[Rabbit Plain.

【Friendly tips from the game's official:】【

The most common creature on the plain is the cute little white rabbit, if you rashly attack these little rabbits, you may suffer disgust from female players. [

A bald programmer uncle who was disliked by his wife left this paragraph aggrieved.

Many players also cautiously walked out of the village.

Subsequently, many female players were attracted by the cute appearance of the little white rabbit.

Jekyll also prefers this cute creature.

I happened to see a rabbit not far away.

Just say hello to the rabbit.

Get ready to touch its fluff.

【Little White Rabbit

】【Very cute creature, strong leg strength, good at jumping, and will also detect some dangerous situations.】 【

I like to eat fresh carrots, as well as herbs and other nutrient-rich foods. As

a result, something happened that surprised all players.

The cute little white rabbit knocked Jekyll to the ground.

And also jumped a few laps in front of Jekyll.

Messed Jekyll.

Even a few players watching from the sidelines were frightened.

"Ah this, is this rabbit's combat power so strong? It can actually knock a person over directly.

"Good fellow, this rabbit is terrifying, isn't it? d(ŐдŐ๑)"

At this time, Jekyll had already been impressed by the combat power of the little white rabbit.

Jekyll's heart secretly decided on something.

Everyone saw Jekyll stand up.

Walk towards the little rabbit.

"Looks like the male player is going to give the nasty little rabbit a little color. Let the little rabbit know that humans are very powerful creatures. But

the little rabbit didn't seem to be afraid of Jekyll.

Saw Jekyll walking towards him.

He also stuck out his tongue at Jekyll.

Seeing this, Jekyll became even more interested in the rabbit.

He is determined to teach this cute little rabbit a good lesson (๑• . • ๑).

Many players only heard Jekyll roar.

"I must turn you into my contract creature."

As soon as the words fell, Jekyll walked towards the little rabbit.

And the little rabbit fled at once.

Start circling Jekyll.

Take advantage of your own speed.

It looks like he wants to stun Jekyll.

Jekyll tries to grab the bunny with both hands.

But it was deftly dodged by the rabbit.

He was then attacked from behind by a rabbit and knocked to the ground.

"It's not hurtful, but it's very insulting."

The male players on the side also felt some interest.

So he attacked the rabbits next to him.

The results can be imagined.

Many male players were directly knocked to the ground by the rabbit.

There are several agile male players.

Instead, he barely escaped the little rabbit's attack.

"This rabbit is too strong, right?"

"It's cute and strong, my wife is a summoner, I'm going to grab one for her."

This behavior of male players immediately met with the dissatisfaction of female players.

"Bunny is so cute, why are you hitting it? "

Some female gamers.

Directly picked up the rabbit.

And the rabbit also showed a very enjoyable look in their arms.

"It seems that female gamers still have affinity."

Jekyll patted the ash on his body.

Intend to attack the little rabbit again.

Right now.

The accident happened again.

Several gray wolves rushed out of the forest.

Launched an attack on the rabbits.

【Gray Wolf】

【A cruel and cunning creature that lives in the forest, often goes to the rabbit plain to hunt some cute little white rabbits, and is the natural enemy of the little white rabbits. 【

Gray wolves that appear in Rabbit Plain will burst out with greater ferocity.】 [

Oh ( ́-ω-'), it's the story of the little white rabbit and the big bad wolf.] The

little rabbits near the forest area resisted desperately.

But there was no way to stop these gray wolves.

The strength of the rabbits is far from enough.

Although they now have the strength to tease the average player a little.

But in the face of such a group of big bad wolves, there is still no way to fight back.

Tearing apart by the wolves one by one.

In the end, almost all of them fell in a pool of blood.

A big bad wolf bit the throat of the little rabbit.

Blood slowly flowed down the wound.

Stained the grass red.

The little rabbit eventually died.

"Ahhh! Another

big bad wolf pounced on a little rabbit.

The sharp claws instantly pierced the little rabbit's chest.

Then he violently shredded the little rabbit.

The remaining three wolves continued to attack the remaining rabbits.

However, the three rabbits in front of them are already in a dying state.

There is only one dead end.

They no longer intend to continue to tease the little white rabbit's desire for survival.

Prepare to solve all three little bunnies.

The three little rabbits looked at them with horror in their eyes.

Lips trembled.

Want to escape.

But it's late.

Right now.

A brave little white rabbit rushed towards the three big bad wolves.

"Roar! Whoosh..."

These big bad wolves saw the little white rabbit rushing towards them.

All opened their mouths and let out a roar.

It's a pity that this little white rabbit is not afraid of their angry roar.

Instead, it crashed directly into one of the big bad wolves.


A loud bang.

The big bad wolf flew out upside down.

Fell heavily on the ground.

The fall looked a little miserable.

The other two big bad wolves saw that this companion was defeated by a small rabbit.

Immediately, he opened his mouth and let out an angry roar.

Towards the little white rabbit attack.

"Roar..." the big bad wolves roared together.

Surround the little white rabbit.

The big bad wolf that had been knocked down also got up.

It didn't seem to have hurt much.

It was just knocked over.

At this critical juncture.

Jekyll rushed towards the three big bad wolves.

"That rabbit was the first thing I fancy, you can't shoot!"

Although Jekyll knew that he was likely to die in the mouths of those big bad wolves.

But Jekyll still doesn't want to see the rabbit he photographed die tragically in their mouth.

So Jekyll decided to rush over.

"Father, bless me!"

One of the big bad wolves directly bit Jekyll's outstretched arm.

Then he pressed Jekyll under his body.

It seems that he also wants to bite Jekyll's neck off.

"Everything stops."

Jekyll closed his eyes in pain.

Looks like you have to run from the newbie village again.

Hopefully, it's still in time.

At this moment, Jekyll suddenly heard the big bad wolf above him let out a scream.

Then Jekyll felt his body suddenly lighten.

The male player on the side hugged himself and kicked the foot of the flying gray wolf.

"Damn, it hurts Lao Tzu, is this gray wolf's body so hard?"

"I really haven't played this thing before."

That player's body looks strong.

It looks like he knows how to play basketball.

"Thank you, brother (*^o^*)."

That long, very strong player.

Lifted Jekyll up from the ground.

"It's okay, everyone is playing games, if you can help, you will definitely help."

The bold male players around all rushed over.

Surround the gray wolves.

"Come on, let those female players see the courage of our male players."

"Wife, I'll let you see your husband's heroic posture now!"

"That guy maliciously tanned his wife, I suspect he is insulting us single dogs, let's beat him to death first."

Watch as so many enthusiastic players come to help.

Jakilton felt a little moist in his eyes.

"Strange, why is water coming out of my eyes?"

Jekyll felt that his state was a little strange.

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