Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 1140 The story of the commander and the arbitration agency in the original world

When Lin Lan woke up from the bed, he found that the sky outside the window was already bright.

Thanks to the terrifying aftereffect of the Water of Life, he still felt dizzy even after a nap.

"This should be the first time I have blacked out after drinking since I traveled through time..."

Lin Lan complained while looking at the bedroom that Lingmin had prepared last night.

The spacious room was full of precious wooden furniture.

The exquisite potted plants, the antique ornaments hanging on the wall and the fine cotton bedding on the big bed all showed the luxury of the Yunze County City Lord's Mansion.

Thinking of the shabby tile house where he lived with the good man Richard when he first came to Natlan, Lin Lan sighed with some amusement.

I really didn't expect that I would live in a mansion of the lord of a county level before I even arrived in Dongzhou.

"Huha~ Comrade, are you awake?"

However, just as he was looking for his clothes while sighing, he suddenly heard a lazy girl's voice coming from his quilt.

Lin Lan couldn't help but be stunned, and lifted the quilt to look into the quilt.

The beautiful scene in the quilt of the big bed where he was lying made him suddenly wake up.

Tashkent, Fierce, Mercury Memorial, Kirov and Agility, the five Northern Alliance ship girls were all lying on his bed, hugging him tightly!

Except for the purple-haired destroyer girl who looked at him with a smirk on her lips, the other four Northern Alliance ship girls were still sleeping soundly.

The most important thing is that neither he nor the five Northern Alliance ship girls had any clothes on them.

Lin Lan swallowed his saliva sluggishly and closed the quilt again.

He thought maybe this was still a dream, and he hadn't woken up yet.

However, soon, the purple-haired Northern Alliance destroyer girl's little hand grabbed a part of his body in the quilt, which made him shudder all over.

"Tashkent, where are you touching?!"

"Hehe~ Tashkent just confirmed whether Comrade Sauce was sober, this is the most convenient way~"

As Tashkent's smirk came, Mercury Memorial and the other four Northern Alliance ship girls also woke up.

"Comrade Commander... Hum~"

So, Lin Lan was forced to stay in bed by the five Northern Alliance ship girls for nearly two hours.

After the intense exercise, he and the Northern Alliance ship girls took another bath.

After changing into the uniform of the Admiral of Natlan Jiuhai, which was washed last night, he was taken to the dining hall by Kirov. The blushing good man Richard and the unhappy Miss D had prepared breakfast for them.

To Lin Lan's surprise, the good man Richard could actually make a simple Donghuang-style breakfast.

Baozi, steamed buns, meat porridge and fried dough sticks were all the breakfasts he ate most often when he was on Blue Star.

In addition, Miss D also put the local specialty breakfast of Yunze City bought from outside the City Lord's Mansion on the table.

"Teacher's daily life has always been taken care of by me, so I know some of the dishes that the teacher likes to eat."

The good man Richard blushed, and seeing his surprise, he smiled and explained to him.

Looking at Richard's shy eyes that did not dare to look at him, Lin Lan smiled and nodded to praise him.

However, this aircraft carrier girl from the original world is still not very adaptable to the port culture, and she needs to adapt more.

But Miss D held her hands in front of her chest and hummed and questioned him:

"Stupid assistant! You always sent me to run errands for you to buy breakfast! Why don't you ever let me make breakfast for you?!"


Lin Lan just picked up the bun and put it in his mouth, and was stunned by Miss D's question for a while.

"Then you can try to make lunch?"

"Wow... Then, then I have to wait until I can synchronize the host network and download the cooking module separately!"

Lin Lan saw that Miss D's momentum was obviously weakened, swallowed the bun in his mouth, shrugged and smiled:

"Well, this is why I don't let you cook.

"Cooking is something that can't be done mechanically. You have to do it with emotion. It doesn't matter even if you fail, because the intention is conveyed. "

After being fed with such chicken soup by him, Miss D showed him a contemptuous look:

"Assistant, you said this to me, exactly word for word.

"I really believed your lies at that time, and the food I cooked ended up sending you to the hospital. I was also banned from entering the kitchen by Zero and Empres."

Miss D's words immediately made several of the Northern Alliance ship girls burst into laughter, and Lin Lan's mouth twitched.

This Death Lady's cooking skills seemed to be on par with the Royal Navy ship girls, or even more terrifying.

"But speaking of Empres..."

After starting to eat breakfast, Lin Lan recalled the information about the cold and beautiful arbitrator who first appeared in the game but never took action.

Arbitrator Empres III, the queen in the tarot card.

From what Miss D said just now, it seems that the arbitration agency had a close relationship with him at that time.

So he casually asked Miss D:

"Miss D, do you remember what the arbitrators were busy with in the original world?"

"It was so long ago, I have already uploaded most of the relevant mental data to the cloud!"

Hearing him ask this question, Miss D said angrily:

"Now I only remember that I, Enpres, Dibel and Lavos were arranged by the Judge to study beside you because they had just been completed by the Judge and their minds were not yet perfect!

"Especially Lavos!

"She is simply a super idiot. Not only can she not speak, but she always pesters you to go on dates and disturb your work!"

When Miss D said this, Mercury Memorial asked with great interest:

"Then did the Commander go on a date with her?"

"Unfortunately, not really."

In response, Miss D looked at Lin Lan with great regret and sighed:

“Not to mention dating, when we first met my assistant, I still remember how haggard he looked!

“He locked himself in his workroom and refused to come out and talk to us for several days.

"It was later that the judge released the Creator from the Ocean Federation military, and the two of them took the company to scold him. After he cried a lot, he seemed to have become a human being.

"Even so, the assistant always kept a distance from us and didn't want to have too much contact.

"The Judge, the Creator, and the company don't tell us what the reason is.

"I guess Helopant knew the reason at that time, but Zero gave her a hush order, so she couldn't tell us."

Hearing this, Lin Lan and the five Northern Alliance ladies all looked at the good man Richard who lowered his head in guilt.

Lin Lan reached out and gently stroked the white-haired aircraft carrier girl's head.

He could fully imagine that the good guy Richard, who was the original meta, lost control and became the source of disaster, which must have brought a huge blow to him at that time.

Dr. Anjie was placed under house arrest by the military, and many ship girls were implicated. He must have been close to collapse at that time.

Even if he comes out of the shadows, he will definitely not dare to invest too much affection in the four newborn Arbiters of Antix. Instead, he will focus all his energy on the research of meta-ization of ship girls and want to try Bring back good guy Richard.

Miss D also knew this. She looked at the good man Richard who raised his hand to support Lin Lan's palm and showed a strong smile, and continued:

"Herophant and Moon were busy with military work at that time. The bad omen brought X, and it was difficult for the army and ships to maintain the front line.

"Since the establishment of the Joint Council, Empres, Dibelo, and Lavos have all been assigned to carry out tasks. My assistant doesn't need me to say more about what happens next, right?"

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