Back Off, Let Me Come

Chapter 1180: Layout and Closing the Net (Part 1) [Seeking monthly votes]

Anguang had little effect, which taught Shen Tang a lesson.

She adjusted her marketing strategy in a timely manner, changing from dark and broad to bright and broad. A few days after the Ming Dynasty discovered that Cui Zhi's hand was passed down by famous ministers and celebrities, he saw a string of sparkling diamond bracelets in Cui Hui's hand. His personality is reserved and unassuming, and he prefers warm jade over precious stones for accessories. Decorations with sharp edges and strong reflections like diamonds are basically not his cup of tea.

Even indoors, it can make other gems appear dim.

Cui Zhi felt that this thing looked familiar.

After thinking about it carefully, I remembered that this thing appeared in the portraits of famous ministers and celebrities in Kang State. Just the right amount of embellishment without being overwhelming. Judging from the portraits, this thing seems to be extremely popular among Kangguo officials. Cui Zhi's first reaction was to think of Qi Shan! Qishan in the portrait, whether in appearance or temperament, was Cui Hui's favorite when he was young.

Well, this was also the norm when Cui Zhi was young.

However, doesn’t Katsuhiro not like this kind of gentle scholar?

Seeing that Cui Hui couldn't put it down for this strange bracelet and didn't even come back to his senses when he came over, Cui Zhi put his hands in his sleeves and leaned against the door and waited for a long time, then he would see when Cui Hui would notice that there were more people around him. Waiting and waiting, he was completely ignored.

In desperation, he could only knock on the door with his fingers.

Make some noise to draw someone's attention back.

In fact, Cui Hui discovered it when Cui Zhi just arrived. She just wanted to see how patient this man could be. With just a little trick, Cui Zhi showed his flaws. Cui Hui put down the bracelet leisurely, not caring that Cui Zhi would think wrong.

Well, she was also afraid that the other party would not want to be wrong.

Cui Zhi came in and chatted a few words. Seeing that Cui Hui had no intention of mentioning the bracelet, Cui Zhi could only take the initiative to change the subject.

"Why haven't I seen this in your dowry before?"

Only then did Cui Hui smile a little.

She said: "I just received it too, it was a gift from an old friend."

Without looking at Cui Zhi's suddenly darkened face, Cui Hui said with a smile: "Well, that's the old friend you were thinking of. He sent someone to ask me how my days were, and if it was any inconvenience, he also gave me a few small gifts. These things are said to be liked by the nobles in Kang State. He got some by chance and had them made and given to me. "

Cui Zhi: "...This object was painted together with Qi Yuanliang. He gave you such an important thing, but he had a different intention!"

Cui Hui was puzzled: "What goes into the painting together?"

He took out the biographies of famous officials and celebrities that he had obtained through his connections.

As the head of the Cui family who is not short of money, he is also the head of the southwest branch. Although the version he got is not a collector's edition, it is also a hardcover edition, and the production is much more refined than ordinary ones. Of course, the price will be more expensive. As soon as Cui Hui opened it, his pupils suddenly shrank.

For the first time, a gift felt hot to the touch.

I almost thought Qi Yuanliang was really pretending.

He calmed down immediately and vaguely guessed something.

Cui Hui's reaction was not mixed with water, but it also made Cui Zhi feel even more sad. Cui Hui rolled the scroll back: "Don't say it's just similar. Even if it's the same, there's nothing to say. I heard that this thing was given by Lord Shen to meritorious ministers to show that the relationship between monarch and minister is firm. Such an object does not represent the relationship between men and women." "

This explanation is somewhat far-fetched.

But there was a vague intention to show favor to Cui Zhi.

Cui Zhi's sour taste was suppressed in a few words, and he said: "You rarely cared about these gorgeous things in the past."

Cui Hui put the bracelet on his wrist, which matched his skin tone.

She explained casually: "It was in the past, and you don't know what my situation is. One or two more hairpin rings and jade pendants may cause criticism. They said that I was extremely luxurious as soon as I married into a high family. My husband was an elegant gentleman, and my wife followed He is like a shabby man who has never seen anything good in his life. He puts everything on his head and wears it on his body, just like a prostitute walking around the streets. How dare I say that I like it in the future? If I go out in the world. Showing off, doesn’t it tell the little thief to come and take care of you?”

Cui Zhi likes to be reserved, so he can only follow his husband and his wife.

"I am not your wife now, nor am I the mistress of the Cui family. Let alone just like one or two things. Even if I wear them all over my body, outsiders can't care about them." As she said something, she suddenly thought of something and put the things in her arms. Sai, "Including you!"

It’s not like you live by the seaside, why should you be so lenient?

That afternoon, Cui Zhi had two boxes delivered.

Cui Hui picked at it and curled his lips: "Tacky stuff."

Cui Xiong had the courage to say good things to his old mother: "My father had people carefully select them from the warehouse, every treasure."

There is absolutely nothing to say about the craft materials.

Cui Huidao: "There is a backlog of old items in the warehouse."

Cui Xiong: "No..."

