Back Off, Let Me Come

Chapter 1177 1177: Distortion, too much distortion! (Part 2) [Seeking monthly votes]

Regarding this part of artistic processing, Shen Tang, Gu Chi and Qi Shan each have their own ideas. Qishan felt that Gu Chi had portrayed him as too weak. Was he the kind of person who would be picked up by others after being damaged in battles every now and then? He is a well-known malignant conspiracy in the northwest!

[What does vomiting blood and red eyes mean? 】

Qishan himself felt like having goosebumps all over his body when he saw it.

[Haha, do you dislike it? I give you the pen, you write it yourself. Gu wants to see what beautiful flowers you can write! 】Although the chapter about praying for good is placed at the beginning, Gu Chi wrote this part at the end. He was afraid that he would be so disgusted by the content of praying for good that he would lose his spiritual energy. "Look how you boast!" 】

Naturally, praying for kindness doesn’t have the time.

All in all, not satisfied!

Gu Chi didn't bother to tolerate him and went directly to his lord to reason.

[Let’s seize the three core points—beauty! powerful! awful! 】As Duan Shui Master, Shen Tang chose the golden mean and found a balance between Gu Chi’s needs and Qishan’s opinions, 【Outstanding beauty, powerful strength, tragic experience! It satisfies the viewer's yearning for beautiful things, as well as the deep sympathy for the protagonist's misfortune. The perfect way to attract fans! 】

Gu Chi: [……]

Shen Tang gestured, trying to make Gu Chi understand the feeling she wanted: [Beautiful but fragile, powerful but ill-fated, miserable but tenacious, like a flower that has been beaten by wind and rain, seemingly weak. But it still stands, a little white flower that inspires pity, sympathy and love. The cold, broken, unkind, and troubled young master! We don’t need to write about how this flower is poisonous, we only need to write about how it is bullied. 】

[Only look at the results, not the causes, understand? 】

Gu Chi nodded: [Understood. 】

After finishing his attack, he said: [My lord wants colorful black. 】

Shen Tang: [……]

Then he added another blow and said: [Maybe it’s black and white. 】

Gu Chi felt extremely unwilling, so he could only pinch his nose, endure his nausea, and follow the instructions of Party A's boss, revising and revising again and again, trying his best throughout the process. No problem, Gu Chi was responsible for the content and Qi Yuanliang was responsible for the portrait. What if I offend him and he deliberately restrains his skills and fails to paint General Bai well? With the joint efforts of both parties, the results are gratifying and gratifying.

Ever since, Gu Chi rewrote the result.

There is no mention of the death of the seven protagonists in front of Qi Shan, nor is it mentioned that each of them was strong and vigorous, jumping around before meeting Qi Shan, and lining up to see the King of Hell after meeting Qi Shan. Don't ask, if you ask, they bring it upon themselves. Good and evil will eventually be rewarded!

However, some people have put forward other views.

"Is this prayer book a bit restraining?"

Shen Tang passed by with a single glance, but everyone was focused on the biographies of famous officials and celebrities, and did not notice her emotional changes at all. Xia Houyu secretly wiped his cold sweat and tried to round out the words in a normal tone: "The theory of fate and metaphysics is not credible. Which of those people has done all the evil and deserved to die? It's just that this person happened to catch up, and they were all in vain. Such a bad reputation. If he really conquered the Lord, how could he not conquer it after surrendering to the new Lord? For more than thirteen years, there has been no trouble between the king and his ministers. "

After hearing this, the man was ashamed.

"It's true that I spoke freely."

Others noted the details above.

"Is Qi Yuanliang's new master a woman?"

"Not only that, he's still a fugitive."

There are more and more examples of women who can practice in Qu State every year. They have heard about it, and some have seen it with their own eyes. They have completely accepted it, but they don't know where the source is. Someone pointed back the time: "If these contents are true, this Lord Shen is much earlier than the earliest female cultivator in Qu State."

Another person lamented: "This Qi Zhongshu is so courageous."

Judging from the first meeting between Shen Qi and Shen Jun, Qi Shan did not discriminate against Shen Jun because of his gender. Instead, after hearing the other person's analysis of Chen Qi's feelings, he realized that the two were like-minded, and a spark of sympathy burst out. If the same situation happens to them, even if they know Shen Jun's potential, they may hesitate because of the other person's different gender. Qi Yuanliang did not hesitate, he only saw the precious innocent heart in Shen Jun. Who wouldn’t envy the good talk between the king and his ministers?

Well, Gu Chi emphasized that Qishan followed Shen Tang because of the latter's concern for the country and the people and his courage to be the first in the world!

One sentence complimented two people.

Qi Shan did not dislike Shen Tang because she was a woman and a fugitive. He never left her for more than ten years. From the battle of Xiaocheng, she was transferred to Heyin County, from Heyin County was forced to be transferred to Longwu County, and then from Longwu County. The county sent troops to fight against the alien Shiwu. Before the victory was over, they participated in the Dragon Slaying Bureau and worked with the warlords to overthrow the tyranny. The victory in the Dragon Slaying Bureau was also the beginning of a chaotic war, and it was also the battle for the founding of Kang State. Count down the ups and downs along the way, pray for kindness and follow firmly.

