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Chapter 1041: Watanabe Shi calls

Herman laughed awkwardly when he heard this. Lu Feng just wanted to say that if he was American, he wouldn't dare to do such things to Jiafeng.

"Recently, a lot of things have indeed happened. There are rumors from outside that Siemens' proposal is aimed at Jiafeng. I still hope that Mr. Lu will not misunderstand. Every once in a while, with the advancement of technology, we will take the initiative to Raising industry standards is also for the sake of the healthy development of the industry." Herman pondered for a while and said, "I also hope that Mr. Lu will not listen to some outside rumors."

Hearing this, Lu Feng felt quite unhappy. He seemed to be saying that a small company like Jiafeng was not worthy of Siemens to make such a big deal. It was because Lu Feng thought too much.

"Sitting here today, I just wanted to chat. Jiafeng is a rising star, and Siemens is a big international company. Maybe there is a place where we can cooperate." John still wanted to help Lu Feng pull the strings.

"Cooperation?" Herman couldn't help laughing, leaning on the sofa with Erlang's legs crossed: "What kind of cooperation do we have? Electrical equipment cannot be sold directly. I have to admit that Mr. Lu is an excellent person. Marketing managers can sell cheap things at sky-high prices, and business cooperation is not pure marketing."

John was very embarrassed to hear this, and hurriedly said: "Jiafeng still has a lot of technological leadership, and in the core processor......"

"Compared to Intel? Or Sony? Sharp? Or Nokia?" Herman sneered ruthlessly: "We are Siemens, please remember this."

"I know you are huge, and I have always felt that your company has a lot of places for us to learn, but this time the European home appliance industry standards are indeed very urgent, but they have little impact on us. I understand the passing process of your bill, unless It’s extremely urgent, otherwise it’s normal to argue for a year or two.” Lu Feng took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit one, and continued, “I also know that the international community is not tolerant towards Jiafeng, and even discriminates against him. ."

"No, no, we will never discriminate against anyone, but your foundation is indeed weak. Does Huaxia have a company that manufactures core processors? Is there a market?" Herman glanced at John and said, "I think you should keep your feet on the ground. , first to be a supporting enterprise, and then to upgrade slowly, you have been doing it for so long and invested so much money, what is the effect?"

Just as Lu Feng was about to say that there were related technological breakthroughs, he swallowed the words immediately, stared at Herman and said, "What you are asking about is a commercial secret. I know very well which international companies are targeting us. As far as I know, Are you busy making mobile phones now?"

"The communication industry is a full-chain industry chain. We have a layout in base station facilities, signal compilation, and terminal mobile phones. I know that you have a research and development center in Sweden that cooperates with Nokia. If you are interested, you can talk about this aspect. Maybe there will be some cooperation.” Herman does not value Jiafeng, but Nokia.

"Of course there is no problem. It is good to have cooperation. I am just curious. If there is cooperation, can you withdraw the proposal for industry standards? You also said that Siemens is a big company, so how can a big company listen to others?" Lu Feng understood that he needed a step up, and he also needed greater temptation of interests, so he opened up and said: "I heard from elsewhere that some people on Wall Street need you to do this. I didn't believe it at the time. proposal."

"And this?" John said immediately, "No, I don't think anyone can lead a company as big as Siemens."

"This must be a rumor. Don't listen to those things that are out of nothing. It's just like the rumors in London that we are targeting Jiafeng. There is no such thing." Herman was a little dissatisfied with Lu Feng's questioning. , he was not interested in staying any longer, and said, "I have explained what should be explained. I am able to come today because of my trust in the Schroders Group and to take care of the emotions of small businesses. Have I said everything that should be said?"

John looked at Lu Feng, what he said was obvious, he couldn't come up with better conditions, but he was about to leave.

This proposal from Siemens has basically no impact on Jiafeng in a short period of time. Just like what I said just now, if I want to pass a proposal, these people can quarrel for several years, and various interest groups are pulling back and forth.

But it's just this kind of back and forth. Those people are enough to use this as an excuse to keep squeezing Lu Feng. During this period of time, I don't know how many congressmen have called, and they said that if it wasn't for these people who voted for you there. No vote, I am afraid that this proposal will be passed immediately, waste so much saliva, why should I give some 'tea money'.

This is the money for tea. Lu Feng gave out a small amount of 20 million pounds. The key is that this proposal is there. Some financial departments will find reasons to hold Jiafeng's money and not let it go out. The funds cannot be converted into US dollars to return to China. Busy busy.

Today is reconciliation and we have to reconcile, not reconciliation, we have to reconcile!

