Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 905 2. Welcome To The Greatest Farmhouse In Azeroth... Er, The Hunter's Sanctuary! -【15

Chapter 905 2. Welcome to the greatest farmhouse in Azeroth, er, the Hunter Sanctuary! -【1525】

The little murloc separated from Laike after the encounter in the Blind Swamp. According to the reminder of the natural force, the "wilderness trial" of Murloc should be on the coast just north of Highmountain.

The destination of Bu Laike is exactly the opposite direction.

The pirates were not worried about the little murloc. Even if this cunning little thing failed the trial, it would definitely be able to escape with the odd things in its luggage.

Speaking of it, Laike's trip this time can be called "low-key".

It is rare for a person to travel alone, and he can bring at most two war beasts to relieve his loneliness, not even his "guard of honor" as the Earl of the Ocean of the Hydraxian Legion.

Speaking of which, the elemental core of the King of Fire has already entrusted Little Xingxing to send it to His Majesty the Tidehunter as a "gift", and I don't know what reward His Majesty will give him.

There is no need for cloth Laike, such as tidal blessing, and Proudmoore's bloodline has been strengthened. The power of the water element does not match his own power, and it is useless to ask for it, but it will affect the purity of the pirate's power.

After all the calculations, the most enticing thing for Laike in the Hydraxian Legion is the elements themselves.

He has always wanted a legendary Hydraxia warrior to be his bodyguard. The bodyguard Tur Rageclaw he found in Northrend has been "offline" for a long time.

The main reason is that in the Battle of Dalaran, the bear warriors heroically released Nalorak, the god of wild bears who was imprisoned by the Amani trolls with evil magic, and was given power by the god of wild bears.

After the Battle of Dalaran ended, Tur entered a "hibernation of power", and would still be sleeping in a cave in Tol Barad.

This fishing was done in a fair and aboveboard way, so that even the pirates couldn't fault it.

But he knew that this was a good thing, and Turben was stuck under the legend, because the bear people were also considered as long-lived species, and their talents were powerful, but their strength growth had always been slow.

This is shit luck for Tull.

He has absorbed the power of the loa like Hisalie Crow. Although he is a weak loa, once he wakes up, Bo Laike will instantly have a powerful thug of a legendary druid/legendary bear warrior!

This wave, this wave is called investing in the future.

"With Little Xingxing's ability to bargain, how can I get a Hydraxia warrior for this wave?"

Bu Laike rode on the back of the sky, and as he flew towards the snowy peaks southwest of Highmountain, he thought:

"Perhaps His Majesty the Tide Hunter saw the heart of the enemy, lost his mind in excitement, and rewarded me with two elemental warriors in one breath, and that would be a huge profit.

With them commanding my elemental guards, the Naglfar's coastal defense capabilities will be instantly upended. "


Just when he was indulging in beautiful fantasies, the loyal and brave Hippogryph suddenly neighed, flapped its wings and stopped in place, no longer flying forward.

Ahead is the range of that strange snow peak.

That mountain peak is very interesting, it looks like an eagle claw stabbing out of the ground in the opposite direction, it is very powerful under the sun, but the sky dare not continue to fly forward.

Although he has never tamed the sky as his own war beast, thanks to Rexxar's guidance, now Laike can perceive some emotions of the sky without the beast covenant.

The brave Hippogryph is afraid.

The feeling of awe made the pirates feel very clearly. It seemed that the eagle claw peak in front of him was protected by a powerful force, and those without permission were not allowed to approach it.

The magic eyeball on Bo Laike's shoulder glanced out.

Not only the sky, but his beloved black-feathered falcon "Swift Shadow", also known as Miss Hisalie Crow, will also fly around the surrounding area, not daring to approach the snow-capped mountains in front of him rashly.

She also felt the natural power on the snow peak in front of her.

"Don't be afraid, fly forward, trust me, it won't hurt you or me."

Bu Laike leaned down and spoke encouragingly in Sky's ear. The Hippogryph neighed. It hesitated, but under the encouragement of its master, it still flapped its wings and moved forward slowly.

After flying less than a hundred meters, the pirate immediately felt a sharp and merciless gaze from above, but there was nothing in the sky.

That gaze carried a stern warning, leave Eagle Claw Peak immediately, or be forcibly expelled.

And on the character card of Bu Laike, there is also a warning text:

A powerful loa has watched you, this is its territory, you'd better not provoke it.

Powerful Loa, this description is very accurate.

When meeting Akunda in the Wharton Desert, the character Ka described him as a powerful loa, while old Gani was described as a weak loa.

