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Chapter 1038: Elmy strikes

Mark's rumors are getting more and more violent. He talked about the fact that he used part-time jobs for some companies to obtain the situation of hostile companies, and finally joined Jiafeng under the infection of Lu Feng, and this month he has achieved an excellent increase in performance. , sold more than 900 sets of products this month.

Another small cart drove out, and Mark put 700,000 cash in a transparent plastic bag, waved at everyone on his shoulder, and then returned to his position.

The appearance of Mark has made many people more convinced that companies like Beko and Siemens are targeting Jiafeng, not to mention that every person who gets the money returns to his position and will definitely become the most eye-catching existence within a radius of tens of meters. Ten people were carefully selected from eight large teams.

Because the team will often hold activities, and they have become acquaintances with each other, such cases are more real within the team and happen around them.

One person after another walked to the center of the stage, telling their stories under the spotlight, some people shouted excitedly, some people thanked many people, and the atmosphere of the scene was pushed to the top.

Two hours passed quickly, ten people, nearly 8 million in cash, the ten of them had a similar experience, that is, after draining the relatives and friends around them, they began to walk on the street and meet new friends. Proactively find new customers.

This is also the pain point of the 10,000 people at the scene. They basically fooled everyone around them. If they can't find new sales targets, they can only leave.

The actions of these ten people opened up the minds of many people present, and they can go out and meet new friends. If they maintain a normal salary, it is absolutely unnecessary to make such a big effort, but in case they can achieve an income of 1.8 million , you can lie flat on the back.

"Meet new friends, expand new contacts, and even bring new friends to our events to let them know more about Jiafeng. These are all new methods given by ten outstanding brothers and sisters, not to mention that you are doing a good job things, and bring them health, peace and happiness.”

After more than a month, Lu Feng once again tied Jiafeng's products to health.

"Brothers and sisters, we are walking on the right sunshine road, the road to success will not be easy, but as long as we persist, we can see the rainbow after the rain, not everyone in this world can see success, fools are fools themselves , When you meet people who don't understand you, don't understand Jiafeng, or even insult and attack you, don't be afraid, don't be confused, and come back to this warm big family."

"Speaking from the bottom of my heart, I am a little disappointed in this 10,000-person event, because only ten friends have come out of poverty, and I feel very indebted. I hope that in the next 10,000-person event, there will be 100 people standing here, or even 1,000 people. Ten thousand people, we want every sibling to live in the city, hire a nanny, drive a Porsche, and the next ten thousand people event, I will go to Bali, to the Maldives, to the most beautiful place in the world.”

"Time flies so fast, this night is destined to be remembered by everyone, because after tonight, there will be more lucky people present. As long as you are good, I think it's worth doing more, Jiafeng next There is a lot of pressure to face, and I may face life and death, but it doesn't matter, I! Always stand with you!"

As the voice fell, the helicopter flew over and landed slowly. Lu Feng boarded the railing of the helicopter and waved goodbye to everyone at the scene. Fireworks rose over the stadium, and Lu Feng completed his exit in the splendid fireworks.

The host stepped onto the stage and began to guide everyone to leave the venue in an orderly manner. Hundreds of people in the guest room looked at each other and felt lonely. Not to mention that Lu Feng didn't even say hello, and sat here all night listening to his nonsense. light.

Louise walked out of the stadium, the money was held by the staff, she looked around, locked her eyes on a bald head, and ran towards him.

Under the eyes of the public, the two hugged tightly, and the two buddies standing next to the bald head were dumbfounded, didn't they say the work was done?

Why are you still hugging?

Why is this still kissing?

Louise looked at the man in front of her and said affectionately, "I feel like I can't live without you, let's get married! I love you!"

"I love you too!" The bald man hugged Louise even tighter.

After one month, the two registered their marriage. Three months later, Louise found out that he was not a rich man living in a rich villa area. The two began to quarrel and divorced five months later.

Of course, these are their stories.

The 10,000-person event was quite successful, injecting a boost to the sluggish agents. The next morning, a large number of agents began to set out for the wealthy areas, or simply set up their own stalls to sell.

Jiafeng's activities have been fully restarted, and all backup lecturers have all taken the stage. There are hundreds of activities on the same day across France, and more than 32,000 new agents have been added in a single day.

More than 20,000 sets of products were purchased by new agents, and the net profit exceeded 10 million pounds.

