Back Off, Let Me Come

Chapter 1181: Layout and Closing the Net (Part 2) [Seeking monthly votes]

People can’t, or at least shouldn’t, fall in love with illegal workers!

And they can’t fall in love with the illegal workers’ boss while working!

This fact is explosive from any angle.

Cui Zhi stroked his forehead, and spent a stick of incense trying to figure out what the meat bun was thinking. It was the dog’s fault that the meat bun was taken away by the dog, and the bun was not wrong, but the meat bun voluntarily followed the dog and didn’t mind being eaten, so both the dog and the meat bun deserved a beating!

“Did you ask what happened?”

Cui Zhi didn’t mind the stay or departure of a subordinate, people go to higher places and water flows to lower places, this is human nature, but he couldn’t help but mind that the other party left inexplicably. How did the Cui family treat him unfairly?

The confidant said: “I asked, but I didn’t find out.”

The two sides had difficulty communicating, and the meat bun played Tai Chi, and a word of procrastination could make people lose patience. The other party didn’t say that he betrayed the Cui family, he just said that he was loyal to Erlangjun Cui Mi.

Cui Xiong has been arranged to marry, and the marriage may be completed within two or three years. According to the custom of the aristocratic family, the marriage of the male in the family is not far from the separation of the family. The brothers live separately and rarely live together - it's not that the family is too small to afford a new house for the newlyweds.

It is reasonable for Roubaozi to take the initiative to choose Cui Mi.

Well, Cui Mi took some "family property" in advance.

Judging from the results, Roubaozi is still a vassal of the Cui family.

Cui Zhi, the head of the family, can't say anything. He can't just accuse this Roubaozi of trying to provoke internal fighting between the Cui Xiong brothers, right? Rou***** is not that important. This is equivalent to the separation of brothers, and a wall takes the initiative to go with Cui Mi.

The problem is -

Cui Mi is a special child.

The so-called surrender to Cui Mi is just to block Cui Zhi's accountability, in fact, he must have surrendered to Shen Zhongli! Cui Zhi pondered for a moment and ordered: "Order someone to go there secretly to investigate, remember not to alert the enemy. Also, bring me all the accounts there!"

The head of the Cui family is a busy man.

Shen Zhongli was holding a farce of martial arts competition to recruit a bride at that time, and every day was similar. Cui Zhi also had a big family to worry about. He couldn't keep an eye on what trivial things a small county magistrate did every day. It was considered serious to ask about it every once in a while. I never expected that the other party would play like this!

Cui Zhi carefully read the content of the report twice.

He found some details with his sharp eyes.

"Grain seeds? Who did Shen Zhongli borrow grain seeds from?" It was not a good time to farm at that time. Why did Shen Zhongli buy so many grain seeds? To prepare for next year's spring farming? Then the preparation time is too early, "Did the lady intervene? Or did Er Mi come forward?"

Mei Meng and the king's original intention of reform was good, but how many people's interests would be harmed in the process? These people will be obstacles! Even if Cui Zhi came forward to suppress some of the big families and let the new policy be implemented layer by layer, it does not mean that everyone will cooperate.

The policy was pushed down step by step, and the main force for the implementation was the local clerks. These clerks are basically local people, and their local relationships are complicated. In this small piece of land, their face may be more useful than the big families, and the county magistrate is not as good as the current one.

Common people want to borrow money from the government to buy grain seeds?

Whether to borrow or not, isn’t it up to these people?

Shen Zhongli’s jurisdiction has accumulated three years of bad debts. If Cui hadn’t come forward to fill it, this bad debt would have to be filled by the upper level. Now Cui has made it clear that he doesn’t care. There is no tax revenue for the new year. How dare the county government lend money to Shen Tang to borrow grain? If you don’t lend grain seeds, at most you will add another year of bad debts next year. If you lend grain seeds, the bad debts will not only be taxes that can’t be collected.

Shen Zhongli is destined to be frustrated if he borrows grain seeds.

Unless Cui Mi or Cui Hui secretly comes forward to sell face.

Cui Zhi did not object to this development.

Shen Zhongli was able to make full use of her existing connections to achieve her goals, which was also her ability, but she was more or less disappointed - Qi Yuanliang's people were only capable of this?

The confidant said: "None."

After a pause, he said: "She borrowed from private merchants."

Cui Zhi smiled in his heart, and flexibly fiddled with a few jade beads with his fingers, and asked his confidant: "She borrowed from private merchants? How much interest did she borrow? When the time comes, is it the grain seeds that are returned? Or the grain?"

There is interest for returning grain seeds.

There is interest for returning grain.

But no matter which one, the interest is much higher than the interest of the government's new policy. If the time gives face and luck is better, there is a small probability that you can keep your capital, but it is more likely to lose everything! Farmers pay sweat, the fields are less fertile, and the county government bears the risk of borrowing, and finally they all make wedding clothes for merchants. Most of these merchants are attached to the aristocratic families, and they are very black-hearted!

