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Chapter 1071: . He Zheng

The news came too suddenly, without any psychological precautions, I was a little panicked when I heard the sobbing coming from the other end of the phone, and hurriedly said: "I like it, don't cry, you have to be emotionally stable at this time, you are now Where are you? It's better to find someone to take care of you, I have a lot of things to do now, and I'm afraid I won't be able to go out for two years."

Listening to Lu Feng's voice on the phone, she seemed particularly at a loss, Zhang Fengxia's heart was a little calmer, and she said to the phone: "Don't worry, I will take care of myself, but I don't think I will tell you, I feel in my heart. Can't get past this."

"Did you tell your family about this?" Lu Feng asked.

Lu Feng could sense that Zhang Fengxia's parents had high hopes for her. If they found out that she had a child out of wedlock, they would kill him and ask him to understand. With the connections of the old Zhang family, they really wanted to get Lu Feng. Lu Feng was afraid that he would stay in China Can't go down.

"Why did I tell them this? It's not for us, I really want to say it, don't talk about my dad, my grandfather is afraid to trouble you too." Zhang Fengxia sighed, obviously having a headache for the family, said: " The children in the back are older, let’s talk about it.”

"I'm wronged." Lu Feng didn't know what to say, so he was silent for a while and asked, "Do you still have money on your body? It's a lot to spend there, give me a card number, and I'll ask someone to call you one million first tomorrow. U.S. dollars, food, clothing, housing and transportation must be guaranteed, as well as safety..."

"No need, I have money on me. Before I left, Sister Xiaoyan gave me dividends. What do you think the child's name is?" Zhang Fengxia's voice softened, full of longing for the future.

"This...I really didn't know it for a while." Lu Feng suddenly remembered that when he was with a second-rate actress in his last life, he jokingly said that having a boy is called Lu Youqi, and having a girl is called Land Tank , This name is not suitable, Lu Feng thought about it and said, "Let's talk about it later."

"Think about it now, what do you think? Do you want a son?" Zhang Fengxia said with a bit of mischief, "Should it be called Xixi? "

"Dog Dan? I still have Brother Gou, do you still remember?" Lu Feng couldn't help laughing.

The other end of the phone laughed and said with a smile, "Don't be a big head, it's not easy to have a baby, or else, Lu Paris?"

"Okay, let's talk about this later, take care of yourself first, and don't tell Xiaoyan about this." Lu Feng ordered.

Zhang Fengxia on the other end of the phone felt down when she heard this, she just snorted and continued, "It's getting late for you, rest early, I will take care of myself, you don't have to worry."

"Okay, remember to call me if you have anything." After finishing talking, Lu Feng remembered that he didn't have a mobile phone, and the previous pager had been lost for a long time. Tell you."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Feng sat on the sofa and scratched his head with his hands. The quartz clock on the wall showed that it was almost twelve o'clock in the evening. Overall, the news was mostly joyful.

London, in the morning, after receiving a number of prosecution cases, the local court officially launched an investigation into Jiafeng's overseas branch today. Several people in uniform went upstairs and knocked on the general manager's office. A man named Berg.

"Are you the person in charge of this company?" the court man asked.

"Yes, I am the general manager of this company now, you can ask me anything." Berg replied calmly.

"How does your company conduct business? Do you protect the basic rights of employees while doing business? Does it constitute an oppressive monopoly when signing a personal agency agreement?" The leader asked Berg: " Who is the ultimate beneficiary of your business? Are you?"

"I'm not, I'm just a part-time worker. The boss went abroad for inspection. We operate business globally. There are many branches, which are absolutely legal and compliant. As for someone suing, they will respond." Berg also had some headaches, he originally I want to find a cooperative law firm to deal with this matter, but the law firm still has a sum of money that has not been paid, and the finance department said that there is no money in the account.

With the involvement of industry, commerce and taxation, the matter of Lu Feng's running away became more and more noisy. There was already a lot of uproar in the afternoon. In order to prevent a run, the matter was dealt with coldly, and the local police began to contact other European branches. After the surprise inspection, the results were surprisingly consistent. The numbers on the account were there, but all the money had already flowed out through HSBC in the name of the head office.

This incident was characterized as a huge pyramid scheme fraud case. The police in various European countries communicated with each other, and then an emergency meeting was held by experts to determine that it would not be a surprise, and they had to find a way to get Lu Feng back.

