Back to 1990

Chapter 1040: Meet

Elmi got through the Huaxia market without spending a lot of money, which made the board of directors of the group feel that she has extraordinary abilities, and the British market was in a state of anxiety. She was sent to do big things with a small amount of money.

After everyone discussed it, it seems that this plan is the most executable, but the problem is that the risks are also high.

"Let's do market research first, and then discuss this plan." Elmi looked a little irritable, stood up and said: "By the way, please help me apply for a high-end dinner recently. We need to expand our network and get to know some related companies. At the same time, spend some money to find a consulting firm to help us do some sales channel design.”

Several people in charge hurriedly agreed. The beautiful boss who was parachuted from the headquarters seemed to be incompetent. Originally, they thought that they could bring a large sum of money from the headquarters, but now there is no point.

"At least this guy is good-looking, and he's not so upset when he's being scolded." A man in his thirties whispered.

"I didn't see it, you're playing very perverted?" The colleague beside me whispered.

The atmosphere at the scene eased a little, and everyone had a smile on their faces.

In the evening, there were several brand new Audi cars parked downstairs in Jiafeng. With the explosion of profits in the past few days, and the competition from various forces, the tax department was keeping an eye on Jiafeng. Anyway, they had to spend money, so they simply started to buy their own belongings. , as if to set up camp here.

Lu Feng also hired a team of bodyguards. The setting sun was shining on the tall office building. Under the protection of the bodyguards, Lu Feng stepped out and got into the car. He instructed Manager Li next to him, "Tonight you will give other countries The branch company called and said, let it go, and let the audit team of the group headquarters send a team to Europe to start inspections on several branches.”

"Okay, I'll report it to the headquarters!" Manager Li closed the car door gently.

A kind of bodyguard got into the car, and the motorcade slowly sped away towards the suburban manor. Lu Feng's current style was no worse than that of the top business tycoons in London.

Before, Lu Feng felt that he could do it quietly and bring some money back. Now that the matter is over, he is very clear now that he can't keep a low profile.

Siemens so blatantly attacked him, just because of the home appliance industry?

Don't mention him, the whole of London can't figure it out. It's like Lu Feng is a thief who stole thousands of dollars from a family. As a result, special forces, armed reconnaissance planes, and even nuclear bombs have been dispatched. How can people not be dumbfounded.

People who have followed Jiafeng in the world are naturally aware of what is going on, but most of them are at a loss. Even Sean has only learned the inside story after inquiring.

In front of a quaint manor, the reception butler read the invitation letter and the door opened, and the motorcade drove away.

The car stopped directly at the entrance of the hall. A concierge team opened the car door and was responsible for the reception. Lu Feng stepped down and looked at the tall Roman column door and walked towards it.

A lot of people had arrived first, and they gathered in a chattering chat. John was in charge of the reception. When he saw Lu Feng coming in, he walked towards Lu Feng with a smile on his face. He opened his arms and said with great enthusiasm: "Mr. Lu, You can come here is really full of brilliance, and seeing you makes me happy from the bottom of my heart."

Lu Feng hugged him. The last time he came to the banquet, he was not so exaggerated. No matter what kind of elite nobles you are these days, as long as you can help them make money, you will keep your attitude low.

"Since you're so happy, let's hurry up with the plane." Lu Feng didn't talk too much nonsense with him, and asked, "Is Herman here?"

"Not yet, it's estimated to take another hour. Tonight is to meet and let the two of you get to know each other." John glanced around and whispered: "You tell me the number, the semi-annual report in June can increase A billion dollar profit?"

"June? It's only April. Besides, it's high growth now, but no one knows how long this growth will last." Lu Feng could see John's greed.

"Your semi-annual report looks good. I have a stable position within the group, so I can talk to you more. The UK market is very mature, and the recent German and French markets have begun to exert their strength. I still know it." John smiled and said. .

"Don't look at the cost, just paying homage to Harry and Brisbane can buy a private jet, one billion can't do it, I expect the whole market down, that is, one billion profit, and I can't do it either. Have you been busy with this thing?" Lu Feng said to him, "Let's focus on manufacturing."

"The core technology can be slowed down first. Let's talk about it. You don't need to worry about the things over there, or you can leave the things here to professional managers to take care of them. Direct selling has great potential." John told Lu Feng muttered for a long time, and now major companies are studying direct sales.

