Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 904 1. The Mysterious Killing Of Turtles In The High Ridge -- Last Month's Monthly Pass

Chapter 904 1. The Mysterious Killing of Turtles in the High Ridge--Last Month’s Monthly Pass Added 【1425】

Highmountain, the highest mountain in the Broken Isles.

It is located in the center of an island or a small land outside this civilization, with magical terrain ranging from hills to swamps, from rift valleys to snow-capped mountains.

The materials here are not poor, there are many mineral veins and a variety of herbs grow, there are also valleys that can be used for planting among the cliffs, and the most important thing is that the land here is sparsely populated. For the local aborigines, it is not There is not much pressure to survive.

This is the hometown of the Gaoling tribe, where a group of tauren with antlers lived. When Bu Laike plundered Suramar, he also captured an expedition team of Gaoling cattle on the coastline.

To this day, those captives have been enjoying themselves in the North Sea Fleet of the Undead Pirates. It is said that they are all the personal guards of the North Sea Pirate King, Ms. Anne Bonn, and have repeatedly made military exploits.

From this point, we know that the rumors about the so-called tauren being simple and honest are all nonsense.

They didn't become bad guys just because there was no environment for doing bad things.

But in general, the region of Highmountain is a rare "land of peace" in Azeroth, where four tauren clans plus one clan Drokbar share the land of Highmountain.

It is said that from the time of the War of the Ancients to the present, the kaolin oxen have never fought among themselves in ten thousand years. This is probably because they face a common enemy, that is, the aggressive beasts in the adjacent Stormfjord area. Vrykuls.

But the stinky pirates who have just set foot on this land know very well that although the Kaolin Bulls are small in number and not aggressive, they are not easy to deal with, because the Kaolin Bulls hold an artifact of creation in their hands.

The Hammer of Kazgros is a sacred object of the same level as the Tidal Stone of Gognas. The latter is in charge of the power of the sea and sky, while the Hammer is in charge of the power of the earth.

The most famous deed of this herd of kaolin cattle in the past ten thousand years was to drive away Deathwing with this holy hammer.

That's right, the Worldbreaker who was headshot three times in Dalaran and almost destroyed the Eastern Continent with the Cataclysm. The Wing has a dragon lair in Highmountain.

It is said that before he went crazy, he liked to enjoy the leisurely dragon life in the dragon nest full of treasures.

There is also one of Bou Laike's destinations.

Although it's a taboo place locally, if the pirate can get his hands on Deathwing's dragon's lair treasure, he won't have to worry about money for a long time.

It was a hidden treasure trove comparable to the treasure of the Pirate King of Zandalari. Only a closed and self-sufficient race like Kaolin cattle, with almost no currency transactions, could turn a blind eye to it.

It would be too wasteful to let those ancient treasures hide here without seeing the light of day.

"They should be used in more reasonable places. Once money is born, it will generate value. With those treasures, I can declare early retirement."

In the low-lying swamp area below the western mountains of Highmountain, Bo Laike rode on the back of the sky, looking down and complaining:

"The honest Kaolin Beef people have no idea how rich they are, and if they could learn to spend money, they could even use the money Deathwing left behind to buy a kingdom on the Eastern Continent.

No king can resist the temptation of real money. "

"They still use money to buy it? Little master, what you said is unreasonable."

Xal'atath whispered in Bu Laike's ear:

"He has the holy hammer of Kazgros in his hand. He only needs to send someone to tell him which piece of land he wants. For a kingdom that dares to resist, he only needs the chief of Gaoling Niu to wave his hand. Any army or fortress can be destroyed within ten minutes. Flatten it within.

It is a good thing for any civilization in this world that the kaolin cattle are self-enclosed in the highest mountain.

Once they learn to invade, the tauren can have their own empire within a year. "

"That's right, why do you need to work hard when you have a gun in your hand?"

Bu Laike said enviously:

"If the Tidal Stone in my hand is intact, I don't have to work so hard to run my business. A big flood washes away all the people of Gilneas, wouldn't that place belong to me?"

"How did you get into a fight with a Gilnean?"

Void Essence complained:

"Be a human being, change another target to bully, old Gene will be bullied by you and cry."

Laike did not respond to the complaint.

Because he found something strange down there. The pirate patted the hippogryph on the neck, and the clever sky glides down. When it was ten meters away from the ground, the pirate jumped down and landed lightly.