Cui Hui had more to say: "If it is a backlog of old items, it is an outdated style, and I don't know how many hands it has changed in the hands of several women named Cui and Cui's wife. If it is not a backlog of old items, it is I did it in recent years. Didn’t Cui Zhishan tell the public that he didn’t have a serious mistress around him? I told the public that I didn’t like luxurious things, so who would I leave to him to make the latest styles?”

Cui Xiong: "..."

No matter how you answer, it will lead to a dead end.

Cui Xiong held his head in despair and envied Ermi who ran away from home. Ermi is enjoying life outside, but he is caught between his parents and is the one receiving the blame. The mother is dissatisfied, and the father cannot do anything. Frustrated, he looked for solutions from his fiancée.

Miao Ne didn't expect that this matter would cause trouble to him, so he helplessly pointed out Daxiong Mijin: "It's not the right time, the Cui family master will not let someone open the warehouse to give gifts for no reason, it must have woken him up or stimulated him somewhere... you Why don't you ask?"

Cui Xiong suddenly understood.

After some inquiring, I found out that the source was a diamond bracelet.

Miao Na's face was not red and his heart was not beating: "I was serving the Lord before me. I saw a biography of famous officials and celebrities from the Kingdom of Kang. It is said that the King of Kang's court highly sought after this product because of its texture. To show the love between the king and his ministers, it may have something to do with it.”

"Isn't that the feeling between a king and his subjects?"

What is the relationship between father and mother and the monarch and his ministers?

Miao Na immediately retorted: "Gentlemen like jade and often use jade to describe themselves. Doesn't it affect men and women to use jade as ornaments to express their love?"

Cui Xiong thought that this statement made sense.

When I went back to inquire, my mother really liked diamond-textured accessories. This kind of thing is rare not only in the Southwest Qi Kingdom, but also in the entire Southwest Continent. Even if you find a rough diamond, there will be more or less impurities in it, and it will not be as clean and clear as the one in your mother’s hand. Cui Xiong could only go to the merchants who came from Kang State in the northwest and inquired for several times before he got any news.

Good news, it’s in stock.

Bad news, you have to wait!

Cui Xiong was relieved when he heard this.

Which of the top-notch items in the hands of a noble lady from a wealthy family does not take a year and a half to complete? Those who don’t want to wait can use cash to jump in line and shorten their advance time. A top embroiderer can complete a Guanyin statue in a year. If the money continues, if ten top embroiderers work together, it can be completed in forty to fifty days. Cui has money!

The most important thing is that mother will like it.

Cui Xiong said: "May and June are too long."

He pointed his finger on the table: "This amount will be needed in ten days. You don't have to rush to say no, I have seen a lot of the tricks of you merchants. If I can do this, I will find someone who can. Opportunity It’s up to you, it’s up to you!”

The merchant did not expect Cui Xiong's attitude to be so tough.

He originally wanted to bargain, making things difficult for customers and selling them poorly to increase the value of the items - things that are too easy to obtain are not easy to sell at a high price! Unfortunately, Cui Xiong didn't give him this opportunity, and he really didn't want to miss this deal, so he immediately agreed.

"Ten days will be ten days, the common people will try their best!"

"It's not about trying your best, it's about doing it for sure!"

The merchant kept smiling: "Definitely!"

There are natural diamonds on the market, but their uses are extremely narrow. Most of them are just cutting aids in the hands of craftsmen. With the size, purity and appearance mentioned in the biography of famous ministers and celebrities, there is no substitute at all except Kang Guo. The diamonds in Kangguo also have colors, and each one can make people unable to take their eyes away.

The businessman saw business opportunities from the biographies of famous ministers and celebrities, and heard some rumors through his connections. He felt that this item would be sought after by celebrities and ladies in the future, so he bought a lot of it and ate it. I never expected that business would come to my door, and I was so happy that I couldn't see it.

When the tenth day came, Cui Xiong gave his mother a surprise.

Not only did the mother have a share, but she also sent one to Miao Ne.

A bowl of water is held flat.

Miao Ne served the king's side during the day and deliberately exposed it.

This exquisite and beautiful thing quickly attracted the attention of the king. She asked casually, and Miao Ne said: "It was Cui Langjun who sent it yesterday. After all, it is his heart and cannot be wasted. Your Highness, But is it too ostentatious for me to wear this thing?”

Miao Na was frightened.

The king shook his head: "Girls all like to be beautiful. There is nothing wrong with that. People, if you don't dress yourself up while you are still young, how long will it take for you to have a goose-skinned hair? Cui Dalang is just interested in you. Gu Yuan still has I'm worried that the marriage will make you two unhappy. It can lead to a good relationship and I will be happy."

These words are 70% false and 30% sincere.

During the two months that Miao Ne was by his side, everything was in line with his wishes. The little girl is very talented, takes things seriously, and knows exactly what she wants. She is still the niece of her boyfriend. She is half of her own. She cannot escape the presence of the palm of her hand, and she feels safe using it. After getting along with each other, I became more and more satisfied.

