Back to 1990

Chapter 1000: Age of Wealth

There was a loud DJ at the scene, and the host started to applaud wildly. A row of Jiafeng employees stood in the space between the seats, clapping their hands according to the original rhythm.

The herd effect began to take effect, and many people at the scene joined in and clapped their hands to the music.

The faces of the three Sean standing at the entrance of the backstage were full of speechlessness. What is this?

Amidst the music and applause, two rows of employees in suits and sunglasses came out and escorted a Rolls Royce. The lights flickered like a nightclub, the car drove straight to the stage, and the driver sat in the car and gritted his teeth. , this is definitely the dirtiest Rolls-Royce ever.

The door opened, and a white girl stepped out and reached out to the car. Lu Feng took her hand and walked down, and Li Xiaosi also walked down from the co-pilot.

When the car drove away, Lu Feng shook his head and clapped his hands with Sui Music. The scene seemed to be a huge happy party.

After clapping their hands for a minute, Lu Feng stretched out his hand and walked Li Xiaosi and the other woman beside him towards the center of the stage. The other two girls walked on the catwalk to Lu Feng, which seemed extraordinarily ambiguous.


Lu Feng said in a low voice, and the four women dispersed to both sides of the stage. This set of actions was so smooth that Louise under the stage almost didn't recognize her, staring blankly at Lu Feng at the moment, her mouth slightly open.

Unexpectedly, it was him. At this moment, Lu Feng seemed to have a bright glow on his body. He was wearing a high-end suit, and the hairspray on his hair would probably have to be split by mosquitoes.

"Welcome all my friends to the venue today, I believe that the person who can sit here is definitely the wisest person in the UK, with enough intelligence and a keen sense of wealth, life needs an opportunity, you and billionaires The gap may be a small opportunity!"

Lu Feng stood in the center of the stage, with a straight body and piercing eyes staring at the stage. At this moment, his whole person seemed to be the embodiment of self-confidence. He seemed to be born for this kind of stage.

"Just now, the host has briefly introduced me, and I believe everyone has a certain understanding. What do I do? I! I am the spokesperson of wealth, hold the key to the gate of wealth, and help you reach the top of your life. "

"Let me ask you a question first, why are there poor people? Why are you poor?"

Everyone in the audience looked at me, I looked at you, and someone shouted: "Because there is no money!"

"Because I didn't cast a good tire!"

"Because I didn't study hard!"

"I didn't take the chance!"

"The rich people in this world are always the same rich, but the poor are all kinds of strange and varied. Just now, this friend said very well, that is, if you don't grasp the opportunity, you have six opportunities to reverse your fate in your life. The first birth, the second study, the third job, the fourth marriage, these four opportunities are all the same, it is personal development, what are the next two opportunities? It is the development of the times!"

"I believe everyone knows that there are always a few such examples around you. Their families are average, their studies are average, their work ability is average, and the other half is average, but they are the opportunity to adapt to the times and get rich immediately, so they spend their whole lives. Don't worry about eating and drinking!"

"So how do you seize the opportunity given by the times? This is what I want to help you. Ten years ago, I was very poor. No one could look down on me. My relatives scolded me, and my friends mocked me behind my back. I borrowed a meal, and they didn't give me a dime, but turned around and bought meat for their dog."

"Ten years later, when I added hundreds of millions of wealth, they all called and begged me, but I didn't see you at all. Instead, I came here, because my philosophy is that I don't see you when I'm poor, and you don't deserve it when I'm rich. I just want to help People at the bottom of society, help who I used to be!!!"

Many people at the scene were already excited. When Lu Feng talked about this, he hoped to have the ability to empathize with everyone present in the shortest possible time.

There is an angry voice hidden in the heart of every poor person, that is, you are waiting, thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, and Lu Feng is setting an example and fulfilling such a wish for them. At this moment, we are together.

"I don't know if you have noticed. After the Second World War, around 1950, there was a shortage of supplies in the world. In the next ten years, the global economy entered a period of rapid development. In ten years, countless billionaires were created. In 1960 The 1970s were peak-to-recession, and the decade went toward boiling point, the sons of these billionaires took over, and the economy entered the next cycle.”

"The period from 1965 to 1970 was a period of economic recession, but the second wave started immediately after 1970, and the peak of the economic cycle was reached in 1980. I believe everyone knows that in the ten years from 1980 to 1990, there were economic problems in many countries around the world. , entered a recession period.”

Lu Feng stopped talking and looked at everyone present with a smile. Some smart people looked at Lu Feng in shock, as if he had discovered a new continent.