He looked at the pale mist on the edge of the swamp in front of him, put on Hemet's trap boots, and walked forward a dozen steps in the swamp unaffected.

"The tortoise's camp is here, but what about their people?"

The pirate looked at the camp stationed in the water in front of him. The things inside were neatly arranged, and there were even a few unfinished story scrolls, which seemed to be the handwriting of the tortoise.

But the camp was empty.

Bu Laike ran to Highmountain to do the wilderness trial. He reached an agreement with the Tortoise who had the news in advance. The tortoises have their own subordinate branches in the Broken Isles, and they will take on the responsibility of helping the pirates lead out the hell monsters.

If the wilderness trial can be completed in the material world, the stinky pirates definitely don't want to go to Hela's territory.

He didn't even want to imagine how that crazy queen of death would treat him, a "former employee" who "deleted the database and ran away" and took away "the company's important property".

A vengeful woman is difficult enough.

Not to mention that this woman also has an army of undead, and she herself is a crazy demigod. She was abused by rape when she was young, bravely resisted patriarchy, and successfully started her own business to become a pivotal figure.

Good guy, this is the kind where the BUFF stacks up and takes off. When you run for president, you don't need to canvass for votes. Now the president has to kneel down for her on the spot.

"These tortoises are really unreliable."

Bo Laike cursed under his breath.

He walked around the camp, and after a few seconds, he noticed that something was wrong. There were footprints extending into the depths of this large swamp called the Blind Swamp by the local tauren.

The footsteps of those tortoises were chaotic, as if they were frightened.

Inspired by the pirate's endless pursuit, the external environment dimmed in perception, and the details that he paid attention to were highlighted. He didn't even need to track, and followed the turtle man's transaction to the depths of the swamp.

"Be careful, the fog around here smells like a nightmare."

Xalatas vaguely reminded:

"You have already started the wilderness trial when you came to the highest mountain. The natural force of this land is paying attention to you. I can't intervene too much, otherwise your trial will fail.

But when you smell this weird mist, you should know who is watching you. "

"Well, I understand, you can take a good rest."

Bu Laike replied in his heart:

"Go back to the Naglfar, put on your 'work clothes', and help Dean Lanyue complete the attack on Black Rook Castle, but keep a low profile. I found that your amazing big brother may still have collaborators active , don’t be discovered by them.”

"I understand."

Xal'atath returned a furious farewell kiss in the pirate's heart, and she whispered:

"Ever since the bronze dragon appeared beside him, I knew it was time to hide and act. I wish you all the best, little master, and I will wait for you to come back on the bed."

"You mean 'on board'?"

Bu Laike complained:

"Be clearer next time, or you will be misunderstood."

"whispering sound"

Miss Void Essence made a disdainful nasal sound, despising her little master's duplicity, her voice quickly dissipated, and the pirate's heart also calmed down.

He let out a sigh of relief, and continued to search for traces of the missing tortoise deep into the swamp.

Xal'atath said that the mist smelled like a nightmare, and this was not a metaphor, but a description of fact.

After the Void Essence left, without her to protect his mind, the pirate immediately felt a strange force in the surrounding fog pulling his mind.

Sleepy, with a dark allure.

But for a pirate who has already faced the will of the void, such a little trick can't help him. Protected by the Luna armor outside, the shadow magic power in the body circulates, turning into pure void light and lingering on the pirate's gauntlet.

Then, as Bu Laike tapped on both sides of his forehead, a shadow protection barrier, uh, it should be called a void protection barrier, was cast on himself.

All the power derived from the source of the void was isolated, allowing Laike's slightly tired mind to return to normal in an instant.

At this moment, he vaguely heard a malicious chuckle.


Bu Laike revealed the source of this power, saying:

"You are really a diehard of N'Zoth. Even Queen Azshara didn't show up. You bitch jumped out first. When I finish my business, I'll give you a good look.

Your master has been exiled, and you are just a slave with three surnames. "

In fact, Bu Laike wrongly blamed the ancestor Satyr Xavis.

Isn't this because Queen Azshara ignored it, so it could only choose to do it by itself? It is also forced to help, the revenge KPI issued by N'Zoth is there, and it will be uncomfortable if it cannot be completed.