If you are not good at arithmetic, you will be cheated to death.

As expected -

The confidant said with a complicated expression: "It is 5 cents and 2 cents!"

Cui Zhi paused while moving the abacus.

Looking at the amount on the abacus in disbelief, he almost couldn't hold it: "5 cents and 2 cents? Shen Zhongli really dared to borrow! Is her brain filled with straw? The interest rate of 5 cents and 2 cents, even the noble families dare not secretly lend such money, she actually dared to borrow?"

What is the concept of 5 cents and 2 cents?

The highest interest rate for the government to lend grain seeds is only 1.7 cents!

At the beginning of the new policy, it was stipulated that common people could only borrow from the government. After encountering many resistances, Mei Meng had to compromise with the noble families and allowed common people not to borrow from the government, but to borrow from the private sector, but stipulated that the annual interest rate should not exceed the red line of 1.7 cents.

If it is found that it exceeds 1.7 cents, it can be reported to the government.

[1.7 cents is approximately equal to an annual interest rate of 20%]

This interest rate is not low, but even this 7% has affected the interests of many people. As a result, Shen Zhongli was desperate and borrowed money at an interest rate of five cents and two cents. How much better than the private sector? Before Shen Zhongli borrowed grain, he didn't calculate the yield per mu in previous years?

Cui Zhi could almost foresee the scenario where this guy would lose the money on the coffin.

The confidants also smacked their lips: "Who would have thought of this..."

If it is an interest of 1.7%, Shen Zhongli may still be able to turn the account from a loss to a profit. At an interest of 3.4%, there is a very small chance that he will not lose or make a profit, but the interest of 5.2%...private borrowing interest Gunli, she will have to finish it in less than two years.

Cui Zhi asked, holding back his headache.

"Did you find out who she borrowed it from?"

Cui Zhi thought of another possibility.

If Shen Zhongli borrowed money from a merchant named Qi Shan to grow grain, it would be understandable for him to charge such a high interest rate and make false accounts.

A confidant handed over a piece of information: "I found it."

Cui Zhi opened it and looked silent.

Haha, merchants are not from other places, but local from Qi State.

What troubled Cui Zhi the most was that he knew this businessman and was attached to a second-rate family in the southwest, paying "protection money" to this family from time to time. Cui Zhi murmured: "It's okay to be stupid, but how can you be so stupid? Don't let the wealth go to outsiders!"

A high interest rate of five cents and two cents!

Borrowing from outsiders is worse than borrowing from Cui's people.

At least Mr. Cui will be more polite when collecting debts and will not violently collect debts from her husband Erlang. It is hard for others to tell.

Cui Zhi took another sip of herbal tea to calm down his shock.

He said: "Order someone to investigate this merchant thoroughly."

The confidant asked in confusion: "Continue to investigate this person?"

Cui Zhi's eyes flickered: "Well, let's see if this merchant has anything to do with the Northwestern Kang State. I won't comment on Shen Zhongli's abilities, but she is Qi Yuanliang's person after all. I can still comment on Qi Yuanliang. Two sentences. I don’t believe that Qi Yuanliang would raise such a stupid waste. Humph!”

Is it really a false account?

The confidants were ordered to retreat.

The interest rate of 5% and 2% is indeed outrageous.

The meat bun that Ms. Cui beat out also felt that Shen Tang was looking for death. He stopped talking several times. When he couldn't sit still, he approached his Erlangjun: "Erlangjun, you can't borrow this grain!" 】

Young people don't know how to settle accounts at all.

Compared to Rou Baozi's anxiety, Cui Mi was calm.

[We still have to earn the interest of five cents and two cents. 】

Rou Baozi was so anxious that cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Ku Koupo wanted to settle the account for Cui Mi and tell him what five points and two cents meant. The government's interest rate of one cent and seven cents can barely make ends meet! Five cents and two cents is equivalent to borrowing one hundred cents at the beginning of the year and paying back one hundred sixty-three cents at the end of the year! When these profiteers lend out grain seeds, they calculate the yield per acre of land, and it is impossible for anyone to make money.

Cui Mi said calmly: [I have learned planning. 】

His grades are definitely better than the other person's, so there's no need to count them for him.

Rou Baozi was a little helpless: [If I may say something offensive, Erlangjun may be proficient in planning, but you still can't do it if you don't understand farming! This amount of grain must not be borrowed. If you borrow it, it will be over! 】

Cui Mi smiled and said: "Do you know how much this grain yield per acre is?" 】

Rou Baozi was startled for a moment and took a deep breath: [Even if you are an experienced farmer who is good at farming, you can at most increase the yield per mu by 20 to 30%. Are those profiteers deceiving you and the county magistrate to double the yield per mu? 】

【Not really. 】

Rou Baozi was about to breathe a sigh of relief when Cui Mi corrected him, "It's not double, it's at least five times the county's yield per mu." The interest rate of five cents and two cents is calculated based on ordinary grain seeds, but this kind of grain seeds are really five times more effective. God will not lose money even if he doesn't give him face. Just keep your mind at ease and do whatever you need to do. 】

The meat buns were almost lifted in one breath.