"In the past 40 years, the global economy has experienced two waves of ups and downs. It can be said that two generations of global millionaires have been created. Now in 1995, the global economy will recover again. We are standing on the wind of the times. Who can catch Live this opportunity, and ten years from now, you will be transformed into a billionaire.”

Lu Feng looked at the people present, and of course understood that these people can't wait ten years, it is best to get rich in half a year or even a few months.

"Ten years is a big cycle. I can find some sub-sectors in this big cycle. As long as I'm not a fool, I can basically get the first pot of gold in my life in a short period of time."

"I've told you so much, I believe everyone is a little tired, so let's relax, no one of the richest people in this world is nervous, you need to relax your whole body, only by taking it easy can you face the waves, follow me Together, take a deep breath!"

Lu Feng asked everyone present to take a dozen deep breaths, and then loudly said, "Everyone stand up, relax your soul, and applaud your excellent self together, music, get up!"

Everyone at the scene stood up. Lu Feng asked them to stand up, just to check the obedience of these people. In the closed environment of the scene, Lu Feng was in control of the microphone. He was the exporter. Obey yourself unconditionally, and do not allow any superfluous questions and ideas.

Crazy clapping can also make people enter simple thinking, the brain will not think too much, and the vigorous clapping of the hands will make the brain secrete dopamine, resulting in an unwarranted sense of pleasure.

As the dj sounded, everyone present looked at the people around them with a little bit of restraint. Lu Feng stood on the stage and took the lead in applauding. The staff began to grasp the rhythm of clapping. Joy begins to emerge, a simple joy.

The scene was like a monster, and people couldn't look straight. Sean stood in the backstage and went on stage, the whole person froze there. He had no idea what Lu Feng was doing.

"This is like a group of mental illnesses!" Huang Mao couldn't help but said.

The tall nose bridge nodded embarrassedly, agreeing.

Only Lu Feng knew that he was taming these people on the scene, establishing his communication with others through some simple actions, culture, and words, and slowly making these people only believe in himself.

After five minutes of clapping, the eyes of everyone present began to glow. From the dullness that came in at nine o'clock to the excitement, Louise stared at Lu Feng on the stage. She felt so excited and happy, as if on stage. The man above pointed her to a golden avenue.

As long as you believe in him unconditionally, you will be successful, and you will no longer have any worries. The worries about life seem to disappear in an instant.

What is eating? What is the phone bill? What are the trivial money and hardships of life?

I am a woman who is about to become a rich woman, and let those who once looked down on them all bow their heads!

After five minutes of clapping, Lu Feng shouted to the crowd, "Get rich!! Get rich!"

"Get rich!!"

"Get rich!"

"What are you going to do?"

"Get rich!!!"

The blue veins of the people below burst out, and their eyes were full of madness. They shouted the depression in their hearts, and their voices were about to lift the roof.

Sean's complexion changed when he heard the deafening voice, and he said to himself, "He is so powerful in deceiving people!"

"Okay! If you want to get rich, you need to understand what I say next. Everyone has an Success is related to your state. Malaise, even if there is a chance of success, it will pass you by, think about it, if you have a chance at this moment, would you rather give it to a well-dressed person or a beggar?"

"Absolute mental state, you must first do everything that a rich man has, money will naturally come to you, and opportunities will come to you, you will easily seize it, don't think about it from me today. It is impossible to take away the code of wealth here, because without perseverance and perseverance, it is impossible to only think about the wealth that others handed over!"

"There is a reason you should understand that success will come to you only by the paranoid pursuit of success. There will definitely be a big wave of wealth in the next ten years. Only those who dare to face the huge waves of the times can see the most beautiful rainbow. !" Lu Feng said loudly and forcefully.

The worst thing in this world is that the absolute truth is set on a crooked road.

"See you next time!"

Lu Feng made a curtain call. The Rolls-Royce had already driven onto the stage, and surrounded by four beauties, they got into the car, then drove off the stage, and the host came up.

"Thank you for your participation. I believe you will gain something after listening to Mr. Lu's class. Mr. Lu also knows that everyone is troubled by some small things in life. He is here to help everyone, so everyone can get 10 pounds of vouchers for fast food restaurants, plus 10 pounds of petrol vouchers, I wish you all to open the door to wealth as soon as possible, this Tuesday, two days later, it will still be here, Mr. Lu will explain to you the wave of wealth in the new era , there will still be 20 pounds of supermarket vouchers at that time, please leave the venue in an orderly manner after picking up the vouchers at the door!"


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