Back Off, Let Me Come

Chapter 1058 1058: Stay vigilant [please vote]

"Borrowing Thunder Tribulation?"

Chao Lian was so shocked by these four words that he whispered.

The power of that day that destroyed the world seemed to reappear before his eyes.

The pressure brought by that kind of destructive power is even better than facing an unshakable enemy! No matter how powerful the enemy is, he is still made of flesh and blood. The upper limit of his body is imaginable. However, the thunder belongs to the power of heaven, and even a twenty-level Chehou is just a slightly stronger ant in front of it. But Sixth Brother said that now there is an ant that has the ability to use the power of God?

Fang Yan said: "Yeah."

"Seriously?" Chao Lian didn't want to question Sixth Brother.

"How can this be false? It's almost the same." Fang Yan didn't want to recall the past, "Brother, when I treated He Haogu, I knew something about them. There is an orphan volume of Yan Ling hidden in He Shu's study. , said to be written by a great virtuous teacher.”

"Great Master..."

"Well, it's the evil way that many people keep secret." Fang Yan interrupted Chao Lian's next few words.

What Chao Lian wanted to say was "Who is the great virtuous teacher?"

"Why the demon?"

Fang Yan said quietly: "People are shouting 'Cang Tian is dead, Huang Tian should stand', who does Qingzhi think of 'Cang Tian'? How many mediocre tyrants who only accept sacrifices but do nothing are scolded together?" If someone points his nose and curses to death, if he doesn't call him a demon, how can he be called a good teacher? His life is scattered in the corners of some unique books. It is said that he can cure people with talisman water and has hundreds of thousands of Taoists."

Chao Lian jumped on the topic quickly: "Can Fu Shui heal people?"

Fang Yan hit Chao Lian on the head with the riding crop rolled in his hand.

"Save people with Talisman Water? If Talisman Water can save people, how about I give you a full belly of Talisman Water every time you step into the coffin? What cures them is naturally medicine! How many common people have no money? There is no land, no food, and no way to seek medical treatment. Some people are not even sick, but are dizzy from hunger. The talisman water is medicine or a bowl of porridge. The common people are grateful and grateful, but which 'heaven' will like such people?"

"I definitely don't like it."

Fang Yan mocked: "Not only do I dislike it, I also regard it as a savage beast, and the spirits related to it can be classified as banned books."

"So, He Shu and this great virtuous teacher..."

No matter what the common people at the bottom think, at least in the eyes of the class that controls most of the spiritual resources, this great sage and mentor is definitely worthy of the title of "demon". He Shu came from a wealthy family, but he admired such a "monster" and even collected related banned books?

Chao Lian thought for a long time before he could say anything.

"He's a good guy."

"No!" Fang Yan replied simply, "Brother Wei said that both brothers are sick, and He Shu's condition is more special."

He had a feeling when he saw these brothers.

Compared with a congratulatory letter, He Shu deserves medical treatment.

Chao Lian's curiosity was aroused by his words, and he was scratching his head.

Fang Yan steered his horse steadily and looked towards the far end: "The way of a scribe is to inquire into one's own heart, but isn't it also about asking one's own desires and obsessions? Do you think a person who can regard [the world's good fortune] as the way of a scribe will To follow the rules?”

Orthodox literary scholars prefer to explore the original heart, find themselves, understand themselves, sublimate themselves, and find the correct "Tao" in the process of fighting against the original heart/desires. He Shu is different, or the literary scholars of this school are different. From the beginning, they are positioned as the masters of their own hearts/desires. Awakening to perfection is a complete process of gaming, fighting, and controlling.

Chao Lian was puzzled: "Is there... a difference?"

Fang Yanfeng said calmly: "The difference is huge. People will change. Can the people and things they like be the same at the age of six, sixteen, twenty-six and thirty-six? As long as they are human beings, they will change. The heart will change over time. Therefore, some people's way of being a scholar is completely different from the initial stage and the perfect stage. He did not make this difference. He made clear the "Tao" from the beginning and used the "Tao" as the cornerstone to hone. The Tao of the scribes. Who can guarantee that the [Tao] pursued by the thirty-six-year-old and the six-year-old are the same?"

[Tao] If something goes against one's true nature, people will easily get into trouble.

Either people are crazy or they are useless.

Chao Lian: "If the harm is so great, then why..."

Fang Yan said: "You can practice quickly."

Haven’t you seen that the way of the scribes has been perfected?

Chao Lian: "..."

Looking at Chao Lian who was confused, Fang Yan showed a look of unwillingness to say more: "When the two armies fight and face He Shu, you will know why my brother said this. For a great virtuous teacher , hundreds of thousands of Taoists are definitely not his original intention, but for He Shu, that is his purpose. But after all, it is other people's Tao, not his Tao, and it is not his own that can easily get out of control."

Fang Yan was not optimistic about He Shu.

But these are all his inferences. Maybe He Shu has overcome these thresholds and completely surrendered his own heart? No matter what, an opponent with unknown abilities and a perfect scribe's way is worthy of attention. Fang Yan and the other two did not know that two hours after the army started, there was another group of inconspicuous soldiers secretly following them.

