Back Off, Let Me Come

Chapter 1059 1059: Thighs, thighs [please vote]

Mentally retarded brother: "..."

The old man: "..."

Although it is a bit unethical to say this, the fragile and soft appearance of my colleague can indeed arouse some pity in people. After realizing this, the two of them had the urge to poke their own eyes. In the words of the Lord, these eyeballs are not clean. Take them off and rinse them with water. I really don’t know whether I should blame my bad eyesight or my colleagues’ excellent acting skills?

After a period of chill, the dark folds on the old man's face were squeezed more tightly by the smile, and his eyes were filled with gloating as he watched a good show. Oh, watching the evil plot is more relaxing than taking revenge on him: "Yuanliang is really unparalleled in the world. In the past, when praising a man, he would say, 'Except for being pregnant, he is all-wise and omnipotent.' However, Yuanliang's female body is even stronger than Tiangui." have……"

what does that mean?

It means that Qi Yuanliang can even get pregnant.

This fact simply shocked his jaw!

The mentally retarded brother still had some camaraderie, so he didn't add insult to injury at this juncture, but looking at his hesitant look in his eyes, Qi Shan also knew what kind of blow this guy had gone through in his heart. The girl beat the bed angrily and greeted Shen Tang eight times and the old man's ancestors eighteen times in her heart. She gritted her teeth and said, "Hahaha, then you have to be careful. If you offend Qi one day, Qi will You transformed into a woman and contributed to the population of Kang State."

The imperial court has always been promoting births.

What's the use of just talking about it? Shouldn't it work?

Officials set an example and gave birth to ten or eight children themselves. Not only to let the female family members in the backyard give birth, but also to give birth to themselves, endlessly! Two babies a year, four babies in three years, six babies in five years... Literary Scholar has a good physique, recovers quickly, has almost no pregnancy risks, and can give birth to one baby a year without any constipation! One year after another, one baby after another! Why worry about the population not being prosperous and the country not being stable?

The old man was frightened by his eyes and took two steps back.

The mentally retarded brother also took a step back in shock.

The old man lacked confidence: "You, you can really do it?"

Is this guy's way of being a scribe so terrifying? ? ?

The girl grabbed the thing at hand and threw it at the old man, but unfortunately she missed. Seeing this, the old man slowly let go of his hanging heart and secretly wiped his sweat. To be honest, he was really afraid that Qi Yuanliang would play this trick on him. As long as it is false, everything is easy to say.

"If it's not Tiangui, then what's going on with this blood?"

The bleeding location is really awkward.

The old man reacted quickly: "So it's the Lord?"

Five words silenced the mentally retarded brother, and the CPU was almost scrapped, so the Lord came to Tiangui to influence the prayer book?

He was in a very subtle mood.

On the one hand, he felt that it was not good for the ministers to know such private things about the lord, and on the other hand, he felt that Tiangui represented the ability to reproduce heirs, and the continuation of heirs was linked to the inheritance of the country - the successor of Kang State could only be the blood of the lord, so that he could Ensure the stable succession of the old and new eras. From this point of view, the Lord's coming to Tiangui is not only not something that requires embarrassment, but it is a major event that deserves the world's amnesty, and the ministers raise their glasses to congratulate the Lord!

To a certain extent, it is even more important than the court meetings.

The mentally retarded brother said solemnly: "If so, it's a good thing."

The old man also nodded in approval.

Girl: "..."

He wanted to slam his head on the wooden pillow.

I am truly blessed to have these colleagues!

The girl gritted her teeth, grinding her teeth loudly.

They just kept doing nothing, and a carp jumped up, frightening the two of them to take a step back and guard. The girl did not hit them, but pulled up the inner and outer skirts and the legs of her wide-mouthed trousers, revealing a bloody thigh.

That thigh barged into their eyes like this.

It left two people with varying degrees of shock.

The old man: "..."

Mentally retarded brother: "..."

This kind of Zhongshu Ling is the biggest darkness in the official career.

The girl said: "Look again!"

The thighs were nothing to look at, but they were covered with wounds, and an astonishing amount of bleeding came from these wounds.

These wounds look like missing arms and legs...


Old man: "...So it's the Lord?"

Mentally retarded brother: "...If so, it's a good thing."

Girl: "..."

There has never been a moment like this when I wanted to kill my colleagues.

Because Shen Tang's handwriting was incomplete, Qi Shan pulled up his trouser legs to identify it for a long time without relaxing his brows. His mentally retarded brother did not move, but the old man didn't have so many scruples and came over to help identify it. While recognizing it, he complained: "My lord probably didn't want you to get stabbed a few more times, so he simplified and simplified the characters again and again, but it's hard to read."

Why bother?