Do not admire power, do not seek wealth.

Even when Shen Tang was extremely poor, he still helped each other and worked hard for love. He gritted his teeth and persisted, just to realize their ideals. Looking horizontally and vertically, you can see that he is a completely sentimental person! Such a high-spirited and upright person makes people admire him to the point of admiration.

At first, people felt that this part was a bit distorted.

There is always something to gain from fame and wealth, right?

As a result, people only pursue ideals and morality.

They don't advocate it very much, but they really admire it.

"It's no wonder, no wonder I was let down seven times..." It's impossible to have such a rough character. Too many people stumble, either giving up their stupid and naive original intentions after being severely beaten by reality, or they don't want to go along with the filth and end up miserable. However, Qi Yuanliang did not give up despite being hit hard seven times. "Fortunately, the result is good. There are twists and turns, and there is a bright future."

Colleagues lamented: "It is rare to find a wise king."

Someone said: "There are always good horses, but there are not always good horse trainers."

Everyone was moved by Qishan's experience and happy for his final success. His current glory is completely worthy of the ups and downs in the past. The main content of the character ends, and there is a page of dialogue with a strange format. A closer look shows that it is all other people's comments and opinions on Qishan and their first impressions of each other.

Chu Yao (Zi Wuhui): He values ​​righteousness over his life, and he is chivalrous and courageous.

Gu Chi (Zi Wangchao): He? Who in the world doesn't know you?

Qin Li (Zi Gongsu): I was amazed at the first sight, and we became close friends when we met again.

Jiang Sheng (Zi Xiandeng): We just met for the first time? I just felt that he was very friendly and said a lot of heartfelt words.

Xun Ding (Zi Yongan): Qi Zhongshu is the most considerate confidant I have ever met in my life. I am lucky to have met him when I was young.

There are more than twenty people in total.

He either praised him for his popularity, or praised him for his good looks, good temperament, and strong ability. He had a lot of heartfelt words, and he was chivalrous and generous. He also helped Jiang Sheng to complete his path as a scholar. Although he failed at that time, his kindness was commendable.

Some colleagues even wanted to marry their daughters to him.

It's a pity that the young man had the world in his mind.

If the world is unstable, how can a small family survive?

Therefore, he has been single until now.

His maternal elder brother couldn't bear it and resolutely adopted his daughter to him. He treated his adopted daughter well. It is said that this adopted daughter was carved out of the same mold as him when he was young. This child is also warm-hearted. She learned medical skills and adopted more than a hundred abandoned babies.

This is really a good reward. Qi Zhongshu finally got his reward after all the hardships.

There are a few paragraphs at the end of the conversation between the author and Qi Shan.

The conversation was not long. To sum it up, Qishan was very modest and felt that he was unworthy of the praise from his colleagues. The persecution and psychological trauma given by the seven lords in the past had been completely healed by the trust of the lord. In the future, he would work harder to repay the lord and serve Kangguo. His hobbies were government affairs and raising cats. He married the cat through three matchmakers and six betrothals: [Its name is Su Shang. ]

The footer at the end was a cat head.

Xiahou Yu was vaguely envious when he heard his colleague sigh.

"Qijun is a true gentleman of the time. After going through thousands of sails, he can still look at life calmly. He truly achieved 'not being happy with things, not being sad with himself, worrying about his people when he is in the temple, and worrying about his lord when he is far away from the rivers and lakes'. Such an open-minded state of mind is worth learning from."

Such a man who is full of advantages and likes cats...

Who can not like it?

For a time, this sigh was echoed by many people.

But some people also expressed doubts: "The moon is full and then it wanes, and the water is full and then it overflows. Qi Jun is indeed good, but I always feel something strange."

"What's strange?"

He said: "It's just... it seems too good."

The officialdom is not other places. How can all colleagues unanimously praise and affirm someone? This popularity is too good!

"That's right, after all, it's just one family's words, and it may not be true."

They don't believe everything others say, but their first impression of Qi Shan is indeed above the passing line. In addition to envy and yearning, there is also a hint of jealousy. Who wouldn't envy and jealous if a minister could meet such a lord? However, they all tacitly agreed not to mention it. They are not very familiar with the new lord yet, and praising others in front of her is undoubtedly a loss of face for her. So far, they have not found any principled mistakes from Shen Tang.

Ranked second are Ning Yan and Ning Tunan.

From Ning Yan's age, they thought she should be able to practice when she was young, but she had to hide and protect herself due to the environment. It was not until Shen Tang came out that she joined Shen Tang's team. After reading the content, I realized that this was not the case at all. She studied when she was young, and married her husband after she finished her studies. The couple shared the same ideals, supported each other for many years, and gave birth to a daughter.