This shows that the mysterious Loa that exists on the snow peak in front of him has at least no weaker combat power than the mighty Akunda.

But the pirates were unafraid.

He comforted the irritable Hippogryph, and shouted forward in ancient Salas:

"I'm Brad Laike Shaw, 'Honorary Master Hunter' of the Hidden Passage.

Although Miss Emmoreel did not officially grant me this title, I think she must have recognized my strength in her heart, and she must have told you about my story and how I helped them.

Great High Mountain Protector, Claw of the Sky, On'hara Wing of the Hunt, I came to Eagle Claw Peak not to blaspheme, but to seek a sacred place where the power of nature exists.

As you can see, I am conducting a trial in the wilderness, but I am ambushed by evil forces. I need to use your territory to chat with an "old friend" in the Emerald Dream to prepare for a counterattack.

This matter is also about the corruption that exists in the dream world.

It is growing and spying maliciously on the physical world.

You may be skeptical of this.

But I believe that you will believe me in the end, please give me the power to enter the Eagle Claw Peak. In fact, as I am undergoing wilderness trials, I have always wanted to be blessed in the hunting temple.

At least pay homage to the statues of previous hunting masters for good luck. "

Bo Laike's explanation didn't ease the vigilance of the mysterious loa on Talon Peak, but the stern gaze softened a little, and it seemed to be scrutinizing Bo Laike.

After more than ten seconds, the stern gaze dissipated.

The hippogryph neighed with joy, and even a beast could understand that they were being allowed into the territory of a loa.

As for the black-feathered falcon, Hisaly Crow, she was still under a lot of pressure at this time.

As a member of the Druids of the Birds of Prey, she knew all the stories about the loa gods with wings and the demigods of the wilderness in the world of Azeroth. Naturally, she knew the existence of the loa god Ounhara.

But in the stories of the druids of the raptors, On'hara, the white falcon born in Highmountain, has always been known for his arrogance and indifference.

It can be regarded as the most powerful sky loa under the mother of birds, Ms. Aviana, but it only pays attention to the race blessed by itself, that is, the Gaoling tauren.

It doesn't even accept offerings from elves, nor does it ever require believers to worship for it.

Because in addition to the natural priesthood, this peculiar loa also has a "hunting god" priesthood. This priesthood originated from the worship and praise of the Gaoling tauren, and the important reason is that it is a hidden path and a high-level hunter. their patrons.

Theoretically speaking, all hunters who have advanced to high-level hunters are followers of On'hara.

But this Loa is really indifferent to fame and fortune.

Except for the good hunters of the secret passage, the hunters in other regions have not even heard of its name, but still the same sentence, only the evil gods need the belief of believers to maintain their godhood. Do the real natural loas have any believers? it's the same.

They are symbols of greatness in themselves, and do not need the recognition and praise of others to maintain their majesty.

In short, in the past many years, the druids of the raptor's attempts to contact On'Hara have failed, and On'hara may think that the druids of the raptor are too weak, so they don't like them.

Now, Thisalie Crow, the offspring of the raptor druid, came to On'hara's territory again. She felt that she might be expelled, after all, the loa had been watching her.

But in the end, it turned out that the "face-saving fruit" of the stinky pirate is quite powerful. Under his leadership, Miss Black Crow flew into the valley of Eagle Claw Peak without any danger.

This made her very excited.

She is definitely the first raptor druid in history to be allowed to enter the territory of On'hala. This story will definitely drive her mentor Skyscreamer crazy.

Once the Raptor Druids get the blessing of the Wings of the Hunt, it can effectively strengthen the frontal combat effectiveness of the Raptor Druids and change their previous weak combat methods.

But Black Crow didn't think of a very important question.

On'hara let her in, not because of her druid status or because she was the baby egg of a stinky pirate, but because of the divine power in her that belonged to the Amani falcon god Ekilson.

As an eagle species, Hunting Wings should give his weaker compatriots some face.

Probably because of the perfect fusion of Hisallie Crow and the loa divine power in her body, this elf will become a real loa sooner or later after a long time of growth.

This can be regarded as a good relationship between the Loa God and the reserve Loa God in advance.

Of course, it is also possible that the mighty Hunting Wings are also wondering why a druid would disguise itself as a hunter's war beast. This is a "miracle" that it has never seen in its ten thousand years of becoming a hunting god.

A pirate has managed to do something that no previous hunting master of the hidden path has ever dared to think about?

How strange.

Well, worth looking into.

Perhaps, this deviant way of taming animals can be popularized among his own hunter followers? Anyway, I never liked Raptor Druids.

