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Chapter 1037: windfall

Seeing that the emotions at the scene were basically mobilized, Lu Feng took a deep breath, picked up the microphone and continued: "We will face many difficulties, because we will be taking an unprecedented road. On the new journey, it will definitely affect the interests of others.”

"The world's resources are limited, why are you poor? I used to think that I didn't work hard enough, until I became rich, and then I realized that you are poor because they are rich. This is how the world is. If you eat more, they will have to Eat one less bite, so many capitalists united, Bekoan couldn't stand it anymore, and Stephen jumped and ran in major media."

"I got the latest news today, Walmart and Carrefour, and a whole bunch of end retailers will be suing Jiafeng, they feel threatened by Jiafeng, they are afraid of you, my dear brothers and sisters, if You go to negotiate with these big companies alone, I believe they will not take you seriously."

"However, when we unite, we can create a huge miracle. You are not much worse than them, and there is no so-called poor mentality. It is because everyone is not united, and it is because these people have better resource advantages."

"What does Jiafeng do? Jiafeng is to let everyone live a better life, to help every poor person, and to resist the oppression of capital. Whether it is Wal-Mart or any later company, I will resist all the pressure. I also know that everyone It was very difficult for a while, so a few days ago, the company's few profits were directly distributed to everyone!"

"Even if my company doesn't make money, it must not treat my brothers and sisters badly. This is the original intention of my founding Jiafeng, and I will never forget it, but this time has still made everyone very difficult. I only represent myself to give Sorry everyone!"

After Lu Feng finished speaking, he knelt down on one knee, as if he was about to kneel to apologize. Everyone on the stage stood up, watching Lu Feng kneeling down on one knee under the stage, this kneeling definitely broke down. The psychological defense line of everyone on the scene.

Manager Li rushed out, stretched out his hand and pulled Lu Feng up, and said to Lu Feng in English, "Mr. Lu, what are you doing? Get up!"

The topic in Lu Feng's hand "inadvertently" approached Manager Li's mouth, and his voice could be heard in the audience.

"No! Don't pull me, I'm sorry for everyone, I know that everyone's life has been affected by me during this time, I am really very guilty, this kneeling is my apology to my brothers and sisters, don't pull me, Now I order you to return to your position!" Lu Feng shouted hysterically at Manager Li.

"Don't let him kneel, he didn't forgive us!!" Someone in the front row shouted with a cry.

The scene was instantly detonated by this sentence. Everyone shouted not to let Lu Feng kneel down. He brought income to everyone at the scene because of the suppression of those companies, who suppressed a kind, honest, simple, and likes to help the weak Lu Feng. , There are too many wicked people in this world, and now they want a person like Lu Feng to kneel down and apologize, their conscience cannot accept this fact!

"Get out of the way!!" Lu Feng roared at Manager Li and pushed him away.

He then knelt down on one knee and apologized to everyone around the scene.

Lu Feng stood up and looked at everyone at the scene and said, "Brothers and sisters, we are going through the darkest moment, and the future may be even more difficult, but I am here to assure you that as long as Jiafeng is still alive, you will always be mine. Brothers and sisters, I have been particularly touched by many brothers and sisters recently, who have risen to the challenge and created miracles in the most difficult times."

"Next, let me introduce a person, Louise, a divorced woman with children, her life is very difficult, it has reached the point of being unsustainable, and she happens to be the first time Jiafeng arrives here. the first agents."

"At that time, we were still very weak. I went to the streets to distribute flyers, and she was the first person I sent them. I still remember that she was pushing a small cart with children on it, and there were only a few discounted vegetables in it. When I handed her the flyer, she ducked a little, looked up at me and said, "I can't afford it!"

"At that time, my heart was pierced by a knife. Really, before I came here, I thought that there would not be too many people struggling under the poverty line in developed countries. However, it was such a single mother who showed poverty in front of me. I was thinking to myself at the time, fortunately I am here, how desperate would she have been without Jiafeng?"

"She took the flyer from me and didn't trust Jiafeng, so I had to tell her that there would be free gifts to receive, just like everyone present, she would never have imagined that a miracle would happen at that time. In myself, I would never have imagined that such an earth-shaking change would happen to her in just a few months."

"I'm still the same me. I live with my employees, eat the same meals, live in the same dormitory, distribute flyers together, and help more people. She has changed, and life has begun to get better. Next, let's use warm A round of applause welcomes the achievers in the big family, Mr. Louise!"