Someone counted the age with his fingers.

"Isn't this right?"

"No matter how you calculate it, it's only after the age of 20 that you can get the literary heart. At this age, you can still gather the literary heart?"

The older you are, the more serious the spiritual talent will be worn out.

It's basically impossible in your early twenties.

When they saw the following content, everyone gasped.

Some people even observed Xiahou Yu with their peripheral vision.

"I'm not as bold as you."

Xiahou Yu was convinced by this.

He suffered the extreme punishment of breaking his house, and in order to restore his strength, he had to give up his life in exchange for the country's destiny to gather the literary heart. Ning Yan was not forced into a desperate situation, but in order not to waste her talent, she resolutely made a cruel decision. Such courage is shameful.

Ning Yan's experience is not as many ups and downs as Qi Shan.


Her content is simply a fairy product when you look at it together with Yan An.

The couple sings the same tune, who wouldn't say it's a match made in heaven?

Not only are they a couple, but they are also the people who understand each other the most.

It's a pity that they don't live long enough.

Yan An only saw Shen Tang once, and saw at a glance that she was the emperor who could guard the country! Ning Yan weighed the pros and cons, gave up the retreat her husband had set, and resolutely went to Shen Tang to complete the couple's unfinished ambitions together, and witnessed every step taken by the [Emperor] with her own eyes! I want to assist her in pacifying this chaotic world - guard the country and die for the country! Not only that, the couple's literati's way is inherited from the same source. After reading it, there is only admiration and sighing.

Gong Shuwu, formerly known as Gong Wen.

Everyone knew the causes and consequences of Shen Jun's exile from his experience, as if fate had brought these people together in the dark. He was originally a normal person, and he became like this because of the righteousness of killing his relatives. His strength is not top-notch, but he is rare and down-to-earth.

Colleagues gave unanimous positive comments on Gong Shuwu, and the interview content also mentioned that Gong Shuwu was one of the "Spring God Generals".

Gong Shuwu also said that his personal hobbies are horse washing and farming.

This hobby is a bit weird.

Bai Shaoxuan's experience is also a bit legendary.

From a small thief to a general, life is so magical. Once he was chased by someone and drifted downstream, and was rescued by Shen Tang who was passing downstream. Shen Tang's personality and style of doing things are very much to her liking, and Bai Su has been following Shen Youli since then. The evaluation of Bai Su in the article is that she is taciturn, kind-hearted, and good at managing the army. The super-powerful female battalion under Shen Tang's account was established by her. She is a consistent role model for female soldiers in the army.

Her ambition is to kill all the injustices in the world with a pair of sharp swords in her hands. Her personal hobbies are cultivation, reading storybooks and forging.

Not only is she proficient in martial arts, but her forging skills are also unique.

Among the colleagues, a person named Shen Zhi is particularly eye-catching.

Others' praises are somewhat restrained, and this person wants to praise Bai Su to the sky and the earth. Because of the previous experience of Ning Yan and Yan An, everyone agreed that Shen Zhi might be Bai Su's lover. Even if they are not related, there is a one-sided arrow.

Shen Tang: "..."

Isn't this heartbreaking for Gu Chi?

Everyone saw Zhao Feng's content again.

I thought Zhao Feng was also Shen Tang's relative - from the previous few, they all met Shen Tang in obscurity, Zhao Feng should be no exception, otherwise how could he be on the list? As a result, Zhao Feng was not. Not only was he not, he was also a general under the opponent Wu Xian! He officially joined Kangguo after the founding war of Kangguo!

What virtue and ability does this person have?

Do other elders of Kangguo have no objection?

Continue reading to know the origin of Zhao Feng and Shen Tang.

At the same time, they also know why Gong Shuwu had a hobby of farming and how the label evaluation of "Spring God General" came from. Zhao Feng went to help Shen Youli in order to repay her kindness, but was touched by Shen Youli's personality charm. He worked tirelessly and condescended to do farm work, from plowing the fields to building kangs and repairing roads. He did all the dirty and tiring work. He was good at fighting and doing farm work. He was honest and loyal. I don't know why he abandoned Wu Xian and returned to Shen Tang?

After watching it——

Everyone sighed: "It's too late to surrender."

If they had broken up with their old master long ago.

Zhao Feng's hobbies are also interesting. He has a wife, a daughter, a son, raising horses and farming. His dream is to retire and play with his grandchildren one day. Sincerely recruit young people with ambition to marry into the old Zhao family. His daughter is eight years old and has the same honest and simple personality as him.

A colleague murmured: "It's a pity that she is a little far away."

A tiger father has a dog daughter. With such a loyal old father, how can Zhao Feng's daughter be bad? A live-in son-in-law is OK.

Shen Tang: "..."


Finally, finally, finally it's my turn to stand guard.

Wow, it's a pity that the guard duty time is Friday afternoon, and after the guard duty, there is no time to take the fourth test. The earliest I can get my driver's license is next Monday.

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