At 12 noon, Lu Feng looked at the expected data with a smile on his face. Manager Li was very excited and said to Lu Feng: "The main reason is that all lecturers are released, and agents in other provinces are highly absorbed. , the enthusiasm of the previous agents has all improved a lot, and at this rate, tomorrow will exceed 100,000 people."

"100,000 people, a single day profit of 10 million to 20 million pounds, at this rate, we can play in the UK for two or three months at most, which is a profit of one billion to two billion pounds. With this money, we can It’s good to take half of it, but it will become a burden in the later period as more and more people become more and more people.” Lu Feng lit a cigarette and thought for a while, “Let me know, all those whose personal income has exceeded 30,000 pounds must be If the loan is repaid more than 70%, and the loan is more than 50,000 pounds, the loan must be repaid."

"Are you afraid of taking too much loans and putting pressure on the bank?" Manager Li asked.

"I'm afraid that we will eat too much, and we won't be able to move when we want to leave. It's not a good thing to leave a messed up bank." Lu Feng said to Manager Li: "On the grounds of overseas investment branches, we will start to transfer funds from this month. Convert it into US dollars and go overseas in batches. Remember, it will be faster to pass if it becomes an overseas affiliated enterprise. Also, pay attention to the movements of Harry and Brice. As long as they 'cough', they will immediately give it to the foundation. 's account to make a payment."

"How much is a sum of money?" Manager Li asked.

"Millions of levels!"

There is a little nuisance over there, and the company will put 10 million in it?

Manager Li felt that it was not so fast to burn money, so he said, "Is it too much?"

"If the Bodhisattva crossing the bridge does not worship, who do you worship? The money in your pocket is money, or it is a series of numbers, not to mention it is still in someone else's basin, and you can give you an excuse, this money can be It doesn't have to be who it belongs to." Lu Feng said to him: "I will announce these numbers to the public today, and I will show the bosses in London to see, I am not easy to mess with!"

As soon as the news was announced, the entire business world was in a frenzy, with a profit of tens of millions in a single day, which is more profitable than 99% of the businesses in London.

Such a terrifying ability to make money made many bosses stunned. Stephen was angry and cursed after seeing this set of data. Compared with Lu Feng's company, his current company is simply rubbish.

The ability to attract agents is poor, and the products overlap with Jiafeng, which is not competitive. It has been frantic for almost a week. There are only a few thousand agents. These people feel that they are not making money, and a large number of people leave every day.

For ordinary poor people, it’s not as good as making money. At the very least, they need to be fed and drunk. Jiafeng is letting them eat and drink. Listening to Lu Feng’s whistle blowing is completely different, not to mention Jiafeng. The peak has already formed a scale, and once the scale is formed in the market, there will be a siphon effect, and others will consciously move closer to a larger group.

Stephen has been in business for many years, and he knows too much about the current market situation. His company no longer has any advantages. The more he invests in the future, the more there is no way out.

With a long sigh, Stephen looked listless, and threw the folder in front of him on the and said to himself, "Forget it, accept the loss!"

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Stephen announced the dissolution of the company, and all the employees were dismissed. The core team who had been dug from Jiafeng was stunned, and the company was gone before his senior management position was warmed up?

Two companies, Wal-Mart and Carrefour, saw Jiafeng’s one-day profit in disbelief, and even suspected that it was fake. After confirming it from various sources, they were even more annoyed, thinking that Jiafeng stole their profits.

In the evening, the two companies jointly sued Jiafeng, and Jiafeng's law firm also responded.

During the whole day, most of the London business community was discussing Jiafeng, and the limelight was always on. The invitations for various dinner parties came like a flood.

No matter which country you are in, as long as you have money, those who looked down on you in the past will all bow their heads to win over you, and they don't even care how your money came from.

As night fell, Jiafeng's one-day profit not only stimulated the London business community, but also stimulated Wall Street thousands of miles away. Follow the previous agreement.

A number of companies in Fuso and Siemens have carried out technical exchanges on chips and learned from each other. What Siemens has to do is to intercept and suppress the development of Jiafeng throughout Europe, promote relevant industry legislation, and completely kill this model of Jiafeng. Lose.

In the past year, Nokia has developed thoroughly and swept the European market. Emil, who opened up the Chinese market, has become the vice president of the group. After returning from the Chinese market, he is mainly responsible for the European market area. This time, it is mainly for the United Kingdom. market.


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