Back to 1990

Chapter 1039: 1 week

A week has gone by in the blink of an eye, and Jiafeng's high-speed profit is still continuing. Not only is the sales volume soaring, but the agent has doubled.

Several retailers such as Walmart and Carrefour fought with Jiafeng in court. It is well known in the industry that Lu Feng injected 18 million pounds into the foundation twice in a week. The money to open the way must be spent Yes, don't pick it up.

Three days ago, Siemens Group proposed an initiative to improve the European standards for home appliances, including detailed standards for circuit design, displays, and materials. The biggest point of the proposed standard this time is that it is just a little bit higher than Jiafeng's products. .

As soon as the news came out, the whole industry was boiling, and everyone couldn't believe that Siemens, who is aloof, would suppress a Jiafeng. Compared with Beko's method, Siemens' method is simply dimensionality reduction. As long as this standard is adopted, even if Just after the approval of the guiding documents, it is more difficult for any product of Jiafeng to enter the customs of EU countries than to go to the sky.

Big companies play the same way as big companies. In just three days, some lawmakers have submitted relevant bills, and the capital behind them has begun to exert force, lobbying more lawmakers to build momentum and push the bill to pass the first trial.

Many retailers from Carrefour and Walmart also joined in. The call for the elimination of the old standards in a short period of time became louder and louder, as if it represented public opinion. Then the lackey experts under various capitals began to appear on TV programs, like ordinary people. The public explained the benefits of the new home appliance standard and the serious consequences of not raising the standard.

If George is a small businessman who is good at manipulating business methods, then Herman of Siemens is definitely an entrepreneur who is good at manipulating social rules.

One wave after another, Jiafeng expanded wildly in the wind and waves. At the same time, Jiafeng branches in Italy and the Netherlands began to be established. In his recent internal speech, Lu Feng not only mentioned the need to fight quickly quick decision.

In 1995, the mobile phone industry developed rapidly in Europe, Nokia madly occupied the market, and Ericsson, which is also a European brand, developed equally rapidly.

Siemens is just starting out, mainly participating in the mobile phone industry as a component supplier, and the group also attaches great importance to the communication industry.

At the headquarters of Jiafeng Branch, there were all foreigners coming and going in the building. During this week, Manager Li came to find Lu Feng several times. Most of the more than 100 people who went out at that time wanted to come back, but unfortunately they were gone. Lu Feng did not agree to their position.

As for Li Xiaosi, Lu Feng only heard that he was hanging out with Huang Mao and Gao Noi, and there was no news for the rest. There are too many people in this world who lose contact when they walk, not to mention one who In the future, Lu Feng's people who are completely opposite to each other are just a chance encounter at the node of life.

The last time Lu Feng felt sorry for the female teacher who took the train to the city to work and was dragged into the water by his cousin, but now he is a lot less optimistic about Li Xiaosi. People are life, and they are swept up by the huge waves of the times. Personal choice is the choice of the times. The vulnerable ones in front of them seem to have never made a choice.

In the office, three folders were placed on Lu Feng's desk. Manager Li and six executives stood opposite each other. This week was definitely a bumper harvest for Jiafeng.

"The number of agents has exceeded 350,000, and the average daily profit this week has also exceeded 10 million pounds. The data is very good. The non-performing loan is a little high, and it continues to decline, so that the agents who have made money are the first to do so. Repay the loan, and if they don’t repay, they will forcibly deduct the money!”

Lu Feng closed a folder and said, "Starting from this week, we will increase the density of activities. If there are too many people, it will be difficult to manage. We must organize them to do more activities, don't be idle, and conduct more courses for those with poor performance. something."

"There have been too many products sold in the last week, and the shipment volume is large. Among them, the quality problem is relatively strong. We do not have an after-sales department, so many agents have accumulated a lot of problems, and there have even been a lot of fights because of this. ." Manager Li reflected.

"No matter, for this kind of thing, let them wait first, say that the goods are tight, or the refund process is relatively long. The most important thing for us now is to increase agents and increase revenue." Lu Feng looked at the few in his hand. He opened a folder and said, "From now on, every agent who has just joined must purchase a set of products by themselves. This is a hard indicator, you know?"

I have been instructed a lot about things in the company recently. With more and more people, this kind of high growth must be unsustainable. When the stock reaches its peak, it is the beginning of the collapse. Lu Feng understands this very well, so he should Cut all the leeks you can cut before the avalanche.

