Back Off, Let Me Come

Chapter 1178 1178: Distortion, too much distortion! (Part 2) [Monthly vote requested]

Gu Chi was originally firmly against Qi Shan bringing Su Shang on camera with his private goods and Zhao Feng arranging a blind date for his daughter.

This was too frivolous.

But Shen Tang was biased to the point of being biased.

[You also know that Yuan Liang loves Su Shang more than his eyeballs. If you don't let Su Shang go with him, won't he make a fuss with me? ] Qi Shan loves his cat so much that he is willing to go find Jimo Qiu. The cat is his lifeblood. Since he has brought the cat with him, there is no reason for Zhao Feng to object to arranging a blind date for his daughter. Maybe he can really trick a naive and innocent son-in-law into marrying him. Shen Tang waved his hand and gave it to him.

This is not it——

Someone really wants to be Zhao Feng's son-in-law after seeing Zhao Feng's deeds.

Shen Tang secretly took note of this courageous man.

Maybe he can give him a chance in the future.

Distance is not a problem!

Others had the same idea as Shen Tang: "What's the fear of being far away? If there is really a destiny, true love can cross mountains and seas!"

The man who didn't mind marrying into the family hurriedly waved his hand to stop him.

He was quite concerned about this matter and said: "What nonsense are you talking about? Don't talk nonsense and ruin the innocent reputation of the lady."

In his opinion, the descendants of heroes are also heroes.

He admired Zhao Feng's character, so he loved the other's daughter and respected her. Marrying into the family was just a whim. Thinking about it, it is indeed not against the law, and it is okay to say a few words in private. It's okay for colleagues to tease me, but it's ungentlemanly to involve the woman in this matter.

It's really inappropriate.

"Lady Zhao doesn't know."

"The Book of Rites says: A gentleman is cautious when alone, and does not deceive in the dark room. He humbles himself and does not deceive his heart! This is not a question of whether Lady Zhao knows or not." His answer made Xiahou Yu sweat.

Well, Lady Zhao really doesn't know.

But Lady Zhao's father's master knows.

"Okay, okay, I am the one who offended you. I apologize to the lady." Another colleague was also smart. He bowed to the northwest first, and then attacked his classmate, "I didn't expect you to be willing to marry into the family. To be honest, I have a family..."

Whose family is not a family?

Be his brother-in-law, and the whole family can still have someone to take care of him.

Everyone laughed and changed the topic. With the previous six people's well-deserved reputation, they were quite looking forward to the identity and experience of the seventh person. They thought that the other party was a scholar who loved medical skills, but they didn't expect that the other party was a real doctor!

Not only a doctor, but also a doctor from the common people. He has been a bell doctor for many years and has spent most of his life practicing medicine.

Several people were a little disappointed.

Continuing to watch, they gradually began to change their views.

Looking at Dong Dao's appearance, they all thought that Dong Dao was not very old and had known Shen Tang for a long time. After watching, they realized that this was not the case. Dong Dao's first half of his life was a microcosm of countless low-level common people, trying his best to make a living. From youth to youth, from youth to middle age, and then from middle age to old age, a boring life can be summarized in just a few dozen words. It seems plain but it arouses empathy. It seems that you can really see him running around the countryside looking for patients, with the sky as a roof and the earth as a furnace.

Such doctors are not uncommon.

Life is so plain that you can see the end at a glance.

Unexpectedly, the years when the life span is about to end usher in a dramatic turn.

"The Temple of the Doctor?"

These four simple words set off a shocking wave in everyone's hearts.

"So, he is the pioneer of the Xinglin Doctor?"

The number of Xinglin Doctors is extremely rare.

No one knows when these people first appeared.

When they first heard about it, they thought it was a rumor from somewhere, until the news that the Xinglin Doctor treated the warlord and was treated as a guest of honor came out, they really believed it. It is said that the medical department of the Quguo Kingdom also has Xinglin Doctors.

However, it is normal for the world to despise doctors. So far, the evaluation of Xinglin doctors in the folk is mixed.

Not all forces cherish them.

Not long ago, I heard that a Xinglin doctor was beheaded and displayed to the public.

The reason was that the other party did not cure the patient.

"I didn't know that the emergence of Xinglin doctors was so bumpy."

Admiration arose in my heart. When I thought that every Xinglin doctor had at least fifteen years of sweat precipitation behind him, someone whispered: "But, alas, it's a pity."

It's a pity that the Xinglin doctor who was hired for a large sum of money to treat patients ended up dying tragically. The warlord was tyrannical and cruel. Not only did he kill people, he also ordered that no charlatans who called themselves Xinglin doctors should appear in the country. They were just quacks!

Let him know who is practicing medicine illegally?

Those who practice medicine will be punished with five punishments, and the patients will also be punished!

