Back to 1990

Chapter 1026: buy a private jet

Remember [] for a second,!

"Yes, yes, don't worry, I know it in my heart. Cooperation with you is the most stable path for us. It's just that we don't have any friends here. It happened that there was such a dinner party, so I went to have a drink. Don't think about it." Lu Feng He hurriedly explained: "Tomorrow, I will prepare relevant materials and set up a contact group to contact your company. The relevant contracts should be signed as soon as they are signed. After signing, just change the industrial and commercial filing."

"You don't need to be so troublesome, and I don't take your equity, as long as you become a partner, the contract states that we will provide consulting services, mainly to guide and organize your company's internal framework, and don't have any relationship with us in actual business. You should pay the related expenses with 90% of this year's profits." George obviously thought about everything and didn't want to do anything with Jiafeng, afraid that if he got into trouble, he would just ask for money.

"Okay, then the two groups will talk!" Lu Feng hung up the phone after a few words.

Fortunately, we were talking in the room last night, otherwise this matter could not be hidden. Lu Feng leaned back in his chair and pondered for a while, then picked up the phone and called Manager Li's office.

"Come to my office!"

A few minutes later, Manager Li knocked on the door and walked in. After closing the door, the first sentence was: "Mr. Lu, don't worry, Secretary Li's matter has been settled, and I ordered it to go on. It is not allowed to talk about things unrelated to work in the company. , and the departure of Secretary Li is also a personal choice, there is no mess with you, leaders like you will not do that kind of thing, and I hope to put an end to office romance and let everyone focus on work. "

Lu Feng was stunned when he heard it, looked at him and said, "You're really good at making things worse."


"These are all trivial matters. Now set up a group and start contacting the people from Beko tomorrow. You don't need to find any elites, you can just find a few idle people. Are the factories, stadiums, and helicopters set?" Lu Feng asked.

"These three parties are in contact, and we need to make a decision a few days in advance." Manager Li wondered secretly, it is useless to make these preparations at this time, and now Jiafeng is hiding in the corner and trembling, not daring to move. move.

Manager Li recalled the trend of Beko again, and then said: "They are still doing activities. We got the news that they are not doing well, but they continue to do it. That team is doing well, and they want a lot of money. Listen to me. Said he was making trouble with Beko."

"Just do it. If you can't do a one-to-one copy, it's a question of ability. We just need to be ourselves." Lu Feng looked at him and said blankly.

"Mr. Lu, I mean, we can talk to them about this. After all, it has been verified that there is a threshold in this industry, and I am also preventing people from being poached recently." Manager Li said before a rainy day.

"You don't need to think too much, I will solve it. You go to order factories, stadiums, planes, etc., and keep an eye on this Sunday, but don't give notice of this matter, and wait until the financial injection is completed before sending a notice. "Lu Feng looked at him and said, "Go get busy."

When Manager Li heard these instructions, he already understood that President Lu had found a big backer, and asked in a low voice, "What if Beko is entangled in the future?"

Lu Feng looked at Manager Li and smiled, and said, "Do you think a person whose ashes have been raised is qualified to be entangled?"

Manager Li was shocked, and hurriedly stopped asking. The backer was looking for it, and it was definitely not something that ordinary people could mess with. He asked the details of some things and stood up and went out.

Lu Feng lit a cigarette and looked at the report in front of him. He didn't expect that George was still letting the garbage team under his command do activities. Obviously, he had both hands ready.

Lu Feng flipped through the information submitted by Sean. There was only one page about Beko's financial fraud, with a few lines written on it. According to people familiar with the matter, the company had financial fraud in its annual report, which was mainly reflected in the total sales volume, Inventory, dealers and other aspects of data fraud.

There is no specific data at all. Lu Feng closed the folder, picked up the phone and called Sean, but no one answered the call, so it took four or five calls in a row to pick up.

"Which one?" Sean asked on the other end of the phone.

"It's me. The information about Beko's financial fraud is incomplete. It says that it is based on an insider. I want to ask, how can this insider tell me what he knows?" Lu Feng asked on the phone.

"Let me talk about this. Don't worry, I'll definitely handle it for you. How's the option contract?" Sean asked.

"I should be able to return the receipt today. In the afternoon, I will have someone send it to you."

"Good good!"

"By the way, by the way, if I buy a private jet, what is the price?" Lu Feng asked.

"It's still relatively expensive. There are many models. Now the most popular model is the Boeing 737. It is more classic. The price is more than 20 million US dollars. Configuration, plus interior decoration, more than 30 million US dollars can come down." Sean said on the other end of the phone: "I think you should buy one, whether it is in terms of identity or demand, you should buy it."