"Okay!" Manager Li nodded, pondered for a while and said, "What about Siemens?"

"You don't need to worry about these things, you can take care of the people below, go get busy!" Lu Feng signaled that they could go out.

"By the way, there are quite a few invitations for the dinner party today, some of which are quite significant. Mr. Sean said he would like you to attend." Manager Li said before leaving.

"I know."

After lunch, several invitations were placed on Lu Feng's desk. One of them was sent by John, still led by Schroders. The last time it was a football theme, this time it was a technology theme.

The phone on the table suddenly rang, and Lu Feng answered the phone and said, "Which one?"

"It's me, John!" John's voice sounded on the other end of the phone: "You better come to the dinner tonight, the CEO of Siemens will come, I invited you, and I hope you can get in touch with him as soon as possible. Don't have such a strong smell of gunpowder inside. Jiafeng's current profitability is very good. According to the current profit, it is no problem to distribute a bonus at the end of the year. As long as you do well, private jets are a small matter, and the board of directors is willing to give you this money. flowers."

Hearing this, Lu Feng raised his brows and said, "You don't think such a high-profit business can be done by the end of this year, right?"

"Why not? You can go to other countries after you finish your work in the UK. There are so many countries around the world. As long as the model is mature, it can develop in two or three months. The profit model is very stable." John on the other end of the phone revealed a voice. Share joy.

Now John is very sure of Lu Feng's ability to make money, even a little high. He sometimes fantasizes that according to this model, he will make tens of billions of dollars by the end of the year, and then the principal of the investment group will be taken back first with a dividend, and then he will Don't stress so much.

John is a veteran with decades of investment experience. He never dared to imagine such an illusion in the past, but Lu Feng's performance surprised him too much. This model of cutting leeks is too mature, so he also started. Wanna get in.

Lu Feng almost laughed when he heard this. Even if he made money, he would still invest in research and development. As for dividends? Except for the annual dividends paid by the management, he has never paid dividends once.

"What do people from Siemens want to talk to me about? Or what do I have to talk about with him? The home appliance industry accounts for less than 5% of Siemens' total. I don't believe it is because of such a big fanfare. Money, I don’t believe that we can negotiate just by meeting.” Lu Feng turned to the phone and said, “Since the board of directors is willing to buy me a plane, let’s go through it quickly, it’s quite slow to order the plane, so it’s really impossible to buy a second-hand one. also."

"You don't have to worry about the private jet. As long as the business is stable, I'll recommend it to you tonight. No matter what, sit down and talk." John was obviously very concerned about this matter, and the profits involved a lot. Not only him, but even the Schroeder Group takes this money very seriously.

If Lu Feng can stably cut leeks around the world, it will be a money maker. It won't take long. Under the cover of major stakeholders, this kind of income can continue to make people's eyes red for a year or two.

"Okay!" Lu Feng reluctantly agreed.

In a luxurious Elmi looked a little cold in her gray suit. The small waistband on the suit outlined her figure, making her look a bit charming.

In the past year, Elmi has become a gorgeous flower in the European business world. No matter what event she attends, she is definitely the focus of the scene, with delicate facial features, plus a golden hair, a tall stature, no Know the pursuer geometry.

The outside world even touted her as the perfect combination of beauty and ability, but they don't know that Nokia's excellent product strength is behind it.

"Don't tell me about difficulties, I don't want to hear your difficulties, add more channels, cooperate with more local distributors and retailers in the short term, and completely open up the market, first of all, to achieve profits, and use local profits to lay out local do you understand?” Elmi stared at the group of executives in front of her and scolded.

The manager standing in front looked embarrassed and said, "But the cooperation price given by these distributors is too high, and our price in the end market cannot compete with Ericsson."

"Then find a way to push the problem to me? Did the headquarters send me down to listen to your questions?" Elmi was particularly angry.

The group of people in front of them can't do anything except push the problem to her. There is no such cheap channel dealer as Jiafeng in the UK market. The terminal price is too high and uncompetitive. The brand is not good locally, and the headquarters is unwilling to go Invest more money, in such a dilemma, it is useless for anyone to come.

"Should we open up the franchisee method?" A white man in the front row suggested: "Joining for free, we can promise some empty checks, such as rebates after the sales reach a certain amount, which will stimulate some social funds to join in and help We sell!"


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