Some people even went to the United States to ask for advice on direct selling and investing in Amway. John kept persuading him, but Lu Feng knew that this road would not be long.

"Okay!!" Lu Feng was a little unhappy at being annoyed, and said solemnly, "Shut your mouth and stop talking."

After speaking, he walked upstairs, leaving John alone standing there.

Many people at the scene were staring here. At the last dinner, everyone watched Lu Feng begging for help. After all this time, Lu Feng had already scolded John in public.

It is said that the wind turns smoothly, and the feng shui in London turns too fast.

In the living room, Lu Feng found a sofa and sat down, ordered a few drinks, and many people around looked towards him, and intermittently, people came to hand over business cards to get acquainted.

Compared to the last dinner party, these white people seem to have lost their previous arrogance, and the smiles on their faces have become a lot more humble.

Tonight, Lu Feng's purpose is very clear. It is to meet and see Herman and get a feel for it. He can talk about it if he can, but he can't talk about it. As for why Siemens did this, Lu Feng can think of it with his toes.

After waiting until the banquet officially started, everyone had already arrived, and a tall man in his fifties walked into the lobby slowly. When everyone saw the man, they came forward and introduced themselves. As long as they could get in touch with Siemens, It is now equivalent to an iron rice bowl.

No matter what country the Vanity Fair is in, Lu Feng sat on the second floor and watched the coffee downstairs without saying a word.

Herman glanced around and found no important people. Under the leadership of John, he walked up to the second floor. On the stairs, Herman asked in a low voice, "Didn't Harry and Bliss come?"

"No, they have been very busy lately. They originally agreed to see you, but they called me just now to say that they are temporarily unavailable." John said regretfully: "I answered the call on the front foot, and you came on the back foot. ."

"Where's the secretary?" Herman looked a little displeased, and his steps up the stairs seemed to become heavier.

"Neither, but there is someone here, so it's not a waste of your time." John was about to tell Lu Feng, but Herman interrupted him.

"President John, you promised me to introduce these two, and I told you on the phone that this time the improvement of the home appliance industry standard is not aimed at Jiafeng Electronics, but to provide a higher standard throughout Europe. Home appliance standards, I don't want some factional battles to affect this matter." Herman said to John with a serious look.

"I know that Siemens is a leader in all walks of life and has formulated many industry standards. This time it is really temporary, I'm really sorry, but now there is a lot of uproar between you and Jiafeng, just Jiafeng. The person in charge is also here, sit down and talk." John said.

Herman understood everything in his heart at the moment, stared at John for a while and said, "Do you think we are targeting the Schroeder Group?"

"No, no, I just think we can sit down and talk. Since it's a business, we can talk. Some voices from the outside are not very pleasant. Sitting down is just to clear up the misunderstanding. Everyone knows each other." John looked Herman's unhappy when he came said: "Is there some kind of heart?"

John said all these words, it would be inappropriate for Herman to turn his head and walk away, silently walking upstairs.

In the reception room on the second floor, Herman sat down, and a waiter walked over to Lu Feng's seat and whispered, "Mr. Lu, Mr. Herman has arrived, please come over."

Lu Feng stood up and walked towards the living room. The waiter opened the door. Lu Feng walked in and looked at the white man in his fifties on the single sofa. He smiled and said, "Are you Mr. Herman?"

Herman couldn't believe it when he stared at Lu Feng at the moment. He guessed that the young man in front of him was Lu Feng, but deep down he didn't dare to admit that this young man could stir up such a big situation.

"Let me introduce to you, this is the founder of Jiafeng Group, Mr. Lu Feng." John introduced to Lu Feng: "Mr. Hermann, CEO of Siemens Group."

"Hello!" Lu Feng stretched out his hand and shook it, sitting on the single sofa opposite.

The living room is quite simple, with two single-seat sofas in a group, with a small coffee table in the middle, with ashtrays, a little fruit, and a handful of fresh flowers on it. Herman is sitting on the opposite side two or three meters away. John sat in the top position, and there was no one else except the three, and the scene was somewhat formal.

"I know you're from the East, but I didn't expect you to be so young. In the past ten years, you should be the youngest billionaire I've ever seen. The last one was Bill Gates." Herman revealed a few words to Lu Feng. Appreciate.

"I don't dare to compare with Bill Gats. I'm not as lucky as him. I'm not from the United States." Lu Feng lit a cigarette for himself: "Otherwise it wouldn't be so difficult!"


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