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Chapter 1027: work

Two generations of people, two rich people, this is the first time to buy my own plane, and it can be regarded as a new breakthrough.

No matter what country in this world, the only constant truth is that making money is harder than eating shit, and spending money is faster than spending money. Manager Li doesn’t know anything about local publicity funds, so he originally wanted to leave Liucheng alone. It only took three to five days, and I didn't expect that seven or eight people would come just after the call.

From the identity of the investor, the financial transfer, and the acceptance of funds to the fund are all very fast, and it took less than five hours to get it all done. They helped find a local shell company and remitted the funds to the fund in the name of donation, and Through the back-and-forth holding of the three companies, I finally returned a letter of thanks.

In the evening, Lu Feng looked at the thank-you letter on the table, then looked at Manager Li who was sitting across from him, and said, "The money has already been spent, and now I'm just afraid that we will be deceived."

"The speed is too fast, it is comparable to robbery!" Manager Li also sighed a little, and then said: "Then let's try to resume the activity tomorrow?"

Lu Feng flipped through the thank-you letter again. He didn't know the rules here. What if that kid Xiao En cheated on him? It's better to be careful when you go out.

Lu Feng took the thank-you letter and found a piece of paper below with the contact information of Secretary Fleck.

"Would you like to try it?" Lu Feng looked at him and asked.

"How to try?"

Lu Feng glanced at the time, it was almost six o'clock, the sun was setting outside, and the whole city of London was about to enter the bustling nightlife.

"Find a place with a lot of scumbags and try it out." Lu Feng said to Manager Li, "I haven't been out for so long, so it's time to go out and have a look, get the car ready, and go to the bar tonight. "

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Lu Feng changed his clothes and drove to the bar street. The lights on the street were bright, and Manager Li was stunned by the asphalt road and the brand-new infrastructure. Ninety-nine percent of the cities in China did not. There may be such infrastructure.

There are all kinds of bars on both sides of the street, and occasionally the best music is delivered. There are groups of young men and women under the street lights. The weather has warmed up, and little girls with blatant dresses and tattoos can be seen everywhere, even in the corners of the wall. Someone was already drunk and vomited against the wall.

"Where are we going to play?" Manager Li seemed a little confused.

"Anywhere, get out of the car!"

The car was parked on the side of the road, and Lu Feng opened the door and got out of the car. In front of him was a bar with bright red lights, and he could see all kinds of beautiful women dressed up and walking inside, or luxury cars and sports cars parked at the door.

"Let's go in?" Manager Li asked when he got out of the car.

Lu Feng looked at the luxurious door in front of him, and it is estimated that it is not cheap to consume!

Just as Lu Feng was about to say that he should look for something at the door, he suddenly saw a familiar back figure, wearing a tight dress, his figure was very reverie, with high heels on his feet, and several men nearby were looking at her. He stared fiercely.

Before Lu Feng could speak, Manager Li called out, "Isn't that Secretary Li?"

"It seems, let's go in and have a look!" Lu Feng walked towards the inside.

This bar has a minimum consumption of more than 800 pounds for a small deck and a package. This price is definitely not affordable for ordinary people, and the price of a medium deck is even more expensive.

Lu Feng ordered a medium booth, and the venue was already hot. I heard that a relatively well-known DJ was coming tonight, but Lu Feng didn't know him either, so he opened the wine and drank.

The other booths were full of beautiful women, laughing and roaring from time to time, and there were even more people shaking their heads in the middle of the dance floor. Lu Feng's booth seemed a lot deserted.

Looking through the booths in front of him, Lu Feng watched Li Xiaosi smoking a cigarette in the seat. He glanced around, as if he was looking for a target. During this period, several men who approached him were rejected by her.

A few minutes later, a handsome white man came over, chatted a few words, sat down and started drinking. The bar here is very similar to what it has been like in China for more than 20 years. It is already a place for making friends and entertainment. The atmosphere group is responsible for attracting the big bucks of consumption and maintaining long-term consumption.


Lu Feng raised his head, a girl in her early twenties stood beside her at some point, wearing shorts, a small suspender on her upper body, tattoos on her collarbone, and dreadlocks on her head, looking a bit wild.

"Hello!" Lu Feng smiled at her.

"This is your first time here? Sitting here and drinking, is it convenient for me to sit down and have a drink?" the girl asked.

"Please sit down!"

The girl sat down and said that her name was Lucy. Lu Feng knew it was a fake name without asking, and they touched each other. Lucy glanced at Manager Li next to him and asked Lu Feng in a low voice, "Is that your boyfriend? "

"Ah? No!" Lu Feng quickly denied it.

"There are no girls in your booth, just you two boys, and several girls dare not come over." Lucy covered her mouth and laughed.