"Okay, I know."

After a few words of courtesy, Lu Feng hung up the phone. On the other end of the phone, Sean looked at several folders in front of him. One of them contained Beko's detailed financial fraud information. This information was sold for five million US dollars. Very satisfied.

But it can also make his income higher, that is, sell some of Lu Feng's data to Beko, or even to Siemens, I believe that in this game, he can maximize his benefits.

The folder on the left has Jiafeng's information. There is no need to sell all of it. There is no problem at all with taking out a few pieces of paper and selling them for two million dollars. He made a fortune.

Sean was hesitant. Sometimes money is so easy to earn. When he is a wallist, the harder the two sides fight, the more money he will make, but at this moment he is a little hesitant.

"Schroders Group is not easy to mess with, such a large investment is invested in a small company like Jiafeng, how big is the stake, is it crazy?" Sean opened the folder belonging to Jiafeng, and there was Jiafeng on the first page. Feng detailed information on board members. The more money you invest, the more you expect from the company.

It is no exaggeration to say that the investment core of Jiafeng's current Schroder Investment Group is to make a stumble for people's sweethearts. If it is a Wall Street company, Sean has no business there. But this side of London is his core.

He has to weigh the fate of offending the Schroeder Group, and more importantly, annoyed John. Sean is a shrewd businessman who has a very delicate balance between pros and cons. Maximizing profits is his pursuit, not excitement.

After a long time, Sean sighed, took out Jiafeng's information from the folder, stuffed it into the shredder, and muttered, "I didn't really believe you when you said you were a jerk, but now I look at you. He is indeed a ruffian, no one knows better than you when it comes to finding a supporter, and the most important thing when you come out to gang up is to have someone cover you, you are playing well!"

George is afraid that until the company collapses, he will not understand why he lost. If he becomes Siemens' darling, Sean will never give up the tickets he is about to get.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, Lu Feng took a look at the jet lag, and decided to call the headquarters. Before that, Lu Feng never thought about himself, all his food, use, and expenses were all borne by the company. The salary is only a few thousand yuan, and he never cares, and he is dedicated to making the company well.

Now Lu Feng is thinking about putting something in his pocket. No one knows the future of the company. If the worst happens, then there is no way to do it. Years of hard work can't be in vain.

After the call was connected, the secretary's office over there heard Lu Feng's call and forwarded it to Wei Yandan. It was dinner time in the country. Wei Yandan was stunned when he heard that President Lu called him. He basically doesn't ask about internal affairs. , if you want to make a phone call, you should also call Liu Cheng.

Wei Yandan was a little puzzled and answered the phone, "Mr. Lu, what's the matter?"

"How's the company going recently?" Lu Feng asked.

"Everything is stable internally, the overall profit in the first quarter is stable, and the Tianjin plant is officially put into use. By the way, the office building of the group headquarters is expected to be capped by the end of this year, and it will be put into use by the end of 1997 at the latest." Wei Yandan told the company. Some of the situations are briefly mentioned.

According to the company's internal responsibilities and reporting requirements, Wei Yandan no longer needs to report anything to Lu Feng, she only needs to report at the board meeting.

"Everything should be stable. We should pay more attention to the corruption issue when we go to the factory. You are now the rotating president, right?" Lu Feng asked.

"Yes, I just took it from Mr. Zhu. It's just a name. It's still the same. I can do whatever I need to do." Wei Yandan said with a smile.

"There's one thing, now the international business is expanding quite a will receive some important guests, so it needs to be equipped with a private jet. As for this matter, it is not appropriate for me to mention it. So you propose a budget to the board of directors. I have such a plan now. After buying this private jet, you can resell it to me at a low price, and I will lease it to the company. When you propose to the board of directors, just say This is your idea, what do you think about this?" Lu Feng asked.


Wei Yandan hesitated for a while, this is obviously asking her to carry this matter.

"If it's embarrassing, I'll have a chat with Zhu Lidong."

"No, no, I'll tell the board of directors. Besides, you really deserve a private jet for your current worth." Wei Yandan hurriedly said, "I can still handle this, you can rest assured."

"When purchasing aircraft, remember, don't buy Boeing's. There seem to be more accidents around the world. Safety first, no matter how much money you make, if something goes wrong, it's meaningless."

"Yes, yes, I will submit this application tomorrow!"

"Okay, thank you for your hard work!"

Lu Feng made two polite words and hung up the phone.

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