Everyone thought that the surprise ended here, but they never thought that the eighth person was the capable person who opened the Mohist Temple! For a moment, everyone began to doubt the authenticity of this booklet. What is the Medical Temple, what is the Farmer Temple, will there be another Farmer Temple, what is the Yin-Yang Temple in the future? Even if the temple is opened, they can't all go to the northwest to find the successor, right?

Shen Tang said: "Don't you know?"

"What does the master mean?"

Shen Tang said: "The Mo family has been rooted in Kangguo for some years. Many water conservancy facilities in Kangguo were built by the Mo family. It can't be fake. The King of Kangguo, Shen Youli, is also regarded as a great man by Mo family disciples. This news is not a secret."

It is indeed not a secret.

It's just that few people know it.

Not to mention this group of people whose ancestral home is in the southeast continent, even the natives of Northwest Kangguo rarely know this little-known knowledge.

Everyone: "..."

When did they get so out of touch with the world?

Compared with Dong Dao's ups and downs, Mohist Beijiu is not so depressing. The description of her life is also full of lightness and humor. From traveling all over the world when she was young, to making friends with heroes from all over the world, Beijiu could chat with everyone, free and easy and informal. Xia Houyu also sighed: "A basket of food , A gourdful drink, in a back alley, people can't bear the worries, and they won't change their happiness when they return."

This is the true open-mindedness, freedom and ease, and happiness in poverty.

It is the life that Xia Houyu yearns for extremely.

In Beijiu's pages, besides her, there are other figures of Mohists. From the inheritance of masters and apprentices to the spirit of Mohism, it brings people no less shock and insight than the famous works of the sages.

At the end, there are two scenes of world destruction in the Battle of Shangnan County. Under the endless thunder, Mohist disciples raised countless long metal pillars to the sky on the battlefield, using Mohist methods to resolve the tricks of Wenxin scribes. From this point of view, he is not only a good person in charge of various construction projects, but also a hero who can gallop on the battlefield!

Beijiu's preparations are also varied.

The person being interviewed more or less mentioned another person.

"Yun Ce, Yun Yuanmou? Who is he?"

"A general in white who wields a gun."


Shen Tang teased: "Man, do you also want to get married?"

"My fair lady, a gentleman is always jealous." He immediately and openly admitted that he was still single. Isn't it human nature to have deep admiration for an excellent woman? The heart beat cannot be controlled by oneself.

Shen Tang said: "That doesn't work."

The other party looked at Shen Tang with a somewhat searching look.

Asked: "Why?"

He was very curious. His Majesty seemed to know the news about Northwestern Kang State very well. He looked at Xia Houyu with his peripheral vision, and the other party avoided his eyes, which made this detail even more interesting. Could it be that the Lord is also from the northwest? Is there an unknown connection with Kang Guo?

Shen Tang said: "The son-in-law of the Mo family wants to resist."

The prisoner was about to explode every now and then, and he really couldn't satisfy the Mo family without any strength. Yun Ce is honest and honest, and passed the test by mistake. Even if the Mo family had no objections, Yun Ce would not have an easy time. He looked easy to talk to, but he was not merciless in killing people. The most important thing is that Beijiu has its own rhythm.

Everyone is looking forward to reading the biography of the last person.

"Li Lianghua, I wonder what a woman she is?"

This person was placed last! If you think about it, you won't be disappointed if you think about the capable person who can make Mojia Beijiu act as the finale!

Within the territory of Yanzhou.

Years later, Yanzhou and Qianzhou next door have long since emerged from the clouds of war, and the refugees who had to flee elsewhere have also moved back one after another. Within five or six years, it was like the spring breeze passing through this place, vitality sprouted, and the counties and counties within it lived and worked in peace and contentment.

In order to organize the fields and facilitate government management, some villages with poor populations were also merged into new counties and towns.

No one anymore lives by the fast water and makes a living from the few acres of thin farmland. Not only that, the common people's fields are neat and flat, and they don't have to worry about a flood ruining a year's hard work.

The government sent people to open up wasteland and build roads for them, and the roads connected all directions. People also had more choices to make a living when going out, and the food they grew had good sales. Life was getting better year by year.

This place is called Lijia Town.

The most common surname among residents in the town is not Li.

Because it wasn’t called Lijia Town before, it was called Wangjia Town.

This name was specially changed by the town after it was completed three years ago. No one in the town complained, but all of them looked envious. The Li of Lijia Town is the Li of Li Lianghua. Speaking of Li Lianghua, everyone in the ten miles and eight villages knows it.

A legendary old widow!