Miao Na said: "As the king's true destiny, the marriage given by the golden tongue is destiny. How can it be unsatisfactory?"

The king sneered: "Son of Heaven? God is quite capable of giving birth."

Her marriage to Cui Zhi that year was also granted by the king.

Miao Ne responded calmly and calmly.

"The destiny of heaven is false, and so is the emperor."

The king knew in his heart that these were Miao's compliments. They were flattering and flattering, but they were pleasant to the ears.

The king waved his hand: "Wear it, I'll like it."

The clinker Miao Ne respectfully presented another gift.

Cui Xiong sent a batch of diamond jewelry, which was the most complex in craftsmanship and most in line with the emperor's aesthetics. The emperor did not like to use things that others had used: "Are you using Cui Dalang to borrow flowers to offer to Buddha?"

Miao Ne said sincerely: "Your Highness is so beautiful that if you are not in the prime of your youth, how can I do your job? Even if I force myself to dress up and serve you, I will look like a clown."

The king was so amused that he laughed heartily and was not unhappy at all. She laughed so hard that she almost couldn't breathe: "You, who taught you these sweet words? If the stubborn old guys at Yushitai listened, your memorial will be piled up on my desk tomorrow."

Miao Na said: "It is the duty of a minister to show off his beauty."

"Don't you always say good things that are offensive to your ears?"

Words that make people look good have basically nothing to do with "loyal advice".

Miao Na shook his head and said: "If His Highness neglects his duties, the loyal words of his ministers will naturally make you unhappy. However, His Highness has worked hard over the years and has achieved such great achievements. The so-called 'loyal words' are what His Highness has always practiced. Why would it make people unhappy?" Not happy?"

The king was amused and laughed heartily again.

Even his male favorite was also honored and had to sleep with him for a few days.

The next day, she put on the diamond jewelry.

Due to the number of people and the weather, the court meetings were not always held in the palace, but occasionally outside the palace. The weather was good, and many ministers noticed this item, including Mei Meng. Other ministers speculated about the king's preference, while Mei Meng wondered who gave it to him.

After the court was dismissed, many ministers went to inquire.

Mei Meng asked the king directly.

The king smiled and told the story of the twists and turns of this item.

Miao Ne did not hide the source of the incident - Cui Zhi and his wife were jealous of the diamond bracelet and had a conflict, and then Cui Zhi opened a warehouse and was disliked by his ex-wife, and their son had to find a way to mediate between the two sides. Miao Ne and the king indirectly benefited.

Mei Meng said: "This item is very expensive."

The king was mentally prepared for this, but as the king of a country, there was nothing expensive that she could not afford: "It's just a toy for foil, is it worth the word "expensive"? If you like it, I will find a box for you later."

Mei Meng didn't care about this.

"I have inquired about this item, and it is only available in the northwest."

The king instantly understood Mei Meng's hint and asked in surprise: "But this is not diamond? There is a saying among craftsmen that if you don't have the diamond, you won't take on porcelain work? This shows that it is not unique to the northwest. How much money can a small item make?"

New things will not be popular for long.

Diamonds have no cultural foundation among scholars and cannot challenge the status of jade. As for those noble ladies, they like this today and that tomorrow, and they cannot be prosperous forever.

"My dear, you are worrying about nothing. I will wear it for a few days, and it is also the intention of the younger generation. How can there be the trouble you think?"

Mei Meng also felt that he was thinking too much after hearing this.

I never expected that this item would become an evergreen tree.

Not long after, the news that the king of Qi also liked diamond jewelry was spread by merchants. One spread ten, ten spread a hundred, and the famous scholars and noble ladies in Qi heard the news. The former cared about the diamond to show the firm friendship between the monarch and the ministers, and the latter wanted the beauty of the diamond and the title of "the same style as the king". Merchants got involved in the hype, and the celebrities who were secretly bribed became the pushers, and the heat gradually increased.

Cui Zhi, the master of absenteeism who had not reported for work for two months: "???"

It was rare to report for work, and the small accessories on his colleagues were shining; when he went to visit a friend after work, his friend gave him a diamond in person to show his firm friendship. After another question, it turned out that celebrities had already started to give this gift to each other.

He received three diamond gifts from three friends.

Cui Zhi went home and drank a cup of tea to calm down.

His confidant sent a message-

The meat buns he beat the dog three or four months ago will never come back.

Cui Zhi: "???"

He thought he had heard it wrong.

"What do you mean he won't come back?"

"That is to say, he has surrendered to Erlang Jun."

Cui Zhi rubbed his forehead and kept thinking about the meat buns... No, the five letters that the man sent out had delivered. He said he would come back after working for a month, but he was delayed for another half a month. The half-month deadline has come, and the man said he would come back in another month... Today he put it off until tomorrow, tomorrow he put it off until the day after tomorrow, and finally he didn't come back. Cui Zhi suppressed his anger: "What do you mean he surrendered to Er Mi? I think he surrendered to Shen Zhongli... This guy is just like her master, she is used to bewitching people..."

Being forced to work illegally in the black arena and developing feelings for him?

Isn't this outrageous?


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