The players surrounded the three gray wolves.

Although there are no weapons in hand.

But they are all super brave boys.

As the saying goes.

As long as you are not embarrassed.

The embarrassment is someone else.

In other words, as long as they are not afraid.

Those who are afraid are someone else.

So they have hope to win.


These people bravely rushed towards the gray wolf.

The gray wolves were furious.

They have never been in such a situation.

The way these humans fight is too barbaric.

It's just stupid.

They bite a human who rushes towards them.

The man was bitten.

Immediately fell down.

But quickly.

Another human rushed next to the gray wolf's body.

It seems to want to bring down the gray wolf.

As a result, the man also fell.

And the rest rushed to the gray wolf's side.

Start attacking it.

The gray wolves were furious.

But they are not to be outdone.

Start fighting back against the savage humans around you.

Very fast kung fu.

Several humans around the gray wolf were lying on the ground.

The gray wolves' bloody mouth bit right into the neck of one of them.


Their sound is sharp.

"Poof..." the

male player spewed out a stream of blood.

Immediately he fainted.

"The kid who tanned his wife fainted."

One of the players who noticed exclaimed.

The gray wolves are crazy.

They spit blood on one side.

While continuing to tear at the humans lying on the ground with their sharp teeth.

Right at this time.

A sharp sword appeared in front of them.

All at once pierced a certain part in the middle of their body.


It was a very beautiful female swordsman.

Her face was filled with an icy aura.

She swung her sword.

The gray wolves all fell to the ground.

See this scenario.

The remaining human players involuntarily swallowed their spit.

They know.

The female swordsman in front of her was really beautiful.

They are reluctant to leave here.

Just to be able to see this beautiful female swordsman a few more times.

By name.

They can tell that this female swordsman is an NPC in the game.

Jekyll focused all his attention on the little rabbit from before.

The little rabbit was also looking at him.

"Are you willing to sign a contract with me and be my partner?"

The little bunny seemed to understand Jekyll's words.

So nodded.

Jekyll smiled brightly.

"Skill - Soul Contract, launch."

A strange-looking magic array appeared at the feet of the little white rabbit.

The female swordsman who was about to leave was attracted by the magic fluctuations of the magic array.

"It turned out to be a rookie summoner."

"They would be stupid enough to contract useless edible rabbits to be their own summoned creatures, and these guys who can only chant spells with their mouths are really inferior to the generation."


gray wolves in the forest were attracted by the smell of blood.

The gray wolves let out a roar.

Immediately rushed towards the group of players who had not yet dispersed.

Right at this time.

The beautiful female swordsman suddenly stood in front of them.


She waved the long sword in her hand.

A silver light shot out from her hand.

As the silver light flew by.

These gray wolves turned into them in an instant.

A pile of minced meat flying all over the sky.

The onlookers were quick to watch.

Quickly captured the female swordsman's movements through the game's built-in screenshot function.

It was then posted on the in-game website forum.

After Jekyll successfully signed a contract with the little rabbit.

The little rabbit was successfully subdued by Jekyll.

And became Jekyll's contract creature.

A wonderful connection arises between Jekyll and the little bunny.

This connection allowed Jekyll to sense the location of the rabbit.

You can even communicate with each other from a certain distance.

"Contract is really a wonderful existence!"

Jekyll picked the little rabbit up.

Then he put it on his shoulder

: "I took the little rabbit!"

[Little white rabbit. 【

The little white rabbit living on the rabbit plain can sense the potential danger in the vicinity to a certain extent, and can also serve as the important task of edible meat reserve food in the team. [

Generally, only the stupidest summoner would treat this rabbit as a contract creature.

Jekyll touched his head.

"I suspect the game's introductory message is scolding me, and I still have proof."

"Forget it, anyway, I also have a first contract partner to be safe outside."

Jekyll glanced at the task prompt in the taskbar.

"It seems that the monster mentioned by the village chief is not in the Rabbit Plain, or it has not yet appeared."

The goblin, hidden inside the trees, grabbed a stone on the ground.

Threw it at Jekyll.

The little rabbit pricked up his ears and shook it.

Hurriedly telepathically told Jekyll to dodge.

"Master, there are stones, come here."

After Jekyll heard the little rabbit's warning.

Quickly dodged to the other side.

Stones hit the ground.

It's just a small dirt pit slightly.

Just as Jekyll was about to observe the direction the stone was thrown.

Another flying stone.

Directly hit Jekyll's left hand.

Jekyll covered his bleeding left hand.

Frowning at the goblin coming out of the bushes.

Jekyll had decided to teach this damn goblin a good lesson.

[Mission tip: Discover the monster mentioned by the village chief. 【


【A small dark green-skinned monster in the forest, capable of using a variety of weapons, likes to sneak up on passing caravans or adventurers, and has a small cloth bag with various things inside. 【

Female players and summoners with a bit of stupid brains, please pay attention to safety】The

appearance of the goblin immediately attracted the attention of others.

"Guys, my task list prompts."

"It looks like this ugly thing."

Just as the players are ready to pack up the goblins.

"But only one appeared, how do we divide this?"

One of the players' speech immediately silenced the team of players who were talking.

"Yes, this is the mission goal!"

Defeating this goblin means that your mission can be completed faster.

Completing missions is rewarded with experience points.

You can even get item rewards from NPCs.

Currently, the player's level is zero.

Ordinary monsters will not gain experience.

Only complete quests released by non-player character NPCs.

Players can get that rare experience.

The players who were still united just now suddenly divided into countless small groups.

Even small groups have been divided.

The player is a very simple creature.

When the goals are aligned.

They will give up their past complaints.

Sincere cooperation.

But when the goals conflict.

They will be the first to start a war.

Jekyll naturally noticed this strange phenomenon.

Some grass was pulled from the ground.

Feel free to wipe the wound.

He slowly stepped back.

At this time, if it is set on fire by the players.

It's not about play.

[Weeds. 【

The most common food eaten by rabbits on the rabbit plain. 【

It can also be used to feed horses, cattle, sheep and the like.】 】

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