Naturally, the soldiers and horses along this route do not belong to the enemy Gaoguo.

They belong to the state of Kang.

Fang Yan and others led their troops to reinforce the troops heading south, but they did not know about this. Not to mention that they didn't know, even Yun Ce, who led the troops, didn't know until the order was given. The number of these troops is only three thousand, which is not too small, but it is not too many for this war.

If the soldiers and horses were ordered to march faster, they might be able to catch up with Chao Lian's troops. Why bother to make this trip again?

The Lord did not send Shaochong who originally went to the south camp.

If there is really a shortage of high-level brave warriors, Shaochong is more suitable than himself. Yun Ce also has the enemy's twenty-level Chehou in mind.

Twenty Chehous must get past him first before they can hurt their lord.

Even if he wanted to push this order.

Shen Tang said: "Yuanmou, listen to me first."

She interrupted what Yun Ce was about to say: "Yuanmou, this battle report is indeed sent by Shanxiao, but can you guarantee that the content in it is only the information Shanxiao wants to convey? In other words, from the time when Qingniao sent the letter to when it was delivered Once it is in my hands, there is no possibility of a third party interfering or looking through the whole process? Don’t trust the information too much, even if the owner who sent it is a trustworthy confidant.”

Shen Tang does not doubt Cui Xiao, let alone the other two.

But this does not mean that the information must be true.

A real lie is always a mixture of truth and falsehood.

"Nine truths and one falsehood are the essence."

Yun Ce reacted in shock: "The Lord said -"

Maintaining a high degree of vigilance for intelligence is a quality that every military commander and staff member should have, but this intelligence passed through the hands of the master, was sent by Cui Xiao, and had two people as guarantees, Qi Shan. His first reaction was that there was no problem—— But is this believable?

This thought made Yun Ce sweat profusely down his spine.

"It's not just my intention, it's also the intention of Tunan and the others." Don't forget that there is an unknown scholar named Lao Deng in the enemy camp. This Lao Deng is of the same generation as Werder. Ordinary people can also live a good life, not to mention that their main job is to be a strategist and subordinate, and playing tricks is their special skill.

Shen Tang's smile was a little cold, and he made a gesture of wiping his neck: "If there is no fraud in this matter, the three thousand soldiers and horses you lead will be the icing on the cake, helping Qingzhi and the others to clean up the battlefield. If the enemy plays tricks with us, we will do it." , let’s follow their lead and send them all to see the King of Hell and drink Meng Po soup!”

"The general will get the order!"

Yun Ce immediately received the military order.

Not only did he see three thousand soldiers and horses who had been ready to go, he also saw Bei Jiu, who was wearing capable light armor. In addition to Bei Jiu, there are a dozen familiar generals serving as supervisors. Bei Jiu came earlier than him and was a little annoyed: "Yuanmou, it's too slow."

Yun Ce lowered his voice: "Why is Zhou Kou here?"

Bei Jiu's attitude was cold and stern: "The Lord's order is to order the prisoner to cooperate with you in the battle to surprise the enemy's buttocks."

In fact, Shen Tang's original words were to go straight to Huanglong.

It's just my personal understanding that is biased.

Seeing her cold attitude, Yun Ce wanted to ask anything but was beaten back by a knife in the eye. He bit the bullet and said, "But the actions of a prisoner are mostly auxiliary. I'm afraid this action is not suitable."

This time we want to cut off the enemy's retreat and encircle them.

Beijiu and these Mohists can better display their talents in Heyin County.

This was met with a roll of eyes.

"Can you resist the thunder?"

Yun Ce didn't know why the topic jumped so quickly, so he answered honestly: "It depends on how strong the thunder is. If it's too strong, it won't work."

The power of the thunder is still too great for the mortal body.

Bei Jiu sneered: "I can! The army sets off——"

Although Yun Ce was worried, he also knew that the military orders that had been implemented could not be changed without authorization. The Lord must have had her intention in making such an arrangement. Looking at Beijiu Yuma's back, he felt a little bitter in his mouth. A dozen or so Mohists came forward and patted him on the shoulder, appearing to be relieved, but actually watching the excitement. Everyone knows that the master craftsman and General Yun have been having conflicts recently, but it doesn't seem like they have broken up.

Conflicts that are not aimed at breaking up are all about showing affection.

Of course they are not worried.

Of course, I am not worried that the two will never interact with each other, but I am worried that the prison will lose a hard-working son-in-law.

It’s hard to find such a useful son-in-law of the Mo family! They also heard that Yun Ce's strength improved rapidly during the battle in the Northern Desert, making him the golden turtle among noble sons-in-law! Such good meat can only rot in the supervisor's pot! Uncle Beijiu bumped Yun Ce's shoulder with his shoulder.

Yun Ce politely said: "Uncle."

She said: "Young people are still too young. When the war is over, you two can take a break and play together for two days. As long as you serve well, there will be no more conflicts. The Mo family likes things that are high quality, cheap and practical. It’s also durable, do you understand?”

Yun Ce doesn't understand very well.

However, this is the teaching of my uncle, and it must make sense.