Although this woman is old and illiterate, she was received by the emperor, who also helped her write a book, which is now kept in the county government office. Local officials would visit Li Lianghua's home to express condolences during the New Year and holidays, and rice, flour, grain and oil were never cut off. Even though the amount of rice, flour, grain and oil was not large, I heard that the king specially ordered it so that the people below could not neglect the old man.

Haha, you must know that local officials are not qualified to meet the king, let alone receive gifts from the king during the holidays.

She, Li Lianghua, can have it without doing anything.

How can you not be envious of such good luck?

After the village was relocated, Li Lianghua was assigned a large house, and her children and grandchildren all lived with her to enjoy family happiness. Anyone in the neighborhood who mentions her will envy her to the point of feeling sad.

Some elderly people in the same village even regretted it.

[Hey, you don’t know, when she first became a widow, she couldn’t afford to raise a few children, so she asked a matchmaker to remarry, and she even talked about coming to my house. It's just that she was too poor at the time and she refused to abandon her ex-husband's baby... Thinking about it now, she really regrets it! 】

Some people also complain that their daughter-in-law is not as good as others.

They are all illiterate, and they are all good hands in the fields at home. There is nothing wrong with them. How come the mother-in-law is not as good as others?

No one refuted the fact that the mother-in-law had died a long time ago.

The mother-in-law, who was still alive, spoke directly and choked back.

[You old immortal, do you know where you are inferior to others? Her husband, Li Lianghua, died early, and I am not as lucky as she is! You would have died a long time ago, and I will follow her example of being single and raising a child, and honoring my ancestors! 】

As time passed, the topic gradually faded away.

It will be mentioned again today because there is some movement in the government.

Twenty or thirty government officials beat gongs and drums, carried red silk boxes, and walked towards Li Lianghua's home with beaming faces. The leader was the local county magistrate, who for the first time wore official uniform. You should know that official uniforms are not worn every day. They are usually worn on serious occasions or important festivals. Neighbors were curious.

"What's the big news today?"

"Whose family has the top scholar?"

"Bah, top scholars are all Wenquxing, how can they be reborn in our place? Look at the direction, it must be going to Li Lianghua's house!"

The neighbors felt even more jealous.

The brave ones even looked at other people's doors.

To welcome the county magistrate, Li Lianghua's grandson opened the door, and several sons and children came out and lined up to welcome the county magistrate, while the women in the family were busy cleaning up and preparing food in the kitchen. The county magistrate asked: "Is Li Shuoren here?"

Li Shuoren refers to Li Lianghua.

The county magistrate bowed to the fourth-class Shuoren when he saw her.

Li Lianghua's eldest son was also old, with white hair all over his head, and tried to be decent: "My mother is not feeling well, and she hasn't gotten up yet."

I wonder why the county magistrate came to the house during the holidays?

The county magistrate turned around and took a roll of something from the hands of his subordinates.

He was respectful and careful.

He said, "It's a great joy!"

Li Lianghua also woke up when she heard the noise, and staggered over with the help of her two granddaughters. The county magistrate was so excited that he hurriedly asked someone to bring a recliner for the old lady to lie down. Li Lianghua hurriedly waved her hand. It would be so rude to lie down when a distinguished guest came to visit!

The county magistrate held her hand.

He also asked someone to bring a small stool for her to sit on, saying, "You, just sit down and listen to me read to you."

He was very satisfied with the old lady Li Lianghua.

Because of her existence, the area under his jurisdiction can still occupy a lot of resources, and it is justified to ask for money and people from the upper level.

He knew that the old lady had a special status.

But he didn't expect it to be so special.

She has a single place in the biographies of famous officials and famous scholars, and she is the top one! As soon as the book came out, this copy was sent to him. The meaning above is very clear, this matter must be publicized.

After thinking about it, he decided to deliver it in person.

Read it to the old lady in person.

Li Lianghua didn't understand, but only recognized the pictures above.

The person in the painting seems to be me?

The county magistrate suppressed his excitement: "The painting is of you, the great man."

Li Lianghua's eyes were wet.

She looked at the page full of neat small characters, but could not recognize a few of them. She only recognized her name at the beginning. She asked tremblingly: "County magistrate, what does it say on it?"

The county magistrate rolled up part of the scroll, then opened the last few pages, suppressed his inexplicable nervousness, and read out the content word by word with the clearest emphasis in his life. Li Lianghua's life is unremarkable, but in the author's writing, she has a different kind of tenacious vitality. Hardworking, strong, kind, sincere... She is indeed illiterate, but it does not prevent her soul from shining.

She is a commoner facing the loess and back to the sky. She is the most ordinary person in the world. She is hunchbacked and illiterate, but she can still stand shoulder to shoulder with the world's talents. Qingfeng is upright and worthy of being a famous scholar!


Ah, the sun will be so big tomorrow. Standing guard for three hours feels like even the sunscreen can't hold up

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