Who doesn't want to fish happily? Isn't there really no way?

If there is a charming, powerful and noble tentacle girl, will Laike still want to reach Highmountain safely?

I want to fart.

Soon, the pirates found the three missing tortoises, who were lying in the deep water of the swamp nearly a thousand yards away from the camp.

You can tell from their attire that these are the three scroll sages.

It can be seen that Tortoise is still very concerned about helping Laike. They sent their smartest and wisest sages to help, and strive to be perfect, so that the user experience of pirates can reach the extreme.

It's a pity that he died before leaving the teacher.

All three tortoises died.

They died terribly, but their bodies were not yet decomposed. The pirate squatted down and touched the neck of a female tortoise. The skin was still elastic. It seemed that they were killed at most in the middle of the night.

Just less than two hours ago.

The two ancestor turtle sages who fell on their backs stared wide-eyed. There was no brilliance in their eyes, but there was still an image of fear. They opened their mouths wide as if they were calling for help or howling.

Judging from the convulsions of the corpses, they were frightened to death.

And the way of death of the last Tortollan sage was quite strange, he lay on his back in a puddle in the swamp.

was drowned.


drowned turtle

It's really a way to die full of slots in every sense.

It's a provocation, no doubt about it.

The other party knew that Boo Laike was coming, and used this death as a "welcome" to declare that everything Boo Laike wanted to do in the highest mountain was useless.

They won't make it easy for him, and it's a sign of war.


Bu Laike looked at the three corpses under his feet. He stretched his neck and put his hand into the water of the swamp. The power from the Earl of the Sea was induced to make the water in the swamp turbulent, squeezing out a big hole.

These three tortoises were involved in his grievances and were killed. If they can't save people, at least they have to be buried in the ground.

"quack quack"

After the mist, the little murloc's warning roar sounded, and there was also the sound of electric current rushing. Something grew out of the mist and was rushing towards the pirates.

Bu Laike ignored it, he pushed the corpses of the three turtles into the pit, and collected their identification plates, intending to return them to Kou Qiao.

Although the Tortollan didn't help, the pirates weren't going to judge them badly.


Boo Laike found some rotten wood in the swamp and planned to make a simple tombstone.

He picked up two weird whistles and blew them. Frostclaw and Big Horn, who had not been by his side for a long time, seemed to be summoned, and appeared beside the pirates in the teleportation technique attached to the magic whistle.

The two war beasts circled their masters, especially Frostpaw, jumping up and down like a loyal dog.

"Go, go, get rid of those things around."

The stinky pirate patted Xiong Xiong and Langlang's heads, and gestured their thumbs behind them, and Wolf Lang and Xiong Xiong rushed out screaming, and soon there were beast roars and battle sounds in the mist.

Bu Laike didn't care whether it was Xavius's servant or Hela's subordinate, the two guys probably joined forces and wanted to strangle the pirates here, so there is no need to be polite.

Just to see how the "stocking" effect of Frostpaw and Big Horn will be during this period.

This is the advice given to him by Rexxar. Beasts need to be wild to maintain their hunter instincts. Being around hunters for a long time can easily make beasts burn out.

And stocking can make them happy.

The Mo Kenasa clan has an inherited secret skill to summon beasts from a distance, which Bu Laike couldn't learn, but he solved this problem with the magic whistle made by Dean Lanyue.

The big horns are kept in the mountains of the Grizzly Hills, and the frost claws are kept in the storm cliffs. When they are needed, they can just blow a whistle. As long as they are not forbidden, the magic whistle is safe.

Two minutes later, Bighorn returned to the pirate with a rusted helmet in his mouth, placed his "trophy" at his master's feet, and pushed his big head against the cloth Laike.

The pirate glanced at the rusted vrykul-style helmet under his feet, curled his lips, and said:

"It seems that Hela has a lot of grievances against me. Helagar was sent to hunt me down at the very beginning. But are you planning to use gourd doll tactics by sending these little soldiers?"

The howling of wolves echoed in the mist.

Obviously, Frostclaw went crazy and was chasing and killing those Hell warriors who fled.

Bu Laike didn't summon it, but looked up at the looming snow peak in the south of the swamp. After thinking for a few seconds, he snapped his fingers and said:

"Find a place to spend the night first, I'm going to contact an old friend."

(end of this chapter)

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