Are literary scholars still afraid of engraving on their thighs?

If it were him with this little wound, he wouldn't even frown.

"Why is there so much blood?" Literary scholar's physique is not as perverted as that of a brave warrior, but it is also much better than that of ordinary people, and his wounds heal very quickly. These wounds look horrible, but the earliest ones have already begun to heal, so the blood should not increase.

The girl said with a pale face: "She started again."

This time it was the other leg.

The Lord really won't give up until he plays to death, right?

The writing on the other leg is easy to read.

The old man murmured: "Are you... or not?"

Girl: "..."

Mentally retarded brother: "..."

It’s no wonder that Shen Tang wastes two words. It’s really because she is panicking - Shen Tang is worried that the whereabouts of the three of them will be exposed. Naturally, she is also worried that the three of them will fall into the enemy’s hands. She is also worried that Wu Xian will not play the long-term trick of fishing for big fish. . If Qishan doesn't respond, is something wrong? She deliberately carved the reminder on her thigh instead of somewhere else, naturally because this location was concealed enough.

Shen Tang was on pins and needles here.

The girl also suffered a lot.

That is to say, is there a possibility that the Lord is injured and he is also injured, but he is injured and the Lord is unscathed? This is a unilateral message! No new words appeared after that. Shen Tang probably realized this problem and started to feel guilty.

There were no new wounds. The three girls concentrated on deciphering the news about missing arms and legs. In fact, it was not difficult to understand. They could make a lot of guesses. This did not make the three of them happy, just because the blood on their thighs told them that they had most likely been exposed and the enemy knew of their existence. If they are captured, do not be angry or resist, just be patient and wait for rescue.

Shen Tang is willing to pay the price in exchange for the three of them.

If Gao Guo dared to break up the vote, she would dare to let Gao Guo be buried with him.

From the perspective of a courtier, it is impossible not to be heart-warming.

It would be even better if they weren't written on someone's thigh! The old man looked at this circle of words and said quietly: "Your kindness is like a mountain. If Qi Zhongshu agrees, Cui really wants to have it rubbed as a souvenir."

Rubbing is very difficult, peeling is much easier.

The girl wanted to lift her thigh and kick Cui Shanxiao's old face.

The mentally retarded brother intervened in the topic in time to stop a conflict from intensifying: "The Lord said we were exposed, what should we do?"

Run away now, get away and feel at ease as soon as possible?

The girl lowered her trouser legs and skirt. Her face seemed expressionless, but in fact her heart was burning with anger. She said with a sinister smile: "Since they want to take a long-term approach to catch a big fish, let's just pretend that we don't know! I'm afraid that even Wu Zhaode won't be willing to do it easily. Kill us!"

Only waste that loses its value will be easily torn apart.

Which of the three of them is not worth a county?

Wu Zhaode is willing to waste three counties in vain?

As long as they are reluctant, there is no need for them to panic.

Not only did Qi Shan not panic, he also deliberately fine-tuned the condition of the vest to make his skin color closer to a sickly pale color. At first glance, he seemed to be deficient in energy and blood, and he looked more and more like the congratulatory letter. The old man always felt that the girl was holding back her evil deeds, and she lived up to expectations.

As night fell, the camp not only did not quiet down, but instead became lively with the sound of armor parts clashing. There were dense crowds of people, as if they were about to mobilize troops for an expedition. He Shu had already packed his bags and was going to set off tomorrow afternoon, but he didn't feel sleepy at the moment.

"What's going on outside the tent?"

The fifth-level doctor said: "It's that girl."

He Shu replied casually: "Let her in."

When the curtains of the military tent were opened from the middle to both sides, a girl dressed in simple clothes but unable to hide her romance came in. He Shu just looked up inadvertently, and the sight made him startled, and the tea flowed out of the cup, soaking one of his sleeves. His eyes were shocked as he watched the girl holding a food table and approaching gracefully. A serious illness made her look poor, but under the background of her two thin eyebrows that held a sad look, she gained a different kind of charm.

"Why is the girl here?"

He Shu tried hard to make his voice sound normal.

The girl put down the things gently and moved not far away from He Shu. Her eyes were full of pure gratitude and infinite admiration: "He Lang saved the slave family, and slave, slave has nothing to repay..."

There was a hint of nervousness and shyness on his face.

He Shu: "..."

The fifth-level doctor who was guarding outside the tent looked in all directions and heard clearly that the master of the house in the tent behind him seemed to have a much lower breath: "...The girl's words are serious, which is a life-saving grace for the girl, but for He It’s just a piece of cake.”

The two exchanged pleasantries in the camp for several rounds.

The fifth-level doctor watched helplessly as the girl left sadly.