"I think it's all about doing business with anyone, not to mention that Siemens is a European company, and Jiafeng is also a European company, so it may not be able to help you in other areas. If you contact Nokia and reach some cooperation between the two sides, I still have this ability." Lu Feng looked at Herman and said, "I have a good relationship with Ermi from Nokia."

"And then what?" Herman asked rhetorically.

Lu Feng was a little unhappy with his attitude, but at this moment it was definitely not the time to act with anger, he continued, "Maybe it can bring unexpected results."

"Is that so? I wish you good luck. I still have something to do. Let's go first. If Mr. Lu can convince Nokia to cooperate with us in mobile phone technology, I believe our relationship will not be what it is today." Herman said He stood up and said to Lu Feng, "If it could be done, it would have been done long ago. It is normal for a lion and a tiger to cooperate, but a sheep should never be used to build a line between the two."

After Herman finished speaking, he stood up and walked towards the door. He had endured enough to give Schroeder Group face, and opened the door and left.

Sitting there, Lu Feng's face was ashen. There used to be a lot of things that people looked down on, but recently, he took a sharp puff of his cigarette and said, "No matter how old you are, you have to be strong when you come out!"

"Don't take it to heart, I'll send him off!" John stood up and patted Lu Feng on the shoulder, comforted him, and walked out towards the door.

As soon as John went out, Lu Feng stood up and walked out. He didn't want to wait any longer. Before leaving, he waved his hand to John from a distance and got in the car. The other people at the banquet immediately understood that the meeting tonight was complete. Talk broke.

The entire London business community does not know why Siemens is targeting Jiafeng. If they are jealous of Jiafeng's income, the money is simply a drop in the bucket for Siemens. Some people say that Beko has a deep relationship with Siemens, so they asked Herman to help. He was out of breath.

For a while, various remarks were made, and speculation continued.

It was past nine o'clock in the evening when Lu Feng returned to the apartment, sitting on the sofa smoking a cigarette. There will be competition among large international companies, but they will maintain a certain tacit understanding. After all, in some fields, there will be collisions and cooperation. No one wants to be too rigid.

Lu Feng didn't know how much the Wall Street side had paid, but he knew one thing. Now, apart from the big guy like Nokia, I'm afraid there is no other company that can cooperate with Siemens.

There is another solution, which is to keep the money in various countries for reinvestment, directly build R&D centers, earn money locally and spend it locally, without taking any money back.

As soon as Lu Feng thought of this, he was faced with a new problem. If the money stays in the local area, can those leaders let go of their own fat?

As long as the offerings are slow and people press any name, all the money will become a fine.

"Going to find Elmi?" Lu Feng muttered.

When this possibility appeared in his mind, he felt a little uncertain. At that time, in order to promote the cooperation between Nokia and Jiafeng's Ruixin Laboratory, he wrote down the contract without leaving a word.

Now, even if Lu Feng is shameless, he can't touch Nokia's sales channels.

Fuso, it is the morning. The folders that need to be dealt with today are neatly placed in Watanabe Zhi’s office. The topmost is the contract sample for the technical exchange and learning between several companies in Fuso and Siemens. Both parties feel that the contract is almost executed according to the contract. , and send teams to each other's R&D base for half a to exchange some academic theories.

The following is a description of the current situation of Jiafeng Electronics in Europe. Siemens’ efforts this time are definitely a slap in the face. If all the money earned by Jiafeng is consumed in Europe, there will be no What a stamina.

After cutting off the source of funds, Schroders Group's more than two billion US dollars is not so fierce. The most important thing is that it will undermine the investment confidence of Schroders Group. When making subsequent payments, he has to hesitate.

After reading it, Watanabe Zhi looked overjoyed. Dealing with such a small company is a waste of strength, and now it can be considered to be exhausted.

Watanabe Shi was already overjoyed at this moment. In the earliest days, he didn't take Jiafeng in his eyes at all. He just regarded him as a gadget to ask for credit. I really didn't expect this gadget to live for so long.

If Jiafeng is gone, Watanabe will have to take the credit for himself. Over the past year, his relationship with Goldman Sachs has become more and more close, and the senior management is no longer uncomfortable with him. As long as he finds an excuse, he can resume it. Back to Wall Street.

Watanabe Shi thought about this, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, he picked up the phone and called Jiafeng Group, the last straw must be added by himself, so that he can show himself, and he plans to give Lu Feng every time After the phone call, I wrote a report and sent it to Goldman Sachs’ executives via e-mail.

Thinking of this, Watanabe Shi pressed the phone number and called the group headquarters to get Lu Feng's number in Europe, and then called out.

Lu Feng's room was a little dark, a cigarette was half burned, the soot was bent, the phone rang suddenly, Lu Feng was startled, the soot broke instantly and fell to the ground, shattering!


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