had a bad appearance, but also had a very average speed.

But today's ghost ship is not what it used to be. Her third captain "Undead Pirate King" Bu Laike Shaw cares about her very much, and regards her as his lifeblood.

Not to mention the initial refurbishment and enhancement, even the third enhancement called ambition is about to be completed for the second time now.

With the help of the active behavior of the second officer who is good at "bargaining" in Moonlight Glade, the Naglfar received a large amount of high-level magic oak from the Cenarion Order to complete the re-strengthening of the hull.

Moreover, there are still a lot of source quality steel in the bilge for her to use.

Is this treatment available on the entire Azeroth ship?

In short, the speed of the current Nagfar has been increased by more than three times compared to its dilapidated self?

It would have taken a week of sailing, but under the gallop of the ghost ship, in the early morning of the third day, Bu Laike had already seen the continental line of the Broken Isles.

"You don't have to go to shore, just put me down here."

The ghost ship broke through the sea, splashed thousands of water splashes like a fish leap, and landed steadily on the sea. On the deck of the ghost ship, Bu Laike packed his luggage and said to the first officer:

"I'm going to the intersection of Stormheim and Highmountain, where I will look for the ancestors of the tortoises and complete my wilderness trial.

Because it is very likely to go deep into the relationship between hell and hell, I can't say how long it will take me to complete it.

The flow rate of time in that broken place in Hell is somewhat different from that in the material world, so you don't have to wait for me.

Go directly to the coast of Val'sharah, and help Dean Blue Moon complete the awakening of the Crow Knights there. If possible, find the revived Lord Ravencrest to send a few honorary knights to reside on the ghost ship.

If the undead sea knights are also sent to Black Rook Castle, they can theoretically be transformed into death knights, after all, they are already dead.

Is there anything else to ask? "

He summoned the Hippogryph Sky, which landed on the deck with a neighing sound, and circled around the pirate several times like a war horse, acting extremely active, just like a knight and his war horse going out.

"Nothing, just please be careful, Captain."

Sefiel took out the owl helmet from his arms and handed it to Bu Laike. She warned:

"If there is danger, forget it, there must be danger, but this is your power advancement, so you must win! Don't embarrass the Nagfar and us!"

"I promise!"

The pirate put on his battle helmet, gave a thumbs up and made an OK gesture, and mounted the hippogryph and was ready to take off.

But there was another noise, and when I looked back, I saw the little murloc carrying his "dung fork", proudly leading his own deep-sea beasts, the moonlight owl and the ugly dragon Shadwalker, in front of a group of murloc pirates. Surrounded by crowds, they swaggered onto the deck.

The "Three Generals" of the Murloc Pirates, Old Blind Eye, Cookie, and Mogul wiped their eyes playfully and made whining sounds, as if they were saying goodbye to their boss.

"What are you doing with me?"

Bu Laike stared blankly at the little murloc walking towards him. He crossed his arms, made a "daba" movement, and said:

"Do you know what a wilderness trial is? You can't take other people, and neither can the murlocs. Just stay here!"

"quack quack"

The little murloc waved his "dung fork" trident in dissatisfaction, barked a few times, and patted the big pincers of his sea beast proudly, making a thumbs-up motion.

"Huh? Are you going to go to the wilderness trial?"

Bu Laike was taken aback by Ben Boerba's actions.

Afterwards, it came to a realization that this little thing also got a lot of miscellaneous powers in its body, and it got a lot of war beasts, as if it also felt the call of nature.

But the little murloc is definitely far from being a legend.

So this wilderness trial is a real wilderness trial, a hurdle for entering a high-level career path from the middle and low levels, which is different from the highest-level wilderness trial that Braike will go through.

But no matter what, the little murloc's reason is acceptable.

Bo Laike shrugged and pointed to Sky's horseshoe.

With a croaking smile, the little murloc grabbed the owl's legs and flew onto the hippogryph, then fell into the horse pocket, and then waved its claws at his subordinates in a playful way, causing a group of murlocs to croak Call.


The pirate patted the neck of the sky, and with the hippogryph neighing, its wide wings flapped and lifted into the air. Driven by the air current, it plunged into the sky and quickly disappeared into the clouds.

Sefiel on the deck was surrounded by a group of murloc pirates, and looked up at the sky. A few seconds later, she turned around and kicked the murloc chef Cookie who was wiping tears with a dirty handkerchief.


