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Chapter 1001: Information Cocoon Room

Walking out of the magnificent hotel, the noon sun seemed a bit dazzling, and everyone had to look up after walking out of the hotel door. This short morning made them a little dazed.

In the few hours just now, Lu Feng opened a door for them, a door they never dared to think of. A poor man living a difficult life, every day he opened his eyes and thought about how to live the week well. , suddenly one day a successful person tells you that you don't have to live like this, and in the near future, you will have nothing to worry about.

For a moment, I felt that life was not so heavy, and there was hope again.

Hope, the most expensive thing in the world!

A person whose life can't see the end at a glance, a little hope is the raging fire in his heart.

Louise packed the voucher in her hand and glanced at the child in her arms. She started the car, which was probably not much younger than her, and drove towards the fast food restaurant. In the afternoon, she was going to apply for a hospital nurse.

A man in his thirties, wearing a gray sports suit, was sitting in the car and was still reminiscing about what he had just experienced inside. He had to admit that he was driven.

"How could this be? Shouldn't he be selling?"

The man muttered, looking a little unbelievable, but still took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

Beko Electronics, the phone in the general manager's office rang, and George answered the phone and said, "I'm George, what's the matter?"

"General manager, it's me, Jiafeng Electronics' first event has ended."

"Yes, what's the catch?" George asked casually leaning back in his chair.

"Uh...hands are a little numb!"

"Why are their hands numb? How many products do they sell? Or, if there is a product conference, will any media be present?" Paul asked.

"There is no media, no one, and no products. He taught everyone to make money. He stood on the stage and talked for two or three hours. After talking so much, it seemed that there was nothing nutritious to sum up. Everyone gave out twenty Sterling vouchers, still available in two days!"

"Issue vouchers?" George was stunned. Which game is this playing?

After checking back and forth several times, George had to accept the reality. A man from the East came here to send vouchers to the poor people from far away. What kind of spirit is this?

Not only Beko's executives couldn't figure this out, but Sean couldn't figure it out even more. If they were replaced by a group of people with purchasing power today, with the emotions that Lu Feng had just aroused, they would definitely be able to sell a lot of products.

In the backstage, everyone was packing their things. It was time to check out the checkout, and it was time to clean up. Lu Feng was sitting on a chair smoking a cigarette, surrounded by two people, Manager Li and Manager Liu. The event cost a total of 50,000 pounds. , about 500,000 to 600,000 yuan.

The number of people present today is more than 800 people, which is already the largest number of people this venue can accommodate. The price for a single person is more than 60 pounds.

The relevant data were all handwritten by them in the notebook. Lu Feng glanced at it and said, "Just go back and make a table. The price per person can be a little lower, around £50 is the best, if it can be done below fifty , then we will earn blood!"

Manager Li and Manager Liu looked at each other when they heard this, they were stunned, blood earned?

What did you earn?

I threw out fifty thousand pounds today and didn't even earn a hammer.

The two of them didn't dare to ask any more questions, they could only nod their heads, Mr. Lu said that if you earn it, you earn it.

Sean walked over, stared at Lu Feng and took a cigar. He now has a feeling in his heart that the young man in front of him is either a genius or a fool, there is no middle ground, because normal people can't do this today. things come.

Lu Feng felt his gaze raised his head to look, and said, "How do you feel when you look at it today?"

"How can I say it, I feel like a woman." Sean stared at Lu Feng and frowned slightly.

Huang Mao looked at Sean after translating, not knowing what this meant.

Lu Feng laughed and asked, "You don't understand?"

"I really don't understand, but I admit that you are very eloquent, and you are very good at stealing concepts. I just want to know, what are you trying to do? These people are really poor." Sean asked curiously.

"Look at you, the typical traditional businessman's thinking, whoever has money in his pocket, you play with whoever, sometimes, you should also take care of the feelings of the poor. When you really take care of the poor, the poor will It creates value for you." Lu Feng stood up and patted Sean on the shoulder and said, "I'm not humble, I'm here to open the eyes of you traditional business consultants and professional managers."

The scene was almost moved, and Lu Feng also walked towards the door. The Rolls-Royce had already driven away, and everyone took the bus back.

The three of Sean stood there watching Lu Feng smoking a cigarette and walking out of the door, his back was very handsome, the high nose bridge didn't understand what he said just now, and asked Sean, "Do you think he is sick?"

"I don't know, if we fail, we are sick. If we succeed, then we are the ones who are sick." Sean said to the two of them, "Go back."

On the bus, Li Xiaosi put on a big coat and sat in the back row, surrounded by the three skilled women, and there was only a seat in the middle of the four.