He nodded and said, "Yeah."

Uncle Master patted his hard breastplate with a look of relief on his face.

"Children can be taught, that's right."

Yun Ce accepted his uncle's teachings, but he also raised his own concerns: "Although this is good, it can't really solve Zhou Kou's knot. He is not afraid of his uncle's jokes, and Ce doesn't know why Zhou Kou is angry. He had clearly seen it before. It’s still fine…”

When the two met for the first time after the Battle of Beimo, Yun Ce saw Bei Jiu crying with joy, but turned around and became angry.

It can't be said that he is angry, but that he doesn't like to talk to himself anymore.

This troubled Yun Ce.

Uncle Master said, "If you don't know, just ask."

Yun Ce grimaced: "Wouldn't that make her even more angry?"

I don't even know why she is angry. Are you looking for scolding?

"...You young people are so conservative. Alas, you all have wooden heads." The uncle sighed and shook his head. Under Yun Ce's eyes that wanted to ask more questions, he stopped the topic and changed his mind. "Perhaps, Zhoukou prefers to watch you kill on the battlefield." The majestic appearance of the enemy taking military glory."

Yun Ce thought about it too.

Ask yourself, he does the same.

Private matters will be left until the end of the war.

Yun Ce shook his head to restrain unnecessary thoughts.

Three thousand soldiers and horses followed Chao Lian's soldiers and horses who set off first. This distance was not enough to be discovered by the opponent's scouts, and it could also deceive the enemy in secret. Not only did he reinforce the troops going south, Shen Tang also made supplements in other places.

After doing all this, I still feel uneasy.

The recruiter asked: "Has there been any movement from Mei Jinghe in the past two days?"

"My lord, no." The people monitoring Mei Meng didn't find anything strange, and they didn't see her coming into contact with suspicious people.

From the moment Mei Meng took the initiative to expose herself, all the little moves stopped. Every day, she was either chatting with Cui Hui, visiting Fugu City together, or having a drink together in a temporary residence. The relationship between the two girls warmed up rapidly, and they seemed to be close friends.

The little life was comfortable and comfortable.

It is completely unimaginable that a war between the two countries is about to break out.

Anyone watching her would feel unbalanced.

Shen Tang said: "Didn't you have any contact with strangers?"

"Back to my lord, no."

Shen Tang thought for a while: "You continue to watch. If Mei Meng shows signs of absconding, there is no need to report it, but he can be killed on the spot."

If the other party is not dead, her life should not be cut off.

"As you command!"

That being said, Shen Tang doesn't have much hope for this. It's not that Lu Jue would be a hindrance, but that Mei Meng must have other trump cards if she dared to take the initiative to expose them. She also has an ambiguous relationship with Gao Guo, and she doesn't know the specific cooperation between Qi Guo and Gao Guo.

There are so many variables.

She rubbed her temples with a headache.

In fact, Shen Tang hopes more than anyone else that Cui Xiao's information has not been manipulated, because manipulation means that the whereabouts of the three people may be exposed. The price is something she is not willing to pay, and the result is something she is not willing to see. Qi Shan, Luan Xin and Cui Xiao, let alone three of them, even if one of them breaks in, she will fight Wu Xian to destroy the country.

"Did Yuanliang and the other three notice it?"

She had a headache just thinking about it now.

How should we notify the three people in time?

At the same time, Qi Yuanliang was lying upright in the corpse. His face was pale and bloodless. The military doctor checked his pulse and shook his head: "This stubborn disease is deeply rooted and the root of the disease is nowhere to be found. It also coincides with the girl Tiangui... exacerbating the weakness of both Qi and blood. How difficult it is."

I was already very sick, but now it's even worse.

There is no way to save him, just wait to die.

He Shu couldn't bear it and said, "Please save her."

"If it's the Xinglin doctor from Kang State, there might be a way."

Saying this is the same as not saying it.

Even if Kang Guo is captured, it will be difficult to catch the Xinglin doctor. Even if he is caught, the girl's condition will not be delayed until that time. As a military doctor, he has never seen anyone with such a large blood volume in Tiangui. It was like a fountain of blood, covering the skirt and shoes.

But this is still a military camp.

Where can I find menstrual belts for women?

The girl was sweating profusely in pain, and the veins on her forehead were hideous. It was obvious that she was enduring a lot of pain, so he could only prescribe some pain-relieving and soothing drugs, and she could handle the rest by herself. The problem of the woman Tiangui was embarrassing for the strange man, so he did not stay in the camp for too long. As soon as they left, the unconscious girl bit her lower lip and cursed: "Shen! You! Li!!!"

I am truly blessed to have her!


February 29th is the end of the month that occurs once every four years. The next time I want to vote for mushrooms on this day will be four years from now. The believer knelt down on her knees, sincerely begging for a monthly ticket~~~ Speaking of which, I mistakenly thought it was Tiankui, but later I found out it was Tiangui. I have been wrong for many years.

PS: Another friend has opened a book, Erqian’s, "Little Fubao Is Disliked?" The whole capital is spoiling me with their lives" Er Qian

The little sister I picked up will be very cute after being raised!

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