In China, the next morning in Beijing, people from the Science and Technology Committee held a morning meeting. The leaders at the meeting were very excited. A man in his fifties said to everyone: "Jiafeng Group has done a very good job, for the sake of insurance. For the sake of it, seeing is believing, so that there will be no more jokes about the production of ten thousand jins per mu, send a team of experts to investigate, study, and reward the enterprise after confirmation, and cooperate with other departments to carry out in-depth cooperation, so that the results can be effectively implemented. "

"For the fruits of victory, we must cherish them. On the basis of Jiafeng Group, we will work steadily and strive to blossom everywhere, form R&D, market, industry, multiple development, and form a benign development. This will be the most important thing for the domestic semiconductor industry in the past century. The window opportunity should be firmly grasped in the hand.”

There was applause at the scene.

"Then we will discuss the specific candidates to lead the team this time, and we will discuss it later. You can also actively sign up, and the meeting will be dismissed first."

After the meeting was over, the person in charge of the meeting had just walked out of the door when a 345-year-old man chased after him. He wore glasses and kept his head parted.

"He Zheng, is something wrong?"

"Wang Bu, I want to lead a team to inspect this Jiafeng Group. Going downstairs is also an experience for my age." He Zheng said with a smile.

"Let's discuss this matter. As for you, you have performed well in organizational work, but this time it is technical. Next time you have the opportunity, I will definitely let you go." Wang Bu declined with a smile.

He Zheng stood there and smiled awkwardly. On the way to the cafeteria, everyone was talking about Jiafeng Group. Many people have heard of this company, especially Lu Feng. As for who will be sent, then I don't know, no matter who goes this trip, it will be a resume in the future!

He Zheng walked to the cafeteria with his head sullen, and started eating.

After the call was made, He Zheng said to the phone, "Dad, what happened this time, can you tell me, the breakthrough in the semiconductor industry is a big event, and if this is done well, the future will be fine. gone."

He muttered to the phone for half an hour, and the other end agreed.

After breakfast, a square single sofa was placed in a large office, covered with a white towel, and several men in their fifties and sixties walked in and sat down with each other politely.

Wang Bu sat down and lit a cigarette without a handle, and said, "I think, this time I will send someone with stronger skills, good communication, and a younger team. I heard that the boss of Jiafeng Group is a young man. , there is a topic between each other, sending a few old antiques, I'm afraid it will be superficial."

The people present nodded one after another, thinking that there was no problem, a man with a face with a national character put his cigarette on the coffee table and squatted, and said, "There is a saying that there is no hair on the mouth, and the work is not firm, the person to lead the team is still You can't be too young, I think He Zheng is good."

Everyone present looked at the man, and they all knew what was going on in their hearts, and their eyes turned to Wang Bu.

"If He Zheng wants to participate, he can. If he leads the team, forget it." Wang Bu said.

"I have paid attention to this person. He may not be very technical, but he is very good at speaking and doing things. Although he is from the north, he grew up in the south and has strong adaptability." The man looked at the crowd and said, "What do I recommend? Yes, what do you think?"

It didn't matter at all, and everyone nodded.

Lu Feng woke up after three strokes of the day, and the phone at home kept ringing. He walked downstairs and looked at the time on the wall, UU reading www.uukanshu. com at nine o'clock in the morning, picked up the phone and said, "Who is it?"

"It's me. Let me congratulate you first. The people from the Science and Technology Committee will come down for inspection. They will arrive in a few days and do a good job in receiving. I heard that if this inspection is completed, you are likely to win the award. , do you know about the Science and Technology Award?" Vice Mayor Liu looked very excited on the other end of the phone, as if he had done it all by himself.

"Okay, I'm busy in the city, I'll show up when the time comes, okay?" Lu Feng asked.

"You have to accompany you. This is a big deal. Don't worry about it. After their group inspection, they can inspect important people. This group is standing in front of the pack. I'll have a meal at noon. I'll treat you. , brother, I'm really happy for you." Vice Mayor Liu's mouth was almost cracked when he laughed.

"Brother?" Lu Feng snorted, said that he was busy, and hung up the phone.

Standing in the living room and looking at the dazzling sunlight outside, Lu Feng said to himself, "What the world is."

It was hot outside, so Lu Feng drove directly to the hypermarket in the city center and bought himself a mobile phone. At this time, Wei Yandan had already received news from Director Zhang, and immediately decided to set up a temporary reception group for the group to treat this matter seriously. Awaiting.

"I'll take a look at this Nokia." Lu Feng pointed to the Nokia phone on the counter and said.

"Hello sir, this is the best-selling model of Nokia, Nokia 2110, the world's top technical support, strong signal, even if you are in the suburbs, you can receive the signal." The clerk introduced.

Lu Feng took it in his hand and played with it. Now the mobile phone can make calls in the suburbs is also a big selling point.

"How much?"

"The price of this counter is 8,000 yuan, not including the Internet access fee. If everything is done well, it will be more than 9,000 yuan."


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