Lu Feng got into the car, and everyone glanced at the situation in the car. The young man in the front seat wanted to flatter him, so he hurriedly stood up and said, "Mr. Lu, sit here!"

Manager Li hurriedly pressed him on the seat and said, "There is still a seat in the back."

"It's okay, Mr. Lu, you sit here and I'll squeeze." The young man said actively.

"Shut your mouth." Manager Li glared at him and said to Lu Feng, "It's not a long way, just squeeze."

"It's alright, sit down!" Lu Feng said to the young man, walked to the back and sat next to Li Xiaosi, and asked, "Have the three of them settled their money?"

"It's over. They came according to Bao Tian, ​​and they only played for more than two hours."

Lu Feng glanced sideways. The three of them leaned on their positions and looked a little lazy. The money was too good to be earned. Lu Feng always felt a little bit of a loss and said in a low voice, "Look at the price later, it's too much of a loss."

"I also told them. I didn't say it well at first. They said that if I really can't, I can accompany them. I can go in the afternoon." Li Xiaosi said in a low voice; "Otherwise, look..."

Lu Feng turned his head to look again, and the beautiful woman beside him raised her eyebrows, full of voltage.

"Forget it, I still have to waste my strength and eat more at night. This economic account is still clear." Lu Feng leaned on his seat and did not speak.

Li Xiaosi is very speechless, he actually cares about food money?

When the bus returned to the company, it was already past 12 noon, so we had to eat first, then started to sort out today's data at 1:00 noon, and officially planned the day after tomorrow's activities.

In the big office, Lu Feng gathered some managers and team leaders together, and said to everyone: "The day after tomorrow this is mainly to look at the turnaround rate. There are more than 800 people today, how many more people can come the day after tomorrow? The turnaround rate on Tuesday is low. At 90%, you have to find the reason, the event is finished on Tuesday, and then another one will be held on Thursday."

"In this event on Thursday, there will be no more vouchers. Thursday is the most important thing. If the return rate on Thursday is less than 70%, it is average, and if it is less than 60%, it is a failure. ."

"Today and Tuesday, I paid them to come and listen to me. On Thursday, I paid no money. It was used to verify how much I heard. Everyone should learn to cooperate and pay more attention to my status on stage. , a concept called Jiafeng concept will be proposed on Thursday, allowing these people to become our agents, as for how much they can convert, it depends on the specific situation."

"Everyone has been busy doing activities in the past two days, and we should pay close attention to the corporate background, especially in terms of corporate culture. What is a sense of hierarchy? It is to let these people understand our company and develop from the company. Process, scale, employee culture, company philosophy, even factories, future plans, etc., must have the past, present, and future of the company.”

"The past is difficult, the present is magnificent, and the future must be full of imagination. We do not do any agitation, because no one in this world is persuaded by others, they are persuaded by themselves, so we have to provide them with a Convince yourself of your own reasons.”

"Let them believe what we told them to believe, and think it's what they believe in themselves. This is the layered sense of corporate That's all, let's go get busy first." Lu Feng clapped his hands , let everyone dissolve.

Everyone went back to their posts. Lu Feng stood there and pondered for a while. After all, this was the first game, and there should be no problems. It was necessary to create an information cocoon for these people who came today.

He walked upstairs, knocked on the door and entered Manager Liu's office of the Marketing Department.

"Mr. Lu, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Lu Feng coming in, Manager Liu slumped on the chair to rest, and hurriedly stood up.

"Can you contact the media in the farmer's market and wholesale supermarket?" Lu Feng asked him, "Or, which newspapers, magazines, etc. are the most widely spread in that area?"

Manager Liu looked embarrassed. How did he know this? He was busy with his work after coming here for so long. This kind of information was not accessible to foreigners during this period of time.

"not sure!"

"Call and ask. If you can't ask, go to that area and ask the nearby residents. Before 5:00 p.m., I want the specific media and contact information." Lu Feng walked towards him after speaking.

Manager Liu sighed and looked quite stressed. Before he came, he felt that he was at the level of Mr. Lu, and those who compared to Mr. Zhu, were not one person below ten thousand people?

Unexpectedly, he was busier than before, and he didn't quite adapt to Lu Feng's rhythm. Sometimes he would suddenly ask something that was not part of his work.

Now Manager Liu remembers what his boss said to him when he was eating. Don't feel comfortable with Mr. Zhu and Mr. Wei. He has seen Mr. Zhu behind Mr. Lu's ass. Mr. Lu turned around and asked, "Overseas" Market conditions, and how to view the international situation.

Directly confused Mr. Zhu!


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