Lu Feng seemed to understand something, no wonder some girls passed by from time to time at the booths, and a few others just looked this way with strange eyes.

"Why are you here every day?" Lu Feng asked her.


"Do you know the woman in front?" Lu Feng pointed to Li Xiaosi, who was already leaning on his shoulders with the foreigner, and said, "That Asian."

"Tell her, she's been coming here a lot recently. I heard people say that she's very generous. The one who drinks with her, but we are the most handsome." Lucy lit a cigarette, beckoned to the side, and ran again. Two little girls came over and said, "My friend, let's play together."

The three little girls drank a lot. In less than an hour, the wine on the table had already been drunk, and they had a lot of fun. Manager Li seemed to be an honest person with his duty. With one of them chatting endlessly, it is obvious that he has not played less in the country.

This bar is relatively large, and most of the people who come here are rich young people. It's not like a small farm who is red-faced for robbing girls. Here, as long as you have money, some girls will accompany you to drink.

It's hard to find things like this, but when you go to a small place, you can't meet the rich and powerful second generation.

The wine on the table was swept away, and Lu Feng ordered another set meal. Lucy saw that he made a bold move. In addition, the clothes on his body looked very valuable, and he was handsome. Most importantly, she also Having never tried Asians, he took advantage of the wine to rub against Lu Feng for a while.

Li Xiaosi drank a little, took his little baby to the dance floor, stood in the center of the dance floor and shook his head to the music, followed by a **** female DJ walking onto the stage, the lead dancers around the dance floor also began to dance, most of the people On the dance floor.

Li Xiaosi hugged his little boy and shook it vigorously. Next to him, a man in his thirties shook his head and saw the man in front of him. Under the colorful lights, he was stunned and stunned.


The man took the initiative to raise his hand and waved it.

"Hi! Xiaolang's hoof!"

The 30-year-old man took the initiative to approach him, and then quietly hugged the man's waist from behind. A 'hamburger'-style combination was formed. Li Xiaosi felt that something was wrong, and raised his head to find that his male partner was frowning with the man behind him.


"What are you doing? Please stay away from my boyfriend, or don't blame me for being rude!" Li Xiaosi scolded the 30-year-old man.

"Your boyfriend? Is she your girlfriend?"

The man glanced at Li Xiaosi, shook his head and said, "Just a friend."

"I knew it!" The thirty-year-old man smiled and raised his hand to hit the man's ass.

On the restless dance floor, the three of them were arguing and yelling at each other. Li Xiaosi even beat the 30-year-old man, and the three of them walked out of the dance floor arguing.

"Are you gay? You didn't tell me, I spent so much money for you, and you said you were with me." Li Xiaosi angrily questioned his male partner.

In the past few days, Li Xiaosi often came to this bar to play because of the money in his hand. He met the man in front of him and got to know each other. Li Xiaosi found that the man was handsome and his parents were middle-class, and there was only one son like him in the family.

No matter from the appearance or the family, Li Xiaosi calculated that it would not be a loss to marry the other party. At that time, he naturally joined the British nationality. If he divorced, he might get a share of money.

She thought about the man in front of her with domestic thinking about family, thinking that she could get married as long as she talked seriously!

Lu Feng stared at them and found that it was normal, and the sound of the music began to decrease. The security guard came over and arranged them to quarrel, which was relatively close to Lu Feng.

"I warn you not to harass us, otherwise I'll be rude." The 30-year-old man scolded Li Xiaosi.

"You're welcome to try? Jack, you promised me to get married. You like men? How did you explain to your parents?" Li Xiaosi asked the man in front of him.

"I don't need to explain to my parents. Besides, there are a lot of people I promised to get married. I'll talk about it later!" Jack obviously didn't care about such words at all.

"I didn't expect, UU reading you actually cheated in front of me, you are a scumbag!"

"I didn't cheat, you use the front, he uses the back, there is no cross infection, is it clean and hygienic?" Jack said confidently.

"You!!" Li Xiaosi was obviously shattered by such three views. He raised his hand angrily and slapped the 30-year-old man. The slap on the face was so crisp.

The man was beaten without any hesitation. He slapped him and shouted angrily, "Dare to beat me? You're probably courting death."

"I'm going to call the police!" Li Xiaosi yelled as he was knocked to the ground.

"Report! I'll tell you, my dad is from the Public Security Bureau, you can call the police at will!" the man shouted domineeringly.

Many people at the scene looked towards this side, and everyone seemed not so excited about such an explosive drama. Obviously, it was no surprise in this bar.

Lu Feng kept staring, and when he heard the power behind the man, he immediately stood up and said to Manager Li, "It's work!"

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