Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 1139 Warboss-level colored cloth!

"Huhu, Commander?"

In a state of hazy consciousness, Lin Lan vaguely felt the sound of hot and humid breathing coming from her ears.

The soft and tired female voice woke him up, and at the same time, he felt the warm plush touch wrapping around his body.

Smooth fingertips caressed his cheek, causing him to slowly open his eyes.

What catches the eye are the proud twin peaks wrapped in a low-cut dark blue and gentle breeze.

He was lying on the lap pillow of a certain Shigesakura shipgirl.

The long white hair hanging down along the collarbone and the white fox tail on his body illustrate the identity of this Shige Sakura ship girl.

"The letter... is strong?"

Lin Lan softly called out the name of the Chongying aircraft carrier girl.

His eyes looked around.

This is the exquisite courtyard in Shinano's dream that he once visited, and the white commander's uniform on his body shows that this is in a dream.

Quickly sorting out the current situation in his mind, Lin Lan was sure that he had indeed drunk in the bathhouse last night.

I don't know if it's because he eliminated the Type V threats around Yunze City yesterday, or because he used the Palm Life and Death Disk to modify Natlan's cause and effect.

His mother-in-law, Dr. Anjie, finally connected his dream with Shinano.

Hearing him call out his name, Shinano's white hands that were caressing his face stopped.

"You finally woke up. I, I have been looking for you for a long time..."

Lin Lan sat up and looked at the adorable fox girl with tears in her eyes, and couldn't help feeling sad.

His experience in Natland during this period almost made him forget that there were so many ship girls in the port area frantically looking for him.

Thinking of this, he reached out his hand and gently wiped away Shinano's tears.

Then he stretched out his arms and took the soft body of the aircraft carrier girl into his arms.

"I'm sorry to make you worry... I was brought to Natland by the observers, and I have now joined the Northern Alliance girls."

He whispered peace into Shinano's ear, and Shinano hugged him tightly, as if he was afraid that he would leave the next second.

"I'm with nice Richard, and Miss D...

"We are now heading towards the temporary port area in Donghuang. We should be able to arrive in a few days..."

Lin Lan hugged Shinano, who was reluctant to be separated from him, and told the Chongsakura aircraft carrier roughly what he had experienced during this period.

After saying all this, Shinano reluctantly let him go.

"I hope everything is fine, Commander, Natlan... When I wake up, I will inform everyone in the port area about this and organize a fleet to go to Donghuang.

"You don't know, Siren's door network node has been damaged, and all camps in the port area are cooperating with the testers, builders, and three arbitration organizations to carry out full-scale emergency repairs."

Shinano helped him stand up from the tatami, took him to the living room connected to the courtyard, and made him a cup of scented tea.

Even in dreams, the fragrant scent of tea made Lin Lan feel relaxed and happy.

After Shinano sat across from him, he lightly talked to him about what happened in Minato since he left.

Thanks to Antix's host Zero terminating the Judger plan, the ship girls and Antix did not fight after he disappeared from the Star Sea Base.

After Rodney's meta disappeared, Rodney himself was fine and recovered after a few days of short rest.

However, due to the bad omen, the entire Antix network was paralyzed, and strongholds in various locations were eroded to varying degrees.

The navigator TB may also be affected by this and enter an offline state with signal loss.

The nodes of the Menfei network have also become unsafe. According to the builder, these nodes need to be checked one by one and undergo thorough maintenance before they can be restarted.

Originally this was going to be a long project.

After all, Antix's main force is still outside the world wall. In order to prevent the world wall from completely collapsing, other arbitration institutions cannot enter the world.

However, at a critical moment, an army of Buri and Manju led by Cai Buri suddenly appeared in the port area.

After learning that he had lost contact, Cai Bri immediately decided to take Bri and Man Ju to join this huge project.

"Caibri? I remember that Caibri hasn't appeared in Minato yet, right?"

After hearing what Shinano said, Lin Lan recalled it carefully and asked doubtfully.

Before he traveled through time, there were actually quite a lot of colorful cloths in his port area.

But with his disappearance, Bri's sisters all regressed back to Barbarian, so that until he came to Natland, no Cai Bri was born in the true sense.

"Huh, according to what she said, she was the legendary Brie who witnessed you becoming a brave man, and you also promised her to dominate the world..."

"Okay, I know which barbarian she is."

Lin Lan immediately covered his forehead and couldn't hold back his laughter.

That Caibuli sister was the same Barbarian Chirp that witnessed him using the Mind Cube to cheat the Power of the Brave when he was still in the port area of ​​Lihu County.

Unexpectedly, even after evolving into Caibri, she still didn't forget that she was suffering from chuunibyou, and promised to take her to eat delicious and spicy cakes.

As we all know, the Bree sisters in the game are divided into three rarities: purple, gold and color.

And when he was learning from Shabai in the port area, he learned that the skills mastered by Bree sisters and the Rubik's Cube energy in their bodies were the same as their rarity, getting stronger as they went up.

Just like the greenskins in a certain 40k whose technology and power all rely on wagggh, Caibri is already at the warboss level.

The only difference is that the "wagggh" power of Sister Bree and Manju is used more in the port area and fleet logistics.

Shinano's narration continues.

With the addition of the Bree and Manju armies led by Caibri, and the help of the Sirens, the port area has been rebuilt.

The door network nodes leading to Oran will also be restored soon, within three days at most.

As for the door network nodes on Natlan's side, if they want to be restored, they can only wait for the ship girl and the siren to sail all the way for repairs.

"It's really troublesome without Menfei network..."

Lin Lan sighed softly.

It would take at least a month for his ship girls in the port area to set out tomorrow to reach the Natlan Empire.

In addition to the time spent on the journey, the nightmare fleet that Antix's stronghold was transformed into also required his ship girls to clear it out along the way.

"Commander, there is no need to worry about Liaozhou and Oran. Strencus, Tempalus and Hermet have already gone to these two countries."

When Shinano heard his sigh, he thought he was worried about the innocent people in the two other world countries, so he explained lightly.

"I was just thinking that it would be almost a month before I see you again."

Lin Lan smiled, picked up the teacup on the table, and took a sip.

The rich and mellow aroma of tea made him feel a warm and comfortable feeling in his mouth.

The fatigue accumulated during this period of traveling day and night and fighting evil cultivators and X was quickly resolved in the dream created by Shinano for him.

It even made him reluctant to return to the real world.

But even so, Lin Lan didn't know if he would see Shinano in his dream tomorrow after waking up this time.

So he had to use this time to reunite with Shinano to exchange more information with this big fox girl:

"By the way Shinano, have you found any traces of the metas, and what is Lu Ling's current situation?

“I saw the Mercury Memorial meta in Natland, the Princeton meta and the Scharnhorst meta also heading to the North Union staging area.

"I've also figured out the God-killing Curse, so actually..."

Just when he was about to say something, he noticed a helpless smile on Shinano's face.

At the same time, everything around him began to become illusory and transparent.

"Commander, it is enough for me to confirm that you are safe. There is no need to worry about other things. I will contact everyone in the port area...

"next time……"

Shinano's voice became increasingly ethereal until it completely disappeared.

Lin Lan, whose surroundings turned dark again, also understood that this dream reunion between him and Shinano was over.

It's time to get up.

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