Five times the yield per mu...

Damn the son of a wealthy family and the black foreman Shen Zhongli! Do these two *** know what five times the yield per mu means?

The profiteer just started talking, but these two idiots actually believed it?

Rou Baozi endured the twitching of the corner of his mouth and said with a strange tone: [My subordinates also heard that there is a grain seed that can produce ten times the yield per acre, and the interest rate is not that high. Why don't you discuss with County Magistrate Shen about which one to go to instead? 】

He coaxed these two idiots into borrowing money from Mr. Cui.

You can also get yourself a kickback from it.

Cui Mi rolled his eyes at this.

He really saw a good harvest with at least five times the yield per mu.

Two or three months have passed since the last martial arts competition to recruit a bride, and the last remaining martial arts warriors have exceeded 70%, and the remaining 30% have said that they will come back after settling down with their families. Shen Tang suddenly jumped from a mere commander to a small force with a private tribe of more than 200 people. It's not that she brainwashed these people and made them suffer from Stockholm, she moved them with her true feelings.

Well, how can diluted spiritual wine not be true love?

Whenever someone is "released upon expiration of the term," Shen Tang will order someone to prepare a small table to thank the person for their hard work this month. As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person. Those warriors also wanted to see what medicine she was selling in her gourd, so they patiently sat down and listened to her fart.

Have a meal?


Have a drink?

After a long drought in Danfu, the rain comes, so refreshing!

A glass of wine can sweep away the fatigue accumulated over the past month.

The taste is too mysterious, and their poor language cannot describe it even one percent! Seventy percent of the resentment towards Shen Tang was instantly dissipated! The remaining 30% was spent singing, chanting, and beating in Shen Tang, and all the nonsense was sorted out, and even some understanding emerged.

It is indeed not easy to start a business alone.

The government office was so poor that she, the county magistrate, could not support herself.

There are few young and strong people in the local area. Those things that he can do with one finger and close his eyes may take five or six old men to toss for three or five days. There is no money and no people, so she has to resort to this bad plan. Everything is to feed the population in the country.

Shen Tang: [I will punish myself with a cup for offending the hero before. ]

Drank it in one gulp, and the warriors felt distressed.

He hurriedly pressed Shen Tang's hand and said: [What are you talking about, Miss Shen? If I had known your plan earlier, I would have agreed! ]

Obviously, this is a lie.

The ultimate goal is to drink more spiritual wine.

Shen Tang did not fight with the other party, and treated them with delicious food and drink.

After three rounds of wine and five dishes, Shen Tang asked the ten people what they thought of the work they had done recently, and everyone remained silent. To be honest, they were unhappy. They were brave warriors, and they were used as prisoners. It was a great shame! They would rather keep watch for Shen Tang for a month than do these jobs.

Obviously, for the sake of the spirit wine, this cannot be said.

These jobs are trivial for martial warriors, but they are too boring. If Shen Nujun insists on doing this, it is suggested that she can recruit more projects in the future. For example, build a bridge today, repair a road tomorrow, and blast the mountain to build a dam reservoir the day after tomorrow.

Interspersed, it is a bit fresh.

The other nine people looked at the man who spoke in horror.

No, can you say such a lie against your heart?

Shen Tang obviously took his words to heart and thought that this suggestion was very good. Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books!

She praised people without blinking, but made people embarrassed.

The group of rangers is quite special.

It is a mixed bag, with ruffians and hooligans gathering together. The reputation is very bad, and many people have debts of life. Those who are doing well in the local area are local bullies, and those who are not doing well will wander around, which is called chivalry. Wherever they go, they are a major hidden danger affecting public security.

Even though Shen Tang's words sounded like polite words, but——

No one had ever told me this before.

Not to mention giving me this spiritual wine.

Someone immediately asked Shen Tang about the origin of this wine.

Shen Tang did not miss the greed in their eyes: [You mean this wine? When I was wandering in the northwest, I saved a wine merchant. In order to repay his life-saving grace, the wine merchant would give me a batch every year. I heard that they are in short supply in the northwest... But there was an agreement at that time. These spiritual wines cannot be resold to others, and the news cannot be spread, otherwise the other party's business will be difficult. ]

Everyone has different thoughts.

Some have already thought of killing people and robbing goods.

How many times has Shen Tang dealt with similar occasions?

How could he not know their calculations?

Shen Tang pretended to be embarrassed: [Actually, there is another unwelcome request. If you are willing, I am willing to hire you with a high salary! ]

Recruiting means letting short-term workers work as long-term workers.

Anyway, they have become proficient in this month.

It takes time to train new people, so it is better to hire ready-made ones.

The others were scheming, and all disdained the high salary Shen Tang offered. Their attention was focused on [a batch of spirit wine]. Where did Shen hide the spirit wine? It was in her territory anyway.

If they stayed for a while longer, they would be able to find out.


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