"What are you pretending to do? Hurry up and clear the channel in the water. Let's go to the sea area of ​​Valshara."


Cookie and a group of murloc pirates saw that the first mate dragon was angry, and they immediately dispersed. A few fast runners plunged into the water and began to clear the surrounding waterway for the ghost ship to set sail.

The main thing is to drive away those stupid fish and shrimp, and prevent them from crashing into the hull of the ship.


Safiel sighed, strode to the rudder wheel, grabbed the rudder wheel and turned it around, and the ghost ship sailed forward slowly. She intends to resume diving after leaving the waters.

At this time, in the cabin.

The void watcher Sera Moonguard, who is indifferent to everything around her, happily came to Ms. Maiev's cabin with today's fruit juice.

As a result, as soon as the door was opened, she saw that Ms. Maiev had already put on her moon night armor and was tying her loose long hair into a single ponytail.

She seemed to be fully recovered by the look of her.

But this sudden situation made Yue Wei freeze in place, his body began to tremble.

"What are you doing there? Come and help me fix my hair."

Maiev said something in a gentle tone, and Sera Moonguard responded, put down the fruit juice with shaking hands, and walked forward slowly, helping the lady tie her long white hair together.

There is no need for too much decoration, just use a hairpin dotted with crescents to lock the hair behind the head, and it will not affect the activities.

"Ma'am, you... when did you wake up?"

Yuewei asked in a weak voice.

"Do you think I've been sleeping all this time?"

Maiev was in a good mood and made a joke.

But these words made Sierra Yuewei feel ashamed, good guy, it turns out that the stinky pirate's rude temptation was justified!

I wrongly blamed him.

Lady Maiev had never been in a coma at all, she had always been conscious.

What about your own situation?

Ms. Yingsong seemed to sense the hesitation, apprehension and fear of the Moon Guard behind her. She reached out to pick up her owl helmet and put it in front of her eyes.

After a few breaths, she stretched out her hand, put the battle helmet on her head, and added a heavy watchman's cloak, turning Maiev back into the decisive, ruthless watchman warden.

She said in a low voice:

"Don't worry too much, Moonguard, you are still the sister of the watcher. The black moon's oath is not bound by power, good or evil. As long as your heart is with Elune, the benevolent moon god will see your dedication to protect .

Moonwell will not reject your visit, and Watch Island will not reject you because of this.

In fact, this may be an option.

There are some sisters who have encountered the same situation as you. It was my fault that I was too focused on N'Zoth and ignored you. Fortunately, someone made up for this terrible mistake for me. "

"No, ma'am, if this is a sacrifice dedicated to the moon god, then we are deeply honored."

Sira Moonguard said in a low voice:

"I understand what you mean, I will walk on this cursed road to find a new future for our suffering sisters, I will not let you down, nor will I let Luna down.

On the day I know the good and the evil of the Void, I will take those cursed sisters from Watch Island and guide them to another path, just as you have guided us. "

"very good."

Maiev nodded, looking at the cabin with some nostalgia, she reached out to pick up her thorn knife wheel, and said to Sera:

"This ship is a good base of operations for your permanent residence. But if the void infects your souls, if you allow yourselves to degenerate into monstrosities, then I will visit again.

This period of observation has given me full confidence in your future.


Go forward bravely, the moonlight will bless you. "

After finishing speaking, Maiev walked to the window and looked back at Sierra Moonguard who was half kneeling on the ground as if crying.

She nodded, flipped forward, jumped out of the ghost ship with a whoosh, and disappeared into the morning light.

In the cabin, Sierra Moonguard was already crying.

It turned out that the lady endured humiliation on the stinky pirate's ship for so long just to make sure that she would not be swallowed up when she walked in the void. She didn't leave with confidence until she made a firm will and chose the way forward.

As to why the lady and the stinky pirates left the ghost ship at the same time, and why the lady sneaked out every night and didn't come back until the early morning, that didn't matter at all.

Ms. Maiev really cares about herself, she is worthy of being the leader of all the watchers.

woo woo woo.

The lady is so gentle.

You must not let her down.

I must walk the path of the void watcher well, and find a way for the suffering sisters to lead to the future without being swallowed.

As for Maiev.

At this time, Ms. Yingge, who was gliding across the sea and quickly moving towards Gaoling, never expected that her subordinates would have such a strong "reading comprehension" ability.

Probably the Void greatly expanded her thinking.

Forget it, that's not important.