If they are weak, they might as well become "pendants" for powerful hunters.

"Ah, Hunter Farmhouse, I'm back again."

The sky fell into the valley of the snow-capped Eagle Claw Peak, and Bo Laike jumped down from behind it, and opened his arms outside the door of the rather large but not majestic Hunter's Sanctuary in front of him, shouting in an exaggerated tone.

It's not that Bo Laike is talking nonsense, or deliberately belittling the Hunter Sanctum.

It is really the base camp of the hidden passage in front of me, and this hunting sanctuary called the sharpshooter camp is too "close to nature". Not to mention comparing with Dalaran, even compared with the destroyed Ravenholdt Manor, they are at an absolute disadvantage.

There are almost no tall and majestic buildings here, and there is only one hunter's hut and some thatched huts built by the hunters themselves in the entire huge valley.

Needless to say, there is an orc-style bunker among them, it must be the house that "apprentice" Rexxar built for himself.

In addition to these thatched huts that affect the appearance of the city, most of the sharpshooter camps are archery targets, and there are also activity venues specially opened for hunters and war beasts.

There are also several large pits similar to the arena.

Speaking of majesty, there is really nothing to say, but the statues displayed all over the valley are worth seeing. They are sculptures of previous hunting masters.

Although there is only one leader of the Hidden Passage, there are many master hunters, of which elves make up more than half, and the rest are highmountain tauren, as well as sculptures of vrykul, bearmen and quilboar.

But very little.

Braike turned around in amazement, and found an unfinished head of a dwarf. It seemed to be Old Hemet, that shameful guy who was chased by the Rende Society and was about to become a hunting master. ?

It is estimated that there will be orc sculptures here in the future.

With Rexxar's talent, the title of master hunter is simply easy.

But at this time, there was no one else in the hunter's farmhouse, and the entire sharpshooter camp was empty. These very executive hunters should have gone to the Silithus desert.

My mother, the windrunner, also joined as a non-staff member.

They are going to retrieve the remains of the previous leader of the Hidden Passage, Ms. Namulia Linke. The hero died in the Battle of Quicksand a thousand years ago. Her soul was trapped in the evil place and could not rest. .

It was Brad Laike who made it happen.

The stinky pirate told the current leader, Emeril Shadowguard, that there are some hunting secrets buried in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj that Ms. Lin Ge didn't have time to teach her.

Those skills and strengths can help a hidden pathway that has been going downhill get strong again.

However, from Bu Laike's point of view, if the Hidden Path wants to re-emerge and restore the glorious status of the Hunter's Temple, the first thing to do is to quickly change the camp style of this farmhouse.

If you don't seek to achieve the majestic and magnificent style of Silvermoon City or Sky Fortress, at least you can't be worse than the Holy Light Cathedral, right? What is needed is an atmosphere that creates a "sacred place" so that the members can be honored.

If you look at this poor and out-of-the-way place now, which high-level hunter with some status would like to come here to suffer? Life here is simply the original "savage" mode.

It's just short of setting up a few barbecue stalls.

In such a hunting holy place, the members of the Hidden Path are too embarrassed to publicize it when they go out, so what can they brag about to others? The air quality in our place is absolutely good?

Nonsense, there is not even a decent house in this shabby place, a fully transparent experience, can the air quality be bad?

It should be noted that bragging is the biggest driving force for flesh and blood creatures to move forward.

But the complaints belong to the complaints, and Bu Laike really did not forget to do business.

He went around the open hunter's hut and found a lot of fine-crafted arrows from the hidden ordnance Curry, some for war bows and short arrows for war crossbows, and happily sent these elf girls The handmade arrows were swept away.

With this stock, I won't have to worry about arrows for several years to come.

Moreover, they are all arrows made by high-level hunters using Kaldorei's traditional craftsmanship and the high-quality materials provided by the Kaolin Tauren. No matter how you look at it, they should be of epic quality.

This wave is not bad!

Also, this is a reminder.

To teach the savages in the secret passage a simple truth, you must lock the doors and windows when you go out, otherwise there will be bad, bad, smelly pirates to help them "clean up".

In short, after some searching and "appreciating" several sets of hunter armors from Miss Emeril Shadowguard's private collection in her room, I got a satisfactory harvest, so Braike seemed calm and relaxed. Came to the shrine enshrining On'hara Wing of the Hunt.

He bowed to the sculpture in front of him and saluted, as a thank you to Hunting Wings for opening this place for him to settle down. He waved his hand and took out a simple flute, and spun it a few times in his hand.

Next, it's time to sleep.

(end of this chapter)

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