He was puzzled: "Why is the head of the family unhappy?"

Is it because the girl’s face looks like the second master?

Thinking about it, it’s really not easy to accept.

He Shu almost laughed angrily: "It's not your business."

The fifth-level doctor heard this and kept silent.

On the second day, He Shu was ordered to accompany the army to assist.

Before leaving, he found the three old people and said to them: "The military camp is a mixed bag of fish and dragons, which is not suitable for you and others to recuperate. There is still some silver and dry food here, which will be enough for you to eat for a while. He is now busy with important things and cannot take care of you." My father-in-law, I plan to have my servants take you to a safe place, and take good care of yourselves in the future."

The girl flatly refused.

The old man was moved but shook his head in refusal.

He said sincerely: "The old man has nothing else. When he was young, he had a lot of strength and was famous all over the country. He is not far behind now. You are the great benefactor of our family, and our life belongs to you. How could this be possible? Are you leaving at this time?"

If it hadn't been for yesterday's thigh incident, they would have walked down the steps and escaped to a safe area. Now they have to change their mind - they are afraid that if the front foot agrees, the back foot will be pierced and captured. It is better to rely on He Buzuo first and leave. Take it one step at a time.

He Shu disagreed: "Is marching and fighting child's play?"

The old man: "Well, to be honest, you still have some way to survive in this world right now. If we leave you, the old ones, the young ones, I'm afraid they won't be able to live for more than a few days before their bodies are found somewhere else."

He Shu heard this and no longer insisted.

I plan to take three people with me.

The old man's heart sank.

He Shu's performance clearly showed that he had known that there was something wrong with the three of them and had no real intention to let them leave. The three of them didn't have much luggage to pack, so they set off as soon as the time came. The old man noticed that his mentally retarded brother's breath was much lower, and he used Kangguo's unique encryption method to send messages. To outsiders, it seemed that the old man was comforting his idiot grandson and arranging his messy clothes.

【What's wrong? 】

Mentally retarded brother: [worry. 】

Naturally, he was not worried about his own safety, nor was he even worried about the troops going south. He was worried about the tenth-level Zuo Shu Zhang who was secretly guarding him. The strength of the tenth-level Zuo Shu Zhang is already above the average level among brave warriors. As long as the enemy's strength is not too much higher, his ability to conceal his aura should not be easily exposed.

Considering the situation of the three of his own, it was hard for him to say.

The mentally retarded brother took a deep breath.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to close his eyes, he suppressed the murderous desire in his heart.

I just hope it’s not the worst outcome.

Otherwise, he will let this soldier and horse taste the consequences first!

While all parties were waiting anxiously, Kang Guo's wounded barracks was like water dripping into hot oil, with oil splashing everywhere in an instant. Two warriors carried a simple stretcher and ran forward, almost running out of the afterimage. While running, he shouted loudly: "Quick--come quickly!"

A wounded soldier strolling around took a look.

Blood dripped from the stretcher and spread all the way intermittently.

Everyone consciously made way for a passage.

The military doctor who heard the commotion also came over to check on the situation, and soon ran away to ask for Doctor Xinglin. Xinglin doctors have special signs, and wounded soldiers are no strangers to this. I couldn't help but become curious about the person on the stretcher: "Who is the injured person?"

He passed by in a hurry and didn't see clearly. He didn't look like a general in the army, but looked like an ordinary warrior. But this wasn't right. If he was an ordinary warrior, how could he make those people so nervous? Doctor Xinglin took action. The injury was definitely serious enough that he needed to fight with King Yama to save him: "I wonder if he can be rescued?"

"Probably not."

"But two of Xinglin's doctors have gone." It is said that Xinglin's doctor transferred five people this time, and five of them went and two... Ah no, while she was talking, she saw another one coming.

As she stretched her neck to look around, she heard the person next to her say: "No matter how strong the doctor Xinglin is, that person's head is half off..."

Even though it was just an afterimage, I saw it.

The opponent's neck seemed to have been cut in half.

This injury is so severe that I can’t save it even if I come here.



Several patients gasped in unison.


"Are you sure you read that correctly?"

"How can I get it wrong? Don't forget, I am from the Shenjian Camp. How can I survive with poor eyesight?" The soldier who spoke sighed. If possible, she also hoped that she had got it wrong. In addition to the fatal wound on the neck, the arm appeared to be hollow.

The identity of the injured person seemed unusual.

Not long after, I saw the Lord coming in a hurry.

Everyone saluted in unison, but the Lord, who usually responded generously, didn't seem to notice it and just passed by, heading straight for the camp where the rescuers were being rescued. People with good eyesight can clearly see that the Lord's face is covered with a layer of frost and murderous intent, and one glance can make people's hearts tremble.


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