Maiev was basically relieved to leave the Moonguard on the Naglfar. Although the stinky pirate had various problems, he was indeed very good to his subordinates.

Yuewei is so capable, he will definitely not be wronged by him.

As for Bu Laike.

Maiev has obtained enough information from Braike's intelligence network during this time, and she has made up her mind that after watching Bu Laike complete the wilderness trial, she will leave Azeroth and go to the world of Dellano to investigate the Burning Legion trend.

Bu Laike himself said that an unprecedented war is about to break out in this world, and the orc world will be the advance battlefield.

She is not the kind of little girl who would be immersed in love and happiness. She still has an unshirkable mission and responsibility to Elune and the world.

Your own happiness should come after the safety of this world.

Well, let's regard this period of time as a small vacation during the 10,000-year long garrison. Now that I have finished my rest, it's time to start again.

She also wants to see how powerful the stinky pirates who have been promoted to the legendary realm will be.

If he is not strong enough, then he will be taught a lesson severely. Do you really think that Ms. Maiev doesn't hold grudges? Ms. Yingsong still remembers the humiliation brought about by that shameless touch in her heart.


In the early morning of the third day after the Naglfar left Tol Barad, before dawn, Fenna Golden Sword, who was dressed furtively, carried her swollen luggage from the Governor's Madam in the dark. Slipped out of the mansion on the edge of the forest.

She summoned her mechanical leopard and ran all the way to the teleportation hall of Nazaras College.

She left a letter telling Mrs. Catherine that she was going to Coldarra with Little Xingxing.

Obviously, she didn't intend to tell Catherine's mother the news that she was going to participate in the strength trial, so as not to worry her. Once she was worried, her mother would definitely get the news, and maybe Dai Lin would get the news too.

This is his moment of glory, not to be missed.

She planned to use the academy's portal to go to Silvermoon City, find Lord Thalorian Dawnseeker as her deputy, and then set off from Quel'Thalas to the Broken Isles.

The journey by sea along the way took about ten days, counting the trial time, it was almost twenty days. By the time my mother found out that something was wrong, she had already run back.

"Yo, Fenner! Don't run!"

Just as Fenner was approaching the bridge connecting the South Island and the North Island, the voice of the little star suddenly sounded from the front, startling Fenner.

She looked up, and saw Little Xingxing flying down from the sky in her weird and cool Star Throne aircraft, and Sienne was sitting beside her.

"What are you going to do?"

Princess Blue Dragon asked fiercely, Fenna felt a little guilty, and said:

"Well, I'll go to the academy for a walk, haha."

"Trust me!"

Little Xingxing said coldly:

"In the past, you dragged you to the academy and you didn't go, but now you think of running there on your own initiative, cheating ghosts. Say, are you going to the Broken Isles?"


Fenner rolled her eyes and said:

"how do you know?"

"Hmph, don't worry about it, I just know."

The little blue dragon princess snorted triumphantly, waved to Fenna, and said:

"Hurry up, I'll give you a ride."

Fenna huddled in Little Xingxing's aircraft with a suspicious expression on her face. Following the launch of Little Blue Dragon, the aircraft rushed into the sky in an instant. Above the clouds, Little Xingxing told the truth.

She threw something to Fenner and said:

"Captain Smelly asked me to give it to you. Do you really think he doesn't know anything? He said that he felt that Odin's little bird just entered the house that day, but he just didn't want to expose you.

He also said to let Lantresor Burning Blade accompany you to the trial in Stormheim, and you must win back the Aegis of Aggramar beautifully. "

Fenner was silent, she looked at the thing that Little Xingxing stuffed into her hand, it was an irregular blood-red crystal, it looked like some kind of gemstone.

When Fenner held it, the anger in her body filled her whole body in an instant without even needing to be aroused.

"The captain said this is called the heart of anger, it is very precious."

Little Star explained:

"It can instantly superimpose endless morale and anger blessings for an army. It is best used by soldiers. He said that this is the trump card prepared for you."

"Hole card? I think it's almost cheating."

Fenner pouted, but still put the thing away.

She scolded the stinky brother, grabbed Xiao Xingxing's joystick, and said in the middle of the fight:

"Go to Quel'Thalas first, I'll find a companion to go with me."

"Although the nasty stinky brother secretly took my baby away, I wish I could beat him to death, but if...he wants me to win, then I will win!

Must win! "

(end of this chapter)

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