There was applause at the scene, and many people on the stage stared at Louise who came out with light in her eyes, as if she would become that person in the next second. Louise's story has been spread among the major teams today for a long time. .

Several members of the front row were a little shocked when they saw Lu Feng's work in the past hour, and whispered to the person next to him: "This person is too inflammatory and has a talent for speaking."

"If such a person becomes a member of parliament, or is running for election, it will be even more terrifying."

Sean knew that Lu Feng was very talented in arousing people's emotions, but he was still surprised by kneeling down and apologizing. In the hearts of 10,000 people at the scene, Lu Feng seemed to be a pure and flawless image. The contradictions are all aimed at companies like Wal-Mart.

If something happens later, these people will never blame Jiafeng, but point the finger at outside companies.

"Just by virtue of this mouth, I believe that President Lu will make enough profit for Schroeder Group." Sean whispered to John next to him.

"Investment is for investors, and we valued his personal ability at the beginning." John replied.

Everyone in the guest room whispered. Under the stage, Louise dressed up and walked towards the center of the arena. She was very excited when she saw Lu Feng. She took the microphone and said, "Meet again, Mr. Lu!"

"Yeah, it's just that this time it's not at the door of the discount supermarket. I'm really happy to see you now, what about the child?" Lu Feng asked.

"The nanny at home takes care of it!" Louise said with a smile.

"Everything is getting better, I believe you will get better and better. Next, you can share with everyone what happened in the months after you met me at the door of the discount supermarket. In the family, how gorgeously you turned around and what effort you put in." Lu Feng stepped aside.

Louise held the microphone in both hands. At this moment, she was really overwhelmed with emotion. She slowly recounted how she divorced her ex-husband and lived alone with her children until she met Lu Feng. Friends sold it, and in the end, everyone around her bought it, and her career fell into a bottleneck.

But she didn't give up. It wasn't like the rest of the team complained. She felt that Jiafeng had created too much for herself, so she started to go out to meet new friends and let more people know Jiafeng. Persistently moved one person, and sold thousands of sets of products explosively this month.

"This is my story!"

Lu Feng picked up the topic and said, "I believe everyone has the same experience, so how much money can you give this month, tell everyone!"

"I calculated it myself, £880,000!" Louise said excitedly.

"It stands to reason that the money will be settled at the beginning of next month, but I want to get a big one. Now, 880,000 pounds have been settled. I also hope that Mr. Louise will continue to work hard to let more friends know Jiafeng. !" Lu Feng said in the direction of the resting place, "Come on!"

A small trolley pulled out, with piles of cash on it, stacked high, and adorned with ribbons. Under the spotlights, the trolley looked particularly dazzling, and all the eyes of the audience were focused on it. .

"Take the 880,000 in cash, can you try it?"

Louise rushed over to see so much cash and yelled excitedly. At this moment, it really broke the defense. Nothing can bring such a big impact to a poor man!

"Help her find a bag, we will send staff to guard it throughout the whole process, and help you make an appointment with the bank's VIP, and you can deposit it after the event is over!" Lu Feng waved at the staff.

The staff brought over a transparent plastic Louise carried the money into the bag, the scene stimulated everyone, until the whole bag was filled, and Louise was very reluctant to lift it up Go to your place.

"Next, there is a second person, a Mr. Mark."

Mark got up from his seat excitedly, ran straight into the arena, took off his jacket and waved it on his head, shouting constantly, took the microphone and shouted, "I don't have to go to work anymore, I don't have to go to work anymore. Look at the face of my boss, just a week ago, he asked me to go to his office to scold me, but I punched me in the past, and I quit!"

Now many people are obviously stimulated by his words, shouting and supporting.

"I want to break the news with everyone here, that is, companies like Beko and Siemens have been monitoring Jiafeng, they are afraid of Jiafeng, why do I dare to say such a thing, because I was doing this part-time before this, Infiltrate Jiafeng's event site, collect the situation on the scene and report it, and each order has an income of tens of pounds!" Mark told the truth of the matter without hesitation.

As soon as these words appeared on the scene, even Lu Feng didn't know about it. He asked in disbelief, "Really?"

"I can assure you, this is absolutely true, capital is strangling us, so we must unite, I have quit my job now, even my official job, only in the big family of Jiafeng To be able to feel warm, not only is it annoying to work outside, but the struggle in the office is even more uncomfortable, I only have five hundred pounds a month, but it feels like I'm fighting for the power of the earth, I've had enough!!"

There are cheers and whistles constantly!


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